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Chapter 107 The Last Ticket

Escape from Blue Star in a spaceship is the last struggle of the United Nations and represents the final defeat of mankind.

So far, no matter whether the sun is destroyed or not, in the end Blue Star will still take one step before the sun is destroyed.

Whether it is the Blue Star Faction or the Wandering Faction, at this point, the members of the Supreme Council of the United Nations will step down after launching the Spark Project, and then exile themselves to the universe.

Because, for them, even if the sun is not destroyed, they must be the scapegoat for the accident that occurs as a result of jumping with the help of Jupiter's gravity.

Because Blue Star was destroyed...

Even if it was an accident, no one would forgive them.

In the electronic file of the supreme decree signing, the launch of the Tinder Project also represents the final countdown of the council members.

After launching the Tinder Plan, Moss will pass thousands of evaluation conditions based on the previously set talent value evaluation rules, with a total score of one thousand points. After listing, they will be arranged from large to small, and the 320 candidates with the highest scores will be selected.

Thousands of people.

Only these 3.2 million people can get spaceship tickets.

And, further down, there is a list of 10 million people who were used as substitutes by Moss.

Once someone among these 3.2 million people gives up their ticket or fails to catch up in time, a replacement will be selected from the supplementary list.

This list was evaluated by Moss throughout the entire process, with a total population of more than 3.5 billion, and all were treated equally. Those who were not on the list had no choice but to give up.

In this strict value assessment, four people, Liu Qi, Tang Lao, Wu Wen, and Chen Xue, were on the ticket list.

Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun are on the supplementary list, and their rankings are quite low. To recruit them, all the people in the front need to die in two batches!

The rest of the people, including Weijun, were not even on the supplementary list.

If there was no other back-up, after this accident, only Liu Qi and four others could board the spacecraft, and the other eight people could only wait to die with Blue Star.

Don't think about sneaking in or forcing your way in.

When Project Tinder is launched, all jurisdictions where the spaceship is located immediately enter the highest alert state. Anyone who wants to cause trouble within the spaceship, including those who have taken a ticket, will be warned once and shot twice without hesitation.

The weapon system carried on the spacecraft can annihilate the entire area within three minutes.

Even if Fang Yu wears a battle armor, it is not enough to beat him with this ball-fighting weapon.

Good thing!

Fang Yu had already left behind many backup plans.

Among them is a small spacecraft he built with private funding.

Originally, spacecraft were not allowed to be built by anyone except the United Nations.

Because any materials for making spaceships are in short supply in Blue Star now, let alone shipbuilding talents.

Moreover, once you open your mouth, it is difficult to stop.

Therefore, the United Nations strictly prohibits this matter. Only the United Nations can do this!

However, Fang Yu used Pangu to create an order to "build a reconnaissance spacecraft" in the moss system.

Fang Yu also forged the signature seal of the Supreme Council on this order, and then after it was issued, the authority was directly reduced to a fixed level and hidden from the council.

Through this method, the council did not discover that Fang Yu had used their seal to secretly build a small reconnaissance spacecraft that could carry a hundred people.

It's not that Fang Yu doesn't want to make it bigger, but if it is bigger, the amount of construction work and materials will become obvious in the system and be easily noticed.

Because it is small, the spacecraft was built in only three years.

Afterwards, Fang Yu upgraded his system, bought a piece of land on the surface, and built a spacecraft docking bay on the pretext of building a test space.

Yes, this testing space is exactly where Liu Qi and the others went.

There is a hidden connecting passage between the spacecraft docking cabin and the test space built by Fang Yu. Through the test space, you can enter the docking cabin and then find Fang Yu's spaceship.

In fact, Fang Yu actually applied for a spacecraft construction project in order to cover up.

However, this project is just child's play on the surface. The spaceship created can only fly on the Blue Star. It is indeed a "spaceship" worthy of the name.

I said before that I would take Yuan Xin to see the spaceship, and this is what I wanted to see.

This spaceship and the spaceship are two different things.

Fang Yu briefly described the current situation to Mr. Han and other people who didn't know anything yet.

Then a few people found a corner to gather together, and Fang Yu gave the order through Pangu.

"Pangu, start the blocking program and block the moss supervision program"

The terminals on everyone are now under the control of moss. Anyone with a ticket and successfully connected to moss will be supervised by moss. Once someone wants to talk about the ticket and the spaceship, his ticket

The qualification will be immediately cancelled.

Fang Yu had noticed before that Mr. Tang, Wu Wen, and Chen Xue had been winking at everyone to confirm whether others had tickets.

Neither Mr. Han nor Yuan Yi could understand it, but the three of them confirmed that each of them had a ticket.

As time went by, they became impatient.

Fang Yu then brought them together and started the blocking process.

"Mr. Tang, Awen, Xiaoxue, you all have ferry tickets, right?"

As soon as Fang Yu said these words, except for Mr. Tang, Wu Wen and Chen Xue, who had expressions of relief on their faces, everyone else looked confused.

Ferry ticket?

What they knew about the spaceship built by Fang Yu was only the "spaceship" on the surface. They didn't know that Fang Yu built a plank road secretly in Chencang, built a fake spaceship, and built a real spaceship.

Wu Wen and others felt their hearts skip a beat when they heard Fang Yu talk about the ferry tickets. According to the previous MOSS regulations, they should have been disqualified from the ticket at this time.

But they didn't feel uncomfortable, instead they felt relieved.

Mr. Tang has long been indifferent to life and death. He doesn't care about the ticket. If the ticket was not negotiable, he would have given it to someone else.

Of course, the person he gives in to must be chosen by himself.

Although he is old, he is not old and confused.

Just because he doesn't care doesn't mean he can just give up his ticket.

Wu Wen and Chen Xue basically had the same idea.

They had decided before that if Fang Yu and the others did not have tickets, they might choose to give up the tickets directly and stay with Fang Yu and the others.

"Don't worry, I let Pangu take over the network. Moss can't supervise our conversations."

As soon as Fang Yu said these words, Chen Xue and Wu Wen's eyes widened.

Does Pangu still have this function?

When they borrowed Pangu before, they always thought it was a scientific research-based artificial intelligence, and they really didn't think about it in this regard.

"Remember that spaceship I built?"

Fang Yu said.

"Spaceship? Is this the ticket you are talking about? Then what is the use of this ticket?"

Mr. Han knows Fang Yu's commercial "ship" best, because he has gone up to see it.

But the rest of the people vaguely guessed what Fang Yu meant.

Because Han Ziang had been living a simple life after retirement, Fang Yu and the others did not tell him much about other things, so he knew the least among these people.

Fang Yu projected a list of names directly on the ground through Pangu.

This list has everyone's profile picture, as well as their ratings and character descriptions.

Next, while Fang Yu browsed the list on the ground, clicking on the business cards from time to time to check detailed information, she told them about the spaceship, including that she had a real spaceship.

After Mr. Han and the others finally understood the significance of the ticket, Fang Yu had already chosen the person.

I saw him directly click to send the list of previously checked characters.

Then he said to everyone.

"Okay, without further ado, Liu Qi and the others should be waiting for us now. We need to get there quickly. Moreover, Yaozi's injury must be treated on the spacecraft."

Wu Wen, Chen Xue and others looked at each other in confusion. There was a lot of information in Fang Yu's words. They had just finished digesting it. They haven't sorted it out yet. Anyway, they knew one thing.

Blue Star might be doomed, so Fang Yu built a spaceship, and everyone wanted to escape from Blue Star in the spaceship.

Afterwards, Fang Yu, Wu Wen and the others left the square directly and headed towards the testing space.

It was not that no one followed along during this period, but when they arrived at the testing space, they were stopped directly.

Because they don't have permission to enter.

A few people still want to break in violently, but unfortunately, as long as they make a gesture of taking action, Pangu will inform the user that once they violently damage the dungeon equipment, they will lose the right to use the armor.

So, they behaved instantly.

Don't forget, Fang Yu gave them the authority to use the armor. If Fang Yu hadn't given them the authority to use the armor, they would have died underground long ago.

Although they were rescued, they seemed unlikely to survive long without a ticket, but it was true that Fang Yu saved them.

Want to cause trouble?

Then give your life back!

Therefore, these people could only watch Fang Yu and others enter the testing space, and finally dispersed helplessly.

By this time, the earthquake had basically stopped.

However, the problems faced by Blue Star still exist.

It can even be said that it is basically hopeless.

In the early stages, the United Nations still launched a rescue plan.

Some underground cities that were not affected sent mobile armors to escort engineers to the stalled planetary engines for repair and reactivation.

There are basically only two possibilities for a planetary engine that stalls due to an earthquake. As long as it is not completely destroyed, it is actually relatively simple to repair.

After all, this is equipment that will last for thousands of years, and durability and practicality are the biggest requirements.

Moreover, this equipment uses heavy element fusion technology!

If this thing is really destroyed, the internal fusion reaction will lose control, and then directly become a billion-yield nuclear bomb, directly exploding the blue star into a crescent moon.

Therefore, the United Nations has already taken various issues into consideration when using this technology.

Once an accident occurs, the entire equipment will be completely disconnected from the fusion reactor in the middle, forming absolute physical isolation. The outer shell can also act as a protection to ensure that the internal reactor is not affected by the outside world.

In this case, unless someone detonates a nuclear bomb here, this earthquake will not affect it.

Thanks to Fang Yu, the armors equipped in the dungeon can now rely on fuel injection to propel themselves into flight.

This flight behavior is less dependent on aerodynamics.

Therefore, on this surface where the air is thin and planes cannot take off, they can still transport engineers all the way to the point of failure through armor.

As a result, more than 3,000 failed planetary engines were gradually reactivated.

But it's a pity...

Too many...

There are too many faulty engines, and after reactivation, they cannot quickly correct their direction and require a functional self-test before they can operate normally.

This process takes nearly two hours!

But now, there are only three hours left before Blue Star's ten hours of life-saving time!

Two hours of self-test, and not all engines are activated yet.

In three hours, there was not even enough time to activate the planetary engine that corrected one-third of the force.

Therefore, after making this last effort, the United Nations completely gave up the rescue plan.

Maybe...this is the fate of mankind?

No matter how powerful Moss is, after all, it is still just an artificial intelligence.

It can monitor underground cities and monitor and analyze the surface environment, but the entire Blue Star is too big.

Moss's ability can only detect the soil zone up to ten kilometers below the dungeon.

The average thickness of Blue Star's crust is 17 kilometers. Underground cities are built on thicker continental crust to maintain stability. Therefore, the thickness of the crust where these underground cities are located has at least exceeded 40 kilometers.

The underground city is five thousand meters below the surface of the earth. Even if the moss ability is doubled and even the whole thing is combined, it will not be able to penetrate this most basic layer of the earth's crust.

And downwards from the earth's crust is the mantle layer, which is more than two thousand kilometers thick.

So, what can Moss do in this situation?

Perhaps there were some slight changes in the mantle that caused this earthquake. For the Blue Star, it was just a shaking thing, but no one could have imagined that it would shake at this time.

And if you shake like this, you will shake yourself to death...

Project Tinder is launched, and the United Nations is seizing time to evacuate humans according to the list.

Because things happen suddenly, some spaceships may not have time to catch up even if someone has a ticket, so there is a make-up list.

And just now, when Fang Yu was watching the list of people, after selecting the people she wanted, she asked Pangu to send their nearest spaceship docking point to every surviving human being after entering the test space.

The purpose is to give them a chance to gamble.

The escape time is limited. At the last quarter of an hour, the spaceship with an uneven number of people will definitely choose the person with the highest score from the scene to enter immediately.

In this case, they can have a glimmer of hope.

As for Fang Yu.

Just now he was in the square, looking at the list of personnel he wanted to include in his reconnaissance spacecraft.

He retrieved a group of people closest to him.

Then, based on his vision, he selected 90 people based on their scores.

He selected men and women of different ages based on the calculation formula given by Pangu, and came up with these 90 people.

Including themselves, the final capacity on the spacecraft was 102 people.

Even though Fang Yu's spaceship is said to be a one-hundred-person spaceship, it actually has a surplus.

It can't be so stuck.

In the end, it is obviously impossible for the spacecraft to accommodate exactly 100,000 people. When the spacecraft was being built, the problem of population fluctuation was taken into consideration.

In order to ensure the normal fluctuation of the population, this margin is generally about 30% of the number of people.

In other words, assuming 100,000 people, 130,000 people can actually live here!

These 30,000 people are to prepare for the subsequent population fluctuation that will occur when these 100,000 people reproduce.

On a spaceship, it is obviously impossible to control population reproduction as accurately as in a dungeon.

When a spacecraft enters the universe, it must have a stable supply of talents to allow the spacecraft to operate stably.

The planning is too rigorous, and if something goes wrong, it will be the end of collective death.

Of course, the remaining 30,000 people will not be fully filled, and at most 10,000 more people will be filled.

But in this way, there will be 320,000 more tickets for survivors on the surface.

As for who got the final ticket, Fang Yu had no time to care.

There's only so much he can do...


This chapter has been completed!
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