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Chapter 903 Drive the wolf and fight the tiger (seeking monthly ticket)

Xia Xun had just returned to Beijing when Dongchang's criminal officer Ye An sent him news. What Ye An told him was exactly what happened when King Zhu Gaoxu of Han Dynasty humiliated Ji Gang at the Jinwu Guards School. However, he also provided information that Xia Xun didn't know.

: Ji Gang secretly intercepted two candidates for the show, and they were a pair of sisters.

This is the power of the state machine. Dongchang can develop its power openly and openly. It has sufficient manpower and can easily penetrate into various yamen. Jinyiwei can mix a large amount of sand into Dongchang. Why can't Dongchang use these Jinyiwei installed to instigate rebellion?

They acted as double spies and in turn gathered information about Jin Yiwei, but Xia Xun's people were unable to grasp this information in time.

Ye An said enthusiastically: "We are planning to send people to Beijing to report this matter to the emperor!"

Xia Xun shook his head quickly: "That's inappropriate! Don't go!"

Ye Anahan asked curiously: "My lord, what's wrong?"

Xia Xun said: "This matter can be big or small, it all depends on what the emperor thinks. Our emperor is much more interested in the battlefield than the bed, and he doesn't attach much importance to women. What's more, Ji Gang is being favored now, so this

If the matter is reported to the police, at most it will cause him to be scolded, but it will not bring him down. If it is spoken out at the right opportunity, it will only add fuel to the fire."

He glanced at Ye An and said, "Go back and tell Governor Mu to write down this account for him first. Write it down in a small notebook and then take it out when it is of great use." Ye An told him.

However, he obeyed the advice. After hearing the words, he hurriedly agreed, talked for a while, and then left.

Xu Jiang, who was sitting next to him, sent Ye An away and returned to the study and said to Xia Xun: "My lord, even if you can't move him with this matter, you can still make him sick, and you can even make Dongchang and Jinyiwei fight more fiercely. If

If we can really overthrow Ji Gang one day, he will be charged with this crime. Why should we be so forbearing? I think that after Eunuch Mu took over Dongchang, he was eager to make meritorious service in front of the emperor."

Xia Xun took a deep breath and said, "Haven't you seen clearly yet? Ji Gang is indeed hateful, but he does all the bad things unscrupulously. For this reason, this person is nothing to worry about. Do you see who is behind him?

There is no one except the emperor. As long as the emperor doesn't want to touch me, he can only run around like a dog tied to the threshold. No matter how fierce he barks, he can't bite me.

But Chen Ying is different. This old fox is the real rival! You only see Ji Gang, but you don't pay attention to him, or you don't think he is more dangerous than Ji Gang. This is what makes him really dangerous. Moreover, he

Who is behind this? He is not only a dog released by the emperor to supervise the officials, but also an eagle on the arm of the King of Han!

Ji Gang has no foundation among civil servants and no connections among military generals. Even if he gains power, so what? But what about the King of Han? Once the King of Han gains power, of course there will be no place for us in the future court. Even if we want to retire to Linquan, it will become a wishful thinking.

.Who do you think is scary? Huh! Ji Gang, to be honest, I really don’t take him seriously. He is just brave and fierce. Look at Chen Ying again. He doesn’t act like the chief minister of the court.

He got it done without any hesitation, and now few people are even aware that he did it. This is what a master is!"

Xu Jiang blinked and said: "So, what does dealing with Chen Ying have to do with dealing with Ji Gang? This does not conflict with reporting Ji Gang."

Xia Xun said solemnly: "There are three reasons. One is to beware of Ji Gang jumping over the wall in a hurry. If he fights with Dongchang now and does not get the support of the prince, it is difficult to say whether he will change his family and join the King of Han. Although it is said that officialdom is capricious.

It's a big taboo, but there are weird things like domestic slaves with three surnames.

Second, once Dongchang and Jinyiwei fight, Chen Ying will be able to fish in troubled waters. No matter which side he defeats, it will be detrimental to us. Dongchang is our ally. Dongchang has just been established. The foundation is not solid and cannot be damaged.

Although Ji Gang is annoying, he is even more fierce when he bites the King of Han's faction, especially since he has just been humiliated by the King of Han. This is a good opportunity to drive away wolves and fight tigers!

Third..., if we want to overthrow Chen Ying, we must overthrow the King of Han. If we want to overthrow the King of Han, we must overthrow Chen Ying. This is a matter of one, two, and two. The King of Han is the biological son of the emperor, so we must

To bring him down, many means must be used, and these means may leave consequences; at the same time, Chen Ying is in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and to deal with the Imperial Procuratorate, a group of court spies, a more powerful secret espionage organization is needed!

Who gave me the power to supervise all officials? No! We are secretly doing many things, and we cannot come forward openly. This requires a yamen who can go directly to the imperial court and has the power to report everything. Dongchang can play this role.

Jinyiwei can also do it. If we use Jinyiwei to do it, if it fails, the loss will be Jinyiwei, not Dongchang. If Jinyiwei is fine, but Dongchang collapses, it will be even more inconvenient for us to do things. This is to think about victory first.

Think about defeat!"

Xia Xun paused for a moment and said: "We can't expand too much. We can't introduce people who we don't absolutely trust, and we can't introduce them. So the manpower has always been limited. Let's bring back the few people who are monitoring Chen Ying, Ji Gang and the King of Han.

Give it to Xiao Dai, he is short of manpower over there in Wala."

Xu Jiang also lacked people and was a little reluctant to let them go, so he asked: "What should we do in Beijing?"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "In Beijing, just go to the theater!"


After Zhu Di left Beijing for a tour to the north, Zhu Gaochi stayed in Beijing to supervise state affairs. It was especially difficult for the prince to supervise the state. If things were not handled well, he would be blamed by the emperor. If he handled matters that he should not handle without authorization, he would be suspected of overstepping, so he often had to

Being a prince in charge of a country is indeed more challenging than being an emperor. For Zhu Gaochi, handling political affairs was easy and comfortable.

During the Jingyan period, Zhu Gaochi was in charge of government affairs and logistics in Beijing. At that time, he had already demonstrated his outstanding talents in this area. In the original history, after Zhu Di conquered the country, he conquered Mobei five times and visited Beijing several times. He truly

The time spent in Nanjing was only about half of the time spent on government affairs. Zhu Gaochi, the fat emperor who only reigned for one year and then died, actually presided over government affairs for more than one year. The Yongle Dynasty did so much in terms of civil and military affairs and large-scale construction projects.

As a result of this major event, the national economy was not greatly affected, and Zhu Gaochi was indispensable.

On this day, the inner study room transferred the memorial to the Prince's Mansion as usual. The memorial had been classified into categories: light, heavy, slow, and urgent. Each category was also marked by people's livelihood, education, armament, banditry, justice, etc.

Labels of different colors. As always, Zhu Gaochi looks at urgent matters first. If they are within his scope of authority, they will be dealt with immediately. If he cannot make the decision, they will be sent to Beijing by Yizuchi as urgent items. If he handles them, he will deal with the results later.

Slow shipment is sent to Beijing.

Zhu Gaochi carefully reviewed the memorials, and one of the memorials from Liu Ya, the left minister of the Ministry of Revenue, caught his attention. Liu Ya said in the memorial: Yunnan is short of reserves and grain and rice, and requests the imperial court to allocate food relief.

Zhu Gaochi was furious when he saw this memorial. This memorial was accompanied by an official letter from a Yunnan government official. Judging from the date when this official document arrived in Beijing, it had been lying in the Ministry of Revenue for five days. It was only transferred to the General Affairs Department yesterday. Today

The son was sent to him from the inner study room early in the morning. This shows that the Ministry of Finance did not pay any attention to it, and at the same time, the memorial did not put forward any useful suggestions.

Where is that place in Yunnan? Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng are fighting in Annan. If there is trouble in this place due to lack of food, then Mu Sheng's Yunnan soldiers will be in disarray and want to return home. Can the battle still be fought? If this causes

The mobs in Yunnan rebelled, thus cutting off the supply of Annan's army. What will happen to Annan's lone army? This is not a trivial matter. How many chaos will be caused by one mistake?

The officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs were in their proper places and showed no vigilance, and there were no suggestions or suggestions in the official letter. This was obviously because the emperor was not in the capital, so he neglected his duties and did not take himself as the prince to heart. Zhu Gaochi immediately announced that Xia Yuan, the Minister of Household Affairs, was

Ji and his left and right ministers Liu Ya and Jing Ming entered the palace and scolded them severely. Then they discussed countermeasures with them while still angry.

Xia Yuanji was a little unjust, because the Yellow River flooded a few days ago, and Kaifeng Prefecture was hit. The city wall was washed away by more than 200 feet, and more than 7,500 hectares of farmland were submerged. More than 14,000 households were affected by the disaster.

Zhu Di inspected the disaster situation on his way to Beijing and sent an order to Zhang Xin, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, to go to Kaifeng and take charge of Kaifeng Mansion to start construction and rebuild Kaifeng City. He also cooperated with the Ministry of Household Affairs to provide disaster relief and rescue the people.

Xia Yuanji was busy with this matter, and the daily official duties were handed over to the left and right ministers. The left minister Liu Ya also took a nap while Tiger was away in Beijing. He didn't take the Yunnan issue too seriously, which resulted in the inconvenience of his two colleagues.

They have all been scolded by the prince. However, the prince's concerns are indeed true. If Yunnan really causes trouble and leads to Annan's defeat, their heads will fall to the ground. It doesn't matter if they are scolded by the prince today.

At that moment, the three of them had no choice but to cheer up, deliberate with the prince, and immediately decided to call for merchants. The rules were: one stone and three buckets of rice for every rice drawn from the Wujing salt in Dali, two stones for every rice drawn from the black salt well;

One stone and five buckets of rice were imported, two stones of rice were imported from Anning Salt Well, and one stone and five buckets of rice were imported from Jingdong Baiyan Well. From this, grain merchants quickly transported grain to Yunnan to relieve the grain disaster.

This was a method commonly used in the Ming Dynasty. It was beneficial. Folk grain transportation was much more efficient than official transportation. Moreover, many grain merchants gathered a large amount of grain in the south. They could transport the grain nearby and transport it to the destination in the fastest time.

.The news spread, and grain merchants from all over the country rushed to transport grain to Yunnan. The root of a trouble that was likely to turn from a grain shortage into a civil unrest, and then lead to the defeat of the southern war, was thus solved.

We are not afraid that nothing good will happen, but we are afraid that there will be no good people. It is obviously a wise decision made by Zhu Gaochi who has a long-term vision and considered the overall situation. If it falls into the eyes of a thoughtful person and tells him to delete, delete or exaggerate, it is a completely different kind.


Zhu Gaochi summoned the three most powerful people from the Ministry of Household Affairs to the Tai's Palace, and the rebuke and admonishment reached Chen Ying's ears. As if Chen Ying had found a treasure, she immediately ordered her envoys to write a memorial to Emperor Yongle in Beijing, and the memorial was omitted.

Talking about the grain disaster in Yunnan, I only said that the emperor was not in the capital, and the prince was acting arrogant. He ordered the minister of household affairs and the left and right ministers to come to the prince's palace, scolded them, and treated the ministers of the country like slaves in his private residence.

After writing the memorial, he happily secretly sent it to Beijing.

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