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Chapter 63 The Kyoto News

This is???

Fang Yu was a little confused when she saw the sudden completion of the main task.

Normally, there are still 4 years until the main mission is completed.

Fang Yu had planned it before.

Since Tan Wanjun in this world is a princess, and she has an intersection with Prince Chang's Mansion, the best choice is to use Prince Chang's Mansion as a starting point, first establish her own power, and then through a few years of development, she can successfully

Form a team and finally look at the world.

This is the fundamental reason why Fang Yu has been hanging out in the military camp during this period of time.

In this era, for Fang Yu, if he wanted to gain a certain status or power, joining the army was the best choice.

But who knows, how could he finish it after only two months of rest?

What's going on?

Just when Fang Yu frowned and was still thinking about it, suddenly, he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves coming from outside the mansion.

In Tianmenguan Street, riding horses is prohibited without an order from the palace!

And Tan Mingyuan usually doesn't drive horses in the pass. Even when he goes to the military camp, he always walks.

Once someone sets up a horse, there are two possibilities.

One is when an enemy breaks through the pass, and the military camp sends out troops on horseback.

The other is an urgent tip.

Only in these two situations would anyone dare to drive a horse galloping through the streets.

But if someone breaks through, the drums and trumpets should be beating by now, and it can't be so quiet.

Just as he was thinking about it, as the horse's hooves came closer, a human voice came closer and closer to Fang Yu's ears.

"Urgent warning from the capital! Pedestrians should retreat! Urgent warning from the capital! Pedestrians should retreat!"

On the solid land, horses' hooves flew up and down, bringing little bits of soil with them.

A soldier wearing leather armor and a helmet with a small yellow flag on his head was clinging to the horse's back, his body rising and falling with the horse's body, and there was an inexplicable sense of harmony.

This is the messenger at the inn.

The yellow flag above the head means that this message is transmitted from the royal family.

As he drove his horse, he shouted an urgent message, and pedestrians on the street avoided him, allowing him to reach the gate of the palace unimpeded.

When he was about to reach the palace gate, he used the reins and legs to gradually slow down the galloping horse underneath him, and then stopped in front of the palace.

The messenger quickly slipped off his horse, threw the reins to the approaching soldier, and then took out an identity token from his arms.

The soldier took the token, checked it carefully, and after confirming it was correct, handed it back to the orderer.

The messenger took the token, stuffed it into his arms, and then hurriedly got into a small gap left by the main door. Then the door was closed, and the street returned to calm.

The messengers, led by the servants, quickly came to the inner hall and waited.

Tan Mingyuan is coming from the military camp.

When Fang Yu heard that the messenger was here to deliver an urgent report from Kyoto, he immediately remembered the main mission that he had completed unexpectedly.

This urgent report must be related to the change of his mission!

He really wanted to know this information, but unfortunately, he was wearing white clothes now. Even if he was the savior, Tan Mingyuan would not let him listen or know this kind of information.

Fang Yu could only see from a distance that Tan Mingyuan hurried from the door to the hall. Immediately, the messenger took out a small bamboo tube as thick as a thumb from his inner pocket.

He saw Tan Mingyuan carefully observing the bamboo tube, then roasted it with fire, and then broke it with his hands, and the bamboo tube broke, revealing a piece of cloth inside.

After unfolding the cloth, Tan Mingyuan's eyes widened the more he looked at it, and his breathing became rapid. It was obvious that the information on it shocked him.

Tan Mingyuan looked at it for a long time, then put the cloth on the already lit candle next to it and burned it in front of the ordering soldiers.

After all the burning was done, the orderly soldier knelt down and bowed to Tan Mingyuan again, then stood up and left the palace.

After the messenger left, Fang Yu saw Tan Mingqing, Tan Wanjun's second uncle, coming back in a hurry. After the two looked at each other, Tan Mingqing nodded to Fang Yu, and Fang Yu responded.

, Tan Mingqing strode into the inner hall.

After the two entered the inner hall, Tan Mingyuan sighed, shook his head, and introduced his second brother into his study. After the study was closed, Fang Yu could not see anything and did not know what happened inside.

"Donor Fang, what is this?"

Behind Fang Yu, a small bald head suddenly appeared on the path behind.

It's Wu Wen.

Over the past month, Wu Wen has been resting well in the palace.

His injury has healed.

In the past two months, in addition to daily chanting sutras, what he did most was to go with Li Bo to the refuge shacks outside Tianmen Pass to rescue and treat the victims, or to teach them Buddhist principles and chant sutras and pray for them.

Fang Yu went there occasionally, but he went there almost every day.

After two months, not only did he seem to become calmer, but he also gained the reputation of an unknown master in the disaster-stricken area.

In these two months, he repaired houses for the victims, carried stones, nailed windows, and fetched water.

It can be said that he is just a brick, moving it wherever it is needed.

In the past two months, except for his daily work of chanting sutras when he got up early in the morning, he had not touched a sutra book or visualized a Buddha during the rest of the time.

"The Indestructible King of the Great Village"

But these two months, in Wu Wen's opinion, made him understand Buddhism more clearly and get closer to Buddha than the previous ten years of worshiping Buddha.

Therefore, instead of wasting his Buddhist cultivation because of this, he was like a weed growing under a stone. Although there was no change on the surface, Fang Yu could feel that he had been accumulating something in his heart.

some kind of power.

This feeling was very familiar to him.

Isn't this how he feels when faced with Bao Dan?

Two months, just two months in the world, Wu Wen's spiritual cultivation almost changed every day.

Fang Yu's "warm warning" to him in the temple seemed to have really stimulated his potential.

Or maybe he is really gifted, and during this period of time, he continued to become enlightened, making his spiritual cultivation as if he had taken a drug.

He went to the disaster area for a month and worked hard every day. When he came back, Fang Yu discovered that his spiritual cultivation had reached the level of interior scenes.

When Wu Wen reaches this state, when he enters concentration, he can comprehend and visualize the "true Buddha" in his heart.

According to his explanation, what he visualized was not the Tathagata's true body, but his incarnation as the King of Ming.

Fudo Mingwang.

A statue is sitting on the lotus, with anger turning into a dharma ring surrounding King Ming behind him, with angry eyes and fangs, a pole lying on his knees, and seals on his hands. He seems to be filled with anger, but the anger is actually

Its restriction is behind it, and its figure remains as motionless as a mountain.

In his statement, his current state has surpassed that of the previous abbots of Mingjue Temple. He has only seen such a state in books.

It is said that he has achieved enlightenment and can be called an Arhat.

However, from Wu Wen's point of view, he himself is still a little novice. The more he visualizes Fudo Mingwang, the more he feels that the Dharma is boundless. He is just a worldly novice, not an Arhat.

Of course, in Fang Yu's opinion, it is not an exaggeration to say that Wu Wen is an Arhat if he can clearly understand this.

Buddhism has entered the hall.

Then, he continued to go to the shelters where disaster victims took refuge every day.

He didn't take the time to meditate, but his spiritual cultivation was getting better day by day.

Two months have passed, and through the efforts of him and the soldiers at Tianmen Pass, the original shelter for the victims has vaguely formed the prototype of a village.

The victims there have no plans to go back.

Although the area is remote, at least there is land here.

Prince Chang's Mansion has allocated land around the refuge shack to them.

With the help of the soldiers, they have begun to cultivate the fields, and the seeds were provided by Prince Chang's Mansion. Now the entire refuge shack has slowly stabilized.

With the construction of houses and the exchange of people, it won't take long, maybe only two or three years, for this place to become a new village.

People fleeing famine are like dandelion seeds. When the wind blows, they take root and grow wherever they fall, and finally bloom again.

The village has taken shape, and Wu Wen's spiritual cultivation has reached a level that even surprised Fang Yu.

Fang Yu looked at Wu Wen in front of her.

Wearing a gray coarse cloth gown and a pair of worn-out cloth shoes, under his shining bald head is a delicate but extremely harmonious face.

The most unforgettable thing should be his eyes, which are bright and as clear as water, as if the whole world can be reflected in his eyes.

Coupled with the smile that seemed to appear at the corner of his mouth all the time, his whole person had an indescribable affinity.

Tsk, Wu Wen’s damn mental power seems to have improved again!

"Wuwen, your state of mind has improved again."

Looking at Wu Wen, Fang Yu sighed and said.

"Huh? Oh, it seems so."

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Wu Wen realized that she seemed to be unable to control her spiritual cultivation. She quickly closed her eyes and meditated on King Ming's Dharma for a while. When she opened her eyes again, he had become a

An ordinary little novice monk.

Fang Yu also discovered from Wu Wen that everyone seemed to be in a different situation after arriving at the interior scene.

In other words, maybe those who practice Buddhism will be like this.

He discovered that after Wu Wen reached the realm of interior scenery, his entire temperament changed greatly due to his improvement in spirit.

When he does not control his mental restraint, his whole person will show a strong affinity.

Under his spiritual influence, everyone who meets Wu Wen will unconsciously become close to him and trust him.

The smaller the spiritual cultivation level, the more spiritually sensitive one is, the more so.

Just like a child.

Wu Wen is now the veritable king of children. Any child's sense of Wu Wen will be infinitely amplified by his spirit, making them even more trustful.

At the beginning, Fang Yu didn't notice it. It wasn't until his abilities became more and more outrageous that Tan Wanjun was in a daze when she looked at him, that Fang Yu realized something was wrong.

After mentioning it to Wu Wen, he began to calm down.

His spiritual cultivation improved too quickly, but there were still some sequelae. The sequelae were that he could not control his mental leakage well.

This kind of ability consumes a lot of mental resources.

And he continues to leak it. Although his affinity ability is very strong, it also means that his spirit is more easily affected by other emotions.

If he is not careful, he may suffer backlash and develop inner demons.

Therefore, during this period of time, he was also constantly visualizing his own King Ming's Dharma, striving to control his mental power as soon as possible.

Seeing Wu Wen return to her original appearance as a little monk, Fang Yu sighed.

In this world, Wu Wen's talent is a bit scary.

Fang Yu almost watched Wu Wen catch up with her spiritual state in two months.

Moreover, looking at the accumulation of his "seeds", Fang Yu even suspected that he might reach perfection before himself.

Once the "seed" in Wu Wen's heart is complete, it means that he has also entered the state of enlightenment.

As a result, there are now two enlightened warriors who were once rare in the world for hundreds of years, and are now close to reaching this level.

"Please give me more reminders, it's still a young monk who is not practicing well."

There was a hint of shame on Wu En's face, and Fang Yu's eyes twitched when he saw it.

Although he knew that Wu Wen was really ashamed, Fang Yu also really had the urge to give him a kick.

I have achieved achievements in several worlds in two months, and you still make me feel ashamed?

Wu Wen in this world is handsome, but she just needs a beating.

Fang Yu waved her hand and stopped her divergent thinking.

"Donor Fang, who was he just now?"

Seeing that Fang Yu didn't say anything, Wu Wen couldn't help but ask again.

Hearing Wu Wen's question again, Fang Yu remembered that Wu Wen seemed to have asked him this question before.

This damn affinity, damn it, I seem to want to

Fang Yu was simply "fascinated" by Wu Wen before, and then she forgot to reply.

Yes, this affinity infection is so outrageous.

But thinking that this may be the ability that Wu Wen obtained after more than ten years of practicing Buddhism and fasting for more than ten years, Fang Yu felt relieved.

Moreover, this is just a mental infection. In terms of combat effectiveness, Wu Wen is not Fang Yu's opponent.

Although his magic wand technique is also very powerful, he still has little experience after all. When fighting, he is often overwhelmed by Fang Yu and unable to fight back.

"I'm not very sure, but it should be a message from Kyoto of the Kingdom of Chu. It looks like it's not good news."


Wu Wen's brows wrinkled.

Something happened in Kyoto?

After all, Wu Wen grew up in the Chu Kingdom. Unlike Fang Yu, he still has a strong sense of belonging to the Chu Kingdom, even if he is a monk.

Hearing that something happened in Kyoto, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Kyoto is the heart of Chu State.

If something happens in Kyoto, it will definitely cause a stir in Chu State.

And this wave is not necessarily a good thing for the people who have just experienced a long period of natural and man-made disasters.


Wu Wen sang a Buddhist chant, her face full of compassion for the common people.

Not long after, Tan Wanjun also came back. She also knocked on the study room and finally went in.

Just when Fang Yu was thinking about how to ask something from Tan Wanjun.

Unexpectedly, he learned this information from Tan Wanjun that night.

It was Tan Wanjun who informed him on his own initiative.

It was already dark outside by this time.

Tan Wanjun specially found Fang Yu and confided this information to Fang Yu.

News came from Kyoto.

Emperor Chu


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