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Chapter 825: Finally Hami

In the few months since Xia Xun rushed back to the Central Plains from the distant Western Regions, Timur's empire has turned into a situation where princes are competing for hegemony. So what about Zhu Di in the northern frontier of the Ming Dynasty?

Zhu Di sent troops to sweep the north in the twelfth lunar month of winter. By this time, he had been fighting outside the fortress of northern Xinjiang for half a year. In terms of fighting, the Tatars' fighting power was no match for the brave and invincible horse-riding Emperor Yongle, but in terms of escape, the Tatars

But they were good at it, so they adopted the most correct tactics:

Escape, dragging the Ming Emperor to escape.

Tokhtamysh also used this tactic against his adoptive father, the lame Timur. Faced with Tokhtamysh's escape tactic, Emperor Timur could only sigh as he looked at the boundless prairie, even though he had a huge

He could not outrun the cavalry team. Tokhtamysh fled all the way north at that time, dragging down Emperor Tamerlane to exhaustion. If he continued to pursue him, he would collapse without being beaten, so he had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

At this moment, Benya Shili and Arutai used exactly this trick, they wanted to bring Zhu Di down.

The escape tactic indeed caused considerable difficulties for Zhu Di. The biggest difficulty was that it was difficult to keep up with supplies. If he stopped to wait for supplies, the enemy would have to flee without knowing where to go. How to find it in the vast grassland?

Zhu Di became fierce and chased at full speed regardless of supplies. Qingyuan Marquis Wangyuan was escorting grain and grass. He could not catch up with Zhu Di despite the ice and snow. The army sergeants lacked food and clothing. Many people died of cold and starvation. Emperor Yongle Zhu Di had two soldiers.

For months, he could only eat a small amount of vegetarian food every day. The captured cattle and sheep were mixed with a small amount of rice carried by the army, and all were distributed among his soldiers.

It was not until Liaodong raised food and grass nearby and sent people to transport it that Zhu Di's worries were relieved.

While the Tatars were fleeing, they had battles with the Ming army. However, without exception, they all ended in defeat. In more than a hundred battles, no one was defeated. This kind of failure further contributed to the Tatar war.

They had a tendency to run away, and eventually they would jump on their horses and run away if they saw the Ming flag from a distance or smelled the Ming people.

A whole winter and a spring were spent by both sides in this process of chasing and escaping. The vast grassland became a racecourse, with both sides running around in circles.

Seeing that this was not the way to go, Zhu Di finally made a determined decision, and with the dignity of an emperor, regardless of the generals' obstruction, he personally led an elite force of 20,000 light cavalry. Without a map, he left the main infantry behind and pursued the enemy continuously.

Yasili stayed there for more than twenty days, chasing Benyasili until he was out of breath, and fled all the way to the banks of the Onan River. Benyasili was about to collapse.

He didn't want to escape anymore. If he continued to escape, his troops wouldn't be able to bear it, and this was the place where Genghis Khan, Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty, flourished. It was easy to boost his morale, so he decided to stop and fight the Ming army! After taking an oath,

Morale has been boosted, and the descendants of Genghis Khan really want to show off their power in front of their ancestors, but their overall strength is really inferior to the Ming army by more than one level.

In particular, this army led by Zhu Di personally was the elite of the Ming army. The two sides fought for only a quarter of an hour. Han King Zhu Gaoxu took the lead and broke into the Tatar camp. Then the Ming Emperor Zhu Di personally waved the military flag and led the troops to break in.

, the Ming army was all excited and brave.

This massacre only killed the Tatars, causing them to overturn their horses and bleed into rivers. Benya lost his position and only led seven of his cavalry to flee in panic to the west, while Grand Master Arutai led the main force to flee eastward in a hurry.

In the chaos of the war, who could recognize Benya, the great Tatar Khan, who was missing? When Zhu Di saw the large number of soldiers and horses fleeing with Alutai east, he urged his horses to chase him eastward. It was midsummer, and the soldiers were marching in the desert. They were all sweating like rain, chasing

It is hard for people to escape, and it is also hard for people to escape. But Zhu Di has always refused to give up. He is like a patriarch who protects his calf, and he is an unreasonable patriarch. My people have bullied you, and you have bullied my people.

I have to get this place back.

Arutai was chased to the sky and had no way to go to the earth. When Arutai was walking in circles on the grassland and continued to hide and seek with Zhu Di, the three kings of Wala came to ask for the reward happily.

It turns out that Benya ran away in a panic, did not recognize things, and finally escaped from Zhu Di's clutches, but broke into the territory of Wala. Mahamu's son Tuohuan was leading an army to camp at the border of Wala, waiting to take advantage.

This blocked Benya Shili. Benya Shili knew that falling into the hands of Wala would lead to a worse fate than falling into the hands of Ming Dynasty, so he resisted desperately and was killed by an arrow.

When the three kings of Wala learned that the one they killed was actually the Tatar Khan, they quickly sent people to express their merits to the Ming Dynasty. They first told how to ambush the Timur Empire's left army on the Western Front. For this reason, King Mahamu's grandson

They all died on the battlefield first, and then talked about how they cooperated with the Ming Dynasty in fighting on the Eastern Front and killed the Tatar Khan Benya Shili. After showing off their military exploits, they presented Benya Shili to Zhu Di.

heads, and put forward a series of reward conditions:

Wala was loyal to the Ming Dynasty. He notified the Ming Dynasty that Timur's army was coming from the east, ambushed Timur's army behind, and killed the Tatar Khan Benya Shili. He had outstanding military exploits.

Therefore, I ask His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to reward the Tatar territory among the three kings of the Wala. Also, Totuo Buhua, the grandson of the Mongolian Khan and the second son of Yuan Yizong, is now under the supervision of the Ming Dynasty and is nomadic in Gansu. Please release him and return to the Wala. Wala

If your subordinates have served well in battle, please increase the reward and give them firearms...

When Zhu Di read Mahamu's letter, he became furious. He slapped the table and cursed: "You bastard! You are so arrogant and arrogant, do you want to defeat me? You only need to be appointed an official and have weapons, but you also need the Yuan family."

What do you want to do when your direct descendants are unhappy? Do you want to imitate Arutai and support a great khan as a puppet to rule all the Mongolian tribes? Do you think I am easy to bully?"

The Nawala envoy was scolded by Zhu Di and was lying on the ground to plead guilty. The Tatar Grand Master Arutai, who was unable to escape, also sent someone to ask for an audience with Zhu Di. He wanted to surrender!

If Arutai just runs away, Zhu Di can't chase him to the end of the world. Moreover, he can't stay in the grassland for long. Now Wala is very ambitious and wants to annex the Tatar territory. Regardless of whether he agrees or not, as long as he

Once they leave, Oara will definitely attack the Tatars. If the Tatars are unified by Oara, wouldn't they become even more powerful?

With this in mind, Zhu Di accepted Arutai's surrender and made him King Hening, ruling Tatar and making him a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.

At this point, Zhu Di went to the north, Benya, the Tatar Khan, died in an accident, Taishi Alutai surrendered, and the three kings of Oara, Mahamu, Taiping, and Tupolo, had already accepted the title of the Ming Dynasty before.

The Eastern Chagatai Khanate, which was derived from the Khanate, had already surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. Nuergandusi also controlled Heilongjiang, Ussuri River, Sakhalin and other vast areas. Northern Xinjiang experienced great peace for a while!

Zhu Di was so proud that he climbed to the Qinhu Mountain in the far north and carved an imperial inscription with sixteen characters on the huge stone: "The Hanhai is the gallbladder, the Tianshan Mountains are the hoe, sweep away the wind and dust, and the desert will be forever clear!"

At this moment, he didn't know that earth-shaking changes had also taken place in the Western Regions. His strong rival, the lame Timur, had inexplicably turned his head. Timur's descendants were reduced to a pot of porridge, and Timur's fourth son Sha

Haru teamed up with his nephew Sahei to seize the Hezhong area from Harry Sultan and sent an envoy to declare his vassalship to the Ming Dynasty.

After hearing this, Sultan Harry did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty to declare his vassalship to the Ming Emperor and win the support of the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as their envoys arrive, the Ming Dynasty will become the common suzerain of the former Mongol Empire (including the Yuan Dynasty, the Ogedai Khanate, the Chagatai Khanate, the Ilkhanate, the Kipchak Khanate, etc.).


After Zhu Di accepted the tribute and pilgrimage from Alutai, he organized his troops and prepared to return south. Xia Xun had just arrived at Hami City at this time.

Tuotuo, the loyal and obedient king conferred by Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, is now the lord of Hami. His palace is very styled in the Western Regions. This was the palace where the Hami kings lived during the Yuan Dynasty. Part of it was destroyed due to war and was later repaired.

When the Qin Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty appointed Tuotuo as the loyal and shun king and asked him to return to Hami, the place was renovated again, so it was resplendent and luxurious.

Tuotuo is in a good mood recently. His uncle usurped his father's throne and sent him to the Ming Dynasty as a hostage since he was a child. He only returned to his hometown to become king after he reached middle age. He has no foundation here, although he has

The deceased uncle had no sons, but there were many members of the Hami royal family. His uncle had been running Hami for so many years. He had been in the distant Jinling, and his foundation here was far inferior to that of his cousins.


Therefore, he was the one who was most worried about Timur's Eastern Expedition, because his throne relied entirely on the support of the Ming Dynasty. If the Ming Dynasty lost its influence in the Western Regions, he would be doomed. But recently, he has received news that the lame Timur Timur died.

Well, the old guy was old and frail. He died of a beating after drinking all night long. The princes and grandsons of Timur's empire were fighting fiercely for the throne, and it was impossible and incapable of him to march east again.

That night when he heard the good news, Tuotuo drank a jar of grape wine and stayed drunk until the evening of the next day when he woke up. Then he issued a royal order: choose a concubine!

He finally figured it out. To be successful in life, you need to be happy!

Xia Xun rushed to Prince Hami's Mansion, looked at the tall lintel, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Especially when he saw the eight guards at the entrance guard all wearing Ming military uniforms, he felt particularly friendly. He trudged all the way, going back and forth, and went in a circle to the west. It was not until today that he arrived at Hami. Only when he got here did he feel completely at ease.

Come down.

Finally...arriving home!

Ye An strode forward and said to the officers and soldiers guarding the door: "If you please inform me, I will report to King Hami and say..."

The guard guarding the door laughed and interrupted Ye An: "It's done, don't pretend to be powerful, we know why you came, haven't you become a princess yet? What kind of pretense is there?

King Hami, hey! Well, go over there, enter through the west corner door, and be screened by our chief historian first. I have no idea whether I can see the prince, but..." He pinched his chin,

He looked at the two beauties who had just got off the camel's back with suspicion. The two girls were covered with veils. They could only see their charming eyes, but their appearance could not be seen. However, the two girls had just got off the camel's back.

When taking it off, the skirt stretches up on the body, and the shallow groove of the waist and the stretched lines of the buttocks are really charming. Even if the appearance is not good-looking, just with this figure... maybe Mr. Changshi is close to the water tower, and the golden house hides his beauty.

Ye An was startled when he heard this, and asked blankly: "What princess? Who wants to be the princess?"

The guard swallowed his mouth and said in surprise: "Didn't you... recommend these two women to our prince?"

Xia Xun, who followed Ye An up the stairs, raised his beard, pointed at his nose, and said in a deep voice: "I am the one who wants to see your prince!"

This chapter has been completed!
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