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Chapter 907

The official road to the north of Pingyuan County is long and flat, with willows planted on both sides of the road.

However, it is noon, and the sun is shining straight down from the sky. There is no way to hide. If you want to hide in the shade, you can't even think about it. This kind of weather is not suitable for traveling, especially for guests who have traveled a long distance. You should wear a pair of cloth shoes.

On the road, even the soles of your shoes will feel hot after a while. If you wear straw sandals, you must be more careful. Once your skin comes into direct contact with the ground, it can be so hot that you jump up.

Only a madman would go out at this hour, so there was not a single soul on the entire official road. Because of the dryness, the trees and crops on both sides of the road seemed to be wilting. Occasionally, the wind blew through, and the tops of the trees were only lightly blown.

There was no movement. There were no clouds in the sky. The scorching sun hung in the sky, and the scorching sunlight shone on the ground. From a distance, there were waves of steaming, stuffy, and scorching air waves that reflected the distorted light.

In this weather, if you can travel for an hour, someone will suffer from heatstroke. But in this weather, there are actually people on the road. There are three people in the group, three riding fast horses. The horses are flying, splashing dust all the way. Immediately

The three of them are three postmen, with the word "post" drawn in a circle on their chests, carrying a mailbox on their backs, with small flags on their shoulders, and waving their whips like rain.


After turning a corner, a melon field suddenly appeared in front of me. A melon shed was set up on the side of the road. A man wearing a straw hat was sitting under the melon shed enjoying the cool air. He was wearing a Chinese coat, his arms were bare and his arms were tanned.

Not far ahead, under a tree, there were several small horses piled up, with a small table in the middle, and tea on the table. The three postmen's thirsty throats were filled with smoke. When they saw this, they immediately reined in their horses and turned over.

He dismounted and walked over.

"You three officials, do you want to have tea or buy melons?"

"Everyone wants it! Pour a bowl of tea first, your throat is almost dry, and then pick a melon. If you want the pulp, is there anyone holding it in the well?"

"Yes, yes, you three officers, please sit down first."

The stall owner smiled and invited them to sit under the tree. They sat vertically under the tree, which was a bit shady.

The stall owner quickly poured them herbal tea. The three of them grabbed the big bowl and drank it all before sitting down on the horse.

A postman said: "Hey, I said, you don't have to worry about it, we can pour the tea ourselves. Quickly pick a melon, and bring some well water up for the horses to drink!"

"Okay, okay!"

The stall owner was easy to talk to, so he hurriedly put down the big teapot and walked back to the field. After a while, he was seen lifting a rope from the field and pulling out a large wooden tube from the well water. He fished out a watermelon.

He patted it with his hand and brought it to the table.

A postman took it over, and before the stall owner could cut it with a knife, he punched the overripe watermelon into pieces. Each of the three people took a piece and started to gnaw it hungrily.

The stall owner did not go to drink the horse immediately. Instead, he chatted with them with a smile: "Three officials, it is really hard. Who is going to go out on such a hot day? The three officials should avoid the noon

The sun is right."

A postman gnawed on the watermelon while grumbling vaguely: "No, it's easier for you to make a living as a man? Alas! Sometimes I really feel that it's better to be a farmer and enjoy myself. But there is no way, just do it

This is the mission. Not to mention the sun is too strong, even if it means being stabbed, we have to rush on our way. We are here to send a memorial to the emperor, understand? Who dares to delay the emperor's mission?"

"Oh oh oh. Got it, got it!"

When the stall owner heard this, he was in awe, and another postman said: "Okay, don't be nagging, go and give the man a drink. He will continue on his way in a while!" After saying that, he took out a few large coins and

Shot on the table.

The stall owner quickly agreed, turned around and went to fetch the horse.


The postman picked up the watermelon and took two more bites. Suddenly he felt something was wrong. People who do small business, especially when doing business with officials and their families, are afraid that the other party will take advantage of their power and not pay. He paid for the tea and melon, but he didn't go.

Take it, but run to drink the horse first?

The postman became alert and immediately spat out the mouthful of watermelon he had bitten into his mouth and said, "Don't eat it yet! I'm afraid it's a scam!" After saying that, he stepped out and grabbed the wrist of the stall owner. The two postmen

The soldier didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "I said, Fourth, don't be so surprised. There are really thieves. Who can rob us? We men rely on the inns to eat and drink all the way. We don't have a few pennies with us. Who can rob us...


When he said this, he felt that his tongue was a bit big, as if he had drunk too much. He couldn't help but support the table and hesitated: "It's so weird, how can I..."

At this time, the postman who rushed to catch the stall owner had already grabbed the stall owner's arm. Unexpectedly, it was a hot day, and the stall owner's arms were sweating. His hands were also sweaty.

Stop. His arm was not clasped, but a hand of paint was clasped. The postman looked at the five white marks on the melon seller's arm that had been stripped of color, then looked at his own palm, and said with a stiff tongue: "You... you are not

Melon seller..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground and fell asleep. The two postmen staggered and tried to get up. Halfway through, they sat down and fell on a pile of melon rinds.


As soon as the three people fainted, the stall owner laughed, turned around and whistled, and two people immediately jumped out of a trench not far from the melon field. The three people took off the baggage from the unconscious postman, opened the bamboo tube, and examined the official documents one by one.

After flipping through the memorial for a long time, someone suddenly said excitedly: "I found it, this is what Boss Xia wanted!"

The other two people came up and took a look. It was Prince Zhu Gaochi who attached Song Hu's memorial to plead guilty to the emperor. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "It's done!"


Towards the end of the afternoon, two more people finally walked on the avenue.

A man and a woman, one on the left and one on the right, clinging to the tree-lined avenues on both sides.

Although they are so far apart, they seem to have nothing to do with each other, but the two are actually a couple. The husband's name is Huang Si, the wife's surname is Miao, and her nickname is Tugu.

The young couple was obviously angry when they were acting like this. Young couples, especially those who have just been married, are not likely to have conflicts. Conflicts often arise from the poor relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. These two are having trouble because of their mother-in-law.


Tugu's mother is not in good health, and the new daughter-in-law has to go back to her parents' house to take care of her from time to time. Because she travels a little too frequently, she has to go back to her parents' house again today. Her mother-in-law is not happy. She feels that her daughter-in-law's heart is not here. She is thinking about her all day long.

When visiting her mother's house, she couldn't help but chatter a few words. The daughter-in-law felt aggrieved and told her husband. If the husband followed her wishes and asked her to vent, it would be over. However, Huang Si was not happy with his daughter-in-law talking about his mother, so he stared at her bull's-eye.

He scolded his wife.

Probably because it is the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, and the education is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Shandong men are particularly filial. Among the twenty-four filial piety in ancient times, ten were from Shandong. You can say anything else, but bullying his mother is not allowed. As a result, Tu Gu’s new wife

She was beaten by her husband. So some people say that a lucky woman should be the mother of a Shandong man, not the wife of a Shandong man. But there is also something wrong with this saying. If you don’t be the wife of a Shandong man, how can you be the mother of a Shandong man?


In fact, even though Huang Si scolded his wife, he still felt sorry for her. Along the way, Sanshan Cadi had talked to her a lot, but Tugu ignored him at all. If he rushed over to go with his wife, Tugu would

After hiding on the other side, the couple awkwardly returned to their parents' home.

Tugu was walking angrily when he suddenly screamed "ah" and hurriedly dodged into the road, almost falling down.

Huang Si was walking on the other side carrying a baggage on a pole. When he saw this situation, he ran over quickly and asked, "Daughter-in-law, what's going on? Are there any insects?"

Tugu pointed to the back of the tree tremblingly and said in a trembling voice: "There is someone. There is someone there!"

When Huang Si heard this, he immediately threw down his baggage, took out his pole, and looked behind the tree warily. He saw three men standing in the shade of the tree, naked. All three men covered their lower bodies with their hands.

Birds, one of them opened his mouth and didn't know what he was saying.

As soon as Huang Si saw the three hooligans teasing his wife, blood started to rush to his head. He was furious and his hair stood on end. He couldn't help but rushed forward, swung the pole and hit a bare-butt man on the shoulder.

Go up. He yelled: "You bitch, how dare you molest my wife!"

The man ignored what he said and turned around to run away. Huang Si slapped him on the buttocks with a pole again and chased after him with great leaps. He beat the three men until they cried for their fathers and mothers and fled in confusion. As they ran, they shouted: "We

We are the official family, we are the postmen, we are not molesting your wife, we just want to ask for some clothes to wear..."

The three people who were running around naked were naturally the three postmen.

After they regained consciousness, they found that their horses were gone and their clothes were gone. They quickly checked the most important thing: the official memorial letter in a bamboo tube. They found that the bamboo tube had also been opened, and the wrapping cloth wrapped in the bamboo tube was gone.

All the memorials and official letters were thrown out. They were blown by the wind, and there were no two left in the place. After searching for a long time, I only found two torn pieces of paper balled up in the grass. They had been wiped on the buttocks.

, the others have long been blown away by the wind.

This thief was so ruthless that the three postmen were about to cry without tears. They were planning to go to the village along the melon fields to get dressed, when Huang Si and his wife arrived just by chance.

The three of them were beaten up, and finally they picked up their postman waist tags from the ground. Only then did Huang Si believe their identities.

Two or three miles behind the melon field is Miaojia Village, which is the village of Huang Si's wife's natal village. Huang Si took his daughter-in-law back and reported the matter to the village chief, who brought several sets of clothes, and then the three postmen

Able to meet people.

The three postmen were only responsible for delivering messages, and they also knew what the official letters and memorials contained. Now that they were completely lost, they had to rush back to the county posthouse, beg for horses, and go back after a lot of trouble. Those official letters and memorials are in the General Affairs Department,

There are still archives in the inner study, so I can only make a new copy and send it to Beijing. But this time and again, I don’t know how much time will be wasted.

After this incident, Huang Si and his wife were satisfied. Tu Gu saw her husband's invincible appearance and felt that her man still loved her. After the resentment was gone, the couple reconciled as before.

However, because of this delay, Emperor Yongle only received an impeachment memorial from Chen Ying, who secretly sent someone to say that "the prince supervises the country, has personal relationships with distinguished relatives, and is good at issuing imperial edicts and entrusting officials to borders." However, he did not receive a few words of explanation from the prince.

Zhu Di tolerated it for three days. After three days, he still didn't see any report from the prince. Zhu Di was very angry, but this time he didn't rebuke him with just a word. He only issued an imperial edict: "During the Annan campaign, there was another rebellion in the Western Region.

The prince is good at literature but not in martial arts, so he may not be able to do everything well. That is to say, the king of Han will serve as the governor of the country together, and he and the prince will manage military and state affairs together!"

I have a deep headache, and the weather is extremely hot. I’m going to take a break. Please vote for me! (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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