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003 The Infinite Heart Method

Although Bailian Town is just a small town, because it is the headquarters of Tianyu Escort Bureau, it is more lively than other small towns.

The chief bodyguard of Tianyu Escort Bureau has been an escort for most of his life, and has gained quite a reputation in the world. People in the world call him "Sky Cannon" Zhao Tianyu. This Sky Cannon is Mr. Zhao's unique move. All his strength is concentrated in one punch, and with a bang,

When shot out, it looks like an unstoppable cannon soaring into the sky, so it is called the sky cannon.

In the entire Bailian Town, Mr. Zhao can be regarded as the number one person in the Baidao. Today is the time when Mr. Zhao recruits apprentices every five years, not only in Bailian Town, but also in nearby Anhong Town, Shuangqiang Town, Lidian Town, and

The young people who were fleeing for food nearby came to try their luck.

There is a very spacious martial arts field in the Zhao family compound. Anyone under the age of fifteen can enter this martial arts field to take the test.

"The second level is to walk on the balance beam. Line up and get up one by one. This balance beam is dangerous. If you are afraid, don't go up. Otherwise, our escort agency will be irresponsible if you fall!" Wang Tieshan, Mr. Zhao's eldest apprentice, said loudly.


In the martial arts arena, two long balance beams stood in parallel, with a height of 1.5 meters and a width of only two feet. Teenagers with poor sense of balance could not walk down at all. Many teenagers quit at that time. And the teenagers who participated in the balance beam assessment were all

The queue is ready.

Hey, a disciple of the escort agency put a ragged young man on the balance beam. The young man was very light, his whole body was skinny, and his face was dark yellow from malnutrition. He seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old. As soon as he was put on the balance beam

On the balance beam, the young man felt that the world was spinning, but it was because he had been hungry for two days. He suddenly stood up from the balance beam and his blood supply was no longer available. He fell from the height with a bang.

"Look, this is the fate of being brave." Wang Tieshan said loudly. A disciple stretched out his hand to help the young man up. He felt that the young man's face turned dark and his breath was cold. He remained silent at the moment and carried the young man to the corner.

He was thrown out of the house with a wave of his hand. When he arrived outside the Zhao family compound, he had nothing to do with them anymore.

Bang! As soon as the young man's body fell to the ground, a golden light penetrated into the young man's head with a whoosh. The face of the originally dead young man suddenly turned from black to blood again. Wang Yingxuan's seizure of the body this time was unexpected.

It went smoothly, and as soon as he succeeded in seizing the body, he immediately felt that his whole body was relaxed and at ease, and the previous feeling of being tightly locked by the thunder immediately disappeared.

"Hahahaha, I, Wang Yingxuan, am a human being again, and I will definitely live a free and unrestrained life!" The young man turned over and stood up, but his movements were too large and he was a little shaken.

"This man's physique is too poor. We should find a place to improve him first." Wang Yingxuan was full of energy. Although his body was weak, he walked very quickly and quickly disappeared from outside the Zhao family compound.

In the abandoned temple, a young man was doing push-ups on the ground. As his body rose and fell, a visible golden light emitted from his flesh and blood. Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was possessed by Wang Yingxuan three months ago.

The young boy who had lost his body, but had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to then. The original skinny bones were now evenly distributed, and his body length was half a head longer than three months ago.

After doing enough push-ups, Wang Yingxuan raised his palms and stood up quickly. His facial features also changed a lot at this moment, more like the appearance of his previous life. His eyes were bright and clear, with a slight smile when he turned, which made people look at him.

Seeing oneself gives birth to a good impression.

"Three months of meat food has finally replenished the body's depleted blood. If it weren't for my transparent and flawless soul, which could see every change in this body's flesh and blood, even if this young man had an extra emperor,

Dad, it will take a year or two to recuperate the body, and we have to consider whether the deficiency is replenished or not."

Wang Yingxuan exhaled and twisted his waist casually, feeling very good. The foundation of this body is really bad. Fortunately, his soul has entered the body and can see the flesh and blood all over the body, and he can check the damaged flesh and blood in the body for recovery.

, so Wang Yingxuan spent three months to replenish the nutrients the body lacked, and this body was tempered by Wang Yingxuan little by little. The process of tempering the body in these three months also allowed Wang Yingxuan to achieve a perfect fit with this body.


After having sex, the thunder from the sky no longer struck him, and he could truly observe the changes in his soul.

The three-inch golden little man transformed by the soul can wander anywhere in the body on its own, and this little man has the ability to "see" everything within three feet through the body.

Within three feet, he can clearly see every detail, even in soil and rivers.

This ability is called spiritual consciousness! Wang Yingxuan said in his heart.

In the past three months, Wang Yingxuan continued to help others, trying to gain more faith, but to his disappointment, after having sex, the ability to gain faith before had disappeared!

However, fortunately, he no longer needs the power of faith. The faith he gained before has also become the power of Wang Yingxuan's soul. Wang Yingxuan's soul is in a wonderful state at this moment, and he can clearly remember what Wang Yingxuan has experienced since childhood.

Every matter, every book I read, my calculation ability is super strong, I can tell the answer in one breath by multiplying ten-digit numbers.

I'm afraid my current soul is comparable to a computer with an 8GHz central processing unit! Wang Yingxuan is extremely satisfied with the current state!

After his body returned to its best condition, Wang Yingxuan began to get excited. Next, he would practice internal strength. Practicing internal strength was what he longed for most when reading martial arts novels, and now he finally had the opportunity to do it.

The biggest temptation is right in front of him, but he can endure it for three months. Wang Yingxuan's determination is also extraordinary!

He took out a book from his arms. This book was called "Infinite Jue" and it was a book of inner strength and mental methods. This was the trophy obtained from Zhao Yangxing that day.

When Wang Yingxuan was a ghost, he already had some understanding of this world. It was very similar to the Song Dynasty in history, but there was one difference. This world had internal strength, heroes, and various magical martial arts. It was more like Tian Long Ba

The Song Dynasty in the Ministry.

Wang Yingxuan opened the Wuliang Jue and studied it carefully. The Wuliang Jue belongs to the inner strength and mental method practiced by the disciples of a sect called the Wuliang Sword Sect. The exercise route of the Wuliang Jue is not very complicated, but involves more than a dozen acupoints and meridians.

The route is divided into two paths, one is from raising the left hand over the shoulder until the left foot is turned back, and the other is from the right hand being raised over the shoulder until the right foot is turned back.

Wang Yingxuan only read it once and memorized the content. He began to deduce the operation route and possible changes of internal energy in his soul, and the results were soon obtained.

As soon as the light flashed, there were more light spots in Wang Yingxuan's soul villain. These light spots represented acupuncture points, and their positions were exactly the same as those in the Wuliang Jue. The soul power turned into a little Qi, and followed the Wuliang Jue.

The marked route begins to move.

This Wuliang Jue exercise route seems very simple, but if there is a slight deviation in the movement of that bit of energy, it will spread out on its own, and you can only start over. But every time you make a mistake, Wang Yingxuan will automatically correct it the next time. Soon, that bit of energy will spread out.

He then circulated it in Wang Yingxuan's body for one Zhoutian, and then ran it for two consecutive Zhoutians. Everything went well, and his body began to truly cultivate.

To truly run the exercise route, the first breath must be transformed by the essence and blood of the whole body. Wang Yingxuan's soul is strong, and he quickly sensed the first sense of qi from his body. This sense of qi follows the exercise route, neither fast nor slow.

After running for a week, it began to grow stronger. After the first week of running, Wang Yingxuan's speed of moving the inner energy increased. As the inner energy moved, there was a numbing feeling that made his body indescribable.

Come happily.

Wang Yingxuan continued to practice the internal energy method for eighty-one days. Suddenly, he heard a gurgling sound coming from his stomach. He actually felt very hungry. Wang Yingxuan stopped practicing and found that there was an internal substance the size of a sesame seed in his Dantian.


"After practicing for a long time, I only had the internal strength the size of a sesame seed. It is really too little. When it sinks into the Dantian, there is almost no reaction." Wang Yingxuan muttered to himself.

But if the internal martial arts masters in the world heard these words, they would probably slap him to death.

The practice of internal strength is the most dangerous thing. If you make a slight mistake, your meridians will be damaged. In severe cases, you will become obsessed and become disabled and paralyzed. Therefore, when you first start practicing internal strength, there will be elders personally guarding you. Getting started during practice is a big difficulty. If you

It will take a month or two for even the best to find a sense of Qi by yourself.

Not to mention that the inner Qi circulates for eighty-one days. In the beginning, it circulates for one week. As time goes by, it rises to nine weeks. After that, it reaches eighty-one days. This process will take several years.

.But Wang Yingxuan only took half an hour to finish it. The comparison can make people angry to death.

In the following days, Wang Yingxuan continued to practice his internal energy, and then ate a big meal. The meat he ate would turn into essence and blood and replenish it into Wang Yingxuan's body. The source of internal energy was transformed from essence and blood. In Taoism,

According to ancient records, there are four words that are very appropriate to describe the process of generating inner qi: refining and transforming qi.

After Wang Yingxuan finished eating, he would practice his internal energy and then eat a big meal. He would eat almost seven or eight times a day. His hard work was not in vain. Within a month, the internal energy in Wang Yingxuan's Dantian was already the size of a fist. To achieve such a

It takes three to five years for a well-known and decent sect with a complete internal strength training system to achieve a large amount of internal strength. However, some people who do not have the guidance of seniors and only rely on themselves to practice with a secret book will take about ten years without training themselves to death.

There is so much inner energy.

The so-called inner qi refers to internal force. Inner qi appears as a gaseous existence in the Dantian, and when it leaves the Dantian, it appears in the form of strength.

"How about trying the effect of internal strength?" Wang Yingxuan thought in his heart.

The internal energy was poured into the palm of the hand, and he lightly patted the wall. A palm print was clearly printed on the wall.

"The palm of your hand can break bricks, it's so weak!" Wang Yingxuan shouted.

Wang Yingxuan poured his inner strength into his feet and stepped hard. His body was hit by the recoil force and he jumped more than two meters high.

Wang Yingxuan used his inner strength to push upwards, and felt a lightness in his body, as if he was about to rise against the wind.

The wonder of internal power is indeed magical. Wang Yingxuan was filled with emotion, but the internal power was too little and was consumed very quickly. After a few attempts, the internal power in the Dantian was almost exhausted. Wang Yingxuan quickly sat on the ground and practiced again to make up for it.

After practicing this internal skill, Wang Yingxuan also gained more confidence to survive in this troubled world. He was very quiet and thoughtful, and immediately left the ruined temple and headed for Bailian Town.;

This chapter has been completed!
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