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Chapter 810 Arrive at the Blood Moon King

The spaceship keeps jumping through space.

During this period, as time passed, Chu Mo discovered that these star fields gradually began to become more prosperous.

At first, he couldn't see any traces of living things at all, but later he could gradually see signs that the planet had been mined, and he could even see some spaceships occasionally.


Chu Mo even saw many spaceships and warriors, and even the interstellar rail transportation network.

A few days later, he had arrived near an extremely prosperous planet.

"Blood Moon King!"

This place is the core planet of the Blood Moon Kingdom.

As the imperial capital of a kingdom, the Blood Moon King is naturally extremely large. From Chu Mo's perspective, it is comparable to the main stars in the Milky Way, and it looks more prosperous.

A large number of interstellar orbital transportation networks can be seen everywhere, and one can even see powerful men constantly entering and exiting the Blood Moon Planet.

Talking about the level of prosperity.

From what Chu Mo has seen along the way, only the main star of the Maiden clan can be slightly better.

But know it.

The Virgo Clan is the dominant force in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster, but here, the Sirius Empire, one of the top three under the Hydra Super Galaxy Cluster, governs the imperial capital of the Blood Moon Kingdom.

The status of the two forces in their respective galaxies is not the same, but their level of prosperity is only about the same.

"It seems that the development of warriors in this Hydra Super Galaxy Cluster is more prosperous than the Super Galaxy Cluster I am in!"

Chu Mo thought secretly.

This made him even happier.

The more prosperous it is, it means there will be more opportunities here, which will greatly increase his chances of growth.

"Please park the unidentified spacecraft ahead at Space Port No. 0116 for inspection!"

Just then.

Chu Mo heard a broadcast sound in the spacecraft.

This is the port management of Blood Moon King.

Chu Mo did not cause trouble, but obeyed the instructions and went to the designated port to anchor.

After it came to a stop, Chu Mo left the spacecraft. At this time, he saw warriors operating machines at the port and inspecting the spaceship as a whole. At the same time, a warrior came over and said, "You are the spaceship parked at port 0116.


"It's me."

Chu Mo nodded.

The warrior nodded, looked Chu Mo up and down, and suddenly frowned and said, "You are not from our Blood Moon Dynasty, are you? Where did you come from?"

"Come from somewhere else!"

Chu Mo said.

He did not tell the truth. After all, saying that he came from the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster would easily attract the attention of outsiders.

After hearing this, the warrior did not continue to ask further questions.

There are many people like Chu Mo who don't want to reveal their own details, so there is no need for him to get to the bottom of things, he can just ask them as usual.


There are still some warnings that should be given.

"I don't care where you came from before, but since you have come to the Blood Moon Kingdom, you must abide by the laws here. You can understand the specific regulations by yourself... In addition, the spacecraft parked at the port needs to pay a fee. It is the first time to park here.

, it requires 200 yuan jade, and every cosmic day thereafter it will increase by 5 yuan jade, do you understand?"

The first berth requires 200 Yuan Yuan, and an additional 5 Yuan Yuan is required every day thereafter.

This price can be described as extremely high.

But Chu Mo didn't say much and just nodded.


He paid Yuan Yu for his spaceship and received a parking certificate for the spaceship - when he left, he could rely on the certificate to drive the spacecraft out.

After completing all this, Chu Mo was able to successfully leave the space port and truly enter the interior of the planet.

Blood Moon Capital!

When Chu Mo came here, he saw that this was an extremely majestic city. In terms of size, it was almost as big as the human race's holy city.

And it's extremely prosperous here.

Shops can be seen opening along the streets everywhere, and a warrior whose body shape is completely different from that of the human race can be seen walking back and forth.


Chu Mo also felt many extremely terrifying auras from this city.

"There are at least twenty auras, comparable to the realm of the God King!"

Chu Mo was a little stunned.

This is just a kingdom under the Sirius Empire, and it can have more than twenty powerful men who are comparable to the God King - if the human race didn't have a God King now, I'm afraid they would only be slightly inferior to the human race.

This level of prosperity in martial arts really surprised Chu Mo.

But he quickly came to his senses and started wandering around here.

After all, when he comes here for the first time, he always wants to see if there are any special treasures here, maybe they will impress him.

In fact.

Just as Chu Mo guessed, the martial arts here are extremely prosperous, and the quality of many treasures is also very high.

Even if it was just a small shop on the street, Chu Mo could occasionally see some pretty good treasures.

And in those large stores, he saw many treasures just displayed.


The prices are also extremely high.

In a large store said to be opened by the royal family of the Blood Moon Kingdom, Chu Mo even saw creation-level secret books for sale. The prices were so high that Chu Mo was stunned.

Of course, I just secretly marveled.

If you want to buy it, Chu Mo can definitely get it - he got a lot of Yuan Yu from the secret realm, the quantity is immeasurable, not to mention just one creation-level secret book, it is ten or dozens of books, he can get it completely


But he didn't take action.

Although the creation-level secrets are powerful, in Chu Mo's opinion, they are nothing more than that.

Not to mention that the techniques he has practiced are completely sufficient, not to mention that he has even found the Taixuan Golden Tower Divine Seal.

In the short term.

Unless he encounters a particularly rare or higher-quality secret book, he has no need for it.


Some of the specialty treasures here are not available to humans, but you can purchase some.


Chu Mo then came to a relatively large store and prepared to make a big purchase.

"Hello, distinguished warrior, what do you need?"

When Chu Mo came in, a clerk came up to him and said with a smile.

"Give me the list of supplies you have here!"

Chu Mo said.

"Yes, just wait a moment, I'll get it for you!"

Upon hearing this, the clerk's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said quickly.

Generally, if the demand for warriors is not large, they will put forward their own requirements when they come in.

Only when the purchase volume is large will a material list be required.

In other words.

The warrior in front of her was clearly a big customer, which made her extremely excited.

After sending Chu Mo to the rest area, the clerk first asked someone to take good care of him, then went to get the shopping list and came over after a while.

"Honorable Lord Warrior, this is the shopping list for our store!"

The clerk placed a small tablet-like operator in front of Chu Mo.

Chu Mo immediately started to look it up.

After a while.

He found the goal he needed.

"This...this...and this..."

"And this thing..."

Chu Mo pointed to some treasures that had good effects but were not available in the human race, and said, "Give me a copy of them all!"

This chapter has been completed!
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