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Chapter 89 Buddha doesn't care

Wu Wen quietly transformed into a enlightened warrior in Shuigucheng.

During this period, the moisturizing was silent, and Wu Wen did not notice anything unusual about herself.

But it is precisely because of this that after his breakthrough, he even stabilized without any adaptation period.

Still busy every day.

After the number of volunteers reached more than one hundred.

Wu Wen and others' influence on Shuigu City also began to undergo qualitative changes, and the city changed almost every day.

These volunteers picked out all the useful things in the homes of people who had died of illness throughout the city and managed them together.

For these daily necessities, they would take them out every day to bask in the sun, boil them in hot water, and keep them clean.

They picked out a separate street and cleared out all the habitable rooms on this street.

Burn all personal belongings that may be infected by the disease if possible, landfill them if they cannot be burned, and then add new items.

Make each room an independent space.

Then, each room was marked so that those who were sick could live alone.

This is the "centralized management" that Fang Yu told him.

When there are too many people, just set up a tent at the end of the street to expand the capacity.

In order to avoid personnel panic, Fang Yu asked Wu Wen to pay special attention to their state of mind, and even wrote some public announcements about comfort to Wu Wen. He also planned to ask Wu Wen and others to form some publicity teams later to pay attention to the status of the patients.

However, even Fang Yu did not expect that his arrangement would be completely useless.

After all, he still missed the difference in times.

His arrangement is certainly correct in modern times, and it is also a good prediction.

If such an arrangement were implemented in modern times, some people would inevitably use "human rights" and "freedom" as excuses to cause trouble, vent, and find trouble because of their own interests.

For example, in a beautiful country, you can happily shop for zero yuan every day.

But in this era, it's completely different.

As an era when imperial power was supreme, the common people of this era had no concept of "human rights" and "liberties".

Due to the improvement of modern people's knowledge and culture and their complete self-awareness, everyone is very sensitive to their own rights and interests. Therefore, no one is very willing to be restrained.

But in this day and age, what people fear most is not being controlled, but being left alone!

In this era where laws are not yet perfect, what every lower-class citizen hopes for most is restraint.

Because they are at the lowest level, if there is no restraint and no one to care about them, their life and death and their interests will not be protected at all.

It feels like you live at home, but it's like sleeping on the street. Anyone can come in and out of your room at will, beat you, scold you, take away your finances, and hurt your loved ones.

Therefore, being able to be controlled and restrained by others is too late for them to be happy!

Under Wu Wen's arrangement, after these patients moved into this centralized isolation area, they did not even feel abandoned. They only felt that the sense of security of being controlled was so reassuring!

Someone takes care of them every day, feeds them, washes their clothes, lives well, and eats well...

What kind of treatment is this from a big boss?!

Everyone who was brought into the quarantine area to take care of them wanted to kneel down to those responsible for managing them!

In fact, some people actually knelt down.

When Wu Wen sent an old man to the quarantine area, his son, who was also sick, fell to Wu Wen and the others and cried profusely. He kept chanting, "More Buddhas will bless you!"

In their eyes, Wu Wen is now a Buddha!

Only a true Buddha would treat them like this!

Therefore, all the patients in the management area cooperated extremely well and did whatever they were told, without any complaints.

Moreover, they showed infinite respect and gratitude to these volunteers who were willing to risk getting sick to take care of them.

In this way, these volunteers also gain a sense of honor and mission from these patients.

It's as if life has been sublimated.

Therefore, these volunteers serve these patients with all their heart, and treat each patient as if they were their own parents.

Working non-stop day and night, we always respond to requests, which has exhausted many people.

The brilliance of personality continues to shine. Under such circumstances, the volunteer team led by Wu Wen exudes an unparalleled charm.

The number of volunteers soon exceeded the 100 mark, approaching 300!

Although due to improper epidemic prevention measures, there are examples every day of volunteers becoming patients and living in rooms under their own care.

But every time a spot becomes vacant, two people will fill it.

In that isolation area, every recovered patient chose to become a volunteer.

Those who collect firewood for others must not be allowed to freeze to death in the ice and snow!

Under such influence, the condition of the entire Shuigu City began to improve.

According to Fang Yu's instructions, Wu Wen cleaned up the corpses in the entire city, disposed of all the patients' personal belongings, and replaced them with boiled items.

All toilets are located in the same location and filled in the same place.

They also cleaned the dirt on the streets one by one.

Although people die in quarantine every day.

But no one was disappointed.

Because more people are recovering in quarantine!

And most importantly, they gained the most precious thing.



Wu Wen allowed them to see the dawn of dawn, and for this, she would not hesitate to burn herself out for this!

A month later, the entire Shuigu City has been completely stabilized.

Both the volunteers and the quarantine area have stabilized. The number of people in the quarantine area has already shown negative growth, and the beds inside are slowly being vacated.

On the streets outside and in the rooms, traces of people's lives slowly appeared again.

These are people who have recovered from quarantine.

In fact, they want to be volunteers.

But now there are too many volunteers!

Nowadays, these volunteers have already regarded this identity as a role almost like a boy in front of the Buddha. In order to join the volunteer team, there have even been several fights.

But fortunately, their original intention was to dedicate themselves, so Wu Wen quickly stopped this farce after she came forward.

Then, Wu Wen set a rule and divided the volunteers into teams of ten people, retaining only two hundred people in total. The rest were no longer admitted into the volunteer team, but released into the isolation area to allow them to return to life.

Naturally no one would refute Wu Wen's words, so these people returned to live in the city.

Moreover, after experiencing this epidemic, these people have greatly improved their common sense in some hygiene matters, pay special attention to hygiene, and are accustomed to drinking hot water, drying their quilts and clothes frequently, and scrubbing their bodies more often.

These habits are subtly affecting everyone in the entire city.

Those survivors who did not join as volunteers followed suit.

Suddenly, the sanitary condition of the entire Shuigu City has almost improved by several levels.

People living here have never thought that their city can be so clean, tidy and beautiful!

After the epidemic in Shuigucheng was calmed down, Wu Wen knew that it was time to move on to the next city.

When they learned that Wu Wen was leaving, almost everyone in Shuigu City came to say goodbye.

They knew that Wu Wen was going to save people in other places, so no one tried to stop her, but they already regarded Wu Wen as Buddha in their hearts.

All of those volunteers expressed their intention to follow Wu Wen on his journey south and save the people with him.

Wu Wen naturally welcomed this.

He understands that it is obviously impossible to rely on one person, and only more people can calm the epidemic.

So, he divided the two hundred volunteers into two parts, one part stayed to take care of Shuigu City, and the other part followed him to the next city.

Human lives were at stake. After the decision was made, Wu Wen immediately set off, taking the one hundred people and a large amount of anti-epidemic supplies to the next town to continue her rescue journey.

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

Since Wu Wen left, the entire Shuigu City has quickly cheered up after going through the initial downturn.

Moreover, a carpenter used his lifelong craftsmanship to carve out Wu Wen's portrait and then erected it in the square.

Moreover, every household in Shuigucheng hung a plaque of longevity for Wu Wen and prayed day and night.

The four words "Master Wuwen" are already equivalent to the title of "Tathagata Buddha" in Shuigu City.

Under the influence of Wu Wen, all the residents of Shuigu City became Buddhist believers.

And he is a true believer!

They do not eat fast and chant Buddha's name every day.

Because before they wanted to express their lifelong commitment to fasting, chanting Buddha's name, and becoming a monk, Wu Wen quickly stopped them and said, "Buddha is in my heart."

They also did not spend extravagantly building temples or casting Buddhas.

Because Wu Wen had previously refused their approach of erecting a temple and plaque for him, saying that he was just a novice monk, not a Buddha.

He also stopped them from building a Buddhist temple and erecting a golden Buddha.

Because Wu Wen said "Buddha doesn't care".

However, despite this, there was one thing Wu Wen couldn't stop.

That is, they all regard themselves as unknown disciples.

And all of them take helping others and being kind to others as their life goals.

Love cleanliness, love life, be grateful for life, and be grateful to Buddha.

In response to this, Wu Wen could only sigh with emotion, clasping her hands together and reciting "How good".

When the last patient in Shuigu City recovered, the epidemic in the entire Shuigu City completely dissipated.

Although this city was originally home to nearly 20,000 people, now, many have fled and many have died, and only a handful of 2,000 people remain.

An epidemic directly reduced the population by nearly 90%!

This is the horror of ancient plagues.

But in this era, death is the most common thing, and these people have long been accustomed to it.

After all, every big city starts with a few hundred people and slowly grows to tens of thousands.

Therefore, such a death and escape rate did not scare the residents of Shuigu City.

They still live happily, thanking Master Wuwen and thanking God.

There were no more patients, and the volunteers were supposed to be disbanded.

But they don't want to.

After feeling the life value and honor brought by the identity of a volunteer, no one is willing to let themselves go back to the past.

For them, they would rather choose to die from the disease while treating patients than to leave their status as volunteers.

By the way, they still don’t have a formal name.

There were various names for them in the city, but there was no specific one, and they never asked Wu Wen.

Because they know.

Master Wuwen will definitely not care about this.

Because Buddha doesn't care.

But for the sake of convenience, in the end, they discussed together and decided on their own to call themselves and others the "epidemic rescue team"

In this day and age, we don’t dare to declare ourselves in the military at will.

They call themselves the Epidemic Relief Corps and are disciples of Master Wuwen. They walk around the world and save victims.

After Shuigu City returned to normal, the remaining one hundred of them decided to inherit Master Wuwen's will and continue to rescue other cities.

They headed in the other direction where Wu Wen left, intending to separate from Wu Wen.

In their hearts, they also thought that if they could reunite with Wu Wen later, they would have no regrets in this life even if they died on the spot.

The residents of Shuigu City also regarded these "rescue teams" as "heroes".

When they left, everyone stood at the city gate to say goodbye.

In this way, these "epidemic relief teams" carry the blessings and gratitude of Shuigu City and head towards the next disaster-stricken city.

Hanging around their necks was a wooden Buddha amulet.

The four characters "Master Wuwen" are engraved on the front of the amulet, and each of their names is engraved on the back.

It's not just them.

Every resident of Shuigu City has such a wooden sign hanging around his neck.

This wooden sign has become a symbol in their lives.

This life, they will hang on their necks and be engraved in their hearts.

Wu Wen also didn't expect that the "Epidemic Rescue Team" in Shuigu City would eventually appear.

He didn't know that the entire Shuigu City had become his Buddhist kingdom.

Every household put up signs to pay homage to him.

His statue in the square is visited by people every day to worship him and pray for blessings.

Whenever a newborn baby appears, it is brought to the square to let this wooden statue witness what has gradually become a traditional custom.

And after those "rescue teams" who left Shuigu City arrived in the new city.

They were familiar with the road and began to clean up the dirt in the city and help the victims.

With the experience of Shuigu City, they quickly formed an effective rescue process.

The entire epidemic relief work is in an orderly manner.

And what these people like to do most every day, besides rescuing the epidemic, is telling the people in the city what Wu Wen did in Shuigu City.

Some of Wu Wen's words were also regarded as a masterpiece by them.

Phrases such as "I will be a Buddha all my life," "I will sacrifice my body for eternity, but only hope that hell will be empty," "The Buddha is in my heart," "The Buddha does not care," etc. have become Wu Wen's classic sayings and have been widely circulated.

And after taking care of these people.

They chose the same as Wu Wen.

Half of the people were left in the city to take care of the final touches, and then they headed to the next city again.

And this city, when they left, seemed to have become a replica of Shuigu City.

They also erected a statue in the square.

This figure seemed to have been carved by someone from the relief team.

Because they were the only ones who had seen Wu Wen.

Afterwards, all the people who were treated were hung up with Buddhist amulets, and Wu Wen was also hung up with a longevity amulet.

They also learned the new living habits of Shuigu City.

Pay attention to hygiene and love life.

After the epidemic in the city was brought under control, a new "epidemic rescue team" was also born.

Then, they also set off towards other cities.

If all this is converted into a map, you can see that on this map, wherever the "epidemic rescue team" has been, another "epidemic rescue team" will be spawned.

By analogy, soon, there will be "epidemic relief teams" in all the disaster-stricken cities in Kang State.

And the epidemic will be brought under control as a result.

The cores of flowers drop seeds, the breeze blows, and the young buds grow. There will be new flowers standing on them without the next year, swaying in the wind...

This chapter has been completed!
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