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Chapter 238 The Five Elements Talent tempers the five internal organs, and the reward hall is offered!

The so-called tempering of the five internal organs means that after the warrior arrives at the Cave Heaven King Realm, he uses the power of Qi and blood to communicate with the five internal organs in the human body, that is, the five internal organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

Before the Blue Star Catastrophe, there was Taoism. It was recorded in Taoist classics that the human body is a treasure house, and the body itself forms the world. The five internal organs represent the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth that make up the world. Only by opening the five qi in the chest can the immortal way be solidified.


What Taoism says is a bit mysterious.

However, after cultivating as a warrior and reaching the realm of the Cave Heaven King, the level of life has been transformed, and he has become a world of his own with every move he makes.

In addition to creating a world of their own in the outside world, king-level warriors also need to explore within so that they can also create a world of their own.

The specific method is to temper the five internal organs in the body, so that the five internal organs circulate and possess certain magical powers, so as to achieve the state of endless life.

Once this is accomplished, the warrior is truly transcendent and can parasitize in the world, absorb nutrients, and achieve transcendence.

In fact, this kind of King Realm cultivation method for tempering the five internal organs has long been obtained by Blue Star warriors through digging the ruins of the secret realm.

Many king realms also practice this way.

But the method of tempering the five internal organs they practiced was not a targeted tempering.

It is just based on tempering the physical body and taking into account the five internal organs at the same time.

This also leads to the fact that their five internal organs have not been tempered to the best state, and the benefits obtained are naturally not many. Being able to develop 10% or even 20% is considered good.

But the Taixuan Golden Tower Divine Seal is different.

Not only is the record very detailed, but it is also more targeted.

There is no doubt about it.

This cultivation method will allow warriors to unearth more human body treasures and obtain greater benefits when tempering the five internal organs. When the five internal organs are tempered, the internal circulation can also achieve the best effect.

"It is indeed a technique that directly points to the divine realm. It is really impressive!"

Chu Mo secretly praised.

If you practice according to the method recorded in the Taixuan Golden Tower Divine Seal.

After his five internal organs return to their original state, he will probably be able to develop his five internal organs to over 90%.

This may not increase his strength, but it will undoubtedly give him a deeper foundation.

The future growth potential will also be higher.

Thinking like this.

Chu Mo then planned to continue practicing.


At this time, he suddenly discovered that there was actually a method for tempering the five internal organs in the Taixuan Golden Tower Divine Chapter.

Compared with the first kind.

The second one seems much simpler, with just a few sentences.

It roughly means.

The Taixuan Divine Lord who created the Taixuan Golden Tower Divine Seal believed that since the five internal organs in the human body govern the five qi, the five qi represent the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

If that's the case.

If a warrior possesses the talent of the Five Elements and incorporates it into the five internal organs based on it, will it allow the warrior to obtain more benefits when tempering the five internal organs?

This conjecture aroused the curiosity of Lord Taixuan.

So he began to experiment.

But as we all know, since warriors can awaken their talents, in most cases there is only one kind. Having two talents is already considered a genius.

However, warriors with innate talents of the Five Elements are too rare.

But of course this would not be a problem for a divine king.

After searching around, he quickly found some treasures that could give a warrior the talent of the Five Elements, thereby artificially creating a warrior with the talent of the Five Elements.

But the experiment quickly ran into difficulties.

Although he already possesses the five elements talent, after integrating into the five internal organs, he cannot achieve a perfect cycle at all, and may even cause conflicts among the five qi, causing the warrior to show signs of going crazy.

Lord Taixuan speculated that it might be necessary for the five elements of talent of the warrior to be at the same level.

Therefore, he selected a warrior without any talents and used treasures to increase all his Five Elements talents to a secondary level.

His experiment was successful!

But the effect brought about was far lower than the prediction of Lord Taixuan.

After the inferior Five Elements talents are integrated, the growth brought about is almost negligible, and can even be said to be negligible.

According to the speculation of Lord Taixuan.

Perhaps only when all the Five Elements talents reach a high level can there be significant growth, and only when talents reach the Morning Star level or above can qualitative changes occur.


The treasures that can upgrade talents to the morning star level are all rare treasures from the world. After consuming them, the benefits brought are not very high... after all, they are just the five qi cycles at the Cave Heaven King level.

Even if it is developed to the extreme, it will not be able to greatly improve the strength of the warriors, and it will still not be possible for the king-level warriors to defeat the God of War warriors.


The investment is far less than the return.

Therefore, it is not applicable to ordinary warriors at all. Perhaps only warriors who come from top powers and strive for perfection will do this.

Therefore, Lord Taixuan also gave up.

Because the talent of raising a warrior to the morning star level is also a big burden for him, and it also takes a long time to observe the growth of the warrior.

After all, this was just a small idea of ​​his, and there was no need to pay such a big price.


Even though Taixuan Shenjun gave up experiments, he was still making theoretical conjectures.

In his view, if a warrior is born with extremely high five-element talents, and integrates the five-element talents into the king's realm, he may be able to achieve a qualitative transformation of the five internal organs, thereby obtaining great benefits.

It is precisely because of this idea.

He kept this conjecture and recorded it in the Taixuan Golden Tower Divine Chapter.

I hope that a unique genius with great innate talent for the Five Elements will emerge and can cultivate him to perfection.


Taixuan Shenjun did not see this scene and died in a battle.

After reading the record, Chu Mo's eyes immediately revealed a glint of light.

The talents of the five elements are balanced and the levels are very high, which may be extremely difficult for other warriors to achieve.

But for Chu Mo, this is simply a method of tempering the five internal organs tailor-made for him!

He possesses the art of gathering, and he can completely improve his talent to an extremely high level through collection. If he integrates his talent into the five internal organs, he may really be able to transform the five internal organs!

Although this is just the conjecture of Lord Taixuan.

But in Chu Mo’s opinion, it is extremely feasible!


Even if you fail in the end, there will be no harm.

“You can give it a try!”

Chu Mo decided.


He began to think about his Five Elements talents.

Fire attributes, earth attributes, metal attributes, and wood attributes are all extraordinary levels.

The water attribute is even only high.

According to what Taixuan Shenjun said, if you want to achieve perfect internal circulation of the five internal organs, you need to have a balanced talent of the five elements.

But his water attribute is a bit low.


Chu Mo's other four extraordinary attributes are also a bit low in Chu Mo's opinion.

Now that he has entered the King Realm level, the gap between the realms is getting wider and wider, and even extraordinary talents are bringing him less and less help.

Chu Mo thought it would be better to take this opportunity to find some powerful ferocious beasts, and then upgrade all his Five Elements talents to the Morning Star level, and then use the Morning Star level to build the internal circulation of the five internal organs.


"The ferocious beasts that can possess Morning Star talent must be at least at the peak of the King Realm or even the God of War level. With my own strength, it may be difficult to find traces of these powerful ferocious beasts."

Chu Mo frowned.

After thinking about it, he opened the bracelet and prepared to ask Yang Xiao.


Communication is connected.

"Lord Chu Mo, what are your orders?"

Over the communication line, Yang Xiao's respectful voice came.

Chu Mo directly expressed his desire to find a powerful five-element beast.

After learning about this, Yang Xiao immediately said: "Sir Chu Mo, the Bounty Hall of the God of War Palace has information about many powerful ferocious beasts!"

"Reward Hall?"

Chu Mo was a little confused.

"My lord, don't you know?"

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately explained: "The Bounty Hall is a list made public by the God of War Palace. Most of the targets with bounties are some powerful ferocious beasts that appear near the base. For various reasons, it is necessary to

Pay them off."

"Whether it is a warrior within the Palace of the God of War or a warrior from outside, you can receive it. Once you complete the bounty, you will be rewarded with merit points or God of War points."

Hearing this, Chu Mo suddenly understood.

"I understand, thank you."

Yang Xiao immediately felt flattered and said, "You are too polite."


Chu Mo asked again about the location of the Bounty Hall, and then hung up the phone.

Without making any further stops, Chu Mo left the villa directly and headed to the location of the Bounty Hall.

Outside the Palace of the God of War, in a gorgeous hall.

People come and go here, and there are warriors everywhere, most of whom are at the king level.

The weakest ones are all Bahuang Venerables.

The reason for this is because this place is a bounty hall, and the targets that can appear here are at least level seven ferocious beasts. Only king-level warriors can kill them.


Chu Mo has already arrived here.

It is worth mentioning that.

Ever since Chu Mo was accepted as the True Successor by the God of War Palace and a grand gift ceremony was held, everyone in the world knew who he was. Almost every warrior knew Chu Mo's appearance.

So when he arrived, he immediately caused an uproar.

"Chu Zhenzhuan!"

"It's Chu Zhen who sent it!"

"I've seen Chu Zhenzhuan!"

Outside the hall, all the warriors saluted one after another, with a sign of respect in their words.

"You don't need to be polite."

Chu Mo waved his hand and chatted with them.

It seems that because Chu Mo's attitude is very gentle, the atmosphere among these warriors has become more and more exciting. As time goes by, more and more people gather here, wanting to see Chu Mo's true self up close.



Soon, a deacon on duty at the God of War Palace got the news and respectfully introduced Chu Mo into the hall, thus avoiding being surrounded by the crowd.


When he entered the hall, the warriors outside the hall were still discussing excitedly.

There were even a few kings who proudly told people around them that they had greeted each other before, but received a response from Chu Mo.

This caused some warriors to exclaim and envy.

Inside the palace.

Chu Mo explained his purpose of coming.

The deacon worked quickly and quickly found some relevant bounties and placed them in front of Chu Mo.

"Chu Zhenzhuan, these are all the rewards that meet your requirements."

The deacon, who is a warrior in the middle stage of the King Realm, said respectfully.

Chu Mo picked it up and looked through it carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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