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Chapter 10 Heading to the Central Region

After some communication and recording, Fang Yu's notebook has recorded the specific information of five props, as well as three items that may be props.

Among the five known props, in addition to the push-back gloves, the enchanted revolver, and the erasing spray, Tan Wanjun also provided two more props.

One is another prop she obtained in the treasure box before: the clown ball.

"[Clown Ball] (4/6): Using the clown ball, you can obtain the effect of ignoring the terrain within three minutes."

This prop is also very magical. This terrain-ignoring effect means that after the escapee uses the clown ball, the next three minutes are Newton's tomb disco time. During these three minutes, the escapee can hold the clown ball and ignore gravity.

On the walls, on the roof, on the water it's like walking on the ground.

Tan Wanjun tried it once.

In those three minutes, she could step on the wall and run to the roof, or she could stand directly on the wall, keeping parallel to the ground.

Even the direction of gravity of things on your body will change accordingly.

For example, if you stand on a wall, take out a pistol and let go, the pistol will not fall on the ground, but will fall on the wall.

Even more outrageous than Spider-Man.

In addition to this prop, there is another prop that Fang Yu has also seen, which is the stick held by the man in a suit he met before.

That stick is called the magic cane.

"[Magic Cane] (8/8): Using the magic cane, the survivor can generate an immovable clone on the spot, and then enter a hidden state for five seconds."

Tan Wanjun learned about this magic cane from other escapees. The information may not be accurate, but Fang Yu happened to have witnessed the use of this possible magic cane holder before.

At that time, the effect of the man in the suit using the cane was basically similar to what Tan Wanjun said, so it can be judged that the accuracy of this information is quite high.

There are also three other items that Tan Wanjun has seen that are suspected to be magical props.

One is a hard-cover book with a gorgeous cover. On the cover of the book, there are some strange little figures painted on it.

Another one is a bottle of perfume that looks very gorgeous, but its function is unknown.

The reason why I suspect it is a magical prop is because the person holding it is a slovenly man.

The last suspicious magical item is a syringe filled with a red liquid that looks like blood.

The needle of the syringe looked like a large-dose needle used for livestock. The needle was very long.

Tan Wanjun saw this syringe in the pocket of another survivor. This survivor treasured this prop very much and hid it tightly. She also saw it accidentally.

Judging from the red unknown liquid, this thing should be considered a magical prop.

As for the others, some of the remaining five people seemed to have no props, but Tan Wanjun suspected that each of these people had at least one prop, but some of them were not seen.

After those people tricked Tan Wanjun before, in addition to the [Enchanted Revolver], the props on her body had disappeared because the number of uses was empty, and there was also a [Destroying Spray] and [Clown Ball] that also fell into the hands of the five of them.

in the hands of some people.

Looking back at Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun.

The only prop they currently have is Fang Yu's push-back glove, and the number of times the glove can be used is only three times.

Originally, according to the plan, it should be possible to do it one more time.

But who knew that when a person was added to this glove, its power would be halved. Originally, it could push back a hundred meters at a time, but with Tan Wanjun on its back, it could only push out more than fifty meters at a time. As a last resort, he used it again.


The erasing spray has also been used up. Once it is used up, the spray slowly disappears from Fang Yu's hands.

Therefore, now the two of them only have one prop. Once they encounter the murderer again, it is difficult to say that they can escape smoothly.

Therefore, after recording the information, Fang Yu wrote down the follow-up plan on the next page.

1. Collection of props

This is the point.

Now that the two of them share a prop, they can't even split the three chances, which makes them very insecure.

Not to mention Fang Yu, Tan Wanjun was the rich woman who held four props most of the time!

Now that she has become a pauper, she doesn't even dare to sleep anymore, so she relies on food to survive.

Therefore, the more props the better.

Although opening the thorn treasure chest will expose one's position and be targeted by the murderer, there is no disappearing spray now. Once found, it will be another life and death situation.

But according to Tan Wanjun's information, it seems that it is possible to escape the murderer without using the disappearing spray.

This method is to move the disaster eastward!

It is now known that opening a treasure chest will reveal your location, being discovered by a red-eyed crow will reveal your location, and touching a thorn monument will also reveal your location.

Then, as long as they open the treasure chest when the murderer has locked other survivors when they are discovered, they can perfectly avoid the murderer's pursuit.

This is one way.

There is another way, that is to escape and drag!

Because Tan Wanjun has verified the possibility of the above method, which means that the lock on the killer is not permanent!

As long as the killer is not chased within his range of perception for a certain period of time, the lock will be released.

Fang Yu can be completely sure about this!

After all, not everyone can prescribe a stain-removing spray at the beginning.

If the lock cannot be lifted without trace elimination spray, then there will definitely be more than three people dead here now!

Therefore, Fang Yu deduced a piece of information.

That is, as long as you keep a certain distance from the murderer and are not captured by his sight again, the lock on your body will most likely be released on its own, without the need to rely on erasing spray.

Of course, this is naturally very difficult.

However, this is without props. If there are other props, such as push-back gloves, this condition can still be easily achieved. Therefore, it is not necessary to eliminate the trace spray to unlock the lock.

Proper use of other props can also unlock the murderer's lock.

After listening to Fang Yu's analysis, Tan Wanjun looked at him in amazement.

There are sometimes huge differences between people.

With the same brain, some people choose to write and express their ink, while others choose to draw circles and solve exponents.

This is not a difference in IQ, but a difference in thinking.

Just like Tan Wanjun, she is not strong in logical thinking and is not that sensitive to the analysis and induction of information, while Fang Yu is used to thinking about problems with logical thinking, and her sensitivity to information is not comparable to that of Tan Wanjun.

, so he can analyze other information for the same information.

This can be considered an improvement.

In addition to collecting props, the other is their ultimate goal.

Second, find a way to leave the mirage!

Since there is information about the mirage world leaking out in the real world, it means that there must be escapees who entered the mirage world and returned again, and this information is likely to be spread by them.

So since someone has returned, it means that there is definitely some information hidden here, and this information is the key to their return!

Regarding this key information, Fang Yu already had a target of suspicion.

That is the Thorn Stele!

The red symbols engraved on these thorn stone tablets that fill the entire space are obviously a carrier of information.

If they can find a way to read this information, then the way to escape from the mirage is likely to lie in this information.

Although both the other survivors and Tan Wanjun said that the thorn stele was a trap, people died because of this stele.

But in fact, this just shows that there must be more information hidden on this stone tablet. Moreover, the thorns on this stone tablet will not suck people to death. In this regard, people who have come into contact with the thorn stone tablet in the past have been hung up by the murderer for sacrifice.

You can see it.

Although it may be dangerous to remove the thorns from the monument, it is not fatal.

As long as you are prepared for the murderer's pursuit, it is still possible to escape safely.

Of course, this should be based on having the appropriate props, so that you can successfully unlock the stone tablet and escape pursuit.

Therefore, based on the above analysis, what Fang Yu and the others have to do next is to collect props with all their strength. After getting the suitable props, they will try to see if they can unlock the secrets on the thorn stone tablet.

After sorting out the information, Fang Yu carefully put the notes back into her backpack.

When she felt a little tired and sleepy, Fang Yu took out the food from her backpack and started eating.

After a while, as the food was eaten, there was no feeling of fullness at all, but the originally sleepy spirit seemed to be restored for no reason and began to gradually become stronger.

After swallowing the last bite of the bun, Fang Yu found that she suddenly felt a little anorexic, and the bun in her hand suddenly no longer smelled good.

But on the contrary, his energy was completely full, as if he had just slept, and the original feeling of fatigue had completely disappeared.

After a pause, Fang Yu put the food away.

He knew that this should be a manifestation of physical and mental saturation.

In the following time, he and Tan Wanjun discussed not to waste time going to bed. They would follow 007's schedule to survive in this space.

After all, in such a space, there are murderers chasing people. Sleeping in itself is a very dangerous behavior. If you can not sleep, it is best not to sleep.

Unless the emotional burden is really too heavy and you need sleep to digest it, you will choose to sleep.

This is understandable to Fang Yu. Spirit and emotion are different things. If there are too many negative emotions, even if you are full of energy, there will still be problems.

Another thing is.

Fang Yu has discovered that the food in this space will not be refreshed.

This shows that the resources of this space are fixed.

However, they need to eat, which means that their bodies are also being depleted in this space.

One day, all this food will be eaten up. At that time, even if there is no murderer, they will not survive long.

Of course, the premise is that you can survive until the day when the food is eaten.

There's a high probability that it won't work.

Tan Wanjun's body soon became saturated.

She couldn't eat the food, but her condition wasn't that good.

She is still so weak, as if she has a fever. It's okay not to move. If she moves, she will be a little dazed, and occasionally her body movements will not keep up with her spirit.

Coupled with the phantom pain that appeared from time to time, this made it impossible for her to move well.

Although Fang Yu wanted her to stay and rest.

But this is obviously unrealistic.

In this case, she stayed to rest. When she met the murderer, she was basically a lamb to be slaughtered. She couldn't run and had no props. It was undeniable that during the period when her body had not found a way to recover, she was

A burden.

Fang Yu and she both knew this.

However, Fang Yu did not say it, but she did not dare to say it.

"Let's go! Now we have to find the treasure chest!"

"You said that you lived in the east before. Your props and previous escapees were all treasure chests opened in the east."

"No wonder I only found one treasure chest after searching for so long."

"So, the treasure chests in the east should have been almost found. We can only change the area, let's go to the central area to check it out!"

Fang Yu had only found one treasure chest after searching for a long time in the east. At that time, he thought the treasure chest was too hidden and he couldn't find it.

After hearing what Tan Wanjun said later, I found out that they had searched that place several times, so the treasure chests were basically empty.

Therefore, if you want to find the Thorn Treasure Chest again, you have to find another place.

Tan Wanjun nodded and put her hands on the sofa to stand up.

As a result, as soon as she put her hands on the sofa, phantom pain appeared again on her body. Her hands softened and her whole body suddenly fell forward.


Fang Yu reached out and picked up Tan Wanjun in time.

His hand did not fall into some indescribable position like in the movies and TV shows.

After his judgment, it would be difficult for his hands to touch those places unless he was intentional.

After all, any normal person would subconsciously avoid these places. After all, it’s not like there are no other places to touch. As long as you pay a little attention, you can still avoid them.

Especially since he is full of energy now, and there are no mistakes or mistakes.

However, even so, Fang Yu still held Wen Yu in her arms.

After getting up, both of their ears were a little red.

"Are you okay?"

After Fang Yu helped him up, he quickly let go of his hand.

After Tan Wanjun stood firm, she tied her hair, shook her head as if nothing had happened, and thanked Fang Yu again.

"Ahem, then let's go!"

With that said, Fang Yu took the first step, but as he left, he kept observing Tan Wanjun's situation.

When she also started walking, he gradually slowed down his pace, and finally controlled her until she was half a body behind him, and then kept walking together at this distance.

In this way, if something happens, he can quickly pick up Tan Wanjun, and then use the push-back gloves to start escaping.

The two of them still have three chances to push back the gloves, which means they still have a chance to put a distance of about 150 meters away from the enemy. Even if it is a murderer, this distance should not be far before the lock is released.

If his guess is correct.

With their special palpitation sensors for murderers, Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun arrived at the central part of the country smoothly without any contact with the murderers.

Among them, they saw the group of red-eyed crows flying towards the north.

Obviously, these red-eyed crows are eyeing a certain escapee again.

Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun looked at each other, with a bit of excitement in their eyes.

Because they know that this is the best time to open the treasure chest!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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