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Chapter 345 The real source, crazy ideas

"Holy spring given by God?"

Hearing this name, Chu Mo felt a little puzzled and asked, "Explain clearly, what is this?"

The warrior from Sakura Island told the story in detail.

It turns out that since the great change in the world, some pure white spring water suddenly emerged from some ancient wells in various places on Sakura Island. If ordinary people or warriors can take it, they can slowly improve their talents. After learning this, Sakura

The warriors on the island were overjoyed.

They relied on these wells to establish a survival base, and then organized adults over fifteen years old to worship and drink from them every year.

It is worth mentioning that.

This kind of spring water has a very powerful effect on increasing talents. The first time you take it, your talents will be improved by one level. If you continue to take it later, you can also get a slight increase.

Under such circumstances, as long as the talent is slightly higher, it can be promoted to the top, extraordinary or even above the extraordinary level.

Even if your talent is not good, you can still rely on the holy spring given by God to be promoted to an intermediate or high level.

Because of this, the warriors on Sakura Island are generally very talented.

As the overall talent level increases, the children they give birth to will have a higher probability of obtaining high talent. This has been passed down from generation to generation, and this has created the current situation.

"No wonder Sakura Island can survive being surrounded by sea!"

"It turns out that I got such a treasure!"

Chu Mo suddenly realized.

I have to say.

The warriors of Sakura Island are really lucky!

Logically speaking, they should have been doomed after the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, but unexpectedly, they were saved by the so-called holy spring given by God. Not only were they not destroyed, but they gradually established a firm foothold.


Regardless of the fact that Sakura Island does not yet have a nine-star war god, this is purely because there are not many ruins in their homeland and they cannot find better martial arts.

But as long as they are given a period of development and their overall strength is raised to another level, they will have enough energy to explore the sea. After finding many secret ruins, they may usher in an explosive period of growth in strength.

By that time, it is estimated that there will even be a lot of peak war gods!

And think about their mainland side.

From the beginning to the present, it has been a full two hundred years of struggle to survive. Although there are currently nine peak war gods, it is also relying on the huge population base of hundreds of millions that some terrifying geniuses have been born to stand out.

, only then can we climb up.

After all, the number of geniuses is only a small number, and most of them are ordinary people.

Therefore, it is common for a large base to have tens of millions of people and not even a king-level warrior to be born.

One is artificial mass production of talent.

The other one relies purely on the warrior's own talent.

The treatment of the two is simply worlds apart.

Thinking of this, Chu Mo couldn't help but sigh secretly.

But then.

He couldn't help but feel a touch of excitement in his heart.

The holy spring given by God can improve the talents of warriors, which is a good thing.

It's okay if you don't know, but now that you've found it, you can't miss it!

Thinking like this.

Chu Mo asked again about the location of the divine spring.

After successfully getting the answer, Chu Mo directly slapped him into powder, causing him to lose his life unknowingly.

"Go and see the God-given Holy Spring first, and if you have the chance, empty it all!"

Chu Mo thought secretly.

People are selfish.

Not to mention that he was very unhappy with the warriors on Sakura Island. More importantly, the divine spring could enhance the talent of warriors. Chu Mo naturally wanted to take it as his own.

Think of this.

Chu Mo flew directly towards the direction of the divine spring.


Chu Mo had already arrived in front of a huge square, and saw a small shrine in front of him. The three words "Holy Spring Temple" were written on the plaque. Two king-level warriors were guarding the door.

In the square, many people were queuing up to go in and worship.

"This is the location of the divine spring!"

Chu Mo murmured.

Immediately, he hid in the shadows and walked towards the temple.

Just got inside.

Chu Mo saw a small pond in the courtyard of the temple, only about three feet in size. Some white spring water was overflowing from the ground very slowly, leaving only a shallow layer on the pond.

A warrior at the God of War level is in charge of the distribution of the liquid.

Every adult will receive a bowl of spring water after worshiping.

Chu Mo noticed.

A young martial artist who was in the martial arts realm originally only had a medium water attribute talent. After drinking this bowl of spring water, he had transformed into a high water attribute talent in less than ten minutes.

Although he had already been mentally prepared, when he saw this scene with his own eyes, Chu Mo still had a huge impact in his heart, and his whole person was completely shocked.

"The effect of the divine spring is too strong!"

"No matter what, you must get it!"

Chu Mo decided secretly.


Although I want to get it, how to get it is a problem.

There is also a simple and crude method, that is, to take action directly to seize the spring. However, this will easily make the Sakura Island warriors in other bases wary - Chu Mo also wants to seize the springs in other bases.

They had all been snatched away, so naturally they couldn't alert the snake so early.

"Observe first to see if there is an opportunity to take action!"

Chu Mo hid in the shadows and waited patiently.


It was already dark at night.

Shengquan Temple announced that it would be closed and would allow those who came to worship to come back tomorrow.

The crowd quickly dispersed.

There were only two kings left in the entire temple guarding the gate, and the war god warrior who was responsible for distributing spring water returned to the room next to him and started practicing cross-legged.

"Good opportunity!"

Chu Mo's eyes narrowed, and he stepped in front of the warrior who was the God of War.


This God of War warrior was very vigilant and suddenly sensed some fluctuations in the space. He was about to ask, but then he noticed a golden divine light breaking through the void and shooting towards him.

Before he could come to his senses, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

The next moment.

He had already lost consciousness.

After silently killing the God of War warrior, Chu Mo wasted no time and went straight to the spring and dug out the entire spring.


Just then.

Chu Mo was suddenly stunned.

After the spring was dug, a huge tree root was revealed. Some white liquid was oozing out from the root, exuding pure mysterious energy.

And looking at the spring dug out by him.

Just the most ordinary spring water.


"Could it be that the holy spring that enhances talents actually comes from the roots of this tree?"

Chu Mo's expression changed.

After thinking about it, he jumped into the hole, took some liquid from the roots of the tree, and swallowed it directly.


Just a drop.

However, an extremely pure energy burst out in his body instantly, and wherever it passed, many talents in his body became active.

Countless cells and genes are frantically devouring this energy.

After digesting it completely, Chu Mo found that his talent had actually increased slightly.


“It’s the liquid that flows from the roots of the tree that really does the trick!”

"And the spring water only plays a diluting role!"

"And if that's the case..."

"The real source should be this tree root!"

Thinking of this, a bright light flashed in Chu Mo's eyes.

He spread his consciousness and wanted to explore the source of the tree root.


Even though his spiritual consciousness has been extended for tens of thousands of miles, he still hasn't noticed where the source is.

Think about it.

Chu Mo simply returned the spring to its original place, and as for himself, he drilled directly into the earth and followed the roots of the tree towards the source.

Keep going.

In just a short time, Chu Mo had traveled more than 100,000 miles along the roots of the tree.

And until then.

He finally discovered the source of the tree roots.

A huge cherry tree!

It is over a thousand meters high, with huge trunks and nearly a hundred meters in diameter. The canopy is dense, like a canopy, covering the surrounding area for several kilometers.

Around this big tree, Chu Mo also sensed dozens of extremely terrifying auras, the lowest being those at the God of War level, among which there were twenty auras that were as bright as the sun.

It’s the Nine-Star God of War!


Chu Mo also noticed that there was a huge base around this huge cherry tree.

The entire base is built with its big tree as the center, and the cherry trees are protected in groups.

"It seems that these Sakura Island warriors also know that the source of the spiritual liquid is the cherry tree, so they built a huge base near it and sent a large number of God of War warriors to protect it!"

Chu Mo murmured to himself, frowning slightly.

If this is the case.

It would be difficult for him to absorb the spiritual liquid in the big tree without being noticed. After all, the warriors of Sakura Island must have arranged many warning means on the big tree. As long as there is a slight movement, they will be alerted.

"How about uprooting the entire tree and putting it directly into the world in my palm?"

Chu Mo suddenly had a crazy idea.

Since we can't achieve this through silent action, we might as well make a big noise.

According to Chu Mo's observation, the root system of this cherry tree is extremely developed and almost covers the entire Sakura Island. Although many of these root systems are not important, even if they are cut off directly, they will not have any impact on the cherry tree.

But the most important root systems are also scattered deep in the surrounding hundreds of miles!

If Chu Mo takes action, hundreds of miles of ground around the cherry tree will be lifted up, which means that the entire large base next to it will also be turned upside down by Chu Mo!

There is no doubt about it.

This move would definitely be like poking a hornet's nest, alarming all the warriors on Sakura Island. Those God of War warriors would never let him go, and would kill him at all costs.


"It's not impossible to succeed!"

Chu Mo's eyes flashed brightly and he murmured.

Although he is still only a king-level warrior now, his physical strength has reached the extreme level of a nine-star war god. Coupled with the combination of many talents, the ordinary nine-star war god is no match for him.

And under such circumstances, even if the warriors on Sakura Island were alarmed and were hunted down by countless God of War warriors, there would be no danger to Chu Mo!

"Wealth is found in danger!"


Thinking of this, Chu Mo suddenly made up his mind.


Before taking action, Chu Mo still needs to carefully investigate whether there is a peak war god on Sakura Island.

If so, then the plan can only be cancelled.

If not...

This chapter has been completed!
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