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Chapter 909

Chapter 909 Appearing ugly

The Huitong Palace Mansion is continuous, majestic and deep, and the palaces and pavilions are magnificent. The palaces and pavilions everywhere are hidden in the rockery and pools, and they are beautiful. (《》网.com)

This is a place for receiving foreign envoys and the face of the imperial court, so it cannot be inferior in these aspects.

Gao Xu, the fifth emperor of the Han Dynasty, was sitting in a flower hall. It was said to be a flower hall, but it occupied an entire courtyard, a jingshe courtyard, a pavilion and a garden. It was like a jingshe. Lu Zhen, the Minister of Rites, sat under him and said

"Your Highness, Meng Fusheng, the Minister of Rites, has gone out of the city to meet the two envoys from the Timur Empire. According to the ritual, he should be received by Honglu Temple, sent to the same hall for accommodation, and then the Ministry of Rites will teach him the etiquette and choose a day to ascend to the palace.

Mr. Mian.

Now that the Emperor is not in the capital, if they are asked to go to the Prince's Mansion to meet with His Highness, they may cause gossip and be disrespectful to etiquette. Therefore, I ask His Highness to deign to condescend and use this hall as a place to meet. When they arrive, His Highness

You can welcome him to the corridor without having to step down. Once he has finished bowing, you can just invite him into the hall for a conversation!"

Zhu Gaoxu nodded, and Lu Zhen added: "Since the emperor is not in the capital, there is no need to give a banquet. It can only be hosted by the Huitong Pavilion. I transferred a Mongolian pavilion interpreter from the Siyi Pavilion to translate for His Highness!"


Zhu Gaoxu nodded again, but still did not speak. He was memorizing the various etiquette processes for receiving foreign envoys that he had seen before. These things would not be used once in many years for a prince, so naturally he would not be familiar with them.

In the heart.

Lu Zhen thought for a while and then said: "Also, foreign countries have different etiquette. If the envoys here are not expensive and follow the etiquette of that country, Your Highness does not need to insist too much on it!"

During the Han, Tang, Song and Ming dynasties, Chinese monarchs never got too entangled in this issue. When foreign envoys saw Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, he did not kneel down, but Emperor Taizong just laughed. When the lame Timur was still alive, his envoys paid a visit to Emperor Yongle but did not kneel down, and Emperor Yongle also did not kneel down.

I didn't get furious and kick him out. From the bottom of my heart, this is a kind of self-confidence. I will not deny my authority just because I kneel or not. "Immorality" cannot strengthen the country. Diplomacy is more pragmatic.

The reason why Zhu Di attended Xia Xun's military parade was not because of the superficial fact that Timur's envoys refused to worship him, but because of their arrogant and respectful attitude towards the Ming Dynasty's diplomacy and their behavior of detaining the Ming Dynasty envoys.

The growth of their ambitions and the display of force are to demonstrate the strength of the Ming Dynasty in order to achieve a longer-term goal. Otherwise, why would they go into such a big move. (《》网.com)

Zhu Gaoxu was multitasking. While listening to his introduction, he memorized the etiquette. When he heard this, he suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly: "Oh! On the way here, there was a fight in the police station, and many people died?"

Lu Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "No, it was just what happened the day before yesterday. They had a verbal conflict when they were sleeping in a hotel, and then they got into a fight. Many people on both sides died."

Zhu Gaoxu touched his beard, smiled knowingly, and thought to himself: "It seems that the prince and grandson of the Timur Empire have reached the point where they are incompatible with each other. If a country sends two teams of envoys to our Ming Dynasty, the country will definitely be in trouble

There are many branches of government, so you have to ask me for the Ming Dynasty. The best thing is that since you want the Ming Dynasty from me, you can make a big fuss. If I force him to submit and grow up with the majesty of the Ming Dynasty, my father will definitely be very happy!"

Just as Zhu Gaoxu was thinking about it, he and the people outside the hall shouted horses and rolled their cars. Two envoys from the Timurid Empire, belonging to the fourth son of the emperor Shaharu and the grandson of the emperor Harry Sultan, arrived at the same time.

"Please, please come this way!"

Meng Fusheng, the minister of etiquette, got off his horse and gestured to the envoys of both sides. The two envoys from the Timurid Empire got off their horses and walked to Meng Fusheng. One had a new wound on his cheek, and the other had his arm hanging with a bandage. They glared at each other fiercely.

, snorted heavily. Meng Fusheng looked helpless, and quickly stood between the two of them, separated them, and invited them into the hall with gestures.

The Huitong Hall is magnificent, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant, just like a garden. Zhu Gaoxu did not receive the audience in the main hall and avoided the flower hall. This was also to avoid suspicion. After all, the supervisor was not the emperor. When the foreign envoys arrived, the supervisor could not ignore it, but he could not do anything.

The posture of the leader of a country.

Meng Fusheng led them through a hanging flower-eared door and along the small stone path to the flower hall. In front of the hall, the guards on the left and right stood with their swords in hand, very solemn. Meng Fusheng turned around hurriedly, pressed his hands down, and made a sign of silence.

Then he lifted the skirt of his robe and went back to report. Zhu Gaochi and Lu Zhen were sitting in the hall. The door was open. How could they not see the two envoys arriving? When he saw them stopping, Zhu Gaochi stood up and slowly

Come forward.

"Your Highness, the envoy has arrived!"

Meng Fusheng hurriedly saluted the King of Han, and Zhu Gaochi nodded proudly and floated out. Meng Fusheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Lu Zhen who was following behind, and complained angrily: "My lord, I have been disgraced today."

》Net 7*”

Lu Zhen said in confusion: "What?"

Just as Meng Fusheng was about to speak, the King of Han was already standing in the corridor. He coughed heavily. Meng Fusheng hurriedly stepped out of the threshold and introduced to the two people: "This is our Highness the King of Han. His Majesty is patrolling the north. The King of Han is now our supervisor of the Ming Dynasty."

, why don’t you come forward to pay your respects!”

Two foreigners with high noses and deep eyes, and curly beards under their chins stared at Meng Fusheng with a pair of deep-set eyes, with question marks on their faces.

Zhu Gaoxu treated them like Mongolians who put their chests on their chests and knelt down to salute politely, so he immediately scolded them loudly and gave them a warning first. This thing was so beautiful that it could outshine the prince. In addition, the prince has often made his own decisions recently.

This made his father furious. He had great hope in competing for the throne. Unexpectedly, as he spoke, he saw that the two of them were motionless and did not even bend their waists. He couldn't help being surprised and angry. He turned around and asked Meng Fusheng: "They

What does this mean?"

Meng Fusheng was also panicked and said loudly: "This is my Royal Highness the King of Han, the Supervisor of the Ming Dynasty. Why don't you show me courtesy?"

The two foreigners stared at Zhu Gaoxu in confusion. They were also puzzled. They also felt that this tall and mighty young man should be a big shot, but they didn't know who he was. It is said that the Ming Emperor was not that young.

Ah, it's a matter of state affairs. How can they easily salute before they know the other party's identity?

Seeing that the two of them were still silent, Meng Fusheng couldn't help but turn to the Siyiguan interpreter who was standing on the other side of Han King Zhu Gaoxu, and said: "Translate it! Translate it to them!"

The interpreter rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "Isn't there an interpreter standing next to you? I am interpreting for the King of Han today. Why do you want me to interpret for him when you speak?" He muttered in his heart and coughed.

, I translated what Meng Fusheng had said to the two envoys from the Timur Empire. As a result, the two foreign envoys still stood there dumbfounded like ducks listening to thunder.

The interpreter also panicked and spoke loudly again. The other party listened carefully and listened carefully. After listening, he just spread his hands and looked helpless. The interpreter panicked and stammered: "They...could they be deaf?"


At this time, the unlucky translator who was following Meng Fusheng quietly came over and whispered: "Brother Chen, they don't seem to understand Mongolian."


The interpreter standing next to Zhu Gaoxu was startled and lost his voice: "You don't understand Mongolian? This is unreasonable. Are they deliberately making things difficult for others?"

Zhu Gaoxu's face was already livid at this time, and he said in a deep voice: "What are you muttering about? Why don't they just keep silent?"

The two interpreters stammered and couldn't answer. At this time, one of the two bearded ones seemed to understand something and muttered a series of words. The two poor interpreters widened their eyes and said,

He pricked up his ears, but only understood a few words. The two murmured for a long time, but they couldn't understand the meaning of the whole sentence, so they had to kneel down in front of Zhu Gaoxu and said with a sad face: "Your Highness, their language...

,Weichen can’t understand..."

During the Tang Dynasty, a Tibetan country in the Western Regions paid tribute. At that time, the Tang Dynasty had close exchanges with the Western Regions, but no one could understand all the languages ​​in the Western Regions. When the Tibetan country submitted its credentials, no one knew the characters. Fortunately, Li Bai was born in

Suiye City in the far west knew this kind of writing, otherwise it would lose the face of the Tang Dynasty. Now, Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han Dynasty, came here with great interest, and finally encountered such an embarrassing thing.

He couldn't understand what he was saying, and who was this prestige being directed towards? Zhu Gaoxu couldn't even figure out who of the two bearded men in front of him was from Shaharul and who was from Harry Sultan. Zhu Gaoxu's face turned red immediately, and he

Blushing and thick-necked, he asked people to put the envoys from both sides down first. As soon as the two envoys left, Zhu Gaoxu became furious and cursed the two ministers Lu Zhen and Meng Fusheng, and then walked away.

In a short time, this joke spread throughout Nanjing.

The official language of the Timur Empire is Turkic. Turkic and Mongolian belong to the Altaic language family. They have some of the same vocabulary, but it is far from the point where you can understand Turkic if you understand Mongolian. Timur

The empire's folk languages ​​are mainly Persian and Arabic. These language areas are currently not areas with frequent contacts with the Ming Dynasty, so the Ming Dynasty has very few language talents in this area.

The Ming Dynasty only established the Siyi Pavilion specializing in translating foreign languages ​​and texts in the fifth year of Yongle. It has only existed for five or six years. Because few scholars are willing to engage in this industry, the Siyi Pavilion is open to eight translators from the Siyi countries.

Among the libraries, the one with the largest number of people only has four interpreters. Some countries that have not seen each other for many years only have one or two teachers, not even students.

The Ming Dynasty currently cultivates very few translator talents. Even when it comes to Tatars, Jurchens, Korea, Japan, Luzon, Annan... these areas with close contacts, the main translator talents are still sent to the court from the local level.

But it is actually very rare to encounter a situation like today, because the sending country also has interpreters. Even if the two countries are too far apart and do not understand each other's language, their interpreters can also understand the third-party language in the area between the two countries.

, this can be used as a communication platform. The communication platform between the Ming Dynasty and the Timurid Empire has always been Mongolian.

But as luck would have it, two teams of envoys from the Timurid Empire fought during the break, and many people died, including their interpreters. However, the two interpreters at the Ming Dynasty Mongolian Pavilion were only proficient in Mongolian.

The result is the current embarrassing situation.

Mochou Lake, the island in the middle of the lake, is drizzled and picturesque.

Xia Xun, wearing a raincoat and bamboo hat, sat on the bow of the boat, holding a fishing rod, and said to Xu Jiang, who was standing behind him with an umbrella: "The prince is benevolent and filial, and he has always cared for his brothers. How can he complain to the emperor about such things as filial piety to ministers?"

Where is the lawsuit against my brother? We don't need to pay attention to it, someone will do this evil."

He lifted up the fishing rod, quickly changed the bait, and flicked it leisurely. The fish floated up and down on the ripples of the lake, and then stopped.

A dose of eye drops, and it's time for us to appear."

Dear book friends, today, July 2nd, I will continue to ask you for guaranteed monthly votes and recommendation votes today. Recommendation votes are voted out every day, and the system will give them to you again at 0:00 a.m. the next day. If you don’t vote, they will be given to you in the early morning the next day.

Clear it first, and then give you a new recommendation ticket for the day. Book friends who always thought that recommendation tickets also require a subscription and have to wait a month for the system to give them to you, let’s vote together with everyone ^_^

Haha! I haven’t dreamed for many years, but I actually had a dream last night.

In the dream, it was ancient times and modern times, flying and escaping, gun battles and spy battles, and battles of wits and courage. It was so exciting. Later in the dream, eh? Because of my outstanding performance, I actually won the favor of a beautiful woman.

Heart, just like the common ending of 007, she very implicitly invited me to leave together, as if we were going to a very antique hotel, which was indeed very antique, with strings of red lanterns.

My heart is fluttering, my chickens are fluttering, and while I am distracted, I suddenly think of a very important question: What should I do with tonight’s update? I want to code, but what will happen if there are less updates? I’m so confused, I’m so confused

I was struggling, and suddenly I opened my eyes and woke up!

You said that if you don't wake up from this and continue to dream, it should be very fragrant.

Alas, tangled, continue to tangle...

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