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Chapter 126 Vicious Poison

Early the next morning, as soon as Wang Ye got up, Ye Ruoxue called.

"Sister Ruoxue, what's going on?"

"That Zhang Yanyan came to Qingxue Cosmetics Company again."

Zhang Yanyan?

Wang Ye was thinking about settling this matter properly.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yanyan came to the door again.

Since this is the case, then take this opportunity to plan carefully.

"What is she doing at the cosmetics company?" Wang Ye asked.

"It's still a skin problem, but this time, it's not on the face, but on the body. Moreover, it's not that she came to trouble Qingxue Cosmetics Company. She was the only one who came here and said she wanted to ask you to help with treatment." Ye Ruoxue explained.

After Wang Ye heard this, he immediately felt that this was strange.

Zhang Yanyan's physical condition should be pretty good now. How could she have serious skin problems again?

It's possible that this was a ploy. But this probably wasn't Zhang Yanyan's original intention, and she might have been forced into it.

It's all those people behind her. It's so abominable. They keep forcing Zhang Yanyan to do these things. If she doesn't help her, I'm afraid she won't be able to solve these troubles in her life.

"How is her health?"

"It's very dangerous. In many places, ulcers have begun to appear. If not treated in time, it may leave irremovable scars. It may even be life-threatening."

Ye Ruoxue's words made Wang Ye frown. The person behind Zhang Yanyan was too cruel to do this.

They didn't care about Zhang Yanyan's safety at all, they just wanted to achieve their own goals! Such people should be severely punished.

"I know, I'll be there right away."

Although he was very angry, Wang Ye had no choice but to cure Zhang Yanyan's illness first.

After putting down the phone, Wang Ye went out, took a taxi and rushed to Qingxue Cosmetics Company.

After arriving at the place, Wang Ye found that no one was watching, and Zhang Yanyan was not seen.

It seems that this time, things did not make a big fuss. After all, Zhang Yanyan did not come here to cause trouble.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Ye is waiting for you in the office."

When the store clerk saw Wang Ye, he stepped forward and said.


Wang Ye agreed and immediately went to Ye Ruoxue's office.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Ye saw a painful and weak Zhang Yanyan.

Her legs were covered in red spots, and in several places, they were already festering.

As soon as Wang Ye saw this scene, he knew that Zhang Yanyan was poisoned. And the person who poisoned her was very cruel. It is not easy to treat this kind of poison.

Although it is not a mysterious poison, the intention of using this poison is very hateful.

"Brother Wang Ye, please help me. I feel really uncomfortable right now."

When Zhang Yanyan saw Wang Ye coming, she threw herself into Wang Ye's arms with a weak voice.

Wang Ye knew that Zhang Yanyan was not acting, she was really weak.

"What should I do?"

Ye Ruoxue saw this situation and immediately asked Wang Ye.

"Help her lie down first. I'll give you a prescription. You have to get the medicine immediately." Wang Ye said calmly.

Although Zhang Yanyan's situation is critical, it has not reached the point where Wang Ye cannot handle it.

Just prepare the medicine first to alleviate Zhang Yanyan's condition, and then find a way to treat it slowly.

This kind of poison is difficult to treat because it requires long-term treatment. It must be detoxified many times and slowly cured.

No medicinal material can completely remove this poison in one go.

Of course, there may be such an antidote, but Wang Ye feels that with his own strength, he will never be able to do it.

"Okay, let's help her lie down on the sofa first!"

Ye Ruoxue agreed, and together with Wang Ye, helped Zhang Yanyan to the sofa.

After Zhang Yanyan was settled, Wang Ye immediately took a pen and paper and wrote a prescription for Ye Ruoxue.

When Ye Ruoxue got the prescription, she didn't ask any questions and immediately asked her assistant to prepare all the medicinal ingredients.

Zhang Yanyan's situation on the sofa seemed to be getting more and more critical. Ye Ruoxue could clearly see that Zhang Yanyan's breathing was gradually becoming weaker.

"Wang Ye, should we send her to the hospital? Her condition is really dangerous." Ye Ruoxue looked at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye heard this and shook his head calmly, "No, she can still hold on. She can be treated after the medicinal materials are prepared."

With Zhang Yanyan's current situation, if someone else said this to Ye Ruoxue, she would never believe it.

But Ye Ruoxue absolutely believed in Wang Ye's medical skills.

"Yeah." Ye Ruoxue nodded vigorously.

Although Ye Ruoxue still didn't know that Zhang Yanyan was poisoned, she could also feel that Zhang Yanyan must have been intentionally harmed by Mo Lan.

Ye Ruoxue was even thinking in her heart that Mo Lan wanted to bring a life lawsuit against her! If something happened to Zhang Yanyan at Qingxue Cosmetics Company, it would be difficult for Ye Ruoxue to deal with it.

If Ye Ruoxue could still control public opinion about what happened before, then if Zhang Yanyan is gone, Ye Ruoxue will definitely not be able to control it.

Once someone dies, everyone will denounce Qingxue Cosmetics Company. Even if it is finally proven that Qingxue Cosmetics Company is not responsible, no one will believe it.

But with Wang Ye around, Ye Ruoxue felt much more at ease. Wang Ye was so steady, which proved that things were completely under his control.

Moreover, Tang Jiucheng had absolute trust in Wang Ye. Wang Ye planned all these actions perfectly.

A Zhang Yanyan, or rather a Mo Lan, is no match for Wang Ye.

Ten minutes later, Ye Ruoxue's assistant found all the medicinal materials in the prescription given by Wang Ye.

After getting the medicinal materials, Wang Ye immediately started making them. The preparation of the medicinal materials this time was much simpler than the black medicinal materials last time.

Wang Ye just grinded all the medicinal materials together and added some rice wine.

The magic is that when the ground medicinal materials encounter rice wine, something like foam immediately pours out.

Wang Ye said that the foam was applied on Zhang Yanyan’s wounds.

The foam was quickly absorbed by Zhang Yanyan's skin and turned into something like a yellow tissue paper.

Zhang Yanyan herself gradually regained consciousness under the influence of the drug.

When Wang Ye tore off the piece of paper, Zhang Yanyan's skin returned to its original state.

The previous redness, swelling, wounds, and even some suppurative things have completely disappeared.

Seeing such a result, Ye Ruoxue and Zhang Yanyan themselves were very surprised.

Wang Ye once again showed his amazing strength.

But Wang Ye's expression was still a little heavy.

"The situation is only temporarily alleviated."

This chapter has been completed!
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