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Chapter 092

Chapter 092 Enemies meet on a narrow road

The guard announced that he was coming in and told him to come in immediately. Ren Rishang walked into the room quickly, greeted the commander with military salutes, and loudly announced his identity.

There is a brazier in the room, and two people are sitting by the brazier, warming themselves and chatting. They are both wearing Yanju uniforms. One is in his fifties, he has a big face and big ears, heavy eyebrows and a wide mouth. There is a fierce evil spirit between the eyebrows. Although his hair is

He is gray in color, but his expression is not angry or intimidating, making people forget his age as soon as they see him, only his majestic and majestic tiger-like spirit enters his heart.

Ren Rishang recognized him as Sir Han Mianhan, the commander of the capital of Peking.

There was another person sitting next to him. He looked very young, but he looked about thirty-five or sixty-six, but he was able to sit across from Han Du command very calmly. I don’t know who he was. This man looked masculine and powerful in stature, and his face was

His facial lines are very distinct, his slightly pursed lips show determination, his nose is straight, his skin is bronzed, and he has a beautiful beard under his chin. He was looking down at the charcoal fire, with a calm look on his face, but when Ren Rishang first came in

, he glanced lightly, but that look was extremely cold and intimidating.

Commander Han Du asked: "What's the matter?"

Ren Ri looked at the middle-aged man and hesitated to speak. Commander Han smiled and said: "There is no need to be taboo. You can speak frankly about official and private matters."

Ren Rishang thought to himself that it turned out that the man was a confidant of Commander Han, so he recounted his conversation with Xia Xun and Gao Sheng in detail, and finally said: "More than a hundred carts of goods, Mr. Qianhu

It may be difficult to make a decision, so I would like to ask the commander to make a decision on this matter."

After hearing this, Han Yi's face became very ugly. He wanted to express his closeness to that person, but he never expected that what came out of Ren Rishang's mouth was such an embarrassing thing. It was illegal.

, it is hidden under formal rules, it is a commonplace thing, but it is not easy to put it on the table.

The man laughed softly. Although he didn't hear the laughter, Ren Rishang clearly felt that he was laughing. But when he looked up, the man was still poking the charcoal fire as if nothing had happened, as if no one was around.

"Okay, I understand, you... go down first, this matter... I will give you an answer later."

As soon as Ren Rixia was sent out, Han Yi stood up, turned around, ran down in front of the middle-aged man, and kowtowed in panic: "Your Majesty, I am guilty."

In this place like Peiping, besides King Yan, could there be a second prince? It turns out that this heroic middle-aged man is actually King Zhu Di of Yan.

"Haha, Yizhi, get up." Zhu Di put down the stove and helped Commander Han up with a smile.

"I've heard about these things for a long time. It doesn't matter. The truth is the truth, but if you really follow the truth, you won't be able to do anything. As long as it's

Things that are beneficial to the country and beneficial to the people are nothing if they touch the great laws."

Zhu Di patted Han Yi on the shoulder to calm his uneasiness. He walked slowly with his hands behind his back and said slowly: "At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, my father also thought about spreading his troops beyond the Great Wall and killing the leaders of all tribes in the grassland.

All the brains have been sorted out and the prairie is under control. This is the fundamental way to solve the problem of those bastards in the grassland repeatedly invading the south. But it doesn’t work, and even with the power of the Han Wu Tang Sect, there is no way it can be done."

He raised his finger and pointed to the north and said loudly: "The grassland is too big. The territory is no less vast than the Central Plains territory. It is either a grassland or a desert. It is vast and sparsely populated. There are neither cities nor passes. Those people on horses are naughty. If you can fight, fight, if you can't fight, avoid. If you send one hundred thousand troops, they need millions of people to nourish you. If you send one million troops, the whole country will collapse. And if these millions of troops are thrown into the grass, It's just a drop in the ocean, and it won't help much.

Ten years ago, Lan Yu's battle at Yuerhai completely destroyed the prestige of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. The Golden Family lost its supreme position in the Northern Yuan Dynasty. Many large tribes no longer recognized the Tuo Lei lineage of Genghis Khan's Golden Family. They had the supreme power to rule on the grassland, and they established themselves one after another and began continuous internal strife. Well, this is exactly what we want to see."

Zhu Di strode back and sat down next to the brazier, put a few pieces of charcoal on the ground with a torch, and said: "Old Han, look, what strategies has my father adopted over the years? My father immediately changed the method - restraint. From the outside, my father managed the Jurchen forces in the Northeast, then conquered the territory of Eastern Mongolia, set up a guard station there, and cut off the Northern Yuan Dynasty's connection with North Korea and the Jurchens. , surrounded and suppressed them from the east, west and south.

From within the Northern Yuan Dynasty, my father was pulling and pulling, pulling some people and beating some. For those who could fight over, my father sent envoys and issued edicts to ask them to surrender wholeheartedly, and they were willing to come. My father returned to his old land and engaged in reproduction and cultivation, and the splendor and beauty continued.

For those stubborn heads who were determined to be enemies of the Ming Dynasty, I encouraged them to continue fighting among themselves. Only when they were about to join forces, my father gave them a heavy punch and scattered them. Let them continue to be scattered. Smart, this is the only feasible way to check and balance."

Zhu Di's words can be said to be a brief and clear summary of the evolution and development of Zhu Yuanzhang's military strategy from the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China to recent years. In fact, in several battles with the Bei Yuan armed forces, there were mutual victories and defeats. After the war, including the great victory of Lanyu's direct attack on Yuerhai (Lake Baikal) ten years ago, the ruling class of the Ming Dynasty had realized that it was impossible to completely occupy and rule the grasslands. The remaining forces of the Northern Yuan Dynasty were Still very powerful.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the remnant forces of the Northern Yuan Dynasty were not weak. The reason why they gave people a very weak impression was because the force of the Han army was too strong in the early Ming Dynasty. The Northern Yuan Dynasty lost more and won less. By the time of the Battle of Jingnan and the Central Plains War, , they were busy killing each other and fighting for the dominance of the grasslands, and had no time to look south. Therefore, in the early Ming Dynasty, the power of the Northern Yuan Dynasty seemed to have ceased to exist and was unable to invade the south. This feeling was further strengthened in the minds of future generations. In fact, this was not the case naturally. .

In fact, within two years after the Battle of Jingnan, the remaining forces of the Northern Yuan Dynasty split into two countries, one was Tatar and the other was Oara. Anyone familiar with history knows that any one of these countries has What a huge threat it once brought to the Ming Dynasty. And any one of these forces is only half of the remaining forces of the Northern Yuan Dynasty after the split. If this half of the force is condensed and no longer kills each other, its power is already so amazing.

Having said this, Zhu Di smiled slightly, stretched out his boots, crushed a few pieces of extinguished charcoal fire on the ground, and said: "These small tribes along the border cannot be enemies with us, and they don't want to be enemies with us. Don't try to make enemies with us."

They are on the verge of death, and rabbits will bite when they are anxious. If you give them some benefits, they will not jump over the wall in a hurry, and you can also make other tribes have illusions.

There are disadvantages to these smuggling transactions, but they are not without benefits. If you give them a way to go, they will not take risks, and they will not take risks to find other smuggling channels, so that the court cannot control them. Things inside and outside the border

Private transactions have never been terminated due to friendship or hostility between countries. I feel that it is better to guide than to ban and to sparse to block. If the Northern Yuan Dynasty was willing to surrender to my father, my father would have opened border markets for trade. They would not accept softness.

, my father can’t lose face, can’t he?”

Zhu Di's heartfelt words made Commander Han completely let go of his heart. He said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty. What's more, we don't open the market now, forcing them to trade secretly. Since then, the benefits we have gained

, seems to be... much more than the benefits 'given' to them."

Zhu Di glared at him and said: "Don't come here, you are kicking your nose and your face. Breaking the law is breaking the law. You can do it, but you are in front of me. What do you think we should do?"

Han Yi smiled and said: "I am asking for help from the prince. I feel that the cargo of more than a hundred cars...the quantity is really shocking. You see..."

Zhu Di knew that Han Yi was a treacherous old man. Now that he knew about it, he was unwilling to let himself stay out of it, but he did not point it out. He pondered for a while, waved his hand and said: "It's nothing special. Ask Guan Guan to investigate carefully.

As long as it is indeed some furs and animal sinews, even if a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand carts are allowed in, I, the Ming Dynasty, can eat as much as they have.

But you are not allowed to bring other things with you. As long as there are no other things and the people accompanying you do not carry weapons, what are you afraid of if thirty or fifty strong men come over? If you can accomplish anything with just a few dozen people, if you don't switch,

Aren’t they getting along just as well climbing mountains and ridges?”

"Yes, yes, I understand." Han Yi chased after Zhu Di, following every step.

Zhu Di stood still and said: "But... eating more than a hundred carts of leather goods and animal tendons in one go is such a big deal. What is the identity of this buyer? You have to check it out. If it is for civilian use, it is fine.

If there is any kind of evil cult, just follow the clues and catch them all!"

"Yes, yes, I will definitely do it!"

On this day, the Xie family held another banquet. It was a little more modest than the banquet they entertained the Shaobing Girl that day, but for people like Xia Xun and Ximen Qing who had seen the world, it was considered extremely rich.


In addition to Xie Chuanzhong, Xia Xun and Ximen Qing, the guests also included Shen Jia, deputy Qianhu of the border guard at Lulongkou, and Ren Rishang, who had met Xia Xun and Ximen Qing last time. More than a dozen girls were sitting or sitting

Standing in front of the six screens, the harp and harp played together, the silk and bamboo matched each other, and they sang softly to cheer them up.

The food and wine were too exquisite, which actually did not suit the taste of the two border generals. However, it was the first time for the two of them to see such a party. Luxury and ostentation were a kind of momentum, a kind of momentum, showing the power of the owner. Originally, he was indulgent.

Those who are seeking something from you, or whose status is superior to yours, will unconsciously feel awe in the face of this kind of aura.

Xie Laocai didn't know how to use his power to suppress others. He just had the inferiority complex of a nouveau riche and the eagerness to express himself, and deliberately created a luxurious atmosphere. He was afraid that others would look down on him, and he didn't want to injure two people who were originally murderers.

The hemp-like generals in the army were also somewhat restrained.

Xie Chuanzhong already knew who Xia Xun was working for, and he really didn't dare to look down upon him as before. Originally, even though Xia Xun purchased a lot of goods this time, he was too lazy to come forward in person, but this time he hosted a banquet in his house in person.

, to reconcile the matter for both parties.

In fact, border guards will conduct private transactions or condone transactions, which has existed since ancient times and has never been discontinued. Geographically speaking, the settled people on both sides of the border are the closest and have the most contact. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. They have been living together for generations.

Because the division of governance caused by the ownership of political power cannot completely block their exchanges.

Not to mention that countries are not always in a state of tension during wars and peace, and border markets are often opened for trade. Even during wars, most of the reasons are initiated by the central authorities of both sides out of political needs. Even if a certain

On one side, there is a gang of horse thieves attacking the border, and its members are not from the neighboring small villages, so the two sides often secretly help each other even during war. Whether you fight or not, his ultimate goal is

To live.

Gradually, some soldiers saw the profits and joined the ranks of private transactions. In the Qin, Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, there have been records in history books of border soldiers secretly descending the pass and setting up stalls under the pass to trade with the people on the other side.

The records are endless.

Gradually, some border generals discovered that it was profitable, and blocking was better than sparing. Instead of letting soldiers participate in transactions and breaking military discipline, they might as well "pass customs and collect taxes" and directly get some benefits from merchants, as long as the items exported were not strategic materials.

That's good. In this way, private transactions are a non-public and actual phenomenon at almost every pass during non-war periods. Moreover, many upper-level generals have gradually become insiders or directly participated in it.

When Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Shicheng were fighting for the world, Zhu Yuanzhang's brave general Xie Zaixing sent people to do business on Zhang Shicheng's territory. The matter was reported to Zhu Yuanzhang, and the matter became public. Zhu Yuanzhang, who always used strict methods, only used it as a suspected leak of military aircraft.

Therefore, the two subordinates who were doing business were executed, and Xie Zaixing was demoted from his official position.

Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. As long as it doesn't violate principles, the bosses above will probably turn a blind eye. It's just that buying so many supplies like Xia Xun at once is unprecedented.

Therefore, the officers guarding the gate could not help but be a little cautious. Ren Rishang knew that Master Qianhu could not make the final decision on so many goods, so he simply went directly to their general backstage: Commander Han asked for countermeasures, but he did not expect that King Yan was present.

Now that they had received the instructions from Commander Han Yi, they had fulfilled Xie Chuanzhong's wish. As soon as Xie Chuanzhong started the banquet and presented the gifts, Deputy Shen Qianhu agreed without saying a few words. It seemed that Xie Laocai was very proud.

Xie Laocai felt that he had greatly enhanced his brilliance in both aspects. He was so happy that he only served the wine and food. The three parties, the guest and the host, ate happily.

After the banquet, Xie Laocai was still in high spirits and took them to tour the garden he had built with a lot of money for a while before sending them away. The group of people walked out of the house chatting and laughing, and they were happy to leave.

When I arrived at the front door, I was met by a few female members of the Xie family coming in from outside.

Several maid servants were surrounded by several ladies. The ladies were all wearing expensive black fox furs, chinchilla cloaks, and fox fur collars as white as snow around their necks. They were all luxurious and graceful.

Wealth is compelling.

But the same clothes will feel different when worn by different people. One of the women is also wearing the same clothes. At first glance, she has a long body and is as tall as bamboo. She is light and charming, elegant and elegant.

, Yingying and Ranran, really like a solitary warbler in the smoke, quite beautiful as it stands out from the flock of chickens.

Xia Xun glanced at it and was stunned for a moment: "Shaobing girl?"

The sesame cake girl was chatting and laughing with someone when she suddenly caught sight of him and her beauty turned pale...

Attachment: Regarding Zhu Di’s conversation, because he came to Peking when he was very young and fought with the soldiers on the battlefield, his accent changed to a very northern one. I once thought about whether I should imitate his real speaking tone.

Even if they are not very similar, they may still have some charm. However, firstly, it is difficult to write, and I have to always pay attention to the consistency of the language. Secondly, it is easy to subvert everyone's original impression of Zhu Di.

After thinking about it for a long time, I felt that writing his image truthfully can make everyone feel the true image of this historical figure, so I still used some of his real conversation style. In fact, Zhu Di's real conversation style was more rustic than in the article. It was not that he was not knowledgeable enough.

, but it’s just like that in everyday speech.

Attached below is an imperial edict that has not been modified too much by the academicians and is more in line with the original meaning of Zhu Di's words. This was awarded to Bili Abshu, a tribal leader in the Tibetan area after Zhu Di became emperor. I invite all book friends to appreciate it:

The emperor, who was destined to be supported by heaven, said: To the west of the land of the Han people, the leaders of the Western tribes in the grasslands of the west hand are always close to me. Only Bili Abusu, since my father, Emperor Taizu, Emperor Gao, has conquered the west, then

It means a lot to come and pay tribute.

Now that I have ascended to the great position, I will be the son of Abshu. I will not forget the kindness of my great ancestor, Emperor Gao, and know the way of heaven, so I send my nephew Abshu to the capital to pay tribute. I am very sincere. Seeing this good intention, I will leave.

Thousands of households were raised as guards.

Zhongshu Sheren then carefully wrote down my words and edicts, and promoted him to the position of Mingwei General, Biliwei to command the Qian affairs, and the descendants of generations to do things. Xifan, my tribe, will be led by him. If there is any disobedience,

Those who belong to him will be punished with the great law, and the soldiers and Cao Cao will not be lazy as ordered. On the fifth day of the fifth month of the first year of Yongle, I will give you the seal of fate."

This chapter has been completed!
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