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Chapter 853 Two Negotiations

Although Xie Jin was drunk, his sleeves were pulled by Xia Xun and his eyes turned to his side. He knew that they had something to discuss, so he hurriedly moved closer to Xia Xun's seat.

At this time, silk and bamboo music played behind the screen, singing and dancing continued in the hall, the clouds rolled into the sleeves, and the beauty was like a butterfly.

During the dinner, cups were exchanged, cups were pushed and cups were exchanged, and each of the adults found someone to drink with. One Xia Xun and Xie Jin were whispering with a smile, while the other was listening drunkenly. No matter who looked at them, they were talking normally, and no one could hear what they were saying.

What, let alone regard this as a romantic meeting between the two of them.

Xia Xun said: "Gentleman, the Annan army is on the rise again. It is inevitable to send troops to suppress it, but who leads the troops is crucial. This is not related to the victory or defeat in the Annan battlefield, but to the direction of the political situation in the DPRK...

........." Before Xia Xun finished speaking, Xie Jin had already smiled slightly and whispered: "I knew that the Duke came to me for more than just drinking. I have also thought about this matter carefully, leaving Zhang Fu alone.

This general who has already conquered Annan did not send troops immediately, which shows that the emperor is still very interested in the king of Han leading the army. This matter must be started from the emperor!"

Xia Xun was slightly surprised, and when he looked at Xie Jin again, his face was slightly drunk, but his eyes were bright, and he couldn't help but smile with joy. After all, his political partner had become the chief minister of the cabinet, so maybe he was a little too arrogant because of his talent.

, I don’t quite understand how to treat others, but I still have wisdom and vision in the officialdom. There is no need to waste words when talking to such a person. Xia Xun said bluntly: "Well, that's the truth. What's the noble opinion of the gentleman?"

Xie Jin said: "The emperor must know that after successive wars, the national economy and people's livelihood are in embarrassment. This is easy to handle. I am the first to review the memorials sent from various places. When the time comes, I will focus on reviewing the memorials in this regard.

Your Majesty, read it. At the same time, the King of Han is arrogant and domineering, and has done many illegal things. This will also let the Emperor know that the Emperor is disgusted with him, and naturally he will not condone him anymore!" Xia Xun said happily: "Very good! I mean the same,

Now that the great gentry is in Xiōng, I feel relieved. On my side, I will also find someone to beat the drum and blow the wind to encourage a group of people to cause trouble for the King of Han. On the great gentry’s side, I will find a few capable candidates and call them

They told the king of Han's illegal things..." Before Xia Xun finished speaking, Xie Jin said: "Why be so roundabout, I will just go and tell the emperor to know!" Xia Xun was startled and said hurriedly: "That's inappropriate!

Sir, you are now the chief minister of the cabinet. How can you be too hasty in every move you make? With your current status, you cannot be in charge of everything and stay behind the scenes. If things fail, you can choose another opportunity. Leave no room for anything and charge forward.

, once you make a mistake, how can you advance or retreat? You are a close official of the emperor. If there is a quarrel between you and the emperor, it is more difficult than ordinary people to see the emperor once. You have to look at each other every day and get tired of each other, why don't you leave the center..."

Xie Jin chuckled and said: "The noble gentleman understands the Duke's concern. Then just follow what the Duke said!"

Xie Jin said this, but in his heart he disagreed. He was the chief minister of the dynasty and a great contributor to the establishment of the crown prince. The current emperor even relied on him as his arm. He once said to people, "The country cannot live without me for a day. I cannot live without you."

"There is no solution for one day." The emperor relies so much on him, what's wrong with him openly admonishing the emperor? Fortunately, the auxiliary prince used to rush in and out, just like Zhao Zilong in front of the Changban slope, but now he is so courageous.

It's getting smaller and smaller.

When Xia Xun saw that he agreed, he felt relieved and said: "Of course, the King of Han wants to seize military power. We must find a way to solve it. The long-term plan of the country must be planned earlier so that the problem will not come to an end. I just realized that a lot of things have been done."

It's useless. Annan is no better than our Central Plains land, with twists and turns of mountains and rivers, and all the villages hidden in jungles and valleys, making it difficult to rule.

With this expedition, it is difficult to eradicate the source of the chaos. If some people are a little instigated, it will not take long for chaos to arise again. It is too heavy a burden for our imperial army to be stationed there. Once we withdraw, Mei Mei Kuimian will jump out one after another. The local people's tendency is

As for them, there is no army to suppress them, and they will soon become a prairie fire again. I am afraid that this battle will not be fought.

Sir, as the chief minister of the cabinet, you must have this preparation in mind. When the court involves Annan's army,

In terms of political, economic and other policies, you can take precautions and formulate corresponding policies based on the prediction of the future situation. In this way, the court will reduce a lot of unnecessary losses and consumption." Xie Jin led the leader: "Well,

The Duke has always opposed the establishment of Annan as an inner county and directly controlled it.

However, after the imperial court accepted Annan as the inner county, money flowed out like water, and casualties were reported to the Ministry of War every day. Many officials in the Metropolitan Procuratorate turned a blind eye. They just praised and preached, saying that the emperor's move was directly following the Han and Tang Dynasties.

The Emperor is very happy to have conquered all barbarians and swept across all wastes. The Duke should also pay attention to his idiosyncrasies, and don't let these pens catch the Duke's shortcomings and drown people with their saliva!" Xia Xun sneered.

: "It was not his family that died, it was not his stomach that was hungry, it was not his servitude that was levied, and it was not his children that were begging on the street, so he was naturally generous to others! Talking on paper,

His boastful talk, his generosity and his awe-inspiring deeds of justice are simply embarrassing. When he is really asked to make some sacrifices, he will run away faster than a rabbit! These prodigal sons who are not rich and don't know how valuable firewood and rice are, I'm here

There are no permanent posts in the government, so I really don’t care about their impeachment, let them make noises!”

"Why are the Duke and the gentry talking so speculatively? Hahaha, Hu, here's a toast to the Duke!" Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong didn't want to pester Hu Guang for too long. Hu Guang came back to his senses and saw Jin and Xia.

Xun was chatting happily and couldn't help but come over with a wine glass. Xia Xun hurriedly stopped talking and raised the glass with a smile.


Ji Gang had one foot on the stool, with a plate of salted soybeans and a pot of soju in front of him. He threw a soybean into his mouth, took a sip of the soju, and let the hot taste linger in his mouth for a long time before he tilted his neck and swallowed it.

, causing the tongue of fire to burn down the throat and into the heart.

This was a habit he developed when he was in his hometown in Shandong. Not long after he was kicked out of the university, life was tight, and this was his favorite pastime. He often had a plate of salted beans like this in a tavern.

, a bottle of wine, sit in an unobtrusive corner and soak in it all afternoon.

Ever since he rose to great heights and became the powerful Lord Ji, he rarely tasted this loneliness again except when he was very nervous.

"What is Liu Yujue doing?"

Ji Gang asked coldly. Ji Younan, who returned to North Town from Jinyi South Town and served as a Qianhu household, said hurriedly: "Sir, as soon as he returned to Jinyiwei, he kicked out all the people we promoted. The only one who remained was Eunuch Zheng's stepson.

The hundreds of households we had demoted were all re-promoted by him, and one named Zhu Junnan and the other named Yin Hua were selected to replace Chen Dong and Ye An.

Now, he is busy inspecting the craftsmen's camp and checking the firearms. I heard that he will return to Jinan in a few days."

Ji Gang gritted his teeth and smiled: "Keep an eye on him! Just hold his pigtails for me, hum!" He threw a soybean into his mouth, chewed it carefully for a while, and asked again: "

What is Sehazhi doing?" Zhu Tu, the boss of the Eight King Kongs, smiled bitterly and said: "That thief, since he broke into our Jinyi Guards, he has a nose that is not a nose or an eye, and he can't look at anything. He treats our Jinyi Guards

It is regarded as an ordinary guard post. The commanding officer of the ordinary guard post is responsible for training and military discipline. This guard is responsible for training and military discipline every day. We don't have to go to war, but he transfers our Jinyi Guard soldiers to practice this and that in turn.

Those soldiers were tortured to death.

He also always said that our Jinyi Guards are not good at this or that. He mentioned Yang Xu at every turn and worshiped him as a god. He also specially asked people to write down several important things that Yang Xu had done in that year in detail and asked the soldiers to read them.

Thinking and studying, he is damn more pious than a scholar worshiping Saint Confucius. Not to mention, he also violated military discipline, was disheveled, behaved inappropriately, was late for breakfast, and drank when he was on duty... As long as he was asked to arrest him once, that would be it.

A whipping made Wei Li feel like he was in a frenzy!"

Ji Gang snorted and said: "Our people are indeed a bit disgraceful now. Soldiers don't look like soldiers, but more like bandits. I think it's not necessarily wrong for him to be so troubled!"

Ji Gang stroked his beard and thought for a while, then said: "This man is a soldier of the emperor. He has been with the emperor longer than me. He doesn't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face. As long as he doesn't interfere with my important affairs, let him go. Don't you guys?"

If you offend him, this kind of bastard can do any goddamn thing!"

The Eight Great Vajras agreed with a grimace.

Ji Gang asked again: "What are Mu En, Chen Dong, and Ye An doing?"

Zhong Canghai said: "Replying to your lord, the eyes and ears we installed in Dongchang reported that Mu En, Chen Dong, and Ye An are now following the same pattern as a cat. They will check what we usually check. A few days ago, we sent someone to keep an eye on Chen Dong.

Several spies from Ying discovered that someone was watching them furtively, and they thought they were Chen Ying's people. They planned to lure them to a secluded area and kill them, but they ended up fighting them until they were both injured and found out that they were from Dongchang.

In addition, yesterday, the two captains we sent to the Ministry of Justice to hear the trial and the fan from Dongchang rushed to read the file first. As a result, they had a disagreement and got into a fight. They knocked over the flag and the ink splashed on Song Li, the minister of the Ministry of Justice.

His face was so angry that Song Shangshu dragged everyone on both sides down and beat him up!"

Ji Gang slammed the table angrily and shouted: "Fuck you!"

Ji Gang suddenly felt a headache, as if he had raped the red boy who mistakenly sat on the Guanyin lotus flower stand, and was tied up in a tight hoop.

His head ached, and his waist was sore. He recently took a pair of twins as concubines, and a pair of sisters were waiting for him in bed, which was very interesting. In addition, after Yu Jian's incident, everything went wrong for him.

, I had to keep my tail between my legs, avoid the limelight first, and have nothing to do. I had sex more frequently than before, and I had too much sex, and my body was a little overwhelmed.

He put his hands on his hips and sulked for a while, then asked angrily: "Where is Yang Xu, what is he doing?"

Eight King Kongs, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Yuji Younan replied: "Sir, Yang Xu,..., didn't do anything!"

Ji Gang said angrily: "You have to do something if you haven't done anything, right?"

Ji Younan swallowed his saliva and said with a wry smile: "Since he returned to Beijing, he has been accompanying his wife and children every day. When he goes out, he goes to banquets and drinks. The cook who was bribed by us said that their master occasionally has guests visiting, and they meet in the living room. Suppose

They invited each other to banquets and never went to the study to discuss matters. They also said that their master indulged in sexual activities and sometimes had to sleep with three concubines. When he woke up the next morning, he was still very energetic. The kitchen was once ordered by the wife, and every day

I originally thought it was for their master to take the Japanese Ginseng and Turtle Turtle Decoction, but later I found out that it was because the ladies couldn’t bear it and had sore backs and weak bodies, so..." Ji Gang felt a stick in his neck and subconsciously retorted: "Bah!

How can he be so powerful? Just blow it off! Is this cook you bought with a lot of money reliable?" "Huh?" The eight kings all looked at Ji Gang in surprise, not understanding that he reacted so strongly to this matter.


Ji Gang blushed and said sarcastically: "Just ask about boring things!"

Gao Xiang said nonchalantly: "It's the master's order. Everything is down to details. Even what time he gets up and what time he goes to the toilet must be carefully inquired..." Ji Gang said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I understand. We won the victory back then."

After one round, Liu Yujue was driven out of Nanzhen, and the Jin Yiwei all became our world. Now Yang Xu has pulled back a round, not only regained Nanzhen, but also let a fool make trouble under my nose. This

That's all, the emperor actually set up another Dongchang. Even though the people in the Dongchang are all members of our Jinyiwei, the power of punishment and prison is still in our hands. I'm afraid it will last forever..."

The more Ji Gang thought about it, the more troubled he became, and he ordered in a deep voice: "The current situation is not good for us, you all need to settle down! Go down, 1 Xiao Ji will stay!"

Ji Younan watched several colleagues leave with pride, and quickly approached Ji Gang attentively. Ji Gang said solemnly: "There are four walls of wine, wealth and wealth, and everyone hides them inside. Even though Mu En is an eunuch, he must be good. You give me

I asked around carefully and found out that this person has to find a way to win over him. As long as he brings Dongchang over, we can win the game. One is Liu Yujue, the other is Sai Hazhi.

I can't support the big scene!" Ji Younan responded in a deep voice: "Yes!" Ji Gang narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "The King of Han and Yang Xuzheng are at loggerheads over the matter of taking command and sending troops. Please pay more attention to this matter and always pay attention.

As the situation develops, we Jin Yiwei have no way to interfere with the affairs of the government, but we should look for opportunities to help the King of Han!"

Ji Younan said in surprise: "My lord, isn't the King of Han our enemy? Why do you still want to..." Ji Gang glanced sideways, Ji Younan immediately stopped, Ji Gang said: "This political struggle is blood, conspiracy, strangulation, and

It is a life-and-death battle, a cruel battlefield where all possible means are used! Although the King of Han is our enemy, only with them around can our position be stable!"

Ji Younan suddenly realized and said with admiration: "I understand!" Ji Gang looked deeply and said in a low voice: "The king is standing on tiptoe like a crouching tiger, and the ministers are circling like eagles. Who is that rabbit? Treat me as a little white rabbit? The rabbit is anxious.

He can bite people!" n The little white rabbit asked for carrots, and Guan Guan asked for monthly tickets and recommended votes!!.

This chapter has been completed!
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