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Chapter 736 Control of the Time Tower, assessment!

Chu Mo looked around.

I found that the other warriors were extremely cautious, and they all used the power of time to resist the erosion of the power of time around them.


There will be time blades condensed and attacking towards them.

But here in Chu Mo, he felt that these powers of time were extremely friendly to him, as if they would not harm him at all, and Chu Mo could also feel that these powers of time wanted to pour into his body.

"What's going on?"

Chu Mo was a little surprised, even confused.

Think about it.

He tried to use his time talent, and immediately felt that the power of time around him began to surge violently, but Chu Mo still couldn't feel any danger. Instead, he could feel that these powers of time were eager to pour in.

"Could it be..."

"Is there something about me that attracts them?"

Chu Mo thought secretly.

But he couldn't think of anything special about himself.

The warriors coming in at this moment all have the talent of time. If they are not special in any way, it is just that the level of their talent is relatively high, reaching the god level.


"Is it because my time talent has reached the god level that I am very friendly to them?"

Chu Mo suddenly thought of this possibility.

He tried to weaken some of the aura fluctuations of the time talent he had mastered, reducing it to roughly the level of the sun. Suddenly, he felt that the power of time around him suddenly changed and became no longer friendly to him, but he also

Did not take the lead in attacking.

When looking at the warrior from the Aaron water civilization race who possesses the sun-level time talent, we found that he was also not attacked by the time blade.

Chu Mo further weakened his talent to roughly the level of Huiyue.

Immediately, I felt that the power of time began to surge violently, and a force of time eroded, containing damage.


"The reason why I wasn't injured is because I have the god-level talent of time!"

Chu Mo realized it clearly and his eyes were bright.

"Master the god-level talent of time, and you can pass through without any hindrance!"

"And that assessment, is it not that it actually prevents outsiders from entering, but is a kind of assessment... Only god-level time talent can complete all the tests and obtain treasures or some kind of benefit?"

Chu Mo thought of this possibility.


He immediately walked forward, preparing to take the assessment as soon as possible.


In order to be less conspicuous, Chu Mo also used his time talent to prop up a shield to block out the power of time around him.

Move forward slowly all the way.

From time to time, warriors were attacked by time blades, and soon there were casualties among warriors.

As for the human race, because their time talents are generally relatively high, and Chu Mo is still secretly paying attention to protection, there have been no problems for the time being.


A group of warriors from the human race, led by Chu Mo, came to the edge of the restriction.

In front of everyone, a spiritual light suddenly appeared and disappeared directly into everyone's mind.

A mysterious message emerged, telling them that if they wanted to pass here, they must complete a test.

The first test is to understand the Taoist charm contained in the power of time within the specified time.

If you are unable to do so, you will be punished.

As the information emerges.

In front of everyone, a subtle power of time appeared.

Then, an hourglass appeared next to it.

Chu Mo made some estimates and found that the time was about five minutes.

Chu Mo focused his mind on the power of time and found that the Taoist rhyme contained in it was neither difficult nor simple. If he wanted to understand it within five minutes, he would at least have to do it without relying on external means.

Has morning star time talent.

"It is estimated that many warriors will be wiped out!"

Chu Mo thought to himself, then stopped paying attention and began to comprehend the power of time in front of him.


As his eyes focused on it, he immediately felt a Taoist rhyme emerging, and Chu Mo immediately understood it.

Almost instantly.

He realized it directly.


Chu Mo then received a message.

He has completed the assessment and can move forward, but he can also continue to comprehend and complete the assessment. As long as he passes all the tests, he can obtain the final reward and have a share of control of the Time Tower.

"Time Tower!"

Chu Mo was keenly aware of the key.

Although this message does not explain what the Time Tower is, at this point, even a fool can understand that this Time Tower is definitely quite impressive.

"I think it's the treasure of time that Lu Qi civilization mentioned!"

Chu Mo thought secretly in his heart.

Then, without any hesitation, he decided to continue taking the assessment.


As he made his choice, another power of time emerged. The Taoist charm contained in it was more intense. If he wanted to fully understand it, it would take even more time.

But Chu Mo realized it directly in an instant.


The third way.

The fourth way.

The fifth lane.

As Chu Mo continued to comprehend, the subsequent tests became increasingly difficult, but with his god-level time talent, he was still able to complete them successfully.

During this period.

One after another warriors failed.

Some did not even pass the basic assessment, and were immediately punished and sent back quickly, but their life span was still reduced by a large amount.

Some were successful, but they also chose to continue the assessment, but their time talent was not high. After completing a few rounds, they became unsustainable and ended in failure.

But after all, the basic assessment has been completed, so you can still enter.

It is worth mentioning that.

Except for Chu Mo, no one in the human race is currently continuing the assessment. Half of them failed and had to retreat. However, under Chu Mo's protection, they did not suffer major injuries and did not even lose their lifespan.

The remaining half have successfully passed the restriction and arrived inside.

But they did not start exploring, but waited nearby for Chu Mo to come in.


Currently, only Chu Mo and a few five or six people from the other three racial civilizations are still undergoing assessment.


It didn't take long.

The civilizations of the Tuob tribe and the Nudong giant ape race successively failed and had to go inside.

The three warriors from the Aaron water civilization race are still persevering, but they only have Sun-level time talents at the highest level. It may be difficult to comprehend them to the end.

As expected.

Soon, these three people came out of the meditation one after another.

One of them even had a look of pity on his face.

He had persisted to the last level. As long as he understood it, he would be able to gain control of the Time Tower. But unfortunately, his understanding was somewhat insufficient and he failed in the end.

"With my talent, I must be the one who can persist the longest, right?"

With this thought in mind, he looked around.

But he was shocked to find that Chu Mo was still comprehending, and the fluctuations of the time aura emanating in front of him were so complex and profound that he felt a little dizzy just by looking at it, as if he was directly observing the origin of heaven and earth.

"He is still meditating?"

"Is it possible that he has a higher talent for time than me?!"

This warrior from the Aaron water civilization was greatly shocked and somewhat unbelievable.

This chapter has been completed!
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