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Chapter 822

"Don't move at all!"

As soon as those people put out the fire, a group of guards in red armor swarmed over and surrounded them. There was a soldier on the sandy slope with a big tongue and a gleeful smile: "Look, these poor people

You guys, you were able to receive a generous reward from the Great Khan, but the fire disturbed the Great Khan's interest, and you're going to suffer a lot now."

When Zangfeng saw the soldiers approaching, he panicked and held the poison pill in his palm. Suddenly he heard this sentence and couldn't help but feel moved in his heart: "Could it be that the commotion in the stands was just because of this fire? If so, I

There is no exposure.”

But there was a glimmer of hope, and who wanted to die? With a thought, Zang Feng hid the poison pill back in his sleeve.

A captain of the guard ordered with a stern face: "Take all these people away!"

A group of guards in yellow uniforms rushed towards the stage at the same time. Today's leader, Adam Han, was nervous when he received the order to continue the performance. Adam Han was surprised and happy. What surprised him was the people guarding the cages.

They were all taken away. I wonder what kind of punishment the Khan will receive if the fire incident offends the Khan. Fortunately, since the Khan ordered the performance to continue, the result will not be too bad.

He quickly called down the clown who was standing stupidly on the stage, sent an animal trainer up, and repeatedly told him: "Show some effort to make the Khan happy, otherwise, don't say that the reward is lost, and you may still have to eat it."

You are suffering, go away, go away, everyone is listening, show your strength when you get on stage!" The animal trainer quickly walked onto the stage with a parrot on his back, a monkey on his back, and a goat.

The clown with a face full of paint came off the stage, picked off the red ball on his nose, and complained loudly: "Adam Han, what did you do? Why is there a fire in the cage? It was a good performance.

Yes, I’m afraid my hard work tonight will be in vain!”

Adanghan smiled bitterly and said: "Berekov, do you think I came up with this kind of accident? I don't know why everything started to catch fire. It seems that the Great Khan is very angry. All of us here are now being killed by the soldiers."

Watch, everyone, let’s perform well. If we work harder, maybe the sweat will be happy and we will no longer care about our mistakes.”

The clown was the leader of another circus troupe. After hearing Adanghan's words, he muttered something unhappily, looked around, and asked: "Where's Sehazhi? Call him the two in the class."

Come out, pretty girl. Join my two Ross girls for a dance, I hope the Khan will like it."

Adamhan said helplessly: "Sehazhi? He suddenly suffered from epilepsy just halfway through tonight's performance. His people took care of him and went out to seek medical treatment."

"Oh my God! Everything is going wrong tonight!"

Berekov tugged at his hair in annoyance and took off the ridiculous pointed clown hat on his head. He sighed helplessly and said: "Okay, okay, quickly find some good figures from other troupes."

When the girl comes out, we will immediately arrange a moving dance. There is no man who doesn’t like this. I hope the Khan will be happy!"

"Okay, okay!"

Adanghan no longer cared about the majesty of being the chief troupe, and ran towards the tents of other troupes like a little running boy.

Zangfeng and others were taken into a huge tent, which was guarded by soldiers holding swords and daggers. A few unlucky men were whispering anxiously, not knowing what kind of punishment they would receive.

The evil-minded Zangfeng thief's eyes wandered around, and he kept comforting himself: "Don't be afraid. It's just a fire, and you won't be punished excessively. At most, you will get a few whips. The performance will be over soon, and Timur will be poisoned."

We still have more than half an hour left, so we will definitely have time to escape!"

At this moment, a hook-nosed general led several fully armed guards toward the tent. The guards at the door immediately stood up and shouted: "Take General Atu'er!"


A Tu'er agreed with a sullen face. He walked slowly into the tent, and his sharp eyes swept over several circus troupe's busboys. All the workers looked anxious and uneasy.

He laughed "Hoo hoo" and clapped his hands gently. He smiled and said: "Gao Ming, you are indeed an actor. Look at you, how innocent and pitiful you are..."

A Tuer's face suddenly darkened and he shouted loudly: "Do you think you can leave alive like this?"

He pointed his hand forward fiercely, as if he was stabbing a knife into the enemy's heart: "You assassinated the Khan, and you still want to leave alive? You don't have to look innocent to me, whether you are guilty or innocent.

Yes, none of you will survive! The only difference is..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said grimly: "The difference is, do you want to die happily, or do you want to die of torture? Whoever did it, come forward!" zy

When Zang Feng heard this, his heart went cold: "It's over, Tang Sai'er really missed it!" His hand hidden under his sleeve immediately clenched the poison pill. A little girl could kill them all with just a scare.

Even if she refuses to confess, once we find out which theater troupe she is from, how can everyone in this theater troupe survive?

He knew very well that he was really going to die tonight!

"No move, right?"

Xiang Atuer sneered: "Come here, tie them up and torture them immediately!"

Zangfeng, who was standing behind the two circus guys, suddenly raised his hand and stuffed the poison into his mouth like lightning. Atuer kept watching everyone's movements. Seeing this, he immediately shouted: "Catch him, take out the poison."

What's in his mouth!"

Several soldiers immediately swarmed up and threw Zangfeng to the ground. Zangfeng did not resist, but just bit his mouth tightly. Several soldiers tried their best but could not pry his mouth open. The soldiers became anxious and used their scabbards to open his mouth.

He slapped his cheek hard, and slapped the scabbard on his face. Within a moment, both cheeks were red and swollen. After a few more slaps, the skin was already torn apart. Zangfeng still gritted his teeth and refused to open his mouth.

A soldier was angry and asked someone to press Zangfeng's head to the ground to fix it. Then he pulled out his dagger, thrust it hard, and pried it into his teeth. He didn't care about cutting his lips or stabbing his tongue.

Twist, there was a tooth-piercing sound, the short knife rubbed against the teeth, and Zangfeng's mouth was forcefully pried open.

But there was only blood in Zangfeng's mouth caused by beatings and cuts. As soon as the dagger was pried open, pools of black blood poured out from his throat. The soldier holding the dagger looked into Zangfeng's eyes.

He dejectedly pulled out the short knife. With the knife drawn out, Zangfeng's mouth was still open, and his eyes like dead fish looked at the tent ceiling without focus.

The soldier rubbed his knife against Zangfeng's body, stood up and said, "General, he is dead!"

He stood there with his hands behind his back and asked a circus boy coldly: "Which circus did this guy who died belong to?"

The waiter was so shocked by this scene that his face turned pale. He replied tremblingly: "Back...back...back to the general, he...he is..."

After Atu'er heard the name of the circus clearly, he turned around and left. When he reached the tent, a faint voice came in: "Kill them all!"

"Puff puff puff!"

There was immediately a sound of sharp objects piercing flesh, accompanied by shrill screams. The constant chopping movements of the torch were reflected on the tent wall, as if a terrifying shadow puppet show was being staged, and then the curtain

Just a little bit of peach blossom...


"Have they left?"

After Atu'er asked the group leader Adanghan about the whereabouts of Saihazhi and others, his face changed drastically, and he immediately ordered: "Send a warning, and the entire army is on alert!"

"Woo~~, woo woo!"

The horn sounded, one long and two short, and the arrow towers in various places immediately relayed the message. The horns sounded one after another, spreading to the entire army. Following Timur Khan's instructions, Atuer did not want to be killed before the army was about to leave for the battlefield.

On the night of the carnival, too much noise was made, but the assassin's accomplices had already left the military camp. To prevent them from escaping, the outer camp defenses had to be notified to enter combat readiness, and any civilians attached to the military camp were prohibited from leaving.

Adanghan looked at Atu'er standing in front of him in horror. He didn't know what happened, but he felt a murderous aura coming towards his face. He began to regret being the chief leader. If he was not the chief leader, why bother?

How about facing this general who is extremely scary to look at?

"Do you know where they live?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Adamhan could no longer say the second sentence, but kept agreeing.

He turned Atu'er around and called out: "General Shiji Hutuhu!"

Another general with a sword came forward, with the same murderous look on his face!

Atu'er had lost his good friend Hutuhu and solemnly ordered: "Take your people and ask Adanghan to lead them, and go and arrest them immediately! If you can't find them where they live,

Just tear down all the tents and search everyone!"

Shi Ji suddenly nodded solemnly, turned around and strode away. The two soldiers pushed Adang Han and shouted: "Let's go!"


Hearing the sound of the horn, Gaibang'er's expression changed drastically. The entire army was reveling tonight, but a warning horn suddenly sounded in the camp. It must have been a major change. Gaibang'er made a quick decision and immediately took the pass token and shouted: "Immediately

Leave! Inform His Highness to respond!"

The group of people left the bathhouse in a hurry. Behind the bathhouse, the horses had been tied up. Some of them were originally reserved for Sehazhi and the others. At this time, all the empty horses were abandoned. They got on their horses and rode towards them.

Go outside.

At this time, the performance was coming to an end, and the soldiers were completely unaware that a thrilling assassination of the Great Khan had occurred in the stands. However, some generals had been ordered to take action and tightened their internal and external defenses.

The military camp is heavily guarded at the moment, and you need a badge to enter and exit. You must recognize the badge but not the person!

Shi Ji hurriedly came to the exit of the Chinese army camp. As soon as he put his hand into his arms, his expression changed.

The general guarding the camp stared at his face, and the look on his face gradually became weird: "What happened?"

Shi Ji suddenly jumped up and screamed: "My token is missing! I lost my access token!"


A brilliant bouquet of fireworks flew into the air and exploded into a brilliant display.

A moment later, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Bundles of fireworks took off from all directions with the one that just took off as the center. Before the gorgeous fireworks were completely extinguished, they exploded further away.

A bunch of new fireworks, with the warning fireworks rising in the Chinese army camp as the core, quickly expanded to every corner of the army.

Gaibang'er, who was about to rush to the outer defense line, suddenly saw fireworks in the sky. He suddenly reined in his horse, and the horseman stood up and let out a long roar of joy.

Gaibang'er's face was as pale as paper. He knew that this was the highest level of combat readiness order. Not only the merchants around the hostel camp could not leave, but even the soldiers holding tokens could not leave unless they held the order issued by the Great Khan himself.

The golden arrow can no longer fly even if it has wings!

This chapter has been completed!
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