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Chapter 700 The First World: Where is the Immortal?

Chu Mo in the picture was born into a wealthy family.

He has lived a luxurious life since he was a child.

Logically speaking, he should live a carefree childhood, and when he grows up, he will either be academically successful or a playboy, but no matter what, his life will be happy and worry-free.

But it happens that fate has a way with people!

When he was young, he was frail and sick, and needed to drink a lot of bitter medicinal soup every day. Although his family had a mountain of money, a mansion with thousands of mansions, and many servants, he was tortured by years of illness and his life was miserable.


In order to cure the disease, his parents did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hire many famous doctors. They even used their connections to hire several palace doctors with a lot of money. They prescribed a large number of prescriptions and drank countless medicinal soups. However, his condition remained the same.

Not getting any better.

On the contrary, later on, it became more and more serious.

At first, he could still walk around, but later on, he was bedridden.

When the situation is most severe, he often falls into coma and rarely wakes up a day.

In order to treat him, his parents' hair turned gray in just a few years. Even his mother fell ill because of this, and his father also became ill from overwork and became ill.

Seeing that the wealthy family's home is about to collapse in an instant.

At this most desperate moment, an expert suddenly came to the door.

That was when he was ten years old. It was winter in his memory, and there was a rare heavy snowfall.

There were three feet of snow, and even an old tree in the courtyard had its branches broken by the thick snow.

Chu Mo was lying on the bed as usual, staring out the window at the cold winter. His mind was as cold as the snowflakes falling from the sky, and he seemed to have lost hope in his life.

His eyes didn't have any brilliance that a young man should have, they were full of emptiness.

"Am I going to die?"

Every day after waking up a few days later, he would ask himself this question, and then answer with a wry smile: "Maybe!"

The illness that has lasted for ten years has become a long-lasting disease.

He had known that his illness was rare in the world and no one could cure it.


Every time he wakes up, it is almost the last time for him - because even he is not sure whether he can hold on next time, or whether there will be a chance to wake up next time.

He was completely desperate.

At a young age, he already has thoughts like those of an old man.

And just then.

The door opened, and his father, who had not seen a smile on his face for a long time, actually had a rare smile on his face this time and respectfully invited an old Taoist in.

His words were full of humility.

The old Taoist has gray hair and looks already in his sixties, but he is full of energy and has a childish face.

Especially those pair of dark eyes are extremely sharp, and the aura around him is aloof, like a banished immortal descending to earth.

Through the introduction of parents.

He learned that this old Taoist priest was an immortal!


Chu Mo wondered, are there still immortals in this world?

The old Taoist priest may have seen Chu Mo's doubts, so he didn't even feel his pulse and said directly: "This boy is very talented. If he can practice, he will definitely achieve success. Today, the old Taoist sees that he is destined to give him a special gift."


After saying that, he handed out a scroll of scriptures.


The old Taoist priest then drifted away and disappeared.

At first, Chu Mo scoffed at this and didn't believe it, thinking that the old Taoist priest was just a trick. But as his parents came every day to ask if his health had improved after practicing, Chu Mo's eager and expectant eyes made Chu Mo

Can't look straight.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally adopted the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse, and began to practice breathing and breathing according to the instructions recorded in the scriptures.

Only half a year!

He was pleasantly surprised to find that his physical condition had been effectively improved, his condition had also eased, and some heat could appear from time to time in his originally weak body.

This made him ecstatic.

So, in order to heal his body, have more longevity and see more scenery, he practiced without sleep and food, and he was so addicted that he couldn't extricate himself.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

He saw hope in his practice, and thought that in the future he would be like the immortals in the legend, able to live forever and live as long as heaven.


Little did he know that fate played a huge joke on him.

When he reached adulthood at the age of eighteen, his parents died due to early sorrow. In grief, he inherited the family's vast property, fell in love with an extremely beautiful girl, and later got married and had children.

Although Gao Tang is no longer here, life is already complete, not to mention there are still goals to pursue in the future, so what else can I ask for?


Twenty years later, the old Taoist priest appeared again.

Therefore, it is a good thing to reunite with old friends.

Chu Mo was also filled with joy and wanted to chat with his original savior, but as soon as the old Taoist priest showed up, his face changed drastically and he shouted that his time had come!

Chu Mo was naturally shocked and quickly knelt down on the ground and asked why.

At first, the old Taoist kept silent, but Chu Mo begged for help. The old Taoist priest may have shown sympathy, and then he said: "This is a divine secret. The old Taoist shouldn't talk to you. But you are destined to me, so I can't bear it."

Seeing that you are still in the dark about your imminent death, I have no choice but to explain it to you."

"There are five disadvantages and three shortcomings in all things of spiritual practice. Once you embark on this path, you will never be stained by the worldly world. But now you are sitting on a huge fortune, with a beautiful wife and concubines, and a group of slaves under your command. How can it be like this in this world?

A perfect thing, let one person take it all?!"

After hearing this, Chu Mo stood on the spot as if struck by lightning, and then quickly asked the old Taoist priest how to avoid it.

The old Taoist only told him to give up everything and concentrate on pursuing the Tao, so that he could continue his life and have a chance of pursuing immortality.

After learning about this, Chu Mo was confused all day long.

He couldn't let go of anything in this mortal world.

But as soon as the old master came along and revealed this secret, his health continued to deteriorate as expected. Later, he actually started to become weak again, and he was about to return to the days when he was bedridden.

He doesn't want to go back to the situation he was in when he was a child!

He has been bedridden for ten years, and his biggest wish is to see this world. Now that he has the opportunity, how can he go back?


He made up his mind to follow the old Taoist advice, leave his family and career behind, give up everything, and concentrate on practice.

Because of this matter, he had a huge quarrel with his wife and finally broke up. His only two children were taken away by his wife in anger.

Losing everything strengthened Chu Mo's belief in pursuing freedom and immortality.

He continued to practice, and his health finally began to improve again.

In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed.

This day.

News came from his wife that something had happened to his family and he needed a lot of money to take care of it. He returned home and wanted to sell off his property to help his wife's family. But who knew that when he returned, he found that everything he owned had been taken care of.

Occupied by the old Taoist.

He came to see the old man, but the door was closed, and the evil slave forced him out.

When others recognized him, they all said that he had been deceived and had been harmed by the old trick.

But Chu Mo, who has reached middle age, still has no regrets. He just thinks that this is the training given by God during his practice.

This chapter has been completed!
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