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Chapter 384 The casualties exceed 30 million, and the situation is rotten!

Ares Palace.

After receiving the message, the Starfall War God, Canglong War God, Zhenwu War God, Ningshuang War God, Galaxy War God and others all stood up in shock after hearing Qingcang War God's words, with horror in their eyes.


They almost couldn't believe their ears, and read the message again word for word, with disbelief immediately showing in their eyes.


"How is this possible?!"

"Since the coastal defense line was built, nothing has happened for decades. It can be said to be impregnable. How could it be suddenly captured now?!"

"And how did these sea beasts break into the inland without anyone noticing, and even captured more than ten survival bases one after another, so much so that even the Suzhou-Hangzhou Super Base was captured?!"

"Impossible, this is simply impossible!"

"Such a big thing happened, why didn't we receive the news beforehand?!"

"Although there is no peak God of War in the Suhang Super Base, there are also several nine-star Gods of War. Among them, Tianwu War God, the master of the Suhang God of War Palace, has entered the level of the Nine-Star God of War decades ago, and is only one step away from the peak God of War.

How could he die so easily in just one step?"

"Absurd, absolutely ridiculous!"

"I never believe it!"

Several Gods of War came back to their senses, started talking, and subconsciously exclaimed.

None of them could believe the authenticity of the news.

"I know you all believe it. In fact, I can't believe it either. But now is not the time to discuss this. The top priority is to find out what the specific situation is. If the situation around Suzhou and Hangzhou has really deteriorated to this point,

If so, our Zhonghai Super Base will be the first to bear the brunt!"

"So at this moment, we must react!"

Just when everyone was in an uproar, Qingcang War God said with a serious face: "First of all, immediately send people to investigate near Suzhou and Hangzhou to verify the authenticity of the news!"

"Secondly, our Zhonghai Super Base will immediately start full martial law and enter a wartime state. The formation will be fully activated. The escort team will increase patrols near the base. At the same time, warriors must also mobilize urgently to be ready for war at any time."

"Everyone, at this time, the situation is complicated and confusing. We must keep our minds steady and prepare for the worst!"

Speaking of which.

Qingcang War God stood up, looked around the audience, and said in a deep voice: "Do you all understand?!"

Hear the words.

All the war gods present couldn't help but look at each other, and then nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, then I will start arranging specific matters..."

Qingcang War God began to give instructions.

This meeting started urgently and ended quickly.

Ten minutes later, the meeting ended.

After the show.

All the warriors of the God of War followed the instructions of the God of War Qing Cang and took action separately.

There were garrisoned bases guarding the base to the death, and at the same time, some war gods left immediately to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou to check and confirm the authenticity of the news.

And just half a day after the meeting ended, when the Zhenwu War God who went out to check the news had not returned, the Galaxy War God who was responsible for patrolling outside the base suddenly returned, and beside him, a strange God of War warrior appeared!

Before Qingcang War God could ask questions, Su Xinghe, the elder of the palace guard, introduced directly: "Palace Master, this is Xu Yuan War God, the disciple of Tianwu War God, the master of the Suhang Super Base War God Palace. He is the only survivor in Suhang. I want to

Want to see you!"


Hear this.

Qingcang War God and others were immediately shocked and immediately turned their attention to Xu Yuan.

It was seen that he looked quite young, but his cultivation had reached the level of the Seven-Star God of War. He must have been very talented. However, at this moment, there were blood stains on his body, and his face showed heavy fatigue, making him look quite embarrassed.

"Qingcang War God, I finally see you!"

Seeing these people, Xu Yuan said excitedly.


His emotions could no longer be restrained, so much so that he burst into tears directly in front of Qingcang War God and others.

The voice was desolate, full of endless pain and despair.

Since the God of War Tianwu sacrificed his own life to buy him time to escape, Xu Yuan fled towards the nearest Zhonghai Super Base. At the same time, he also visited all the major human survival bases on the way, asking them to move and escape immediately.


Because he wasted some time and came into contact with the forward troops of the ferocious beasts, he was already exhausted from several battles.

But he still managed to hold on and rush.

Until this moment, when he saw Qingcang God of War, the breath in his heart suddenly leaked out. His whole person suddenly felt like a tight string suddenly relaxed. In an instant, he thought about the death of his master and so many fellow human beings.

The image of death in front of him suddenly came to his mind, and his emotions were on the verge of collapse in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone including Qingcang War God and Ningshuang War God couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw a look of horror in each other's eyes.

What on earth has he experienced!

Otherwise, how could a being whose cultivation realm has reached the level of the Seven-Star God of War be made so desperate that he could not even control his emotions and burst into tears.

To know.

The powerful God of War is already completely transcendent from the ordinary world.

Not to mention that Taishan collapsed but his appearance remained unchanged, but his psychological quality is definitely much better than that of ordinary people, but at this moment, he actually showed such a collapsed look, which is simply unbelievable!

"Don't get excited yet, tell us what happened in Suzhou and Hangzhou!"

Starfall God of War comforted him for a while, and then asked impatiently.

"Dead, dead, all dead..."

Xu Yuan had a look of sadness on his face, and there was an unconcealable heaviness in his words, and his voice trembled slightly as he said: "The entire Suzhou-Hangzhou super base has a population of 20 million, including more than a million warriors, and nearly three warriors of the God of War.

Ten people, but except for me who survived, they all died!"


His emotions, which had just calmed down, were on the verge of collapse again, leading to tears streaming down his face.

"There were so many ferocious beasts that we didn't even know where they came from or when they broke through the coastal defense line. When we woke up, we saw overwhelming ferocious beasts rushing towards us.

It's almost endless, and no matter how we resist, we can't see the tide of beasts declining at all."

"I personally saw the Wind-Chasing God of War charging into the beast tide, but within a moment, he was overwhelmed by the endless beast tide... He is the Nine-Star War God, the Nine-Star War God!"

"And my master, the God of War, Tianwu... among those ferocious beasts, there are three overlord-level beings. In order to buy me time to escape, my master, the God of War, fought one against three and died on the spot!"

"The entire Suzhou-Hangzhou super base was captured in less than half a day. No one escaped. They were all killed by ferocious beasts. There were corpses everywhere, broken ruins everywhere, and a million-mile radius.

The earth has been sunk, and wherever you look, there are devastation everywhere!”

He cried and recounted loudly, his voice trembling, and his pupils shrinking sharply, showing that he was extremely uneasy inside.

Three overlord-level ferocious beasts?

Hearing this, Qingcang War God and others suddenly changed their expressions.

Overlord-level beasts are generally used to refer to level nine beasts.

This also means.

The tide of beasts that rushed in this time included three beings who were as good as the peak God of War!

Everyone's hearts were filled with turmoil.


Qingcang God of War and others were not too nervous because of this, but instead breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there are three overlord-level ferocious beasts that are comparable to the peak God of War, their Zhonghai super base also has a Frost War God who has just entered the level of the peak God of War, plus Chu Mo, a genius who is as powerful as the peak God of War.

What's more, the base formation and the tall walls protecting the entire base can temporarily withstand the attack of an overlord-level beast.

As long as they can persist for a while, other peak war gods of the human race will come.

By then, the crisis of this wave of beasts will be lifted.

Therefore, although the crisis is still great, the situation is better than they imagined.

"As soon as I left the Suzhou-Hangzhou Super Base, I rushed towards you non-stop."

Xu Yuan was still crying as he recounted: "During this period, I also went to some human bases on the road to protect their migration and retreat. However, the attack speed of these ferocious beasts was too fast, and they quickly caught up. Although

I keep fighting with ferocious beasts, but my strength alone is still too weak after all!"

"Initially, close to two million people evacuated with me, but they were constantly chased by the vanguard of the beasts along the way. Now there are less than 300,000 people left, and I have reached the end of my strength!"

"Fortunately, I finally managed to hold on for a breath and got here..."

After listening to Xu Yuan's story, everyone in the audience fell silent.

Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, just by listening to Xu Yuan's intermittent narration, the tragic scene could appear in their minds - they had also experienced this scene before!

At that time, at the beginning of the great catastrophe, the human race was still extremely weak and had no power to protect itself.

Often, once a beast tide breaks out, the nearby human race will suffer disaster, with hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people dead.

It can be said that these people, who have risen since the beginning of the cataclysm, have seen too many scenes like this!

"Thanks a lot!"

Starfall War God felt the same and could not help but sigh and comforted him.

"I'm fine. I was just too depressed... Now that I've let it out, I feel much better!"

Xu Yuan took a deep breath and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.


He looked at Qingcang War God, bent down deeply, and begged: "Qingcang War God, I have a merciless request... There are still 300,000 people rushing towards this direction tens of thousands of kilometers away.

There are still ferocious beasts chasing them behind, I hope you can send someone to pick them up, otherwise I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, they are all our compatriots, our Zhonghai Super Base will never give up... From now on, it's up to us!"

Qing Cang War God spoke out.

"Then please!"

Xu Yuan nodded.

The voice fell.

His whole body went limp and he fell towards the ground.

Fortunately, the God of War in the Sky next to him had quick eyes and quick hands and helped him up.

After careful inspection, I found that the blood, blood, and energy in Xu Yuan's body were already empty, and his energy and spirit had reached the limit. The reason why he could still complete his words and actions was because he had to hold on for a long time.

Now that I relaxed, I naturally fell into a coma instantly.

After confirming that Xu Yuan was not in danger, several people relaxed and immediately sent someone to send him down for treatment.

After doing all this.

War God Qingcang said with a majestic face: "Immediately send someone to respond, and at the same time pass my order to prepare the base for logistical support to ensure that these 300,000 compatriots can be settled as soon as possible after they come in!"


Starfall War God, Canglong War God and others responded immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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