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Chapter 38 After the plague of locusts

Fang Sanduo and Huang Mei only felt that the smell in the air was getting more and more nauseating. After vomiting, they still felt a little nauseous when they straightened up again.

Not only that, the smell in the air made them feel a little dizzy and their limbs were weak.

Fang Yu watched Fang Sanduo and Huang Mei's faces gradually turn a little yellow. This color is not right!

Although the locusts have passed by.

But in fact, most of the locusts continued to fly over, but a small number of locusts were left in the village.

These locusts inhabit any place where there are trees, flowers and grass in Taguchi Village, densely packed and constantly eating these vegetation.

Some locusts are naturally very curious and like to burrow into every corner of a house.

Other people in the village did not take protective measures in advance like Fang Yu. This resulted in that after the torrent of locusts passed by, most of the villagers' windows failed to withstand the suicidal impact of the locusts and were all smashed!

Some doors that were not closed were also rushed open.

With such a huge population, these locusts are nothing like humans.

They are nearly pervasive.

Although living creatures are not part of the locusts' diet, these locusts did not eat humans after rushing into the room.

Instead, it kept flapping and flying throughout the room.

If the rice jars and grain bags of some villagers are not tightly tied or covered, the locusts will fall directly into the jars or rice bags, and soon the locusts will completely cover the entire surface of the jars and rice bags.

Seeing that their food was so invaded by locusts, even though the house had become a locust nest, these villagers still desperately went up and swatted away the locusts, then put the grain bags in their arms and rushed out of the room.

After rushing out of the room, they discovered that the entire village seemed to be under a rain of locusts.

There are locusts flying everywhere outside.

The locusts landed on the roof and the ground. Although these locusts would fly away when they found that there was no food in these locations, there were still some locusts in the egg-laying period that found that some places were very suitable for breeding offspring, so they stayed on the road and on the ground.

On the roofs, or even in some dungeons of residents' homes, these female locusts just insert their tails into the soft soil, or into straw, or into some urns.

As long as these locations meet their ovulation needs, they will directly lay the white, thin eggs there before leaving.

These eggs are extremely small and look a bit like millet grains. Sometimes they are very conspicuous under the light from the side.

As for those villagers who did not rush out of the house, while fighting the locusts, they gradually found that they began to feel a little tight in the chest, and their heartbeats accelerated and their hearts throbbed.

There is a bitter taste in the mouth, a faint burning sensation in the intestines and stomach, and I start to feel a little nauseous instinctively, feel dizzy, and have blurred vision.

This is a symptom of cyanide poisoning.

When these locusts are attacked, they instinctively convert phenylacetonitrile into hydrocyanic acid.

Although these amounts are not large, they cannot be continuously inhaled in a closed room like a house.

These villagers only thought the smell was weird and did not know it was highly toxic hydrocyanic acid.

Cyanide poisoning dose and lethal dose. The lethal dose of oral hydrocyanic acid is 0.7 to 3.5 mg/kg.

Hydrocyanic acid concentration in inhaled air reaching 0.5mg/l cyanide can cause death.

Originally, the amount they inhaled was not fatal, but the amount was enough to make them dizzy and fall to the ground. After falling to the ground, they were unable to go out of the room. The hydrocyanic acid in the air was still being inhaled by them, but only

After a few minutes, their breathing gradually became weak...

As for those who rushed out of the house, because they were outdoors, the hydrocyanic acid did not form a high concentration after being dispersed into the atmosphere. At most, some of them took a few puffs indoors, which made them feel a little nauseous and nauseated.

After going out, the symptoms gradually improved.

But the locusts flying everywhere outside gave them a visual impact like the end of the world. At this time, each of the villagers who came out were running frantically towards the location of the Locust Temple.

But when they arrived at the Locust Temple, they discovered that the Locust Temple had already been occupied by locusts.

The temple door was wide open, and the lame old man had long disappeared.

The Locust God, who was sitting high on the altar in the temple, had a dignified and solemn face, and his "divine insect" was jumping back and forth on his head and flying in front of him.

After seeing this, the last hopes of the villagers were shattered, and they screamed unbearably and ran towards the outside of the village.

After Fang Yu saw Fang Sanduo and Huang Mei in this situation, he did not hesitate to lift them up from the ground. After kicking the door open, he ignored the locusts flying in the sky outside and directly found an open space.

After clearing the locusts on the ground, put the two people down.

Fortunately, the amount the two of them inhaled was not much, and Fang Yu took them out the moment they collapsed after vomiting.

Such mild poisoning will not be fatal as long as the poisoning environment is removed in time. Even a small amount can be cured if the body automatically excretes it.

Like those villagers who rushed out of the house early, not all of them were alive and kicking. Even though their hearts were shocked, they still ran very fast.

After seeing Huang Mei and Fang Sanduo gradually regaining their breathing, Fang Yu returned to the room.

The situation was urgent at that time. Although he had told them before that the locusts might be poisonous and asked them to pay attention to their breathing, when the locusts rushed into the room, except for him, Fang Sanduo and the other two could not act like him.

Controlling their breathing, and fighting the locusts at close range, they inhaled some hydrocyanic acid.

And Fang Yu consciously controlled his breathing from beginning to end, so he had no influence at all. The locusts didn't bite, they just flew around, which was very annoying. In addition, when there were too many, they would have visual effects.

However, if we can ignore it, the locust plague actually does not have much impact on people.

Fang Yu walked into the room and patted all the locusts on the grain bag.

Fortunately, he had already taken protective measures against these foods.

These locusts can only smell the food, but they cannot eat the food that is tightly protected inside the sack, so they can only linger on it.

In order to prevent these locusts from laying eggs or excreting on it, Fang Yu completely wrapped the food in cotton quilts and blocked all entry holes.

The meat strips hanging in the kitchen were placed in the stove and sealed.

The lower surface of these strips of meat is roasted with fire.

In this way, any possible insect eggs or hydrocyanic acid on it will be burned at high temperatures and deteriorate, making it safe and edible again.

After doing all this, Fang Yu went out to comfort Fang Sanduo and Huang Mei.

Under Fang Yu's narration, the two gradually understood that locusts can actually only cause damage to food. Even if they were outside the house and were passed by locusts, at most they would be bitten by locusts and inhale some hydrocyanic acid, but

As long as the locusts have flown over, they will be slightly poisoned at most, and it is possible to recover from this state.

Some people in neighboring villages said they were sick in bed, probably because they were attacked by locusts.

There are cases of death due to locusts, but they are rare.

However, in the previous few times, locusts swept over the fields and did not invade the villages.

Taguchi Village was not very lucky. It happened to be on the route of the locust plague, and then the locusts invaded the village.

When they understood that locusts were not very harmful, and after they came out, they also discovered that although these locusts were flying everywhere, they still instinctively avoided humans and just flapping around in other places.

This discovery made the two of them gradually relax.

Fang Yu, on the other hand, looked thoughtfully at the three-pillar closed room next door.

Thinking of the situation where Fang Sanduo and Huang Mei appeared before, Fang Yu stood up immediately. He only had time to say something to Huang Mei, and then ran directly to the courtyard of the three pillars, knocked on the door twice, and found that there seemed to be someone inside.

When there was a cry for help, he kicked the room open, and a short while later, he came out of the room carrying three pillars on his back.

After placing the three pillars that were still conscious on the ground, he entered the door again and brought out three more people, one carrying them on his shoulder and two holding them under his arms.

They are the three children of Sanzhu.

Then there is his wife, old mother, and old father.

A family of seven, all lying in the room.

Once these rooms are poorly ventilated, they may continue to inhale hydrocyanic acid due to accumulation, which is why Fang Yu kicked the door open.

Fortunately, Fang Yu kicked the door in time, and except for the two elderly people whose symptoms were a little serious, all seven people were fine.

Especially the three children. After the locusts entered, the three little ones were so frightened that they crawled directly under the bed. This way they were protected from the locusts and were in the best condition.

After realizing this problem, Fang Yu started knocking on and kicking down doors from door to door.

Some houses were well ventilated and did not form a closed space, so the people inside were not seriously injured. Seeing Fang Yu knocking on the door at this time, they were quite confused and did not dare to open the door.

After Fang Yu informed him about the poisoning, the people inside quickly opened the door.

After opening the door, there was a lingering look of fear on his face.

Because they all felt a little stuffy in the room and felt uncomfortable in their chests, but they thought this was just a natural symptom of stuffy rooms, and did not expect it to be a locust problem.

After learning what Fang Yu had done, they were from the same village after all, and everyone in the village was somewhat related to each other. Therefore, the villagers began to knock on the door spontaneously.

After all the villagers had their doors knocked on, everyone gathered together and realized that there were really a few unlucky ones.

Too many locusts entered these two households, which caused the hydrocyanic acid in their air to rise rapidly. These people did not last long before they fainted.

After being rescued, he couldn't wake up, but luckily he was still breathing.

But Fang Yu had no hope for this.

Once this cyanide poisoning reaches a certain level, unless modern medicine uses targeted drugs to treat it, the probability of death is extremely high.

Sure enough, not long after they were rescued, these people's bodies suddenly turned red. After a while, their legs twitched and they lost their breath.

A total of three people died.

They are all old people.

Only after they found out that someone really died did these people truly believe Fang Yu's previous words.

While rejoicing, Fang Yu's image in the hearts of the villagers in Taikou Village has become more real and credible.

This is a capable person.

This is an idea shared by everyone in Taguchi Village.

Talented people will naturally gain more respect.


Fang Yu didn’t want this~

Looking at the grateful and trusting eyes of the villagers in Taguchi Village, Fang Yu felt her head grow bigger.

He saves people purely out of his own heart and does not want to gain the trust of these villagers.

Because sometimes, trust is a different kind of responsibility.

The villagers trust Fang Yu and will come to him if anything happens later, but Fang Yu does not want to take on this responsibility.

He has only been here for a month at most, and has no friendship with these villagers except for the three pillars.

Now he just wants to spend this month with Fang Sanduo and Huang Mei. He doesn't want to care about other things and can't care about them.

He can manage the lives of three people, but if there are more, it will be beyond his capabilities.

Now Fang Yu just hopes that nothing more will happen in the future and that everyone can spend this period of time quietly.

The locust plague is coming, so naturally no one in the rice fields in Taguchi Village will be spared.

The large army of locusts has flown away, but it seems that the remaining locusts are a little too happy to miss Shu.

These locusts took a fancy to all the vegetation and greenery near Taguchi Village.

Some wild vegetables and other vegetables originally grown by some villagers in the village were all eaten up in just one day.

Then these locusts began to spread to the outskirts of the village.

But these locusts are brainless things after all.

Some locusts know how to explore other places when they have nothing to eat, while some locusts are just too tired to eat.

If they don't spread outside, they will get into the villagers' rooms!

In addition, locusts are photophilic creatures.

At night, when a fire is lit, the surrounding locusts will flock to the fire.

It took three days of culling in the entire Taguchi Village before the locusts in the village were basically eliminated.

As for the eggs laid by these locusts, as long as they were found, the villagers burned them clean with torches.

By the time the locusts in the village were almost completely cleared, all the locusts outside the village had also disappeared.

What is left behind is a desolate field that was already in a mess.

When Fang Yu left the village, she was also shocked by the post-disaster scene in front of her!

The rice fields that were originally green three days ago are now left with only scattered rice stalks standing naked on the ridges of the fields.

These locusts gnawed not only the rice, but also the rice leaves completely.

There had been no irrigation for three days, causing the fields to dry up.

And on the semi-dry land, there was a layer of fine white insect eggs.

These eggs are still floating on the surface. If you look closely, you will see that the cracked cracks in the fields have long been filled with eggs laid by these locusts.

The growth cycle of locusts is about two months.

If these eggs are not removed within this time, when the locusts take shape two months later, there will be another locust plague.

This is the reason why the locust plague seemed low-key but had the most extensive influence in ancient times.

Ancient dynasties were able to deal with droughts and floods, but the harm of locust plagues in modern times was not restrained until the development of pesticides and aerial spraying technologies.

Otherwise there is nothing you can do.

There won’t be another so-called Locust God.

Except for the rice fields, in other places, if you look at it in a blink of an eye, you can see no green at all within a five-mile radius of Taguchi Village.

What was once a row of idyllic villages with birds singing and flowers fragrant now looks like the Gobi Desert in the desert.

The mountains and forests in the distance have also faded from their green.

All the leaves have been chewed up, the small branches have been bitten off, and the bark has been chewed into holes. If you just look at the trees, they probably won't survive.

Look at it from Fang Yu’s perspective and thinking.

This land...is considered useless.

Almost all the greenery here has suffered a devastating blow.

It is basically impossible to return to the previous appearance without taking a year and a half.

In other words, in the past year and a half, this village has been a place of death!

Among the villagers nearby, there are also some people who have far-reaching views.

After a while, everyone in the village knew that Taguchi Village was destroyed.

Their home...

No more...


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