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Chapter 235: Encyclopedia of Medical Science

"Everyone, everyone has seen Mr. Wang Feng's analysis ideas and results! Is there anyone who can stand up and make an evaluation?"

After Mr. Feng and others had seen the same thing, he asked everyone.

But no one present dared to stand up and comment. Because they all realized that their level may not be as good as Wang Feng! How dare they comment?

If you say it incorrectly, you are just embarrassing yourself.

Seeing that no one else dared to stand up, Mr. Feng's eyes fell on Qian Sufen.

She and Wang Feng are from the same family. Others dare not comment, but she certainly does.

Whether it's strength, status, or relationships, she is qualified to make an evaluation.

"Qianlao, you are here with Mr. Wang Feng for the assessment today, right? Are you here to make an evaluation?"

Mr. Feng directly named him, so Qian Sufen naturally found it difficult to refuse.

So he stood up and said: "I think Mr. Wang Feng's performance is enough to pass the assessment of the National Medical Association!"

For Qian Sufen, helping Wang Feng enter the Chinese Medical Alliance is the most important thing. Of course, there is no need for help now. Wang Feng's strength is enough.

So, as long as you add fuel to the flames, there's no problem.

Although Qian Sufen's comments did not directly comment on Wang Feng's performance, everyone else could understand the meaning.

There is no doubt that Wang Feng's performance was perfect.

Even if you don't get the best results, it's already beyond the reach of others.

"Okay, thank you Qian Lao for your evaluation!" Mr. Feng did not answer Qian Sufen's words.

Although in Mr. Feng's heart, Wang Feng did have such strength and qualifications, it was obviously inappropriate for him, as the head of the National Medical Alliance, to make such an announcement before the assessment was over.

Regarding Qian Lao's comments, Wang Feng just felt that Qian Lao was helping him.

After all, Qian Lao came with him to help him join the National Medical Alliance.

"Are there any other friends who would like to comment?" Mr. Feng then asked the others.

But this time, no one else was willing to step forward.

When Wang Feng saw this situation, he gradually understood why.

Everyone should have noticed that this was a scene played by Mr. Feng and himself. Therefore, it was naturally difficult for others to interfere.

Only Qianlao is suitable to make an evaluation.

All that's left is to watch Mr. Feng's own performance.

Seeing that the others were silent, Mr. Feng smiled slightly and continued: "I believe everyone knows Mr. Wang's performance. It is really rare to be able to analyze such results within an hour. I give Mr. Wang an 'excellent'

Evaluation, do you have any opinions?"


Although everyone had no objection, in their hearts, Wang Feng's performance was not enough to be evaluated by perfection.

But after all, Mr. Feng stood up and asked the question himself. If Wang Feng's performance was so 'perfect', wouldn't Mr. Feng himself be embarrassed?

Moreover, Wang Feng did not analyze the final core results of "Xuan Bing Drinking Fire Recipe", so it is reasonable not to give a perfect evaluation.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, the first small assessment is over. I will immediately announce the rules for the second small assessment."

Nearly five hours have passed since the assessment began.

Both for Wang Feng and the audience at the scene, this time has been very long.

Mr. Feng also knew that he could not waste any more time.

Mr. Feng had already thought about the assessment questions for the second session.

It was originally planned to make some changes after the first assessment.

But now after watching Wang Feng's performance, Mr. Feng felt that it was no longer necessary.

Because he has seen that making the questions too difficult will only embarrass himself.

It is almost impossible to stump Wang Feng.

Now that Wang Feng has passed the assessment and joined the National Medical Association, it is a foregone conclusion that it is enough to ask a more common question.

At this moment, Wang Feng was still thinking about the prescription just now.

Because in his mind, that prescription might be able to cure his heat poisoning.

And now that the analysis has reached this point, it is best to continue the analysis and get the core of the prescription.

However, Mr. Feng did not give Wang Feng such a chance and said directly to Wang Feng: "Mr. Wang, are you ready for the next assessment?"

"No problem, Mr. Feng." Wang Feng had to stop the analysis in his mind and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, this test is about medical science. What our country's medical community has to do, and it remains unchanged, is to treat illnesses and save people. Medical science is the basis for medical treatment. Only with medical science can we cooperate with prescriptions and medicinal materials.

Only then can you become a doctor." Feng Lao talked eloquently.

Wang Feng and everyone present were also listening quietly.

They all wanted to know how Mr. Feng was going to solve this medical problem.

Mr. Feng said, paused, glanced at everyone, and then continued: "The title of this medical examination is, "Encyclopedia of Medical Science." This book is a work that I have devoted my life to. Although it has limited value,

, but there are also merits. As long as Mr. Wang refers to my book and summarizes his own understanding of medical theory, the assessment will be completed."

After Wang Feng heard this rule, he thought about it in his mind.

This test question is different from the previous one.

Speaking of which, there is no standard answer to this question.

Its real purpose should be to test Wang Feng's own medical theory.

For Wang Feng, doing so is still quite difficult.

After all, he himself didn't know much about medical science. What he could summarize was naturally of low value.

But the good thing is that Wang Feng feels that the medical theories he has learned are at least useful and there are no mistakes.

It can play some role in treating diseases and saving lives.

Moreover, with Mr. Feng’s works as a reference, Wang Feng can also get more inspiration.

Although others did not immediately understand what Mr. Feng meant, they soon understood what Mr. Feng meant.

From the previous assessment, Mr. Feng should have seen that Wang Feng is very strong. Therefore, it may not make much sense to continue to assess Wang Feng.

Then why not let everyone see what Wang Feng's true strength is.

Moreover, the medical principles summarized by Wang Feng, an expert in Chinese medicine, are definitely worth learning.

This is also a rare opportunity for those in the Chinese medical field present.

In addition, Mr. Feng's own book "Complete Medical Science" is not for sale to the public. Therefore, Mr. Feng's book also has great learning value.

"Mr. Wang, if you have no questions about the rules, let's start the second assessment?"

This chapter has been completed!
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