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124 The Beggar Gang's Deadly Enemy

Click, click, click, Wang Yingxuan and others were riding on their horses, but just after walking a short distance, Wang Yingxuan raised his brows, and saw figures shaking on both sides of the road ahead.

"You guys stop for a moment, I'll go over and take a look!" Wang Yingxuan waved his hands, jumped up, and rushed forward.

"Shoot him!" At this moment, an angry voice sounded.

Immediately, all kinds of dark green seeds, darts, plum-blossom needles, baby's breath, bricks, cabbage heads, mud, lime, and other small things came overwhelmingly towards Wang Yingxuan.

Some of these hidden weapons were simply thrown over and had no lethality at all. It was obvious that the people who used these 'hidden weapons' were relatively weak in strength, and some even had no experience in kung fu.


Wang Yingxuan's inner strength shook, and all the hidden weapons were knocked to the ground!

"Get out!" Wang Yingxuan shouted coldly, and saw figures jumping out of the grass on both sides of the road. These people were dressed in tatters and held different weapons.

"People from the Beggar Clan."

A single beggar is a beggar, but once beggars form a group, they must be disciples of a gang of beggars.

The leader of this group of Beggar Clan disciples was a tall, middle-aged man with a long face. He shouted angrily: "Wang Yingxuan, you killed our leader Wang, and you will become the mortal enemy of our Beggar Clan in the future!"

"That's right, if you offend our Beggar Clan, no matter where you go, you won't be able to live in peace!" Another Beggar Clan disciple also drank.

"Yes, if we can't beat you to death, we will disgust you to death!"

Wang Yingxuan, who was in a good mood, felt as disgusted as eating a fly at this time. He sneered and said: "Let's forget it this time. Next time, I will definitely go on a killing spree! Get out!"

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

The disciples of the Beggar Clan each spat on the ground and walked away!

"Brother Xuan, these stinky beggars are so abominable, why don't you kill them?" Mu Qi felt extremely angry when she saw Wang Yingxuan being humiliated.

Wang Yingxuan also became depressed and said: "If Xuanmen had not been established, I would have killed them. But as soon as Xuanmen was established, they started killing these low-level Beggar Clan disciples, and Xuanmen's reputation was also ruined."

"Then what should we do? Can we still be bullied by these stinky beggars? Anyway, I can't bear it!" Mu Qi said.

Wang Yingxuan frowned and said: "You are right, we have to find a way to make these Beggar Clan disciples retreat when they are faced with difficulties!" Everyone was in a bad mood, and when they thought of the Beggar Clan, they felt a little troublesome. If they were senior members of the Beggar Clan,

If he dares to be so arrogant, it's okay to kill him directly, but now there are some Beggar Clan disciples with low status and even no martial arts, and it is difficult for Wang Yingxuan to kill him directly!

"Hey, Brother Xuan, look at how many little stars have been carved on that tree. Isn't it beautiful?" Mu Qi focused on making Wang Yingxuan happy. When she turned her eyes, she saw a few stars on the tree not far from the fork in the road.

The stars are similar in form and spirit.

"Stars?" Wang Yingxuan looked up: "Hey, these stars are carved on the wrinkled bark of the tree, but they are the same depth. This man's swordsmanship is really very high."

Xingxing, Qingqing said that the martial arts of their Zhen sect is the Xinghui magic skill. Could this be left by the disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect? Looking at the traces, it is clear that it was left not long ago. Could it be left by Qingqing?

As soon as this thought came to him, Wang Yingxuan couldn't let go. He pulled the reins of his horse and said, "Let's go this way!"

Ten miles due north of Changning County, not far from a main road, a large piece of land sunk into the ground three to four meters deep.

The proudly blooming chrysanthemums are of different varieties and colors, covering an area of ​​dozens of acres, and are connected together like a sea of ​​flowers.

In the middle of the sea of ​​chrysanthemums, there is a large house, which is very quiet. With so many chrysanthemums planted around his residence, it is evident that the owner of this house has a preference for chrysanthemums.


Suddenly, a figure galloped from a distance, passed through the chrysanthemum bushes in a few flashes, and arrived at the gate of the house.

In front of the gate of the house, there are also two stone sculptures guarding the house, but they are not the usual lions, but two monsters. One monster looks like a whale, with its big mouth open as if to swallow the sky, and the other is a big monster.

Peng bird, with its wings spread out, means flying into the sky.

But on the big vermilion iron door, there are small swords carved on it.

On the door plaque, there are four words "Wenjian Villa" written on it. If you look carefully, you will see that these four words have the meaning of a sword rising from the sky.

When the man arrived at the door of Wenjian Villa, he stopped and knocked on the door several times, and soon someone took him in.

"Li Shiqi, are there any masters of swordsmanship appearing at the Juxianzhuang Heroes Conference?"

The man called Li Shiqi was a man who had just returned from the outside. He was in his thirties or forties, with a strong face and a very dignified manner when he walked. He turned out to be a master.

The person who opened the door was also in his thirties or forties, had a long breath, and was also a master.

If Wang Yingxuan saw it, he would definitely be amazed that such a group of martial arts masters were hidden in the suburbs of this small county town.

Li Shiqi nodded and said: "Take me to see the chief steward quickly. At this Juxianzhuang Heroes Conference, an incredible swordsmanship was revealed. If the master knows about it, he will be very happy, and you and I will be rewarded."


"What swordsmanship?" The other person was also overjoyed.

"Let the master know first, and then I will tell you." Li Shiqi said.

In the middle of the house, there is a very large house. There are large windows on all sides of the house. They are all open at this moment, and the light from outside shines into it, making it look very bright.

In the middle of this room, there was an old man sitting cross-legged on the ground.

This old man is dressed in brocade robes, his beard and hair are all white, but his complexion is rosy, and he has a spotless feeling all over his body. He really has the appearance of a child with white hair. It makes people fall in love with him at first sight, like a fairy.

At this moment, the old man was sitting cross-legged on the ground, but he was breathless. After an unknown period of time, there was a very slight sound of exhalation. There were footsteps outside the house.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes, and a dazzling light shot out from his eyes, piercing the heart like a sharp sword.

"Master, seventeen reports, a set of extraordinary swordsmanship appeared at the Juxianzhuang Heroes Conference." A voice sounded from outside.

"What kind of swordsmanship!" The old man jumped up, stepped out and reached the door. He stretched out his hand to open the door, and saw two people standing outside the door. An old man about sixty years old, but there was no sign of anything.

Old-fashioned, and the other person is Li Shiqi.

Li Shiqi saluted respectfully and said: "Master, the Six Meridians Divine Sword was born. There was a young man who used the Six Meridians Divine Sword to kill three first-class masters in a row."

The old man was suddenly startled, and then burst out laughing: "The Six Meridians Divine Sword used to be known as the best swordsmanship in the world, but it's a pity that I, Li Yifeng, have never seen it. It's hard to tell whether it's just a false name. Today, the Six Meridians Divine Sword has returned to the world, and I naturally

I want to try this swordsmanship."

Li Shiqi added: "Master, in addition to the Six Meridians Divine Sword, there is also an unknown sword technique that is also very powerful. Wang Jiantong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, was stabbed to death with a sword before he even made a single move."

"What's the origin?"

"I don't know this yet, but I have asked Eighteen and Nineteen to follow the men using the swords. Once they get accurate information, they will come back and report to the master."

The old man nodded and said with a smile: "What good news. Since the fight with Fang Congzhe of the Hengshan Sect more than ten years ago, I have not drawn my sword for more than ten years, but today I have the urge to draw my sword. Xiao Ding, go get ready.

In a moment, I need to take a shower and change clothes."

"Master, do you want to go out?" The butler smiled.

"Yes, let's go out and take a look. Seventeen, sort out all the information related to the Six Meridians Divine Sword."

"Yes, Master."

Wang Yingxuan and seven others rode into Changning County. Although this county town is old, it does not appear dilapidated. Instead, it has an aura of sedimentation in it. However, the star mark can no longer be seen at this time. Wang Yingxuan and others can only find a place to eat first.


"The street in front should be a snack street. Let's go there and have something to eat." Wang Yingxuan said. The seven people tied up their horses and entered the small street. However, they just walked not far when they heard a sound behind them.

There was a sharp neighing sound, and a horse that had just been tied suddenly broke free from the reins and rushed towards the snack street as if it was going crazy.

Da da da!!!

The horse is a steed, and it runs like wind and fire. Pedestrians outside the snack street screamed when they saw a seemingly crazy horse rushing towards them. They had nowhere to hide!


Wang Yingxuan finally became furious, and his voice spread through the crowd like thunder, ringing in the ears of the out-of-control horse.


The out-of-control horse let out a long neigh, and suddenly jumped up with its front hooves like a beast in front of it, standing upright.

Not far in front of it, several pedestrians who were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground burst into tears. Seeing the horse's hooves landing on the ground, it was about to trample the pedestrians. A figure was like lightning, passing through the crowd and making a casual movement.

With a slap of his palm, the furious horse was sent flying backwards.

The horse fell to the ground, twitched several times, and began to foam at the mouth.

Wang Yingxuan's face was gloomy, and he reached the place where the horse was tied in a few steps. He had paid money to be watched. When the man saw Wang Yingxuan coming, he felt a heavy breath that made him feel uncomfortable.

"What happened to my horse?"

The man looked sad and said, "Young Master, I'm really sorry. Just now, a little beggar rubbed against the horse. I went to chase him away. Another little beggar did something and the horse went crazy."

"Little beggar? A gang of beggars again?" Wang Yingxuan became irritated, with murderous intent: "I, Wang Yingxuan, was weak and had never been bullied like this. Now that my martial arts skills are top-notch in the world, I am being bullied to the top. It's really funny."

"Sir, do you want to report to the official?" The man suggested cautiously. This horse looked like a fine horse at first glance, but he couldn't afford to pay for it.

Report to the official?

Wang Yingxuan's heart moved, how could he forget this? Although he doesn't like the government at all now, if the government takes care of beggars, it would be the right way. As the saying goes, one thing will bring another thing down.

"Brother Xuan, what's going on?" Mu Qi came up and asked.

"Hey, it was the beggars from the Beggar Clan who made it. These people are really like mud and make you sick if you touch it." Wang Yingxuan had an idea in his mind, but he was no longer angry.

Mu Qi couldn't bear it anymore, she shouted: "Brother Xuan, let's go to their sub-rudder now and destroy their sub-rudder."

Wang Yingxuan nodded and said, "That's right. Let's kill his branch leader first, and then report him to the official." He turned around and asked, "Where in Changning County are there the most beggars?"

The man hurriedly replied: "There is a large abandoned mansion in the east of the county town. The owner abandoned it because it was haunted. Now only beggars live there."


This chapter has been completed!
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