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Chapter 8 The Reality of the World

The door opens with your feet.

Fang Yu turned around skillfully, jumped over the oily tiles behind, and then turned to look at the door.

After the door behind him opened, two red devils rushed out of the door.

Different from the previous female Red Devil, the two Red Devils, male and one female, look to have darker skin. The original dark red color has almost turned into purple-black now. Moreover, their eye sockets are sunken and their lips are dry. Even if they scream, they are weak.


After Fang Yu saw this clearly, he immediately knew that these two red devils were obviously hungry!

The former female celebrity always had the "silent dedication" of her boyfriend.

Her physical strength and mental strength are both pretty good.

And these two red devils are probably lovers who turned into red devils together.

One red devil has meat to eat, but two red devils can really only stare at each other.

They didn't know how long they had been locked in the room. Anyway, when they came out, they looked so weak.

After the two red devils went out, they simply stepped on the olive oil.

The two of them had been hungry for a long time and had no strength left. When they stood up, the soles of their feet slipped. In order to stabilize themselves, the female Red Devil couldn't help but grab the male Red Devil.

The male Red Devil could barely stand, but under the pull of the female Red Devil, he immediately slipped to the ground with her.

Not to mention, after these two falls, I wanted to stand up first, but you pulled me and I pulled you, and I couldn't get up after struggling for a long time.

At this time, Fang Yu had already arrived by their side.

Just when the male Red Devil pressed the female Red Devil under him and barely raised his head, Fang Yu swung the steel pipe in his hand like a baseball player, and hit the male Red Devil's right ear with the stick.



A dull hammering sound came from the contact surface between the two.

The male red devil was directly whipped by the pipe and slammed into the wall next to him. He made another "thud" sound, leaving a blood mark on the wall, and then fell to the ground with a "pop".

When the female Red Devil, who was still lying on the ground, saw Fang Yu, her eyes became even redder.

She turned over without standing up. She just lay on the ground and stretched her hands towards Fang Yu's ankles, intending to grab him.

But it's a pity.

I saw Fang Yu placing the steel pipe in the lower section.

If it was playing baseball just now, now it's golf.

A steel pipe hit the female red devil's head directly!

Maybe she was more hungry, or maybe it was the female Red Devil whose skull was not as brittle as the male one. When the stick came down, the female Red Devil's head hit the ground.

The right temple that was hit exploded directly, revealing the skull inside.

Fang Yu did not stop, but raised the steel pipe and hit the female red devil from top to bottom with a stick again.


Fang Yu stirred up the steel pipe, and then hit the male Red Devil who was a little fainted on the other side with a high lift.

The steel pipe was raised high and fell, and in just a blink of an eye, it hit the head of the male Red Devil on the ground.

The male red devil's head was like a shriveled watermelon, which was smashed open in an instant.

With the training of the previous three Red Devils, Fang Yu became more and more comfortable in dealing with these Red Devils.

After dragging the two malnourished red devils into another room with a clothes drying pole, Fang Yu continued to search the room where they were.

The result is obviously determined.

In such an ordinary residential building, it was considered good that Fang Yu could find this steel pipe.

If you want to find a usable weapon, it is better to go to the utility room of the property than to these young rooms.

Therefore, Fang Yu only took a general glance and confirmed that there were no obvious weapons in the room before returning to the corridor.

Fang Yu looked at the count on his mission - Red Devil 5/35.

There are 30 more.

After pouring vegetable oil on the tiles in front of the door again, Fang Yu looked at the door in front of her and suddenly felt that this task was a bit difficult.

He now hopes that the Red Devils downstairs will not be in the room!

Fang Yu first turned the handle with her hand. After finally confirming that the doors here were all door handles that could only be turned by inserting a key from the outside, she sighed and gave up the idea of ​​opening the door directly.

What else can be done?

Kick it!

Fang Yu took a step back and stamped her left foot on the ground. After feeling that the force was flowing smoothly, she turned around awkwardly and kicked towards the door with her left foot.

I kicked my right foot too many times and it's a little numb, so I switched to my left foot this time.

Because she was afraid that her left foot would not be used to it, Fang Yu used more strength this time.

Fortunately, he stood well in the Tiger Stance Kung Fu and used the correct force on his feet, so that he could kick open the door without spraining his feet.

Don't underestimate kicking in the door.

If an inexperienced person kicks the door, six out of ten will sprain his or her feet.

After kicking it open, Fang Yu stood one meter away from the door this time and did not run back.

Then, a male red devil also ran out from inside.

The vegetable oil on the ground is a tried and tested product for them.

In other words, let alone the Red Devil, even if Fang Yu didn't notice, he would be unstable if he stepped on vegetable oil. Ordinary people would lose nine out of ten.

After all, the floor here is made of tiles, but it's even more slippery than the wooden boards in the hotel last time.

Fang Yu watched very calmly as the Red Devil escaped and hit the wall. He did not rush to take action, but waited for him to fall to the ground completely. He was a little confused and steadied his head.

At this time, Fang Yu was like a batsman who had found the right time. He raised the steel pipe, lowered it with two hammers, and opened the skull with a click. The scene was extremely bloody.

As the red devil's body fell to the ground and no other red devil came out of the door, the red devils on the sixth floor were considered to be clean.

Fang Yu glanced at the sky outside.

It's really sunset now.

The scarlet pigment in the air makes the original setting sun turn crimson, giving it a psychedelic color.

But Fang Yu has begun to miss the clean world of the real world.

Now the entire world is covered with scarlet pigment. According to the data I have seen before, nearly one-third of the world's population will die in the first level alone.

A large portion of the remaining ones will be infected and mutate into Red Devils.

The remaining surviving humans were able to escape this terrible disaster after producing scarlet antibodies in their bodies.

But this is not the end.

Later, after Fang Yu carefully browsed through the information in the notebook, he discovered some more details.

It turns out that when humans produce scarlet antibodies, they have theoretically evolved once.

All kinds of major and minor ailments in the body, including cancer, leukemia, infectious diseases, and all diseases related to viruses and the body's immune function, will be restored to health under the action of scarlet pigment!

In this regard, scarlet pigment undoubtedly proves its power.

Even if it cannot evolve, there will always be greedy humans who will continue to study it based on this function alone.

Of course, scarlet pigment cannot cure those who are missing arms and legs, or have brain atrophy, and other cell or body loss diseases.

In other words, the antibodies in their bodies are not strong enough!

Yes, not strong enough.

While browsing, Fang Yu discovered that these were just people who had produced scarlet antibodies and were not actually new humans.

They just become a healthy human being who is not afraid of infection by the original scarlet pigment.

But if they encounter scarlet pigments with advanced mutations and higher concentrations, they will still be at risk of infection, and none of them will be able to show any special abilities.

Among this group of people, there is a small circle of people who have a very high degree of fusion with the scarlet antibody. The scarlet antibody stimulates the ability to evolve in these people.

Evolved people will show various physical mutations.

However, these mutations are basically reality-based, such as increased strength, faster speed, hardened skin, or even abilities such as super vision.

No one has evolved this magical ability so far, such as making fireballs out of thin air.

This chapter has been completed!
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