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Chapter 100: A Letter Seven]

Fang Yu ran all the way back to the subway car and sat on a chair, breathing heavily.

As soon as she sat down, Fang Yu couldn't help but recall the scenes under the shelter...

Blood... charred corpses... Changshan...


Fang Yu failed to withstand it and turned on her perseverance again to forcibly stop her divergent thoughts.

Then, after forcing herself to calm down, Fang Yu walked out of the carriage door, went outside, and searched the other carriages outside.

Perhaps because this incident happened so suddenly, Fang Yu didn't know the specific situation that day.

But just looking at the cars outside, most people seem to make temporary decisions after encountering something.

Therefore, unlike Wu Wen, who could calmly pack up and leave, they could only reluctantly take away important supplies, while other bulky or difficult-to-carry items were still in the carriage.

Fang Yu picked through it, collected some remaining firewood, moved it into the carriage, took out the lighter that was kept close to her body, the lighter still had body heat, and lit the firewood.

Then he put two shabby quilts, one under his buttocks and one on his back, and sat in the carriage to warm himself by the fire.

The flames burned, and heat slowly filled the whole body.

Fang Yu didn't dare to look at the flames. As soon as she looked at the fire, her mind recalled those images unconsciously, and she could only turn her head away from them.

It wasn't until the temperature of the carriage rose to a certain level that Fang Yu took out the paper, spread it out, turned on the fire, and started reading...

"This is Ziyang Sanctuary. If you read this letter, then by now, Ziyang Sanctuary should have been completely destroyed...or even destroyed..."

Fang Yu read the letter word for word.

As time went by, his face became darker and darker.

Fang Yu didn't know who wrote this letter. The font was square and dignified, which was quite pleasing to the eye, but the content of the letter tore Fang Yu's thoughts into pieces.

The letter was couched in the tone of a refuge.

It narrates the origin and experience of this refuge, as well as all the facts and processes of its destruction.

Judging from the content, the owner of this letter must be one of the top leaders of Ziyang Sanctuary, and only these people have some knowledge of the various experiences of the Sanctuary.

Because a lot of the information in the letter is not written in the voice of a resident, but more like it is written from the perspective of a high-level person who is well aware of the operation of the shelter.

Considering the protective clothing placed on the ground before, if this senior executive is a doctor...

Certain speculations kept popping up in her mind, but they were all suppressed by Fang Yu.

You don't have to be a doctor to wear it, no, no...

Fang Yu shook her head and continued to read the letter.

The content of the letter was very long, and Fang Yu finally understood what happened in the shelter during this period after reading the back.

The flu has broken out again, with a sharp increase in the number of infected people, and this time the virus is attacking more violently than last time. Without medication to restrain it, it will soon become severe.

As the number of infections and deaths gradually increased rapidly, the residents who had been suppressed by the soldiers finally rioted!

At first, they just broke out of the suppression circle and wanted to leave the shelter, but after an unexpected gunshot, the riot began to escalate...

After the soldiers could no longer suppress the situation, they were recalled. As a result, the residential area completely lost control and became increasingly chaotic.

The situation came to a climax that afternoon.

In the afternoon, perhaps because they realized that the shelter could no longer be stabilized, some senior officials secretly left the shelter carrying a large amount of supplies.

But these senior executives who left were soon discovered.

There was an uproar below.

Even the higher-ups are starting to run away, which means that this refuge has completely lost its meaning.

As a result, the people below began to destroy and flee even more crazily.

It wasn't until the two regiment commanders started running away with their soldiers that the panic below reached its peak.

Within two days of the virus outbreak, everyone who could leave the shelter had left.

I don't know where they will go. It's obviously the weather outside. Once they go out and don't find a suitable shelter, they will eventually die.

But perhaps it was also because the situation in the shelter made them even more frightened. In the end, on the third day, there were only injured people wailing in the shelter, and corpses that could no longer even cry...


At this time, there are still the last group of people left in the shelter.

It was a group of people led by the person who wrote the letter.

This group of people gathered the injured people together and carried all the bodies to the event square.

Severely ill patients were also moved together, and then these people tried their best to suppress their illness.

As long as there are medicines that have some effect, they will be used, and they will try their best to treat these people.

However, there are too few of them.

And, people leave every day.

They wanted to hold on until the mobile department brought the medicine.

However, it is a pity that because there is no medicine and there are too many injured people, they are completely unable to take care of it, and the death toll is still rising sharply every day.

When their team was down to the last 13 people, the last critically ill patient also died in pain.

At this point, the flu epidemic in the shelter is over.

It was not that they were suppressed or treated, but that the last infected person in the shelter had died.

The flu is over.

Only the last 13 people were left in the shelter, with corpses almost everywhere.

In the last period of time, most of these 13 people were on the verge of collapse.

The writer didn't want them to stay here anymore, so he gave the last order.

Burn the body.

If there were so many corpses, if they were all left like this, not to mention that they would not be able to bear it, if they were just left like this, after the corpses decomposed, the entire shelter would be completely ruined.

Even if someone suddenly wants to come back later, they may be infected with other diseases due to the decomposition of these corpses.

The writer's heart as a great doctor is simply a naked display of his identity.

Even if Fang Yu denies it, seeing all the evidence here proves that the person who wrote this letter should be Mr. Tang.

And his team should naturally be those doctors.

Just when everyone abandoned this refuge.

Only he and the dozens of doctors remained, still not giving up and trying to save anyone.

But unfortunately, they could only watch people die like this.

Fang Yu couldn't believe what a psychological burden that was!

In the end, there were only 13 people left. Fang Yu didn't know the total number of people. Mr. Tang didn't say anything, and Mr. Tang didn't say anything to those who left.

Even if they leave, they are still heroes...

Mr. Tang and the others put all the corpses on carts and took them to the event square.

There were hundreds, almost thousands, of corpses.

Even if some have been moved to the event square in advance, the number of remaining corpses is still huge.

Mr. Tang did not use too many words to describe the moving process.

They only said that after they incinerated the body with diesel fuel, they also described where the remaining supplies in the shelter were placed. Anyone who saw them could take them for themselves, and then the letter ended abruptly here.

There is no explanation of Mr. Tang's other actions and whereabouts later.

At this time, Fang Yu also thought of the row of protective clothing in front of Chang Shan when he was kneeling in front of him.

Those protective clothing were stained with blood and dirt, and some even had holes in them, which were just sealed with tape.

Such protective clothing has long since lost its effectiveness.

But they were still neatly stacked on the ground.

Looking back, that number seems to be in the early ten sets...

The clothes are here, but where are the people...

Fang Yu was silent.

This chapter has been completed!
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