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Chapter 557: The Moment of Decisive Battle

Chapter 557 The decisive moment

In fact, Tan Wanjun didn't really want to use this weapon.

But no matter what, she really doesn't have any handy weapons.

In addition, this weapon also has golden potential. According to Mihel, even blue quality is rare in Mandera Continent, and it is of the marketable and priceless kind.

As a result, Tan Wanjun was even more reluctant to use it.

But this thing, once you use it,

Forget it! It hurts as much as it hurts! Just treat it as those few days of the month!

Besides, haven’t I endured enough pain? I’ve even experienced death once, so what does that mean?

After Tan Wanjun cheered for herself in her heart, she continued to swing the sword in her hand with her normal strength. She waved it several times until she barely got used to the feeling of pain, and then she transformed the sword into a seed again.

When she converted the saber into a thorn seed and saw the curiosity and eagerness in Ackerman's eyes, she smiled inwardly. After thinking about it, she actually threw the thorn seed directly to Ackerman.

His eyes were very playful.

"Want to try it?"

Ackerman caught the thorn seed in panic and looked at Tan Wanjun in shock.

This is a fourth-level relic!!! Are you so trusting of me?!

Ackerman really wanted to give the Seed of Thorns back to Tan Wanjun, but a certain desire in his heart made him hesitate.

Until he saw Tan Wanjun's plain face and the indifferent smile in his eyes, he suddenly felt that the desire in his heart dissipated like smoke at this moment.

In his heart, a vague woman with short hair suddenly became clear at this moment, making him throb.

Ackerman turned his head a little embarrassed, stopped looking at her, and spoke stumblingly.

"Then I won't be polite!"

As he said that, Ackerman imitated Tan Wanjun's previous actions and held the thorn seed in his hand.

The thorns of thorns pierced the palm of the hand and absorbed Ackerman's spiritual power. Soon, a wooden dagger that looked like a huge fang appeared in Ackerman's hand.

This was Ackerman's most desired weapon shape.

Seeing this weapon that was exactly what he had imagined, Ackerman waved the weapon curiously and excitedly.

Henry and the others just watched Ackerman wave the dagger, and then they suddenly paused. Then, when Ackerman lowered his head and raised it again, his expression returned to normal, but only

Tan Wanjun, who had experienced the Seed of Thorns, discovered that Ackerman's palms were trembling slightly, and his face was slightly pale.

Seeing that Tan Wanjun was actually willing to lend the fourth-level relic to others, Henry's eyes lit up at this moment. So, after Ackerman also transformed the weapon, they all asked Tan Wanjun if they could try the Thorns.


Tan Wanjun agreed to their request.

So, after Ackerman calmed down for a while, he transformed the dagger into a thorn seed again, and handed it to Karl with an incomprehensible expression.

Karl happily took it and transformed the thorn seed into a stabbing sword. With a wave of his hand, his face froze instantly, and his teeth clenched tightly in his invisible mouth.

After a while, he pretended to be nonchalant and handed the thorn seed to Badal.

At this time, the remaining people also felt that something was wrong, but after having just said everything, wouldn't it be too cowardly to back down now?

Badal's excitement dropped a lot, but he still took the seed of thorns nervously, then transformed it into a giant axe, and swung it

The stiff-faced Badal forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, and handed the thorn seed to the last Henry.

At this time, the joy on Henry's face had completely disappeared. When he took over the thorns, he even planned to return it directly to Tan Wanjun. However, before he could speak, he saw the eyes of the three Ackermans looking at him suddenly change.

Extremely ferocious.

That look in his eyes, as if he would eat him alive if he didn't try!

Therefore, Henry could only transform the thorn seed into a spiked glove with a look of death in his eyes.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of Ackerman and others, he waved his fist.

It hurts! It hurts so much!!!

The pain from his body made Henry's face instantly distorted.

At this time, he finally understood why the three people in front of him had such strange expressions!

After seeing Henry's appearance, Ackerman and the others grinned and rubbed the areas where they had felt pain before. They were like giant monkeys performing, making Mihir cover his mouth and shrug his shoulders, and let out a cry.

Eat, eat, laugh.

Among the few people, she was the only one who didn't tell Tan Wanjun that she wanted to try something.

Because, after all, she is a magician and is not interested in close combat, which also allowed her to successfully escape the first level.

Tan Wanjun also laughed out loud when she saw the performance of her four companions.

Taking the thorn seed from Henry's hand, Tan Wanjun held it in her hand. The next second, when she opened her hand again, the thorn seed did not turn into a weapon, but disappeared directly into Tan Wanjun's hand.

However, in the middle of the palm, you can clearly see that part of the skin of the thorn seed is exposed.

This thorn seed actually got into Tan Wanjun's hand!

This is a carrying function that comes with Thorn Seed.

The seeds of thorns can be parasitic in the palm of the hand. In this case, Tan Wanjun can transform the seeds of thorns into weapons at any time.

However, this will also have a small side effect.

That is, Tan Wanjun's palms will continue to swell and hurt.

Because this thing was sent in by force!

The acquisition of the Thorn Seed not only allowed Tan Wanjun to obtain weapons and realize her true luck as the [lucky one], but also made the atmosphere of the entire team more harmonious.

Before that, although the six of them formed a team, they even had to have a life-and-death battle with Black Jack later on.

But after all, they didn't know each other before, so the atmosphere was always a bit strange within the small group.

Fortunately for the four Ackermans, they had worked together before, but Tan Wanjun and Mihel had just joined, so there was always a vague barrier in the team that kept them silent even when they were on their way.

After Tan Wanjun threw the Seed of Thorns to Ackerman, and after everyone tried the Seed of Thorns once, the trust Tan Wanjun gave them was felt by the others, and they all tried to open their hearts.

When passing the seeds of thorns to each other, the members of the team are also interacting spiritually.

After a circle, sure enough, after a lot of joking and scolding, everyone had the so-called team consciousness at this moment, began to truly recognize each other, and the atmosphere of getting along became more harmonious.

In order to adapt to the seeds of thorns as quickly as possible, Tan Wanjun would use the seeds of thorns from time to time to transform into a horse-killing sword, and he could draw and retract the sword at will, and so on.

Pain has a threshold.

When a person becomes accustomed to a certain level of pain, it means that his pain threshold has increased.

Tan Wanjun did this just to raise her pain threshold, and for no other reason than to avoid deforming the attack due to pain when swinging the knife normally.

Once the attack movement is deformed, it will be fatal in combat.

This is something Tan Wanjun cannot allow.

Several other team members on the side clenched their fists when they saw that Tan Wanjun would use the thorn seed to swing his sword from time to time during the process.

What if he is the captain?

She is still ruthless!

Sure enough, after Tan Wanjun repeatedly tried the knife, her tolerance for pain became higher and higher. When the pain was no longer enough to stimulate the nerves, the original pain actually turned into a slight sense of relief.

When the pain adapts, it only stimulates the nerves.

Under such stimulation, Tan Wanjun always had the urge to use a little more force to increase the pain sensation.


After feeling this, Tan Wanjun's face almost turned green!

Is this the so-called feeling of pain in the painful miracle sequence?

Isn’t this just a case of everyone making a mess?

Realizing this, Tan Wanjun quickly stopped her movements.

As long as she can adapt to it, that's all. She doesn't want to have such a sexy physique!

After Tan Wanjun got used to the seeds of thorns, they quickened their pace.

Soon, they arrived at the door of the factory in the middle of the abandoned factory.

According to the tips from the plague bird, the stone tablet is now inside the factory.

Of course, Black Jack is there too.

The final battle.

About to unfold!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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