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Chapter 63 Reciprocity

After the small quarrel, the atmosphere among everyone became more and more heated.

Fang Yu also learned that Xiao Yun'er and Xiao Yuan Xin had undergone corneal surgery. Of course, this was also reimbursed by the underground city.

As long as they recover well, the gauze can be removed after a week, and their eyes will recover within a month.

Fang Yu was naturally very happy about this.

In this way, everyone has arrived in the underground city completely, and no longer has to live a wandering life on the surface.

He can be considered to have accomplished his goal.

Chen Dayong saw that Han Ziang and Liu Qi were a little restrained after Fang Yu arrived, so he introduced them directly to Fang Yu.

"Ayu, this is Mr. Han Zi'ang, the man who rescued us last time! He came to visit us on behalf of the rescue team. He originally went to see you, but when he heard that you were discharged from the hospital, he came to see us first."

"Mr. Han! Thank you very much! You are our savior! My name is Fang Yu. Please give me your advice in the future!"

Fang Yu was very grateful to the rescue team. When he learned that Han Ziang came to visit on behalf of the rescue team, he completely let go of his guard and expressed his sincere gratitude to Han Ziang.

Han Ziang looked kind and looked at his strong body, but his tone was a bit old. When thanking Fang Yu, he just kept waving his hands and saying it was okay, that's right.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dayong touched the child's head again and continued to introduce it to Fang Yu.

"This is Mr. Han's grandson, his name is Liu Qi. He is ten years old this year, four years older than mine. He is a bit shy!"

Liu Qi seemed to be a little afraid of strangers. He had not spoken since Fang Yu came in. He sat next to his grandfather and lowered his head without resisting when Chen Dayong stretched out his hand to touch his head.

After hearing Chen Dayong introduce himself, he raised his head and looked at Fang Yu timidly.

When Han Ziang saw Liu Qi looking up at Fang Yu, he said to Liu Qi.

"Liu Qi, why don't you call me brother?"

When Liu Qi heard his grandfather's urging, he just raised his head and looked at Fang Yu for a while, his mouth grew longer, but he finally said nothing.

Fang Yu noticed that the situation seemed a bit awkward and quickly laughed and said.

"Mr. Han, at my age, you can call me uncle. It's not appropriate to call me brother. Haha, it's okay."

Indeed, in addition to the two years of wandering at sea, although Fang Yu said that he still looks 25 or 26, in fact, he will be 30 years old in a while. Facing Liu Qi, who is two rounds older, calling him brother is really a bit awkward.


Fang Yu doesn't have any age baggage, so she can be called whatever she wants.

"It's funny. His father is an astronaut. He went to the space station two years ago. He is left to live alone with an old man like me. How long will it take?"

Han Ziang didn't say much else, he just reached out and patted Liu Qi on the shoulder.

His tone was a little heavy, and there seemed to be some other meaning in it. From the perspective of Fang Yu and Chen Dayong, it was obviously not a good thing. The two looked at each other and quickly planned to change the topic.

Chen Dayong's eyes lit up when he saw what Fang Yu was holding. He took the handbag from Fang Yu's hand and said curiously.

"Ayu? Did you buy this? Where did you get the money? The nurse here said that we don't have ID cards or accounts now. If the nurse hadn't said that our accommodation and food would be reimbursed, we would have been afraid of being kicked out.

Woolen cloth"

Chen Dayong changed the topic perfectly, and Fang Yu naturally would not let him perform a one-man show.

After briefly telling her experience after being discharged from the hospital, and adding the nutrition bars and tea eggs in the bag, Fang Yu distributed them to everyone to share, the atmosphere gradually recovered, and Han Ziang became much more natural. Even Liu Qi

Sometimes I was holding a nutrition bar and nibbling on it, and I seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

However, after passing everyone else, his little eyes would look at Yuan Xin who was wearing gauze and chewing a nutrition bar from time to time.

Yuan Xin is 12 years old this year, two years older than Liu Qi. In addition, girls develop faster, so Yuan Xin is already looking like a budding youth at this time.

Moreover, this little girl has experienced various hardships on the surface with Fang Yu and others, so it is inevitable that she will become more mature. Just like at this time, she has just undergone surgery and her eyes are still tied with gauze. Logically speaking, she can do everything now.

If you can't see it, you should be a little panicked.

But now she seemed to be okay, holding Yuan Yi's hand with a nutrition bar and eating happily.

This sister is so special

Isn't she afraid?

Moreover, she seems to be the only sister, just like me.

No, no, she still has many people and friends...

Liu Qi was thinking silently in his heart, chewing a nutrition bar in his mouth, but his eyes couldn't help but drift away.

Not only Xiao Yuan Xin, but also Xiao Yun'er, who is only six years old, is now obediently tied with gauze. With the help of Liu Chunyan, she happily eats tea eggs. Even if the egg yolk is stained on the corner of her mouth, she still happily says that it is delicious.


Although the tea eggs in this dungeon have a strong tea aroma, Fang Yu has observed that they do not use tea leaves, but synthetic bags.

No matter how vast the underground city greenhouse cultivation land is, it is impossible for the leadership to set aside a precious area to grow things like tea.

Of course, some precious tea trees are possible, but they will never be used to make tea eggs.

Many delicacies and drinks are actually made of artificial raw materials and are not authentic.

However, everyone obviously doesn't care.

Some of them are eaten, which is pretty good.

Although Chen Dayong and Liu Chunyan also wanted to eat tea eggs, they did not buy extra tea eggs because Fang Yu had not expected Han Ziang and Liu Qi to come over.

Mr. Han also brought apples before. Although he said he bought them with the rescue team, he ate them after all.

So the two of them divided their tea eggs between them.

Han Ziang originally wanted to shirk it, but after taking a look at Chen Dayong and the others, he finally accepted it.

Although the tea eggs are a bit expensive, you don’t have to shirk them back and forth, they are just food.

What's more, courtesy should reciprocate.

Han Ziang came here this time not just as a representative of the rescue team.

In fact, the most important thing is that he wants to come.

After coming out of the submarine, he saw Chen Dayong and others lifting Chen Yun and Yuan Xintuo up on the sea, and until he went back, this scene would still flash in his mind from time to time.


Unconsciously, he wanted to know something about the situation of Chen Dayong and others.

Moreover, the two little girls Chen Yun and Yuan Xin not only reminded him of what his own daughters looked like when they were young.

That time when he left the surface, Han Ziang originally thought he could visit the place where his daughter last lived as a sign of comfort.

But he didn't expect that the waves were so strong that when he came out, he couldn't see anything.

There is sea water everywhere

The original hospital was also buried or destroyed by the waves.

He was very depressed when his thoughts in his heart came to nothing.

But he didn't expect to meet Chen Dayong and others at the end, and Chen Dayong and others were deeply moved by the scene where Yuan Xin and Chen Yun were willing to sacrifice themselves to let their daughter survive.

Thinking of myself, the guilt I felt in the past felt even more like burning.

He knew that he was actually not wrong, but emotions and emotions never distinguished between right and wrong. He would cut his heart when he needed to, and it would not give him any relief at all.

In order to make himself feel better, he decided to come over and see Chen Dayong and the others.

It's amazing to say that when I saw Chen Yun and Yuan Xin, the guilt in my heart faded a lot.

For this reason, Han Ziang plans to get closer to Chen Dayong and others and keep in touch.

Maybe, it's also possible

Han Ziang was eating tea eggs and watching Chen Dayong and the others chatting and laughing, an imperceptible look appeared in his eyes.

As if envious.

This chapter has been completed!
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