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Chapter 79 Fang Yu's sense of direction

After making the choice, Hong Yuanjun happened to be detaching his team.

Because this is just a try, the shelter needs to know whether such a plan is feasible.

In order to ensure the quality of personnel, this task falls on the mobile department.

The mobile team will dispatch 40 people this time, with 20 places for each task. Plus five additional technicians, the two teams will have 25 people each, for a total of 50 people.

Because of Hong Yuanjun's previous training, all the members of the mobile unit on the field were extremely enthusiastic and frantically stepped forward to sign up.

When Fang Yu squeezed in, she was surprised to find that the places on both sides were already full!

This fucking...

I accepted the mission, and now it’s full. Please tell me, after they complete the mission, will they count me in it?

Of course, the result is that Fang Yu just wants to eat.

If he fails to sign up, either Fang Yu will choose to let Hong Yuanjun join as an exception, or he will have to follow behind secretly.

But considering the cooperation of teammates, of course, only by officially joining can we get better cooperation, so that we can better complete the task.

So, how can we make Hong Yuanjun make an exception and add him?

Fang Yu looked at the teammates in front who were rushing to ask Hong Yuanjun to join, but they were all rejected by Hong Yuanjun one by one.

After all, if this mouth is opened, the team will be in chaos. If one is added, there will be a second one.

But for this mission, the more people, the better. The more people, the greater the burden. The 20-person mobile team is the most suitable candidate jointly discussed by the headquarters.

These 20 people, plus two geological engineers, two excavators, and a medical staff, make a total of 25 people.

25 people is already the limit.

Such a number of people can ensure that food and other needs will not be too large when there is sufficient manpower.

Just as Hong Yuanjun was about to leave with the task list, an urgent voice stopped him.

"Boss Tiger! Wait! I have something important to say!"

Hong Yuanjun was attracted by the word "important" in this sentence, and turned to look at Fang Yu behind the crowd.

Yes, Fang Yu finally thought of a way to make Hong Yuanjun make an exception within this limited time.

"Boss Tiger, I have to go to this hospital mission, and you have to take me with you!"

Fang Yu's words were very rude.

This made Hong Yuanjun's face look ugly.

However, thinking that he also wanted to participate in the mission, which was to protect the shelter, he softened his expression and said to him.

"The list has been decided, Yu Xian. I didn't expect that you would have such an awareness just after joining. I am very grateful for your courage. However, there are more tasks waiting for you in the follow-up shelter. Thank you very much!


Hong Yuanjun said to Fang Yu cautiously.

If it stops, that's good.

However, Fang Yu's words before were originally intended to make Hong Yuanjun listen to him normally, so after the goal was achieved, Fang Yu immediately threw out his trump card.

"I have a strong sense of direction! I used this method to escape from a snowstorm before. With me joining in, the team will definitely be able to avoid unnecessary losses and casualties in the direction of the team!"

Yes, Fang Yu’s trump card is his “sense of direction”!

...Okay, he admitted, it's actually the map function~

Fang Yu's words made Hong Yuanjun moved. Even the teammates next to him stopped talking and looked at the big brother who seemed to be showing off.

"How do you prove that? Your sense of direction?"

Hong Yuanjun was finally moved. If Fang Yu really had a strong sense of direction, it would be of great benefit to subsequent actions.

Let’s not mention the direction of excavation. Just walking in the subway station, the tunnel is connected in all directions. Although there are station guides, there are no lights in the subway. If you accidentally go to the wrong station, it is time-consuming and time-consuming to find the right way.

There is danger. If Fang Yu's sense of direction is really reliable, it will be very convenient and safe for movement in the subway.

In this case, it depends on how Fang Yu wants to prove it.

Since Fang Yu said this, he must be sure.

Fang Yu asked everyone to disperse into an open space.

Then, he asked a team member to take out a black hat and put it directly on his head to cover his eyes.

Not only that, he also tied a black cloth belt to ensure that others would know that he was really invisible.

After that, Fang Yu stood in the middle and spoke.

"I'll be right here, running around in circles until I'm dizzy, and then I'll point in the direction of the door to our room!"

This method seems a bit funny and a bit stupid, but everyone knows that if Fang Yu can't really see, then if he can still do this, it will undoubtedly prove his strong sense of direction.

Naturally, Fang Yu had already made preparations. He directly enlarged the map, then clicked on the shelter, and directly expanded the terrain of the mobile department room in the shelter to cover himself.

In an instant, Fang Yu, who was clearly invisible, could distinguish the location of the entire room through the three-dimensional map formed by the system.

No, not only that, as long as Fang Yu wants to, he can even walk out of the room, then walk down a floor, then walk out of the shelter and go to the subway station!

Of course, if there were people in the middle or there were holes in the ground, Fang Yu might bump into or step on them without knowing it.

Because this map can only be set on a terrain, whether there are people or what the floor is like, the map will not be displayed.

It can only show the main structure.

Fang Yu started spinning in circles.

He didn't stop until he almost fell to the ground.

At this time, Fang Yu felt like the world was spinning, her mind was in a whirlpool, and she was a little unsteady when she stood up.

However, he used his positioning light spot on the map to poke out the sharp corner indicating the direction, and steadily aimed at the location of the door on the map, and then stretched out his hand and pointed at it.

Everyone in the room saw that Fang Yu was spinning so fast that she almost fell over. Everyone saw her dizzy look.

However, after Fang Yu stood still, she stretched out her hand and pointed firmly in one direction.

And that direction is the door to the room!

The direction is spot on!


Maybe everyone here wants to say something different.

However, after seeing this, a certain kind of national essence came out directly like instinct.

Fang Yu, on the other hand, wanted to fully realize his "ability".

He turned it around again without hesitation, and then with his left hand still dangling, he pointed steadily at the door!

Now no one doubts Fang Yu's super sense of direction.

Even Hong Yuanjun said with excitement.

"Okay! I didn't expect you to have such an ability. I'll add you to this operation!!!"

When Fang Yu heard Hong Yuanjun's words, he immediately took off the covering on his head.

He originally thought that he would have to blindly walk through the shelter again, but he didn't expect to reach his goal after going around twice, which saved him some effort.

Hong Yuanjun stepped forward to pat Fang Yu on the shoulder. Fang Yu instinctively shrank, but in the end did not choose to dodge.

Hong Yuanjun didn't notice Fang Yu's small movements. Seeing Fang Yu's strong sense of direction, he gained greater confidence in this mission of collecting medical supplies.

"Moreover, in this team, all direction commanders will listen to your instructions. You are the guide for this mission!"

"Yuxian! I'll leave it to you for this mission!"

After saying that, Hong Yuanjun was like a robot issuing a mission. After registering Fang Yu's name, he turned around and left.

As soon as Hong Yuanjun left, his teammates who had been shown off by Fang Yu immediately surrounded him and started chatting and laughing with Fang Yu...

This chapter has been completed!
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