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Chapter 541 Sun-level space talent, master the profound meaning of space!

This feeling is extremely weird.

But there is no doubt that anyone who sees this scene will think that Chu Mo is very ethereal at this moment, and subconsciously feel a sense of reverence and awe in their hearts.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The original power of space and the laws of Tao Yun were absorbed by Chu Mo, causing the surrounding space to emit a faint trembling sound. Under such circumstances, Chu Mo's perception of space and understanding of the mysteries were also in order.

Progressing in an orderly manner.


In fact, it shouldn’t be called orderly, but extremely fast!

After all, this is the original inheritance left by a supreme human race, and the laws and charm contained in it are extremely strong. Even for Chu Mo at this moment, it is almost a massive amount. Under such circumstances, the growth he can achieve

Naturally, it is extremely fast!

not to mention……

To speed up enlightenment, Chu Mo also picked up the enlightenment stone tablet and activated the time talent. The 25 times time acceleration effect brought by the Huiyue level time talent can allow Chu Mo to comprehend for one day, which is equivalent to 25 times for other warriors to comprehend.


Coupled with the comprehension bonus brought by the Enlightenment Stone Tablet, this speed of enlightenment is almost unimaginable to outsiders!

Time flies.

As the days passed, Chu Mo's understanding of space became deeper and deeper.

In the blink of an eye.

Half a month has passed.

While Chu Mo was practicing, a layer of extremely terrifying spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared on his body, spreading towards the surroundings. Wherever he went, all the spaces collapsed and sunk.

Some collapsed walls were suddenly sucked in by the collapsed and sunken space - the material used to build these underground palace walls was some kind of extremely strong divine gold. Although it was not top-notch, it was still very impressive.

After all, it was something used by Divine Lord Xuanyuan to build the underground palace and seal the origin of the black smoke.

However, at this moment, facing this collapsed and sunken space, after the divine gold was sucked in, it was torn into pieces in an instant, without even the slightest resistance.

"Sunday-level space talent is indeed powerful!"

Chu Mo opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

In the past half month, Chu Mo frantically absorbed and understood the origin of space, and successfully upgraded his space talent to the sunrise level!

Yaori-level space talent has taken Chu Mo's strength to the next level!

First of all, some of Chu Mo's other spatial abilities have increased to varying degrees, such as spatial perception, space storm, space blade, etc., and their power has been enhanced to a certain extent.


Chu Mo also mastered a new spatial ability——

Space collapses!

This is the method Chu Mo used before!

It allows Chu Mo to use the power of space to create a collapsed and sunken space around him, and it can also generate space turbulence within the space collapse. Once some weak people are sucked in, they will immediately be torn into pieces by the space turbulence.


Even powerful beings dare not get involved and can only avoid it.

This kind of space collapse has some great limitations, because he can only collapse space in a certain area, and powerful warriors can completely avoid it - it seems a bit useless, but in fact Chu Mo is very satisfied.

Because this method of space collapse can completely restrict the enemy's actions, making them restrained and unable to exert their full strength, but Chu Mo can use all methods to his heart's content!

In battles between gods, life and death can often be determined in an instant.

And this ability, which is enough to limit the opponent's actions and methods, may become the key to victory or defeat.


Chu Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Then he continued to close his eyes and began to meditate.

There is still a lot of space origin left here. According to Chu Mo's idea, it is estimated that it cannot support him to upgrade his space talent to the god level. However, based on the principle of not wasting it, Chu Mo still absorbed it all.

Five days later.

These space sources have been absorbed completely, causing Chu Mo's sun-level space talent to increase by about one-third. This means that he only needs to absorb two more sun-level space talents in the future to increase his space talent.

Ascend to god level!


Chu Mo began to understand the spatial laws and Taoist rhymes here, and improved his own spatial mysteries.

Talk about it.

Chu Mo's Space Mystery has not been improved for a long time. This time Chu Mo also plans to take this opportunity to improve his Space Mystery.

If possible, he hopes to directly improve the mysteries of space to perfection, and even directly advance to the realm of pseudo-laws!


Chu Mo closed his eyes and began to comprehend with all his strength.

The time acceleration brought by the time talent and the comprehension bonus brought by the Enlightenment Stone Tablet, coupled with the continuous flow of space laws and Taoist charms here, make Chu Mo's enlightenment speed extremely terrifying, almost every moment

, he can feel his mysteries growing!

Thirty-nine percent!

Forty percent!

Four to one!

Four to two!

In one day, the secret of space was increased from the original 38% to 42%. This kind of crazy progress speed was something Chu Mo could not even imagine before!

But here.

Everything is really happening!

Chu Mo realized even more crazily.

Five days later!

Chu Mo's Space Mystery has been increased to 60%!

Ten days later, Chu Mo's Space Mystery was improved to 72%!

Twenty days later, Chu Mo's space secret was improved to 80%!

Fifty days have passed, and Chu Mo's space secret has been improved to 95%!

Ninety-five percent of the mysteries of space are only one step away from the perfection of the mysteries. Once he passes, his mysteries will transform and then turn into pseudo-laws!


This last step is also the most difficult!

Fortunately, there are still a huge amount of space laws here. Therefore, although it was difficult, Chu Mo successfully advanced the space mysteries to 100% in just five days with the help of time acceleration and the Enlightenment Stone Tablet.

The point of perfection!

After reaching this point, Chu Mo felt that the secret in his body seemed to have undergone some kind of change, causing him to instantly fall into an inexplicable state.

in this state.

Chu Mo found himself in a chaotic space, where there was no concept of space or time, and everything did not exist.

Chu Mo just looked at the scene in front of him, not knowing whether it passed in an instant or a long time.

This chaotic space suddenly exploded, and then the clear air rose, the turbid air fell, and heaven and earth separated.

at the same time.

Various laws began to emerge.

The first thing that comes up is the concept of space!

A mysterious aura suddenly appeared in this world, and then condensed into a chain of order, with all kinds of incredible runes flashing on it.

When Chu Mo saw these runes, he immediately understood——

This is clearly the law of space!

This chapter has been completed!
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