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Chapter 841

On the eighth day of August, Xia Xun rushed to Kaifeng, and the King of Kaifeng Zhou personally came out of the city to greet him.

According to the Huidu system of the Ming Dynasty, all subjects in the world, whether they are officials or surnames, and regardless of their title, should treat the vassal king with the courtesy of a monarch and a minister. There is no need for the king of Zhou to go out to greet him. Xia Xun had to go to see the king of Zhou before entering the city. , but King Zhou condescended to him and personally welcomed him ten miles outside Kaifeng City.

His life can be regarded as being rescued by Xia Xun for him. Otherwise, he would probably have followed the example of King Zhu Bai of Xiang and committed suicide. Knowing his kindness should be repaid, not to mention the important ministers of Xia Xun's dynasty. , and it was a big taboo for the vassal king to make friends with courtiers. Because of this relationship, the two of them interacted openly and openly, and others had nothing to say.

Xia Xun arrived in Kaifeng and was warmly entertained by King Zhou. Five days later, Xie Xie and Su Ying arrived in Kaifeng together with Chen Dong and Ye An. Ye Qianqian was now under Xia Xun's control. When Xie Xun arrived, she She found out that the Fengmen senior who fought with her in Suzhou was actually Wan Songling from back then.

Ye Qianqian knew that Wan Songling had escaped, so he had no intention of keeping the past things a secret. In order to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, he told all the previous things. Thanks to him, he now knew the layout of Suzhou that day, and the reason why he was not arrested When we arrived at Wansongling, it was purely due to Wansongling's auspiciousness and destiny. An accident occurred out of a moment of pity for the beauty. It was not that my own wits and strength were not as good as Wansongling's. The failure was imminent. It could only be said that it was the fate of others.

Xia Xun couldn't let the officials from all over the country know the real reason for Wansongling's capture, because if the officials from all over the country knew about it, the news would definitely be leaked out. Once someone with an intention gets the news, or Wansongling After understanding the reason, no one can guarantee what he will do. If he is pursued only in the name of Tuoba Mingde's comrades, the local government will not do its best. To trace him with Long's power would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, with no way to find it. As a result, with Wansongling's shrewdness, there was no whereabouts of him after he escaped from Xingyang.

Although Xia Xun was concerned about the whereabouts of the seal, he didn't bother to ask about it personally because...Emperor Yongle had arrived.

Early in the morning, the road ten miles outside the north gate of Kaifeng City to the Prince of Zhou's Mansion in Kaifeng City was all cordoned off. There were posts every five steps and one sentry every ten steps on the street, all the way to the ten-mile long pavilion. The soldiers standing guard were in bright uniforms and had bright ribs. They lowered their sabers and held spears in their hands to greet the cavalry of the holy cavalry. The ceremony band arrived early outside the ten-mile pavilion.

, the sky has not yet fully dawned, the officials and return officials of the three divisions of Henan gathered in the Prince of Zhou's Mansion. Just after the fifth watch, the King of Zhou, the Crown Prince and Xia Xun walked out of the Prince's Mansion in all their glory. The officials and returnees gathered in front of the hall and prepared outside the hall. The royal guards who accompanied the departure stood at attention and were silent.

Neither King Zhou nor Xia Xun was polite to everyone. They gave orders with solemn expressions, and everyone rode on their horses. A few carriages followed behind them. They were some officials who were too old to ride on horses.

When we arrived at the Shili Changting Pavilion, the officials who arrived first had already decorated the place. The floor was covered with red carpets, and a colorful shed was set up high. On both sides were musicians equipped with drums, horns, silk, bamboo, bells, bells, and various musical instruments. They were still draped in red and colorful. It was so busy that when everyone arrived, they started shouting and making a lot of noise.

King Zhou was the brother of Emperor Yongle from the same mother, and Xia Xun was an important minister who followed Emperor Yongle before he ascended the throne. Both of them were familiar with Zhu Di, so they were not nervous. After the two arrived, they went into the morning We set up a shed, drank tea and snacks, and waited for the emperor to arrive. The other officials were not as calm as the two of them. Those who had official duties were even more nervous. They walked around from time to time for fear of Things that I was responsible for went awry.

The horses that inquired about the emperor's carriage were like shooting stars, constantly shuttling back and forth, constantly bringing news about the emperor's army.

As the sun rises, the noisy atmosphere gradually becomes calmer. Many officials and officials who did not sit down early to have tea and snacks to rest and rest are now wilting because it is already three o'clock in the morning...

Suddenly, another fast horse galloped over and reported loudly: "The Emperor is here, the Emperor is here!"

The entire welcoming venue suddenly became agitated again. Officials returned to their posts, and soldiers took their positions. After a while, King Zhou, the Crown Prince and Xia Xun also slowly walked out of the tent, straightened their clothes, and came forward to greet them. go.

There was a sound of "Ouch". As soon as King Zhou and Xia Xun appeared, they seemed to have received a silent order and lined up to greet them. The soldiers lined up in the shape of wild goose wings immediately straightened their backs and tightened their grip. With the weapons in their hands, thousands of people moved at the same time, and there was an explosion like an explosion.

Xia Xun put on formal official uniform, wearing a wingless black gauze hat with flowers on his head, a unicorn patchwork suit, a leather belt around his waist, and soap boots. The King of Zhou and his son were dressed as county princes, wearing a Yishan crown and a The three of them, wearing python dragon robes, marched hand in hand. The horns were blown in the military formation, and the sound could be heard for ten miles.

In the distance, the cold light of swords and guns shone in the sun, and the dragon flag fluttered in the wind. King Zhou, Xia Xun, and the Crown Prince of Zhou stood solemnly, and saw a large army coming towards them. The same mandarin duck red robes, the same leather Bian horses, and long lacquered horses. Spears, bows and knives, leather shields, bright clothes and armor, sophisticated equipment, people like tigers, horses like dragons, majestic and majestic, really as powerful as a mountain, what a good soldier!

This time the emperor was in the Northern Expedition to the desert, forced Benya to death, and made an forced landing in Arutai. He had made great achievements in battle. Naturally, he had to follow the military rules to be successful. Moreover, Emperor Yongle was extremely martial, and he didn't care much about ordinary royal rules. He liked the military style, so when he saw that the ceremonial guard was different from the ordinary guard, King Zhou and Xia Xun did not take it seriously.

Seeing that the army was approaching, a member of the army was wearing chainmail, a golden phoenix helmet, riding a snow-white horse, a golden dragon and brocade clothes, with a waist and ape-like arms, and a face full of beards. He was extremely powerful. King Zhou and Xia Xun Unable to help being moved, the two exchanged glances and hurried forward together. The officer in charge of the ceremony did not dare to neglect, and immediately waved and shouted: "Set the cannon! Sound the horn!"

"Tum! Tum! Tum!"


The giant cannons rang out and the drums and trumpets sounded. King Zhou, the Crown Prince and Xia Xun stepped forward quickly and quickly walked to the military formation that had just stopped in front. They bowed and saluted: "I, please welcome the emperor!" With that, the three of them Everyone lifted up their robes and bowed to the dust. The soldiers and horses in front separated, and a long laugh came out: "Uncle Wang, Crown Prince, Duke of the State, please do not salute. Gao Xu is just standing in front of my father!"

The three of them were stunned for a moment, then looked up again. The person who rode out of the formation on a white horse and was sitting upright turned out to be Zhu Gaoxu. Zhu Gaoxu was stronger and more mature than before. He had a beard on his face and looked very cool in both physical appearance and temperament. Emperor Yongle, and the fact that he was riding the emperor's royal horse, the white colt, led the three of them to mistake him for Zhu Di.

King Zhou frowned slightly, and he was immediately very unhappy. If he was not here, but Xia Xun or the prince came to greet him, it would be fine for Zhu Gaoxu to receive the ceremony in the formation. After all, he was awarded the title of King of Han, and his status was only Second to the emperor. But kings also have high and low levels. He is not the prince, he is the king of Han, he is the king of Zhou. The king of Zhou is the uncle of the king of Han. If Zhu Gaoxu rode out alone early, how could he be defeated by him? Misunderstand?

King Zhou was displeased, but he did not show it clearly. He just snorted softly, straightened up, and remained silent.

Xia Xun disapproved, saluted again, and said with a smile: "I, Yang Xu, have met His Highness the King of Han. His Highness is majestic and resembles His Majesty. When I took a look from a distance, I really thought that His Majesty the Emperor has arrived!"

At this time, the Crown Prince of Zhou stepped forward and bowed, saying, "My brother has seen Brother Wang!"

Zhu Gaoxu laughed, raised his legs and jumped off the horse. This time he accompanied the emperor in the northern expedition. His performance was remarkable and his father was very happy. Not only did he give him a royal horse and a white colt, he also gave him a bodyguard. Originally, Zhu Gaoxu After being crowned King of Han and returning, he should be equipped with three guards and horses, but since he had been staying in the capital and refused to join the feudal vassal, the three guards and horses were naturally not given to him.

However, this time he went to the north with his father, made many military exploits, and regained Zhu Di's favor. He tried to ask his father for a bodyguard, and specified that he wanted Tiance Guard, but Zhu Di was right. Zhu Gaoxu was really proud. Tiance Guard! Tiance Guard! In history, there was also a Tiance Horse, but it was the personal guard of Qin King Li Hui's Hui people. His father promised to give him Tiance Guard. What does this mean?

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu had regarded himself as Zhu Lao Hui Er as Li Lao Hui Er who had succeeded in the Xuanwu Gate mutiny, and he was naturally very proud.

Zhu Gaoxu got off his horse and took a few steps forward with great satisfaction. Without missing a beat, he made a reluctant cross-hand salute to his uncle Wang and said: "Uncle Wang, please forgive me for not being able to salute my nephew because he is wearing armor." !”

King Zhou was furious, but Xia Xun put his hand on his arm at the right time, making a gesture of inviting him to accompany him. Taking advantage of the situation, he gave him a wink to appease King Zhou, and then turned to Zhu Gaoxu and said with a smile: "Zhou His Highness the King has been waiting for His Majesty for a long time. Please lead the way and let us go to see His Majesty together!"


Three rounds of Bulachuan and Shenhou Ridge.

Wansongling and Gongsun Dafeng were running around in the valley in embarrassment.

Wan Paopao was chased by Xia Xun to the sky and into the earth. He finally made it to Xingyang, thinking that he could be quiet here for a while, but he didn't expect that Xia Xun was still haunted and chased him again. It really frightened his courage. Wansongling He suddenly decided to go north and hide outside the Pass for a while. Anyway, he and Gongsun Dafeng both knew Mongolian and fled to the territory of the Mongols outside the Pass. With their own abilities, they could survive here for three days. In 57 years, it will not be too late to return to the Central Plains when the weather calms down.

While the two were walking, there was a sudden shout, and several lassoes flew out of thin air, roping the two tightly. Then many murderous Mongolian men with bows and knives flashed out from the bushes on both sides of the trail. .

As soon as Wansongling saw the sword and gun on his neck, he quickly shouted in Mongolian: "Which tribe's hero are you? We brothers are just ordinary mountain people and herdsmen. Please don't hurt us, don't hurt us!"

A big man next to him who had never done anything said in a deep voice: "Search them to see if they are Tatar spies. If they are ordinary people, chop them into pieces!"

Wan Songling's heart skipped a beat after hearing this. Who are these people? This is the territory of the Tatars. Why do they want to kill the Tatars? If they are Han Hui, judging from their clothes and hairstyles, His skin, and even his authentic Mongolian speaking, were completely different. Wan Songling felt strange and frightened at the same time. Despite his resourcefulness, what else could he do against such a master who cares so little about human life?

It turns out that this place is the territory of the Tatars, but this group of people is from Oara. The leader who just spoke was Tuohuan, the son of Mahamu, the loyal and submissive king of Oara. Zhu Di went to the north, and Tuohuan led Oara. Soldiers and horses were lurking on the eastern border in an attempt to gain advantage, but Benya Shili fled into the Wala territory and was killed by him. Mahamu took the opportunity to offer a reward to Zhu Di for Benya's head, and requested that the Tatar territory be divided among Wala San. king.

Zhu Di was not willing to be fooled. Not only did he refuse to divide the Tatar territory, but he also supported Arutai to check and balance Oala. Tuohuan refused to give up and tried to plunder the Tatar territory with troops and horses. Arutai was far from being sophisticated and sophisticated. Huan Kebi, and fighting at home, was his advantage, but his disadvantage was that the Great Khan had just died, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers were wiped out by the Ming army, which greatly damaged his strength. Whenever the two sides fought, they would win sometimes and lose sometimes.

In recent days, Tuohuan fell into Arutai's plan and lost a battle. He got separated from the large group of people and had to run south and hide in the mountainous area near the border wall of the Ming Dynasty. Arutai had just been killed by the Ming Dynasty and lost his armor. , absolutely did not dare to move the army southward, causing the Ming army to misunderstand, but ended up capturing Wansongling and Gongsun Dafeng.

Several big men rushed to the two of them, and after a search, they found some gold and silver coins, and even the beautiful jade that Wansongling kept close to his body. They showed it to the leader and the big man: "Sir, look at this. Fang Meiyu, these two people must be no ordinary shepherds!"


When the leader took the treasure seal and took a look, his body suddenly shook, and he jumped in front of Wansongling, with a look of shock on his face: "You... who are you? How could this square seal... be in your presence?" On your hands?”

Wan Songling stared at the change in the expression of the Mongolian leader. When he saw that all the anger on his face had disappeared, and his eyes looked at him with anticipation and a hint of excitement, his heart suddenly moved.

On the side, Gongsun Dafeng saw that the Mongolian leader was very concerned about the piece of beautiful jade, and thought: "If you lose your wealth, you can cheat again, but if you lose your life, you will never get it back." He said in Mongolian: "This good man, If you like this..."

Wan Songling suddenly turned his head and said sternly: "Aga Dorji, shut up!"

Gongsun Dafeng was startled: "How did I become Agadoerji?"

However, among the disciples in Wansongling, although they are not as sharp-minded as Ye Qianqian, he is not stupid to be a liar after all. When he heard this, he knew that there must be a reason, and he immediately kept his mouth shut.

"Aga Dorji?"

Tuohuan was shaking with excitement. He looked at Wansongling and said, "He...he is Aga Dorji? Are you brothers? You...you are Tuotuo Buhua, right?"

Seeing the change in his expression, Wan Songling knew there was something interesting about him. He raised his head and said proudly: "Kill or behead, it's up to you! I am a descendant of Genghis Khan, you can't humiliate me!"

"It's really you, it's really you! Hahaha..."

Tuo Tuo Bu Hua looked up to the sky and laughed wildly three times. After a pause of laughter, he immediately shouted: "Untie! Untie quickly! This is Tuo Tuo Bu Hua Taiji!"

Wan Songling's tense heart suddenly relaxed: "You were right! Damn, is this okay? The old man pretending to be an official is getting bigger and bigger..."

This chapter has been completed!
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