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Chapter 934 For You, Good

Chapter 934: For you, be good

Look at what happened to him? Look at what happened. Xia Xun had no idea who this person was or what he had done in his life. Holy Church

Fortunately, Xie Xie was considerate. Since he knew that he did not know this person's deeds, he explained to him: "Hou Junji has been granted the title of Duke. He has a place among the twenty-four meritorious officials in Lingyan Pavilion. This meritorious status is comparable to that of the master.

But it's not bad at all.

In terms of power, Hou Junji was the Duke of Lu when the country was founded, and he was also the general of the right guard. In the fourth year of Zhenguan, he was appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In fact, he was already the prime minister at that time. In the 12th year of Zhenguan, he was appointed again.

Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, how does this power compare to you, sir?"

Ming'er interjected: "Hou Junji destroyed the Gaochang Kingdom and made great achievements in opening up the territory. However, when the soldiers entered Gaochang, they took money privately and did not stop the soldiers from stealing. He was impeached and imprisoned. In recognition of his contribution, he should be punished.

Immunity. Later, Zhang Liang, the governor of Luozhou, secretly reported that Hou Junji had incited rebellion, but Li Shimin found no evidence and was exempted again. These two imprisonments, especially the latter one involving rebellion, were still pardoned by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Favor and trust are only a lot more than those of my husband, right?"

The faint smile on Xia Xun's face disappeared.

Ming'er said: "Later, the crown prince Li Chengqian and the king of Wei Li Tai fought fiercely for the right to be the heir, and each adopted party members. The princes raised their titles to the Duke of the country, and the official to the prime minister. They were extremely human ministers, but they did not do their duty and actually planned for the prince. Tang Dynasty

How does Taizong's magnanimity compare with today's? As soon as he discovered the incompatibility, he immediately ordered his arrest and sentenced him to death.

Merits are merits, faults are faults. Although I still thought of his merits, I still beheaded him in the end. In the end, I just complied with his request and left his wife and one son in exile in Lingnan. This was considered to leave him a little incense, and the rest of his family members.

He was punished by his clan. As for the mastermind Li Chengqian, he was only exiled to Qianzhou because he was a prince.

My husband, you are already a very popular minister in the court, and you have a family full of children. How perfect is this? The dispute between princes is said to be a state matter, but it is still a family matter of the emperor. Once a minister is involved in it, there will be no reward.

Why bother to ruin the family? I have married my husband, and I have never dared to interfere in his affairs. This time I saw the danger, and I had to give some good advice. My husband, if you have to let go, let it go!"

Speaking of this, Ming'er shed tears unconsciously.

Xia Xun was moved by this. He tried his best not to let his family know about his various affairs in the court, so as not to worry them. However, these women in the family were really extraordinary and could not be compared with other women's family members. How could he hide it? Unexpectedly, he usually only saw them looking happy.

, but they don’t know that they are secretly afraid of themselves, so much so. ("")

Xia Xun held her hands tightly for a long time, and then said softly: "Don't worry, my husband will definitely protect his own safety, just for you! From now on, my husband will definitely... let go when you have to!"


Xia Xun retreated bravely. He did not participate in the previous "negotiation to move the capital". This time, he did not participate in the "East Palace Welcome Incident". He seemed to have completely disappeared from the political arena.

The collective imprisonment of the officials of the East Palace, the arrest of the former chief minister Xie Jin, the regret of the marriage by the elder Hu Guang, and the silence of the minister Yang Xu, all of the above indicate that the prince is about to collapse.

The princeling party was in ruins. Chen Ying, who had reconciled with Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu, seemed to have been given a shot of blood. She used her power as an official to write letters continuously, urging the emperor to establish a prince. However, the emperor's attitude was very ambiguous, and all impeachments were made.

None of the memorials were published, and instead the officials were asked to come up with a conclusion on the matter of moving the capital.

Regarding the relocation of the capital, there were people from both the Prince and Han factions who opposed the move. Since this matter had nothing to do with the factional struggle, the party leaders of the two factions did not coordinate on the matter, but allowed their respective officials to express their own opinions. Regardless of whether they were from the Prince faction or the Han faction.

, their attitudes on the matter of moving the capital are surprisingly consistent,

So there was such a strange scene. On the one hand, the two factions of the prince and the king of Han were attacking each other for protecting the prince and overthrowing the prince. On the other hand, they were denouncing the emperor in unison for whether to move the capital. If it were not for the case of the prince that divided their strength, they would have faced

This kind of ferocious offensive would be too much for even the aloof emperor to bear.

Unless Emperor Yongle imitates his father, Zhu Yuanzhang, and kills half of the courtiers in a rage. But even that is useless, because if you kill this group, the reservists will still be replaced by these people. After all, there are only a few who are as courageous as Hu Guang.

, most officials become angry in their book business, which is very fatal.

So who are these people?

Southerners, mainly from Jiangxi. (《》)

In the Ming Dynasty, the only way to obtain scholars was through scientific examinations. If you wanted to become an official, this was the only way.

In the scientific examinations of the Ming Dynasty, Jiangxi people always did the best. Sometimes the national imperial examinations almost became a performance for Jiangxi people. At a glance, all the candidates selected for Jinshi at the imperial examination were Jiangxi people.

"Hanlin has many good waters, half of the imperial officials are from Jiangxi", "half of the imperial officials are from Gan". If you don't say anything else, you will know it just by looking at the cabinet. When the Yongle Dynasty was first established, there were seven academics in the cabinet, five of whom were from Jiangxi.


Further down the road, every government office and department is filled with old men who speak Nanchang dialect, Ji'an dialect, and Fuzhou dialect. Do you think they would be happy to move the capital from Nanjing to Beijing?

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were quarreling with each other over the issue of the prince's stay, and at the same time they were quarreling with the emperor over whether to move the capital. However, Zhu Di refused to accept the move and went to meet foreign guests.

Zhu Di first summoned the Timurid envoys, fought, pulled, and fought to come up with a mediation plan similar to "drawing rivers to rule", and sent envoys to hold the imperial edict and follow the two teams of Timurid envoys.

Go to Samarkand to mediate the civil war and calm down the war.

Later, Zhu Di summoned the Japanese envoy to express the suzerain monarch's support for the legal government of Japan. At the same time, he clearly expressed his support for Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the legitimate son of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, to serve as the general to conquer the barbarians.

Zhu Di did a great job. His father, Zhu Yuanzhang, once made Ashikaga Yoshimitsu the King of Japan. From then on, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's credentials to the Ming Dynasty were titled "King of Japan, Ombudsman Yoshimitsu". This time, Zhu Di directly

After receiving an imperial edict, he sent an eunuch carrying the edict to Japan with a gold book and a gold seal. Without saying a word, he directly made Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the son of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the crown prince of Japan.

The King of Japan was conferred by the Ming Emperor, and the Crown Prince of Japan should naturally be confirmed by the Ming Emperor. Since the Ming Emperor confirmed the identity of the Crown Prince of Japan, once someone denies his identity, or even uses force to seize the power and rights that belong to him.

status, the Ming Dynasty's interference became famous.

The Japanese envoy was so excited that he returned home with a lot of gratitude.

Although Xie Jin was in prison, the letter of surrender he brought from Annan King Chen Jikuo still had to be processed. Zhu Di read Chen Jikuo's letter of surrender, and also read the documents about Annan's military, civil, and political affairs that Zhang Fu sent with the letter of surrender.

After the report, he decided to accept Chen Jikuan's surrender and appointed him as the right chief envoy of the Chief Secretary of Jiaozhi to assist the chief envoy sent by the imperial court to govern Annan.

Immediately, he invited King Bali and the other envoys from the twelve countries to go boating on Xuanwu Lake and visit the grand scenery of Jinling.

Zhu Di was like Jiang Taigong fishing with a hook, sitting firmly on the fishing platform, completely ignoring the turbulent undercurrent at the bottom of the river, and not knowing which fish he wanted to catch...


The position of the prince was in danger, but Chen Shou, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, was so angry that he immediately wrote a letter to protect the prince.

The source of the chaos was attributed to the emperor doting on the king of Han, so the king of Han became ambitious and fought for the crown prince. The source of the chaos came from above, and he asked the emperor to immediately expel the king of Han from the capital and install him as a vassal state in order to restore peace to the world.

Zhu Di took care of the affairs of the envoys from various countries, and brought the envoys from the thirteen countries who paid tribute when they returned from a trip to Xuanwu Lake. When he saw this memorial, he was furious and ordered: "Chen Shou violated the ancestral law and alienated my father and son. This is unforgivable!" He immediately wrote it!

Jin Yiwei captured the man and threw him into prison.

Later, the governor Chen Ming who interceded for the prince, Siwen, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, and Geng Tong, the right minister of Dali Temple, were also imprisoned one after another. These people were all high-ranking officials of the second and third ranks of the imperial court and dignitaries of the central Yamen. Their arrests

, which made the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty panic and uneasy. The prince was saved until he was dismissed from his official position and imprisoned to await trial. It seemed that the holy will was decided and the prince was really going to be abolished.

At this time, Ji Gang's trial of Jie Jin's case achieved another major breakthrough: Jie Jin's move!

Ji Younan did not dare to use too cruel torture tools on him, so as not to bruise his skin and flesh. If the emperor got interested one day and wanted to see the former chief minister of the cabinet, the Jin Yiwei would not be able to escape the suspicion of "beating him into a trick", so Ji Younan used

They are all relatively insidious instruments of torture.

For example, in the shackles, you hold the shackles in place, unable to stand up straight or sit down. It is like squatting in a horse stance, and it is forced to squat in a horse stance. You squat until you can neither survive nor die, but you cannot move. Another example is

He covered his face with a towel, poured water on it, and carried a big kettle. The water flow continued, making you choke on the water when you breathe in, and it would make you collapse, but no injuries were visible at all.

Xie Jin had a proud body, but although his bones were proud, they were not strong enough. Why not beg for help under three trees? Xie Jin gritted his teeth and held on for several days, but no one rescued him. Instead, even the officials of the East Palace and ministers from various ministries came one after another.

After going to prison, he finally realized that the situation was over. In order to avoid the physical pain, he had to confess against his will.

It's just something that is completely non-existent. If you ask him to confess, what can Xie Jin do?

Xie Jin had no choice but to follow Ji Younan's hint and admit that he had been snared by the prince and cheer for the prince. Seeing that the emperor did not like the prince and the prince's status was difficult to protect, he returned to the capital and collaborated with the ministers to force the emperor not to change the prince arbitrarily.

Ji Younan was overjoyed to receive the confession and immediately questioned his accomplices.

Since you are returning to Beijing to join forces with ministers, you should have some allies, right?

Jie Jin had no choice but to rack his brains and think hard, and confessed those who had complained or said strange things to him as his accomplices: Jun Xingjian, the head of the Household Department, and the head of the Farming Department of the Ministry of Works.

Xing Lingshan, Zhao Feng, a doctor in the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, Murong Hao, Zuo Tongzheng of the General Affairs Department, Ye Lan, the young minister of Dali Temple, etc...

When Ji Gang heard the news, he felt as if he had found a treasure. He immediately reported it to the emperor and obtained the order to lock up all the people. However, the biggest among these officials were Murong Hao, Zuo Tongzheng, the general secretary, and Ye Lan, the young minister of Dali Temple. How could Ji Gang be willing to do so?

, and asked Ji Younan to continue the torture, trying to bring out a few big shots.

Ji Younan understood this and continued to torture Jie Jin when he returned to the imperial prison. Jie Jin delayed recruiting Xia Xun, Hu Guang and other high-ranking friends in the hope that they could help him get out of trouble.

Nankou heard that Xia Xun confessed to illness behind closed doors and that Hu Guang intended to break off the engagement. Xie Jin gave up on his last insistence and gritted his teeth and pressed his fingerprints on the confession, admitting that they were also members of his party.

Ji Gang was overjoyed when he finally got what he wanted. He quickly picked up Xie Jin's confession and went to the palace.

In the yamen, the Eight Great Kings gathered together with Ti Qi to prepare for the war. They only waited for the imperial edict to go to Fu Guogong's house and Hu Guang's house to ransack their homes and arrest people.

p: I am asking for recommendation votes in the early hours of the morning. Please vote for your fresh recommendation votes!

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