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Chapter 109 The wine is not intoxicating

When Fang Yu entered the docking bay of the spacecraft, Mr. Han and others also saw the "tire" spacecraft that was standing up.

"Oh my god..."

When Han Ziang saw the spaceship in front of him, like Liu Qi, he almost cursed. Thanks to Weijun's innocent eyes, Mr. Han turned around and swallowed the last word.

Seeing the huge spaceship in front of us, its shell full of technology, and its unique appearance, this is a spaceship. The guy Fang Yu showed us before was just a big-headed aircraft that had gained a lot of weight.

When I think about myself, I can actually take a spaceship to the universe in my lifetime.

Mr. Han suddenly felt motivated for the rest of his life.

"Fuck... cow! Cow, cow!"

Because Wu Renyao was lying down, the visual impact was greater for him. At a glance, the "tire" seemed to push him away, which made Wu Renyao's back spine tense.

Hearing Mr. Han's sharp turn, he quickly hit the brakes and kept muttering "cow, ox, ox," while shrinking back and not daring to look directly.

The visual effect of lying down was so powerful that Wu Renyao felt like he was lying on the wall and looking at the sky when he was a child. The huge sense of oppression made him only dare to look at the spaceship with his peripheral vision.

And the rest of the people couldn't help but sigh.

Several people stood in front of the spacecraft for a while, and then footsteps came from the passage behind them.

Tan Wanjun looked back and saw that many survivors wearing battle armor appeared one after another.

After these people came out, they also saw the spacecraft.

Like Mr. Han, some people who lacked vocabulary and slipped through the 12-year compulsory education expressed dry but full of emotions.

"Holy shit!!! Is this a spaceship?"

"Ow! It's so big! It's lying in a trough!"

"Is this information true? Is there really a spaceship? Is Blue Star really going to end?"


As soon as there were more people, the whole scene became lively.

Fang Yu had safely arrived at the spacecraft and was about to board the ship, but Liu Peiqiang, who was far away in space, also noticed something was wrong at this time.

The abnormal situation of Blue Star's orbital cut directly attracted Moss's close attention from the beginning.

"It has been detected that a large-scale earthquake disaster occurred in the Blue Star, which caused a large-scale shutdown of the ground planetary engine. The Blue Star's cut-in angle shifted by 9.23°, and the probability of Blue Star collision increased. Data is being collected, uploaded to the United Nations government, and the disaster rehearsal program is started...


In just ten seconds, Moss used its own data model to simulate the consequences and feasible measures of this anomaly.

The rescue backup plans set by the United Nations were simulated one by one, and failed one after another.

The simulated data of each scheme is recorded into files by moss.

These simulated data are to be submitted to a United Nations committee.

Within ten seconds, moss passed through more than a dozen types and hundreds of plans reserved in the database, and finally failed!

With the help of current data analysis, Moss concluded that the probability of Blue Star successfully breaking away from Jupiter is infinitely close to zero!

The plan failed, the escape probability was not enough to meet the set standards, and the wandering plan failed!

"The Wandering Plan has failed, and civilization survival registration - the Tinder Plan" is being launched.

On the core computing platform of moss, this string of code flows through.

At this time, Liu Peiqiang's handover procedures had just concluded.

Just when he was still immersed in the joy of going home, the alarm sounded in the passage, and Moss's voice came from the audio system.

"Affected by the Blue Star earthquake disaster, the planetary engine shut down on a large scale, Blue Star's propulsion force was halved, and all steering force was lost. If power is not restored within ten hours, Blue Star is expected to fail in thirty-seven hours, four minutes, and twelve seconds.

Collision with Jupiter!"

As an artificial intelligence, Moss cannot violate the three laws of robots. It cannot lie or conceal known facts.

But just like what is imagined in science fiction movies, in fact, these three laws are not without flaws.

For example, now, Moss has not concealed the facts, but the previously set program allows it to tell only half of what it said.

"In order to concentrate all resources to assist the ground in rescue operations, the space station will start a low-power operation mode..."

Moss's words made everyone on the space station busy.

They didn't panic.

Because everyone who comes to the space station has gone through disaster rehearsals, and they have a set of corresponding response plans when encountering various disasters.

Like the low-power operation mode, it means that everyone on the entire space station must return to the hibernation compartment to sleep. Most of the equipment on the space station will enter standby mode, and conventional communications will be cut off. If you want to communicate with the ground, you can only rely on the space communication of the space station.

Not to mention disasters, even the destruction of Blue Star, they actually had real rehearsals and records.

Of course, a preview is just a preview after all. Everyone has a firm disbelief in this plan and is rehearsing it just for the sake of it.

In the corridor, everyone walked towards the dormant cabin one after another.

As the communication was not cut off, some people quickly completed some clarification work between the ground and the space station through regular communication, then hung up the communication and went to the dormant cabin.

Liu Peiqiang's uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger at this time.

He did not return to the dormant cabin immediately, but initiated a communication request to Moss.

"moss, please call your immediate family members, call Liu Qi!"

At this time, Liu Qi was in the test space, and the communication was blocked. What's more, the underground city in Area 03 collapsed, and the communication equipment was in a mess, unable to connect at all.

"Bj03 Underground City, communication failure, signal cannot be connected"

"moss, consume the emergency communication request once and call a family member, Han Ziang"

Liu Pei suppressed his uneasiness and chose to use an emergency communication to call Han Ziang.

Han Ziang was still in the underground city at this time, fleeing for his life.

"The call failed, communication failed, and the signal could not be connected. Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang would like to inform you of the unfortunate news. The underground city in District BJ03 is located in the middle of the earthquake focus. The communication failure was interrupted 13 minutes and 38 seconds ago. After analysis, underground city No. 03 has completely collapsed.

, the probability of your relatives surviving is less than 15%, please express your condolences..."

This time, Moss spoke frankly about the dungeon's malfunction and tried to appease Liu Peiqiang.

But obviously, it doesn't know that saying these words at this time is more like adding insult to injury to humans...

Liu Peiqiang originally had only uneasy speculations in his heart, but Moss's remarks completely chilled his heart!

What collapses? What has a survival probability of less than 15%?

Originally, I could go back to see my child tomorrow, but now you tell me...he...is gone?

Just after I handed over the work, not even an hour came, you told me, my home! My family! They... they are gone?!

Do you want me to grieve? How to grieve?!! How do you want me to adjust to the gap between heaven and hell?!!

Liu Peiqiang, who was extremely sad, could not accept this result at this moment. His eyes were red at this time, as he was originally honest and calm, and like an enraged beast, he punched the operating table, causing the alarm to sound loudly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, the space station is about to enter low-power mode. Please move to the sleep area as soon as possible."

The joys and sorrows of human beings cannot be shared, let alone machines.

Moss's programmed instructions seemed particularly harsh to Liu Peiqiang's ears at this moment.

He understands, he understands everything, he knows that this cannot be blamed on the space station or anyone, it is just an accident, and he is not the only one who has relatives in the entire space station, and his family is not nobler than anyone else.

However, despite his rational understanding, his emotional emotions made him completely unable to accept it at the moment.

He has been on the space station for more than ten years, and what keeps him going is the chain that connects him to his relatives on the Blue Star.

And now, the chain is broken...

When Moss said these words, Liu Peiqiang actually wanted to follow his emotions and smash the terminal in anger, but his military qualities prevented him from doing this.

The punch just now was the biggest vent he could not restrain.

Moss is related to the entire Blue Star rescue plan, and he cannot let others pay for his misfortune.

So, Liu Peiqiang got up and walked towards his dormitory in despair.

Walking back to the empty dormitory, he opened the closet and saw the vodka Makarov had given him before.

Originally, this bottle of wine was to be taken back to drink with Liu Qi.

He was only 8 years old when he left. In the blink of an eye, fifteen years have passed. He is 23 and can already drink. He still thinks that when the two of them drink, he can continue to be drunk and say what he wants to say.

But it’s hard to say it out loud.

But now, this wine has no meaning anymore...

Originally, he planned to change into hibernation clothes, then go to the hibernation area and enter the hibernation warehouse to hibernate.

But the moment he saw this bottle of wine, his mind suddenly changed.

He retracted his hand from the hibernation suit, picked up the bottle of vodka, turned it around twice in his palm, sniffed, pulled the cap off the bottle, then lifted the bottle and took a sip.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

Liu Peiqiang didn't drink often, not to mention that this was vodka. The result was that as soon as he took a sip, he was choked by the smell and coughed, and his throat was burning.

However, after taking this mouthful, a ball of fire burned in my stomach, and the qi that had been stagnant in my heart seemed to be slowly dissolving.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, please enter the hibernation area as soon as possible! Warning! You have now violated Article 36 of the fourth subsection of the third law of the space station. Please are prohibited from carrying alcohol and drinking in the space station. Please stop your behavior as soon as possible, otherwise

, you will be subject to regulatory penalties."

Liu Peiqiang turned a deaf ear to Moss's words, but after taking another sip, his cheeks were already a little red, and he turned around and walked to his bed, lay down on it, and leaned against the window, looking at the stars outside, facing Moss, and like

He said it to himself.

"Moss, did you know? In the human world, when we are troubled and painful, we will drink wine to relieve our sorrows; and when our family members leave, we usually pour a glass of wine and chat while worshiping.

for comfort"

As he spoke, Liu Peiqiang used the bottle cap as a wine glass, poured a small glass of wine, and then spilled the wine on his bed.

He did not pour it on the floor because alcohol could easily short-circuit the circuits on the ground and cause a fire, so he poured it on the bed.

He just wanted to relieve his emotions.

After pouring it, he took another sip, and his eye circles became even redder.

"According to the provisions of Matter No. G-63, all dormant personnel in the nearby dormant warehouse h-7x01 are being awakened..."

After all, moss is just an artificial intelligence. Liu Peiqiang doesn't listen to instructions. The most it can do is report him for processing, and it can't use a robot to catch him back. So, it wakes up the nearest dormant person according to the set temporary processing matter number G-63.

dormant personnel in the warehouse and sent them an order asking them to take Liu Peiqiang to the dormant area for hibernation.

Makarov and another engineer, who were already asleep, were ejected by moss in confusion.

After Makarov sat up, he heard Moss asking him to take Liu Peiqiang, the violator, to the sleep area to sleep.

He and the other engineer looked at each other, and then he spoke.

"It's okay. He is my friend. I will bring him over. Something may have happened. You can continue to sleep..."

The feeling of being forced to wake up from a dormant state was not good. At this time, the engineer's face was stern. Makarov saw that he was not in a good mood, and then thought that something might be wrong with Liu Peiqiang, so he stayed alone.

Accepted this mission.

After the other engineer heard Makarov's words, he lay back down and closed the door.

Because someone performed the task, he successfully went to sleep again in the state of dormant gas.

Makarov shook his head and got up from the dormant cabin with difficulty.

It is difficult to wake up people who are intoxicated by dormant gas. The forced awakening uses electric current stimulation. As you can imagine, this experience is not pleasant.

That's why the engineer just now was so angry.

I was suddenly awakened from a coma by an electric shock. When I sat up, my body was still numb. Who else could look good?

After Makarov cursed Liu Peiqiang a few times, he got up, moved his body and walked towards the dormitory.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, he saw Liu Peiqiang lying on the bed like a ball of mud, smelling of alcohol, and there was half a bottle of vodka next to him.

"Lao Ma, it's you..."

Liu Peiqiang's eyes were a little blurry. When he saw Makarov coming, he smiled and said hello.

"Liu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Liu Peiqiang, who had always been calm and capable, in such a state, Makarov was also very surprised. He quickly sat next to him and asked with concern.

"Come, have a drink with me!"

Liu Peiqiang handed the vodka in his hand to Makarov.

He didn't drink much, and the vodka wouldn't make him like this. Makarov also knew that, but now that his situation was like this, it was obvious that he could only get drunk if he wasn't drunk.

"Liu! What's wrong with you?"

Makarov caught the wine bottle that he almost spilled and asked again.

"I...Liu Peiqiang! I have dedicated more than half of my life to the country. I think that I have done my duty to the country. The only people I am ashamed of are my son and my father-in-law! I feel sorry for them!"

At this point, Liu Peiqiang's tone became a little more garbled. He reached out and grabbed the vodka from Makarov's hand, took another sip, and then continued.

"I originally thought that tomorrow! I would be able to go back tomorrow to spend time with my son and my father-in-law, but! Old horse! Old horse!!"

Liu Peiqiang clapped Makarov's hand excitedly and said loudly.

"They... are gone! Hahaha, Lao Ma, they are... gone!!"

Perhaps because he saw an acquaintance and was drunk all the time, Liu Peiqiang couldn't hold back his sadness for a while. He grabbed Makarov's hand and burst into tears, with tears and runny nose flowing out.

Makarov could only support Liu Peiqiang, subconsciously preventing his face full of snot and tears from touching his clothes, and said in a surprised tone.

"Why is it gone? What happened? Liu? How did they..."

But soon, Makarov remembered the earthquake disaster reported by Moss before, so he fell silent, looked at Liu Peiqiang who was crying, stretched out his arms to hug him, and let his tears and nose smear on his clothes.

Patting his shoulders and back to comfort him.


This chapter has been completed!
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