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Chapter 538: Chain of Mind

Chapter 538 Chain of Souls

Seeing Ava being hooked by the death knell, the little golden retriever, who looked like he had found his family just now, was now running faster than a rabbit while holding the gem book.

Oh, Deathstroke is the title given by Fang Yu to this nightmare servant.

Ringing the death knell, I guess he would also like it.

The little golden retriever didn't have the slightest intention of stopping to rescue Ava. Instead, he ran away, turned a corner, and completely disappeared at the top of the stairs without any trace.

Although, there seems to be nothing to be saved from this situation.

Everyone has their swords on them~

However, while the little golden retriever was still running, he felt sad that the teammate he had finally found had to say goodbye just after they met.

Ava, who he thought was dead, was not captured by the death knell and hung up for sacrifice.

After Deathstroke caught Ava in his hand, he was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it. Then, his mood fluctuated and he seemed a little angry. He waved the bone knife and threw Ava off the bone knife.

Come, and then angrily used the bone knife to pierce and pull out Ava's back as if torturing a corpse.

Fang Yu, who was leaning over Ava, had already pulled out of his consciousness the moment Ava was hooked by the death knell.

Therefore, Ava, who was already in standby mode at this time, was like a rag doll, allowing Deathstroke's bone knife to thrust her back and forth.

Every time it is pierced, her body will sink down. When she pulls it out, her waist will be slightly lifted, causing her body to flutter.

The pupils on her mask were still pitch black, like a porcelain doll that had lost its owner.

After Deathstroke thrust into her seven or eight times, her waist was almost dug into a hornet's nest. Then he turned around and left with some relief. Ava was completely ignored by him like garbage. He stepped on her and used his feet.

Left the place.

After walking a few steps, a long bell sounded, and then his figure continued to disappear quietly.

The invisible death knell is like the god of death walking in another dimension. No one knows when and where his bell will ring again.

Not long after the death knell disappeared, a figure, like the little yellow haired one before, sneakily approached the inpatient building.

Fang Yu carefully felt the beating of her heart, while vigilantly grasping the forward heart in her hand, which had only one chance to use it.

Before they entered the mirage world, Fang Yu and Tan Wanjun arranged the props early and carried them with them in order to ensure that even if they were pulled into the mirage world and encountered such separation, they would do so.

Considering that Tan Wanjun's survival skills are relatively poor, and that she is more familiar with the use of little books and magic canes, Fang Yu directly handed over these two props to her, along with the ones he had during that time.

He saved up the healing needles he made.

Fang Yu, on the other hand, carries a disappearing spray and a forward spirit with only one chance left.

This kind of distribution is a result that the two of them can barely accept.

There is no way, the family is too poor, the props are not evenly distributed at all, no matter how much they are divided, it feels like there is not enough.

If they are all piled up on one person, the risk is too great. If you spread them out, the effect of the props will be weakened. This result is already considered the best.

Fortunately, by chance, Fang Yu later created Ava, a puppet clone.

After having Ava, Fang Yu's ability to protect herself was greatly enhanced, and Tan Wanjun was finally able to accept the two props assigned to her with confidence.

Therefore, at this time, after Ava withstood a crisis for him, and was now in a state of being almost scrapped, Fang Yu only had the forward-looking heart in his hands, and he could not help but be careless.

Carefully arriving at the third floor of the inpatient department, Fang Yu walked around below without feeling any palpitations, and then she ran upstairs with confidence.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Deathstroke has just left here, so he shouldn't be able to fight back or anything like that, right?

Fang Yu was not sure, but in order not to lose Ava's clone, he could only take the risk and come here.

After confirming that the death knell was not there, Fang Yu completely let go of his speed and ran towards the previous battlefield.

The moment Ava was hooked, in order to prevent an accident, he directly disconnected his consciousness, so he didn't know what Ava's condition was at this moment.

What he fears most now is not that Deathstroke will take Ava away and hang her up.

Instead, Ava was directly hacked to death by Deathstroke!

This is a bodyguard clone that he managed to get with great difficulty. It costs money to use it once, so he has to die?!

After all, she is still a little different from the survivors. Who knows how much the laws of the mirage will affect her.

Moreover, he has only experienced a mirage once, and this is the first time he has encountered such a closed mirage. Who knows if the situation here has anything in common with the last time.

Anyway, the way of offering sacrifices should be different.

Because after walking around for so long, he didn't see the iron hook used to hang people.

Fang Yu ran up to the third floor and immediately saw Ava in the opposite corridor, her waist almost broken.

Seeing how serious Ava's injuries were, Fang Yu knew that she was probably going to bleed heavily this time.

I don’t know where there is food in this hospital. If there is no food to restore strength, it will be troublesome.

Quickly came to Ava who looked like a corpse.

When most people see Ava in this condition, they will definitely think that she is already dead.

But after all, she is not an ordinary person, and even her current situation is unclear whether she is dead or alive.

At least Fang Yu sensed that she was not dead after getting within ten meters.

However, it's almost there.

Fang Yu took a step forward, lowered her head, and put her nose towards Ava's injured waist. Feeling the flow of blood in her body, Fang Yu controlled part of the blood essence to rise up and enter the nasal cavity. Then, with the impact of the essence blood, the nasal cavity

The thin blood vessel walls inside her body were directly broken, and streams of blood flowed out from Fang Yu's nose.

From a third perspective, Fang Yu is having a continuous nosebleed at this time, and all the flowing nosebleeds are dripping on Ava's waist. The essence and blood of these [blood plague patients], for Ava,

It's like a super tonic like the Great Return Pill.

Every drop of blood can make her wounds heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the scene seems embarrassing, Fang Yu assures that this is definitely the most convenient and comfortable way to supply blood.

As early as when Fang Yu discovered that his blood had healing properties, he had thought about how he would heal others at the critical moment.

Based on the current healing effect of his essence and blood, if he wanted to treat a certain injury, he would probably need a lot of blood.

In this case, cutting the fingers or scratching the palms will not work.

Because the blood vessels in the palms and fingers are too thin and the blood flow is not fast, it requires him to provide enough blood for a long time, and he has to cut the wound again from time to time in order to do so.

But this is too SB.

It’s not like blood is shed, so PASS!

In addition, another popular method of blood supply is to cut your wrists!

This method is simple and fast, and can provide a large amount of blood in a short period of time.

The only requirement is to be hard on yourself.

After recent years of popular science, I believe most people know that it takes great courage to commit suicide by cutting your wrists.

If you want to stop bleeding by cutting your wrist, you need to cut your wrist to a depth of at least 1 centimeter.

What is this concept?

The width of the flat side of an average person's wrist is about 3 to 5 centimeters.

If you want to cut the artery in the wrist, you need to cut at least four or fifth of the wrist!

During this process, you also need to cut through the surface, cut through the hand tendons, and finally cut through the artery.

When the artery has just been incised, the blood will rush out. At this time, it cannot stop, because the blood vessel has just been incised. Although the blood flow is strong at this time, it will not take long before the wound will be squeezed by the muscles.

Temporarily closed and finally blocked.

Therefore, what you have to do is to be more ruthless and continue to cut downwards with force when the blood is surging. Only in this way can you ensure the success of the plan.

And generally, those who can succeed like this, according to statistics, are basically ruthless people who cut nearly half of their wrists!

Fang Yu learned about this when she was studying medical knowledge. After seeing it, she could only think of one thing.

How desperate do you have to be for reality, and how unwilling do you want to stay, to be so cruel to yourself?

Hey. May everyone in the world be safe and happy~

Back to the present, after seeing this situation, Fang Yu knew that unless it was an emergency, he would definitely not use this method as his medical treatment.

Although with his control over the blood, he doesn't need to cut so deeply to keep the blood flowing.

But, if you can, it’s better not to cut it~


What normal person can bear to cut his wrists every day to save others?

So, after thinking about it and checking some information, Fang Yu found another alternative method in a video he accidentally observed.


When Fang Yu saw the patient's nose bleeding in the video, he realized that he did have a more suitable position.

The blood vessels in the nasal cavity are thin but dense enough.

Moreover, the blood vessels in the nasal cavity are easily broken and repaired.

With the ability of his blood at this time, his nose can be used as a faucet for the body's blood, which can be turned on and off whenever he wants.

The blood in the treatment needle before came out like this.

Of course, he didn't tell Tan Wanjun, he only told her that he had drawn it with a needle.

I said I'm afraid she won't dare to use it~

After draining some blood and allowing Ava's body to recover slightly, Fang Yu did not immediately fully recover Ava's body, but instead ordered Ava to get up first and follow him.

He had to retain some blood and essence to protect himself, and Ava's injuries could only be repaired slowly.

The blood that had been flowing in the nasal cavity stopped in the next second under Fang Yu's control.

On Fang Yu's face, only a drop of blood that had not yet condensed fell on her nose.

As the ability to boil blood was activated, the drop of blood quickly turned into a small trace of red mist, which was inhaled into Fang Yu's nasal cavity and returned to the original path.

After looking up, there was no blood stain on Fang Yu's face, it was clean.

Elegant~ Really elegant!

Fang Yu was satisfied with this "clean" and "effective" treatment, nodded, and was about to leave the inpatient department with Ava, when suddenly, there was a shout from behind him.

Ava's body has not yet recovered, but under Fang Yu's instructions, she stepped directly between the voice and Fang Yu without hesitation, while Fang Yu immediately squatted down and hid under the wall of the corridor.

After a brief visual sharing, he realized that the shout was actually the little golden retriever who had escaped before!

I saw the little golden retriever running towards here after calling Fang Yu.

When Fang Yu saw the little golden retriever approaching, she reached out and threw out a folder before he could get closer.

The folder was smashed between the two of them, and the little golden retriever's movements stopped.

He looked at Ava with a bit of surprise and confusion, but after seeing Ava's mask that showed no expression at all, he thought that this guy could still be alive in this situation. He must be a strong man. Thinking of this

, he finally gritted his teeth and took out the previous gem book.

I saw him opening the gem book, looking for it for a while, pointing his finger at Ava according to the contents of a piece of paper, and then began to recite.


This mantra was difficult to pronounce, and the little golden retriever didn't seem to be very skilled at it. After finally reciting it, Fang Yu felt a magical force touch his forehead, and then, a sentence suddenly rang in his mind.

"Hey, hey, can you hear the cough? People from another world? Hey, hey, hey."

This voice is very clear, it is the voice of the little golden retriever in front of me.

Fang Yu was shocked!

Is this a new magic item?

Looking at the magic book in Little Golden Retriever's hand, Fang Yu showed an envious look.

At the same time, he also noticed that one of the five green gems in the magic book suddenly turned calcium white, looking like a piece of turbid waste rock.

Can this be used only five times?

Fang Yu secretly wrote down this information.

Then he immediately started to reply to the little golden retriever who was already a little anxious.

"Can you hear me, can you hear me, little ahem, comrade from Mandela Land? Uh~ no! Hello, friend!"

The little golden retriever was stunned again.

So she is a boy?!

Looking at Ava's obviously female figure, but hearing the obviously male voice, the little golden retriever, who had never seen such a group of people before, was greatly shocked!

However, at this time, these are small details and there is no need to worry too much.

The little golden retriever shook his head and got rid of these thoughts.

I had lost a lot of determination, so I chose to waste a magical opportunity and use the chain of soul with Ava, who might be a person from another world in front of me.

With the magic of Soul Chain, even if two people are illiterate or mute, they can directly transfer the consciousness of words to another person through the transmission of the soul.

Therefore, they are now truly chatting inside their skulls.

"Hello! My name is Bahadon, and I am a second-level student in the Magic Department of Thorns Academy. Are you a resident of another world?"


College of Thorns? Magic Department? Student?

This time it was Fang Yu's turn to be confused.

Isn't he a resident of Mandela Land?

Then why did he write in Mandela before?

But if he is from Mandela Continent, how can he know magic?

In my memory, there is no magic in Mandela Continent.

Is there any problem in the middle?

Fang Yu fell into deep thought.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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