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Chapter 089 Love can't be sold

Chapter 089 Love cannot be sold

In the shop, Ximen Qing led Xia Xun to the second floor. He smiled as he walked: "This shop is powerful, right? The owner of this shop is a legend in the north. Although he can't keep up with Jiangnan Shen Wansan, he The history of his fortune is also quite legendary. The proprietor of Xie's leather goods is named Xie Chuanzhong. It is said that in his early years he worked as a sheepherder for a landlord's family and worked as a sheep herder all over the mountains and plains. Later, he became rich inexplicably."

Ximen Qing looked around and lowered his voice: "Some people say that he discovered the den of a group of horse thieves who were wiped out and got a large sum of gold, silver and jewelry. Some people say that he discovered Bei Yuan who fled in panic. There are different opinions on the large sum of money buried by high officials, but no matter what, they are prosperous.

Even though Xie Chuanzhong is illiterate, he has a good head. If you don't have the ability, you must have the opportunity to show off your ability. I didn't see him having this ability before, but Xie Chuanzhong has it since then. He didn't just sit back and make money, he actually started a business, and in more than ten years, he became the number one fur businessman in Beiping City.

Nowadays, not only the nobles in Peiping City must come to his store to buy leather goods, but also merchants from all over the world come to his store to buy goods. If you want to be rich, this Mr. Xie is richer than our Prince Yan. Isn't he awesome? Of course. Well, he was born a sheepherder. Everyone in Beiping knew that. The rich and powerful didn't take him seriously. Even the ordinary people were only envious and envious, not to mention respectful. But now, this generation This is the case, what about two or three generations later? He is one of the top gentry in the city of Peiping, who would ridicule his ancestors for their downfall..."

Xia Xun thought to himself: "Of course there are many capable people who are illiterate but have quick minds and have achieved great things. But if you want to become the richest gentry in the huge city of Peiping in just a dozen years, I'm afraid... you may not necessarily follow the rules and follow the right path. The meeting point that Ximen Qing took me to just now is a branch of Xie's family. Could it be that the big boss responsible for smuggling and smuggling between the north and the south in Beiping is Xie Chuanzhong?"

Thinking secretly, the two of them strolled around on the second floor and then went directly to the third floor. The clothes on the third floor were the most expensive and there were the fewest people. Ximen Qing and Xia Xun went straight to the counter without looking at the furs. , said to the waiter inside: "Excuse me, please come out from your shopkeeper. We have three pairs of fine fox furs to make fur collars and a fine fur coat."

The waiter saw that his clothes were simple and his tone was serious. However, he did not judge anyone based on his clothes or hat. He nodded politely to them and said, "Two guests, please wait a moment." Then he opened the door curtain and entered the inner room.

After a while, an old man with gray hair came out with him. He glanced at Xia Xun and the other two, cupped his hands and said: "You two, I am the shopkeeper here. I don't know what kind of leather collar the two guests want. Do you have any details?" requirements?”

Xia Xun put three pieces of fiery red fox fur on the table, and the old man's eyes lit up: "Good furs, they are really good stuff!"

He picked up a piece of leather, rubbed the hem of his clothes with his palm, gently stroked the fur, and then carefully inspected the incision marks to make sure there were no scars. He couldn't help but praise: "Good, it's really excellent. It's so good." I only see three to five furs a year, and fox furs with such a fiery red color are even rarer. It's rare for the guest to come up with three at once. Do these three have to be made into fur collars? Is the guest willing to sell them? "

Ximen Qing quickly asked: "How much money can the shopkeeper pay?"

Xia Xun glared at Ximen Qing, nodded and said: "Yes, three, all made of leather collars, and matched with a fur coat of suitable color and style. These three leather collars, um... that's it, one should be suitable for those in their thirties.

The one worn by women above and below should be elegant, luxurious, charming and generous, and suitable for sitting at home. The other one should not be bulky and cumbersome, and the same goes for the corresponding fur coat. It should be suitable for walking and activities outside, you can try..."

He looked around, pointed to a leather coat that had been made, and said: "Similar to this set of small lapels, it is convenient for walking and riding horses. That girl is only sixteen or seventeen years old. She must be dressed to look heroic."


Ximen Qing winked at the side and chuckled: "Given to Miss Peng? Oh, yes, I haven't asked you yet, did you two accomplish anything good? After that... after that, you didn't... fall out, right?"


Xia Xun was talking to the shopkeeper. His voice was so low that Xia Xun couldn't hear him clearly. Ximen Qing just said that he was embarrassed to say it. Seeing that he wanted to buy something for Miss Peng, he thought they had become a happy couple.

Enemies, Ximen Qing realized that he had done a great deed, and when he felt at ease, he stopped asking questions.

The shopkeeper inside listened to Xia Xun's words and said with a smile without stroking his beard: "I understand that with a few modifications based on Hu Qiu, I can make it to meet your requirements, guest sir."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Okay, this third item is for a girl named Dou Kou. She is petite and exquisite. As long as it is made to fit and be cute, the style should not be too old, just lively."

The shopkeeper nodded and said: "Okay, okay, sir, could you please describe the height, fatness and thinness of the three female guests?"

The waiter on the side was holding a pen and hurriedly jotting down the customer's requirements. Xia Xun and Ximen Qing described the height, fat and thinness of Xiaodong's sister-in-law, Peng Ziqi, and Xiaodi respectively. The waiter wrote them down carefully, and the shopkeeper said: "

It's done. The two guests have paid the order, and I will issue a ticket for you. Winter has just begun, and there are many people making fur coats. I'm afraid you two have to wait for a while. In ten days, the two guests will come again.

Take a look, it should be almost done.”

As the shopkeeper was talking, a girl shouted in surprise: "Wow! It's so beautiful, like a ball of flame."

The voice was as crisp as an oriole, with an authentic Fengyang accent, followed by a burst of green grass fragrance, and a little lolita in her early ten years squeezed beside them, stood up on tiptoes hard, and carefully used her jade-white palms to gently

Caressing the fiery red fox fur, her long eyelashes blinked, her eyes full of surprise and admiration.

At this time of year, there are no unmarried women using perfume and powder casually, and incense-scented clothes must be used by married women. What should girls who love beauty and are still young do? Then wear a stick of incense.

A smoked handkerchief or a sachet is enough. This little loli only wore a sachet containing vanilla. Unexpectedly, the fragrance was so refreshing that it must be the best vanilla.

Xia Xun and Ximen Qing were squeezed to both sides by the overjoyed little Lolita. They turned to look at her and saw Crow Crow's shiny black hair, which was neatly combed and pulled into a cute double bun.

There is no jewelry on it, only two silk ropes of unknown material are used to tie it. The ears are as small and cute as gold ingots, and there are no pierced earrings. The skin is white and moist, as if the smooth ivory reveals the pink blood, and it is like blowing.

Broken. The nose is like greasy fat, straight and small, the eyelashes are curved and the eyes are big, and the pupils are like dots of paint.

It doesn't take Ximen Qing's superb eye for reading girls, Xia Xun can also see that this little loli is an absolute beauty. When this little girl grows up, she will definitely be a disaster-level beauty.

The little Loli regarded the two of them as nothing, happily admired the lovely fox fur, and immediately asked excitedly: "Shopkeeper, how much does this fox fur cost? I want three of them!"

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly and said, "Madam, this fox fur is not from our store. It was sent by a customer to make a custom-made fur collar."

"Oh..." The little Lolita's cheerful expression immediately collapsed, and then a strong voice came from behind, but the voice was clearer and clearer, not overbearing at all: "So, who is the guest who is sending me a fur collar?

Who is it? Maybe we can talk to him, give him a suitable price, and ask him to sell it to us."

"Yes, yes!" The little loli nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, looked back with a sweet smile, and praised: "Master, you are smarter, I didn't expect that."

Xia Xun and Ximen Qing turned around to look, only to find that there were two adults accompanying the little lolita. One was a monk wearing black robes. Although his appearance was a bit angular, his temperament was extremely ordinary.

The face of another middle-aged beautiful woman is quite similar to that little lolita, but the little lolita is still in the early stages of her life. Although she is stunning, she is still a little green, but this woman is

The full moon is in the sky, crystal clear and bright. It has lost its childishness and become more transparent and pure, filling the ground with clear light.

Yes, this beautiful woman is obviously tall and graceful, with a charming face and radiant beauty. When Xia Xun and Ximen Qing saw her for the first time, it was not the angle that men usually like to admire when looking at beautiful women. They rushed towards her.

What is most striking is her temperament from the inside out, which is aloof but never domineering.

"This family is anything but ordinary." This was Xia Xun's first feeling.

"Monk? This family has its own temple. It must be an extraordinary family." This was Ximen Qing's first feeling.

"If I am not mistaken, these two little brothers are the owners of the fox skins." The woman looked at them with clear eyes: "Are you willing to sell these three fox skins? One of them

Yes, as far as the price is concerned, you will be satisfied.”

"Ahem, madam, I don't know how much you plan to pay..."

Before Ximen Qing could finish speaking, he was pulled behind by Xia Xun. This woman spoke very gently and kindly, but her smile, her eyes, and even her tone all had a noble and graceful demeanor that made people unconsciously

I was impressed by it. Fortunately, Xia Xun was well-informed. Not to mention what he had seen in his previous life, he had been killed by others in this life. He had also seen royal nobles like King Qi. He had extensive experience and his character was naturally firmer.

It actually withstood the pressure of the person who had been in power for a long time, which the opponent did not intend to unleash.

"I'm sorry, Madam, this fox-skin is to be given to the person I love most. Maybe Madam can afford a price that is enough to make anyone tempted, but love cannot be bought with money."

The monk smiled and said: "It's not that serious. Our little lady really likes this piece of leather. If you are a beautiful man and form a good relationship, you will get several times the profit. If you buy another fox collar, you can still give it to others, and the profit will be

When you get it, you also have love, so wouldn’t it be perfect in all three ways?”

Xia Xun smiled and said: "What the master said is true."

The little loli just started to cheer up, and Xia Xun said again: "But I have no intention of making profit from this. Since I have the intention to give this fire fox fur collar to others, and then I will be moved by profit and resell it to others. Then I will give away ten more pieces.

Leather collars, the prices are the same, so this affection...is worthless, master, do you think so?"

The monk's eyes flashed, and he looked at the ordinary-dressed young man in front of him with some surprise. He nodded slightly and said nothing.

The beautiful woman was also quite surprised. She looked at Xia Xun, and a smile of approval appeared on her face. On the side, Ximen Qing heard that the other party was willing to pay a high price, and was planning to sell the Firefox leather and buy another one for his wife.

I didn't expect Xia Xun to say such words. After thinking about it, I was secretly ashamed and quietly swallowed the words that came to my lips.

The little Loli stared at him with eyes as clear as spring water and asked him: "You really don't want to sell it? I can pay a lot of money. How much is this fox collar worth? If I pay ten times the price, will you sell it?"

Xia Xun smiled and shook his head, and the beautiful woman called softly: "Ming'er, what is valuable and what is priceless?"

The little Loli thought for a while and asked the shopkeeper unwillingly: "Shopkeeper, do you have such fox fur in your store?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "If the little lady wants to buy it, it is available. It's just that this firefox leather is priceless and hard to come by. If the little lady really wants to buy it, please leave your address for a year and a half."

, something will always happen, I will just send someone to your residence to inform you when the time comes."

"It takes so long?"

The little Lolita was a little angry and a little sad. Her big black and white eyes flickered and she bit her tender lips gently. Her small breasts were rising and falling, as if she was vomiting with herself.

Xia Xun is a little funny. This little girl has obviously been used to being cared for since she was a child. There is nothing she wants but can't get, so she feels extremely uncomfortable when she is rejected once. Look at her watery eyes.

Her big eyes were obviously about to cry. Fortunately, although she was a pampered flower girl, her tutor was very good. Looking at the few big men in green clothes standing behind them, they were clearly very skilled servants, but she was not seen.

Getting angry with herself is just sulking at herself.

The little girl felt sulky, so she walked over and took the beautiful woman's hand, saying with a slight choke: "Sister, let's go."

"Sister?" Xia Xun and Ximen Qing saw that she and the woman looked very similar, and said that they were mother and daughter, but they didn't expect that they were actually a pair of sisters.

The beautiful woman teased her in a funny way: "Ming'er, aren't you going to buy a fox fur coat? Why, you don't want it anymore?"

"No more!"

Ming'er pursed her tender lips, tightened her sister's hand like an angry child and walked out. When she reached the stairs, she suddenly turned her head again, glared at Xia Xun angrily, and said loudly:

"I'm going to Yanshan to hunt foxes! Let my sister and brother-in-law accompany me to hunt the most beautiful fire fox, hum!"

After saying this, Xiaoyao's nose turned up, and she heard the sound of little buckskin boots, and the pretty little loli came with the fragrant wind and kicked away.

The monk in black looked at Xia Xun deeply, nodded slightly, and walked downstairs.

Xia Xun and Ximen Qing looked at each other and smiled, put away the bills issued by the shopkeeper and walked downstairs side by side. When they looked up, they saw that the snow had fallen heavily, and the sky and the earth were vast...

This chapter has been completed!
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