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Chapter 996 Open your eyes and everything recovers, close your eyes and everything is silent

Chu Mo didn't hesitate for too long.

He chose a fork in the road at random, rushed straight through, and plunged in.

The aura of this fork in the road is strong and contains unimaginable heat. It's like being in a volcano. I feel that my whole body is unbearably hot, and even my soul is feeling it.

"This passage is quite strange. It can even burn the soul."

Chu Mo frowned slightly and thought to himself.

I wanted to investigate, but my consciousness was restricted in some way and couldn't leave my body, so I had to give up.

Another long fall.

It seems as if this passage never ends.

After a long time passed, Chu Mo saw an abnormal fluctuation suddenly coming from the bottomless passage below, and then he saw a black hole appear. When he passed through this black hole, he found that in front of him

suddenly see the light.

Came to a strange place.

Look around.

This is a wild and wild land. Countless sacred mountains rise from the ground and penetrate into the sky. They are as big as ten thousand feet. In addition, there are countless trees, each of which towers into the clouds. They are as big as thousands of feet and are extremely thick.

Even if there are more than ten people, it is difficult to hug him.


These towering trees are all withered, and there is no trace of green.

Looking at this world, the mountains are all dry and lifeless.

Even stranger things.

The world is plunged into darkness. When you look up, you cannot see the sun, moon and stars.

"Where is this?"

Chu Mo frowned slightly, trying to find some clues.

But at this moment.

But he suddenly felt an agitation coming from somewhere in the void, and then he saw something seemed to be lifted up in the dark sky, and countless bright lights bloomed. In an instant, some bright lights appeared in this world.


"Is it daybreak?"

Chu Mo had this thought subconsciously.

But almost instantly, he overturned this idea——

I saw that on the sky, where a corner was lifted to expose the bright light, an elliptical arc was gradually revealed, and then some extremely strange lines were revealed.

It's not obvious at first.

But as the angle of the opening became wider and wider, the true appearance was gradually revealed.

"This...this is actually a pupil!!!"

Chu Mo's eyes widened with shock.

Under his gaze.

But when I saw the corner of the sky, an oval eye appeared, and there was a pierced pupil in it. It was deep and terrifying, with a ferocious and overwhelming evil aura, and it was also filled with infinite mystery and mystery.

at the same time.

With the opening of these eyes, everything in this world, which was originally dry and full of death, seemed to be nourished and began to grow.

The vegetation grew wildly and luxuriantly, from breaking through the ground to taking root and sprouting, and spread all over the mountains and forests in just a blink of an eye.

It only takes a moment for tall trees to appear young leaves or even branch out and become leafy.

The whole world.

They all seemed to come alive in this moment.

"This, this is..."

Looking at this scene, Chu Mo's pupils shrank, and a hint of emotion appeared.

Open your eyes and everything grows!

What kind of appalling power is this?!


Just as Chu Mo's heart was shaking, his eyes were completely opened, and immediately the whole world began to shake. The sky was cracking and the earth was trembling.

Countless sacred mountains collapsed.

But immediately, countless sacred mountains rose from the ground, growing to a height of tens of thousands of feet in the blink of an eye.

The original plains turned into mountains, and the mountains turned into valleys.

The river becomes a desert and the Gobi becomes an oasis.

Change the world, change the stars, change the world.

The whole world was undergoing incredible changes in front of Chu Mo.

Not only that.

He felt that the energy and blood in his body were boiling rapidly, as if it was about to evaporate. Countless indescribable terrifying powers and rules shrouded his body, making his whole body stiff and the divine power in his body freezing.

The physical body was even more violent, filled with cracks, and seemed ready to explode at any time.

"These are the rules!"

"When the pupils in the sky open their eyes, they will reveal the rules and transform this world!"

"Everything is a random change."

"Any creature that enters this place will also change according to these rules!"

This moment.

Chu Mo finally understood why seven of the eight divine kings who came in instantly died, and only one escaped with serious injuries. In fact, the world in this ancient well contained extremely terrifying rules.

There are no rules, no rules, everything changes randomly.

Mountains and rivers change and seas change.

And flesh and blood...

Now that we are here, the rules will naturally change.

At this moment, Chu Mo's body was changing.

If his body had not been cleansed by the I Ching many times and had reached the fifth level due to the Immortal Heavenly Skill, which could be said to be made of divine gold, he would probably be seriously injured or even die in an instant.


After all, his current body is strong, so he is still resisting the force of rules acting on his body.

Not only that.

In addition to resisting, Chu Mo was also constantly analyzing, trying to absorb and refine the power of this rule.

This power of rules is chaotic and disorderly, but it possesses extremely terrifying power. If it can be mastered, it can become another trump card in his hand.


After a while.

Just when Chu Mo struggled to resist and analyze the rules, he gradually gained some gains and was about to master the power of the rules, his eyes gradually dimmed and closed.

affected by this.

The power of countless rules was quickly withdrawn.

The world that was still changing has also become fixed.

Countless growing vegetation quickly withered, and the branches and leaves of large trees quickly withered and fell.

In the blink of an eye.

The eyes in the sky were completely closed, and the entire world changed from being full of vitality before to becoming lifeless.

"This world is incredible!"

Chu Mo breathed a sigh of relief and slowly recovered the divine power he had previously consumed when resisting the power of the rules, while sighing in his heart.

He has visited countless secret places and ruins.

But I have never encountered such a strange place——

Everything in the whole world is revived and silenced depending on the closing of the eyes in the sky.

To the outside world, this is unbelievable.


The universe is so vast, and it is not impossible to have such a place. It was just because Chu Mo encountered it for the first time, so his heart was a little shaken.

This is inevitable.

But soon.

He came back to his senses, calmed down, and was still thinking in his mind.

There are two roads inside the ancient well.

I chose the fiery fork in the road, but I also saw the eyes.

And that group of gods also met Yan Mu!

Chu Mo didn't dare to be sure whether he and the group of gods chose the same path, but since they both met Eyes, he might be able to guess that both paths would lead to the same world, and thus meet Eyes.

In other words.

"There are two such worlds!"

"And there are two such eyes!"

"In that case..."

"Could these eyes be the eyes of some kind of creature?"

This chapter has been completed!
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