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Chapter 93 We! We did it!

In fact, everyone has already dug above the surface at this time.

Therefore, at this time, the temperature in the passage had already dropped to an alarming level.

Although the bonfire behind him has been lit and is still burning.

But this heat flow was completely unable to suppress the sinking of the cold air.

Fang Yu waved behind him, and a teammate who had already arranged for him handed over a hammer.

Aiming the hammer at the last layer of ice, Fang Yu smashed it hard!


The ice instantly shattered

Then, the snow on the ice fell down like a waterfall. After the snow poured down, a small snowdrift had already piled up on the ground.

Fang Yu smoothed it with her shoe and stepped on it.

This broken ice cave is like being connected to a frozen icehouse. Once it is opened, after the snow has poured out, the whooshing cold wind will sink directly along the ice cave.

Cold air is heavier than hot air.

Because the hot air expands and floats, and the cold air falls, a wind current instantly forms at the entrance of the ice cave.

The wind blew down, and everyone in the passage who was blown away could not help but shudder.

After Fang Yu avoided the eye of the storm, she said something to Chang Shan.

"Has the stuff been done?"

Chang Shan nodded, and then took out a piece of cardboard from behind.

This cardboard is about two meters long, with a circle of feet wrapped around it. The whole thing looks like a square column.

Fang Yu took it in her hand and looked at it. After seeing the two mirrors at the head and tail, she nodded.

This is a simple periscope composed of cardboard and two mirrors.

Fang Yu asked Chang Shan to do it last night.

There is basically no technical content.

The principle is very simple. It is to use the angle of refraction to align the mirrors parallel to each other up and down, and then surround it with cardboard to form a rectangular cylinder, which becomes a periscope.

After stretching this simple periscope diagonally up from the entrance of the cave, Fang Yu finally saw the world on the snow after the cold wave invaded through this periscope.

The blizzard is still howling, and now on the surface, blizzards have become the norm.

After turning around, through the periscope, Fang Yu could barely see a vague building in the direction shown on his map. Other directions were covered by wind and snow, making it completely unclear.

Moreover, through the wind and snow, you can still see the faint blue inside, which represents the god of death.

Obviously this cold current was a dead thing, but Fang Yu still held his breath unconsciously, as if this cold current would not detect him.

The camera was directed towards a vaguely visible building.

Fang Yu patiently adjusted the angle and finally identified the location of the main entrance of the hospital!

After seeing the sign for the main entrance of the hospital on his map, Fang Yu put the periscope back.

"I have confirmed the direction. Next, it depends on whether this mission can be successfully completed!!"

Fang Yu turned back to Chang Shan and said.

After hearing Fang Yu's words, the team members behind him couldn't help but look happy.

It has been six days since I came out, and this mission is finally coming to an end!

Fang Yu called a team member and asked him to come forward. After explaining his plan clearly to him, he asked him to repeat it again, and then asked him to pass on the content of the plan.

The passage is not big, so the team members who come in are basically lined up in a long queue. Fang Yu can see at most three people in this passage, but no more.

So there must be a role like a messenger.

After the "order soldier" came back, Fang Yu and Chang Shan looked at each other and said in a deep voice.

"let's start!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the three people in the passage began to break the ice with hammers.

As the ice broke, a large amount of snow began to sink. Another team member began to collect the snow on the ground in a container and handed it to the team members behind him to pass it to the last person, who would then

Snow was sprinkled in the back passage.

After the snow fell, a hole appeared on the top.

Through this hole, Fang Yu could see the snowy scenery outside.

"Quick, iron plate!"

At this time, everyone in the passage was completely exposed to the blizzard outside.

Fortunately, they were in a cave. The blizzard could only blow the snow into the hole, but it basically couldn't hit them.

But this can be tolerated.

Not to mention the extreme low temperature, the snow keeps falling. If it is not dealt with in time, the hole will be buried in a short time. With the wind and snow, don't even think about the bonfire.

After Fang Yu finished speaking, an iron plate came from behind.

Fang Yu stepped on the thighs straddled by Chang Shan and another person, supported the ice and stood up, standing directly on the edge of the ice.

The snow layer above the ice is about three to four meters high.

Fang Yu stood above the snow layer, holding the iron plate as if inserting a cake. He inserted one end of the iron plate into the wall of the snow cave, then adjusted the position, pulled out the iron plate, and stuck the other side.

In the snow cave.

Just like that, an iron plate was placed across the middle of the snow cave.

"Come again!"

As soon as he said these words, the next piece of iron plate seamlessly fell directly into his hand.

At this time, Chang Shan also climbed up the ice with the help of people below.

It's much faster if two people work together.

Next, Fang Yu and Chang Shan completely sealed the snow cave with iron plates one by one.

After the fourth iron plate was sealed, the wind and snow no longer moved downward, but all fell on the iron plate. These iron plates in the middle seemed to have become another "ice layer" to support it.

The wind and snow above.

Plan successful!

Fang Yu looked at Chang Shan, and the two of them slapped each other excitedly~

This is Fang Yu's plan.

An iron plate is inserted horizontally into the snow layer to form a top channel.

In this way, Fang Yu and the others were able to dig out the snow between the ice layer and the iron plate while covering it, and dig out a tunnel.

This tunnel will lead directly to the glass window on the first floor of the hospital, becoming an alternative above-ground "snow path."

With the protection of these iron plates, everyone can directly break the hospital glass and enter the hospital without being attacked by wind and snow.

Then as long as the open windows in the hospital are closed, the entire hospital can become a wind and snow barrier house.

If the wind can't blow in, the cold current can't do anything to them. Even if the temperature is low, they can hide in the passage and light a fire to keep warm.

With Fang Yu's start, all subsequent resources can be obtained through this method.

Although it will take longer and require a lot of manpower, and there are not many targets that can replicate this solution, at least this is a hope!

A hope that resources can still be obtained under such a cold wave!

Next, no one wasted this precious time.

Although there is no wind or snow, it does not mean that it is not cold.

The temperature on the snow now made Fang Yu and Chang Shan's breathing feel like they were inhaling ice knives.

Moreover, the hairs on the skin stood on end, and the biting cold current caused the two people to lose their body temperature rapidly.

After Fang Yu and Chang Shan built a few iron plates and dug out some snow, they had to retreat to the tunnel to warm themselves by the fire, and then the teammates behind them began to take over.

Except for the three people who were resting, 23 people took turns to lay iron slabs and dig snow paths in a relay manner.

Just like that, after just one turn, when Fang Yu and Chang Shan took their turn again, they had already reached the glass of the hospital!


As the shovel went down, Fang Yu felt the tip of the shovel hit something.

Fang Yu felt energetic and quickly swept away the snow.

Sure enough, behind the snow was a window, which was closed tightly. It was the thick glass that Fang Yu had just poked.

Fang Yu and Chang Shan quickly shoveled away the snow around the windows, then picked up the iron hammer hanging on their waists and smashed it down with all their strength!

There was an indescribable sound of glass breaking, and the glass window cracked.

With a few more hammers, the glass window was completely shattered.

After Fang Yu cleared away all the debris on the edge of the glass window with a shovel, he took the lead and got into the hospital.

Then came Chang Shan, and then a famous player...

After all 23 people entered the hospital, they looked at the empty hall inside the hospital and the windows outside that were completely covered by wind and snow.

Under the dim light, the team members' eyes shone with uncontrollable excitement.

"We...did it?"

"We...did it??"

"We! Did it!!!! Ah!!!!!!! We did it!!! Captain!! We! Did it! Got it!"

After the first few words of disbelief, the crowd suddenly burst into affirmation. Each of the 23 people raised their heads and shouted excitedly, hugging each other and shouting "We did it! We did it."


This chapter has been completed!
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