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Chapter 54 A Different Refuge

Ou Qing saw Wu Wen and the others' eyes widening, and said with a proud toothy smile.

"This is the largest underground shelter in Yunhai City. It was built to prevent nuclear war. The entire shelter covers an area of ​​15 hectares and is enough to accommodate 100,000 people for emergency evacuation."

"Our place will be taken over by the 3rd Army, and our former senior official from Yunhai City will temporarily take over the shelter. I am the administrator of the Logistics Department."


As soon as Ou Qing finished speaking, Fang Yu led her to a door.

This location is also an office built with color steel plates.

There are also soldiers guarding the door.

This refuge is almost entirely controlled by the military, and the policies and regulations are very stable.

Otherwise, it is impossible for those who live there to be so stable.

Compared to the outside, this place is like a utopia.

After opening the door, a busy office appeared in front of everyone.

There is no computer on the table, only piles of paper documents stacked up, and everyone is writing and drawing with a pen.

The most common electronic item is a calculator.

The crackle echoed throughout the office.

There is also a yellow chandelier hanging on the top.

This office area that looks like the 1970s and 1980s is really a bit novel.

Ou Qing took the three of them into a small cubicle.

There is a table inside and a pile of documents.

Ou Qing sat at the desk and took out a form. After sitting down, he motioned for Fang Yu and the others to sit down as well.

There is a bench in front of the table.

The three of them squeezed and sat down.

"Then, let's register now"

Afterwards, under Ou Qing's questions, Fang Yu and the other three told Ou Qing all the information they could tell.

Regarding some relatively private issues, Fang Yu made some nonsense, and Wu Wen and Tan Wanjun also followed suit.

Ou Qing didn't care. He just registered briefly and talked about some trivial matters such as household matters. Then he took a look at the information and said to everyone.

"Yixian, right? According to what you said, it was mainly because you led them to trek more than 20 kilometers to get here. It seems that you obviously have a strong talent for walking on this snow. However, you said that you had

Your job title is game designer?”

Fang Yu nodded.

Ou Qing thoughtfully wrote something on his information sheet.

Later, she confirmed some information about them before their doomsday with Wu Wen and Tan Wanjun respectively.

What did they fill out on their respective information forms?

Then, he spoke to Fang Yu and others.

"Let me give you a brief introduction first. In Ziyang Shelter, the first rule is that what you give equals what you gain."

"Please give up the idea of ​​​​surviving in Ziyang Shelter and getting something for nothing now."

"Now is the post-disaster period, and resources are limited. According to the Post-Disaster Temporary Management Law, all shelter members must also have corresponding obligations when enjoying shelter."

"All the controlled materials we have here need to be purchased through bills issued by the Resource Management Bureau of the shelter. Private transactions are not allowed."

"You can think of this bill as the banknote before the end of the world. There are two ways to obtain the bill."

"One is that some construction or private tasks will be updated every day in our trading center, and tickets can be obtained by completing these tasks."

"The second is to get the corresponding position in the shelter, that is, work, and get your salary through work, which is the receipt. Not only that, the staff have a fixed meal ticket subsidy every day, which is not included in the salary category, so

The competition for jobs in shelters is fierce now, and only the best people will be selected.”

"I have registered the detailed information of the three of you, and I will submit your information for selection by each unit."

"This is a welfare policy provided by you. You have an additional qualification to compete for employment."

"It doesn't matter if you don't succeed in getting a position this time. You have a one-month guarantee period. Within one month, as long as you complete the corresponding tasks or get a new job, you can live well in the shelter."

After listening to Ou Qing’s story.

Fang Yu and others were a little dumbfounded.

This...is different from what we imagined!

They traveled a long way from Anyang Building/Kelisas Hotel/Royal Holiday Hotel. They were frightened by hotels and snowstorms on the way. They escaped death many times and arrived at the shelter.

In fantasy, this shelter should be a warm big family, where everyone stays together, eats together, sleeps together, lights a bonfire, sings and dances, and uses their own joy to resist the cruelty of the world.

Well, they admit that these are just fantasies from watching movies.

Sure enough, even the reality in the game is cruel and outrageous!

After narrowly escaping death and coming to Ziyang Shelter, the benefit is that I get an opportunity to be recommended for employment?!

This is so outrageous!

Did I come here because I don't have a job?

Are you here to find a job?

Doomsday promotes social employment?

It's really a big hole in my chest that can't come out.

The three of them looked at each other for a few times, and saw the shadow of these thoughts in each other's eyes.

However, a few people were quiet for a while, and suddenly felt that this seemed to be the real way of development.

The previously imagined results were obviously too ideal.

A scene like that probably only exists in heaven.

The more difficult the time, the less you can slack off.

This shelter is very reasonable. Although it takes in people, it also formulates laws and stipulates the distribution of resources.

Any resource allocation requires labor, which has always been the basic national policy of China.

Or choose to accept the mission and become a "mercenary" to obtain your own living security.

Or choose to join a job after taking the assessment, have a safe and secure job, and maintain a normal life.

So, what if someone chooses neither option?

Fang Yu asked this question.

Ou Qing said with a slight smile.

Those who are unwilling to work will be directly and forcibly assigned to the labor dispatch team.

The so-called labor dispatch team performs tasks such as accompanying soldiers to search for designated locations or materials, or to mine resources.

Soldiers are responsible for escorting and protecting, and they are responsible for labor.

If the labor target is not achieved, living resources will not be obtained.

In other words, these people need to go out.

Moreover, among all jobs, only the labor dispatch team has casualty indicators.

It allows casualties within a certain range.

Not only that, there is a points system for both previous tasks and work.

Every time you complete a task, you will get a certain amount of points. For every day you work, you will get 1 point.

If someone earns less than 10 points in a month, he will be forcibly assigned to the labor dispatch team.

There are special treatments that cannot be completed under special circumstances.

Further eliminate the occurrence of rice bugs and lazy people.

It can be said that they are a rigorous group.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yu and others finally decided to do as the Romans do.

Although the treatment after coming here is not as good as imagined.

But it's not that unacceptable.

What's more, such a powerful shelter gave the three of them a sense of security.

The key thing is that for Wu Wen and Tan Wanjun, at least they no longer have to worry about precarious things here.

Therefore, the three of them happily agreed to Ou Qing's suggestion and chose to officially join the Ziyang Refuge.

And just when Ou Qing welcomed them to join again.

Fang Yu looked at the back of her shelter, and finally a green tick appeared!

The conditions for the refuge are finally met!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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