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Chapter Seventeen: Stele of Thorns

Magic cane!!

After learning the message from the magic cane, Fang Yu knew that the clone created by the cane was not only immobile but also operable.

Although this clone can only exist for 5 seconds and will turn into ribbons when attacked, within these 5 seconds, this clone can make any movements and expressions under the control of the prop holder.

For example, pick up a bomb or pistol placed on the ground and pull it directly.

Or pick up a throwing knife to make a good example.

In short, the function of this prop is far more than the simple information on its surface.

It's like a push-back glove.

On the surface, it can only be used to accelerate running, but once it is pointed towards the sky, it becomes a flying glove, allowing people to experience the feeling of flying.

All this is understandable, after all, props are dead and people are alive.

I don't know what happened to the murderer.

After taking the props this time, the two of them frightenedly found a place suitable for the push-back gloves. Tan Wanjun grabbed the little book tightly, shrunk every moment, and then got into Fang Yu's pocket and escaped together.

As a result, the two of them waited at the street corner for half an hour, but no murderer came to chase them.

Of course, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at this situation.

They are not that mean, so it would be best if he didn't come.

After safely obtaining the magic cane, Fang Yu handed it over to Tan Wanjun for use.

For the convenience of use, he also let her consume one use time to experience the effect personally.

Although the props are precious, if you don't experience the effects in advance, problems can easily occur in a life-or-death situation.

After experiencing it personally, the two discovered other problems with this prop.

For example, the prop information explains that when the clone exists, it can perform actions through mental control.

But in actual use, Tan Wanjun found that if you want the clone to make expressions and movements, you need to use a large part of your mind to operate it.

It's like it requires multitasking. Without this ability, the clone can only stand still and remain still in the position where the clone came out.

If Tan Wanjun wanted it to move, her body wouldn't be able to react too much.

To put it simply, operating a clone requires mental control. Without enough mental transfer, the clone can only separate but cannot move.

This also explains why the clone of the man in the suit was so rigid before.

At that time, the man in the suit was at a critical moment of life and death, and his attention was entirely on himself, so he naturally had no ability to control the clone.

The clone can only exist for 5 seconds, and the time is also very short. During this time period, if you want to operate the clone to make any complicated actions, you can only think about it.

After all, the props are also very precious, and it is definitely impossible to use them for practice.

After understanding the true situation of this prop, although the practicality of the magic cane has been weakened, it has not been reduced too much.

Because its main function is to remain invisible for five seconds after the clone comes out.

Although these 5 seconds of invisibility cannot make the body lose its physical properties, during these 5 seconds, the sound caused by the movement of the body can be completely eliminated, including the smell.

At the last second after Tan Wanjun became invisible, she stood in front of Fang Yu. Fang Yu had no idea or any feeling at the time. He only knew she was in front of him when he reached out and was about to touch her body.

After the invisibility was lifted, Tan Wanjun still had a hint of blush on her face, as if she was also feeling novel and excited about this effect.

Tan Wanjun, who exited the invisibility effect on the other side, was just as Fang Yu thought, feeling novel about the invisibility effect of this prop.

But I'm excited...

Not really.

She originally wanted to stand in front of Fang Yu just now. On the one hand, she wanted to see if he could notice, and on the other hand, she wanted to scare him after exiting the invisible state.

Unexpectedly, due to her height, Fang Yu inadvertently reached out and hit An Lushan's claw. If she hadn't dodged a little, she would have almost been touched.

That's why she has a little blush on her face.

After experimenting with the props, the two distributed the props they had.

Now the two of them have seven items in total.

Among them, each person has a push-back glove. Fang Yu takes the new one, while Tan Wanjun holds the old one, leaving two chances to use it.

Then each person got a treatment needle. Tan Wanjun got a brand new one, and Fang Yu got a treatment needle that only had one chance left.

The little book was placed on Fang Yu, and the magic cane was given to Tan Wanjun, so that even if the push-back gloves were used up, she would still be able to protect herself.

The erasing spray is also in Fang Yu's hand.

Of the seven props, Fang Yu holds four and Tan Wanjun holds three, but they can actually be used in similar ways.

And just as decided before.

After getting the new props, the two decided not to take risks and waste time searching for props, but directly began the journey to reveal the secrets of the Thorn Stele.

As far as Fang Yu knows, there are only two stone tablets in this space that have been unlocked.

These two stone tablets were unlocked by the first one in the space and the second one who escaped with his life.

It was precisely the "feat" of the two of them that no one left dared to lift the thorns on the stone monument.

Of these two stone tablets, one is in the north and the other is in the east where Fang Yu is.

Since the appearance of the two stone monuments is very special, the location of the stone monuments was marked on Fang Yu's map.

For safety reasons, the two planned to touch the two untied stone tablets first to see if there would be any reaction.

Just like when touching a prop, see if any new information will be triggered.

Following the map, the two of them arrived at the eastern region very smoothly.

Halfway through, reminders about time again flooded into their minds.

"Day Six"

It's already the sixth day

Tan Wanjun and Fang Yu looked at each other.

Another day has passed, but in this mirage where day and night cannot be seen, the two of them always feel as if they have not spent even a day, especially since neither of them sleeps.

However, just when the two of them lamented that the existence of time in the mirage world was too low, a sound suddenly came from the sky.


Fang Yu and the other two looked up and saw a group of red-eyed crows flying directly over their heads.

Perhaps because they were closer this time, they heard that the crow's call was no longer the "quacking" sound like before, but a hoarse "wow~wow~" sound.

The two of them couldn't react at all. Before they could hide, the red-eyed crow had already flown over.

Fang Yu believed that the two of them were at the feet of the crow, and as long as they were not blind, they would definitely be able to see them.

But these crows completely ignored the two of them and flew towards the northwest with great purpose.

"Once a day"

Tan Wanjun was secretly glad that the crow did not find their breath, and then she heard Fang Yu uttering these words.

Once a day?

Seeing Tan Wanjun's confused eyes, Fang Yu opened her mouth to explain.

"I mean, these red-eyed crows should come out once a day and help the murderer find escapees. However, what we don't know yet is whether they randomly target escapees or select escapees because of certain conditions.


After hearing Fang Yu's words, Tan Wanjun nodded thoughtfully.

"Forget it, forget about it for now. Now that the crow has appeared, the fifth survivor may soon be hung on an iron hook by the murderer for sacrifice. There is no time to waste now. If our guess is right

, regardless of time or the number of sacrifices, after the murderer sacrifices the fifth survivor, it is very likely that he will be strengthened again, and the further we go, the more dangerous we will be!"

After Fang Yu finished speaking, she quickly quickened her pace, and Tan Wanjun followed immediately, both of them looking a little heavy.

This is indeed the case.

Perhaps the mentality of the other survivors has collapsed.

Not long after the red-eyed crow appeared, the fifth escapee hung on an iron hook appeared.

Familiar bells, different appearance but the same hooking process.

Seeing the flash of pleasure on Tan Wanjun's face, Fang Yu asked.

"this person"

Before Fang Yu could finish asking, Tan Wanjun spoke.

"This guy is the one who stepped on my ankle last time!"

Speaking of this, Tan Wanjun's eyes flashed with hatred.

If it weren't for Fang Yu, Tan Wanjun would have been sacrificed by the murderer by now.

Therefore, it stands to reason that among the remaining people, except for Fang Yu, all the other escapees have a murderous grudge against Tan Wanjun.

Even if she knew they were grasshoppers on a rope, Tan Wanjun had no intention of rescuing them.

It was already her discipline not to add insult to injury, so how could she repay kindness with kindness?

At worst, we'll die together!

Anyway, now she earns every extra second she lives. As long as she is the last one to die, she will be satisfied.

This was Tan Wanjun's previous thought.

Not much has changed now.

It's just that I added a line at the end to allow Fang Yu to escape.

Or run away together.

That's all.

for their words.

Tan Wanjun could only say that it would be better to die early.

Not to mention Tan Wanjun, Fang Yu had no intention of rescuing him.

Fang Yu would never cooperate with someone who would backstab his teammates, even if there were more people and more strength.

After all, it has to be divided among people.

With Tan Wanjun, he believed that they could help overcome the life-or-death crisis later.

And them?

It is estimated that the person who is rescued will be a wolf in the end, so whoever loves to save will be saved!

Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun ignored the man's wailing in the picture, and they quickened their pace and ran towards the stone monument.

Thanks to this teammate's contribution, now the two of them can safely test the stone tablet.

After a few minutes of speeding up, they arrived at the stone tablet in the eastern area that had been freed from thorns and engraved with red symbols.

The red symbols on the stone tablet exude a faint scarlet light. If you look closely, you can feel that the light seems to be flowing, like blood, which looks very strange.

Looking at this strange stone tablet, Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun looked at each other, and then, in Tan Wanjun's slightly worried and uneasy eyes, Fang Yu slowly put his hand on the stone tablet.

Two seconds, five seconds, ten seconds, one minute

Fang Yu waited for a full minute, but the stone tablet showed no reaction at all.

Fang Yu reluctantly tried to touch the red symbols with her fingers, but nothing happened.

Tan Wanjun next to him saw this and tried it. Like Fang Yu, nothing happened. The stone tablet was just like an ordinary stone tablet, with no reaction at all.

But this obviously shouldn't be the case.

How could something wrapped in thorns be a normal thing?

There are magical props in the treasure chest wrapped in thorns, so how could the stone tablet wrapped in thorns be an ordinary item?

Not to mention the weird symbols on it.

Fang Yu didn't believe in evil and tried several methods.

This included cutting his fingers and dripping blood on the stone tablet. As a result, the blood fell directly to the ground like dripping on a tarpaulin and was absorbed by the soil.

I tried pressing my head against the stone monument to empty my mind and try to sense the stone monument. Apart from the fact that my forehead felt cold, there was no other abnormality.

I tried to sincerely kowtow to the stone monument and plan to express my gratitude to the stone monument, but it still didn't work.

Finally, I tried talking to the stone tablet again. I begged grandpa, sued grandma, and swore to call, but to no avail.

After the two tried it, they thought that maybe the stone tablet didn't match them, so they took the risk and went to the stone tablet in the North District.

I went through this routine again.

The result is still useless.

I tried smashing and scratching the stone tablet, pouring water on it and setting it on fire. After a lot of twists and turns, the stone tablet remained the same without a single scratch.

After trying it, Fang Yu could clearly see that the light in Tan Wanjun's eyes was much darker.

They originally had high hopes for the stone tablet.

The result was this.

However, Fang Yu was not discouraged.

Faced with this situation, he became more and more certain about another guess.

"Don't be too disappointed. I have considered this situation before."

Seeing Tan Wanjun's disappointed look, Fang Yu opened her mouth to explain.

"Now I am more and more sure that this stone tablet must have a big secret. Didn't we try it just now? No matter how hard we smash it or scrape it with anything, there is no trace. It is obviously not an ordinary thing. It is useless even if it drips blood or burns fire. It is useless even if it is water or fire."

Intrusion, it will definitely not be an ordinary stone tablet, it’s just that our method is wrong.”

"I estimate that this method should be related to the thorns. Perhaps only when the thorns are untied, this stone tablet will play its original role, just like the first escapee and the second escapee. Before you

It’s not that a lot of information seems to come from people who have unlocked the Thorns Stele. Perhaps, they obtained the information because they unlocked the Thorns Stele with their own hands!”

Fang Yu speculated this.

In fact, he himself was not sure.

This answer was also a wild guess on his part.

But now that Tan Wanjun is lost, he naturally cannot give up like this.

No matter what, he must maintain this state.

Only in this way can they still have a glimmer of hope.

If you give up, there will be no hope.

At this time, Fang Yu was completely unaware of how quickly her whole person changed after entering this space.

In his mind, before coming to this space, he was just an ordinary game planner.

Logically speaking, his performance after entering this space should be similar to Tan Wanjun.

Maybe even worse than her.

Just like when he went to save Tan Wanjun before, it was clear that he was not the kind of person who could put life and death aside to save others.

But at that time, he made a decisive decision to save Tan Wanjun and took effective and feasible actions.

In the several encounters with the murderer, every time he was depressed or on the verge of collapse, he would quickly adjust himself.

It's like having experience before.

Therefore, he himself did not realize that in Tan Wanjun's eyes, he was like a born protagonist, with a completely different temperament and growing up very fast.

At this time, he was still in a state of confusion.

Perhaps after escaping from this mirage world, he would notice this anomaly in himself.

But now, of course, he hasn't realized it yet.

Because he doesn't have time to think about this problem right now.

The most important thing now is to escape from the mirage.

We can only talk about the rest after we go out~

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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