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Chapter 72 Dangerously close to the gold medal

Wen Tianyu lifted the car curtain, and the sky outside, which was originally bright and unusually bright, was now extremely dark. As he looked at it, his right eye couldn't help but twitch, as if something bad was about to happen. He wasn't sure, but there was a feeling.

Uneasy feeling.

After a while, he said to the coachman: "Let's look ahead to see if there is any place we can take shelter. There is no village in front of us, no store in back, and we didn't bring rain gear."

While he was speaking, it started raining heavily. The rain washed the trees. The sound of thunder kept coming, and lightning flashed across the sky one after another.

Xian'er was sitting in the carriage and was frightened by a thunder. She rolled up and said, "Sister, I'm afraid."

Xuemei hugged her shoulders and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, it's just thunder. It will pass in a while."

The carriage drove quickly in the rain, and soon it arrived in front of a ruined temple. At this time, the coachman shouted: "Your Majesty, there is a ruined temple ahead. Let's go there to take shelter."

The coachman drove the carriage to the ruined temple, got off the carriage, and took Wentianyu and others into the temple. But he himself was like a drowned rat because he was sitting outside and was baptized by the heavy rain. Several people entered the temple.

Inside, I saw an old Buddha statue standing in the middle of the ruined temple. It seemed that no one had cleaned it for a long time. The coachman found a few wooden boards. After wiping them clean, he asked Wentianyu and the three of them to sit down and rest. Then the coachman lit a fire.

He sat down by the fire and slowly dried his soaked clothes.

After Wen Tianyu sat down, he reached for the water bag and handed it to Su San, saying, "You guys should drink some water first. I wonder when the rain will start? We have to wait here for a while."

They were in the ruined temple, but they didn't notice that there were four figures in the tree in the distance. They were standing there, letting the rain beat. Even so, it did not affect their eyes staring at the ruined temple. The eyes of these four people were red and they could not blink.

He blinked and stared, as if he was not afraid of the cold.

After a while, there was another man in black clothes and a mask wearing a straw coat and a straw hat among the four people. The man in black also carried a long sword behind him. If you look carefully, you can see that this man in black

, it was the black evil man who appeared in the previous inn.

I saw this black evil man stretching out his fingers and whispering: "Three...two...one."

Just when Heisharen whispered the last word, the Buddha statue in the ruined temple changed somewhat, and something floated out from the mouth of the Buddha statue. He was thinking about asking Tianyu, as if he smelled a strange and incomparable fragrance.

, he frowned, feeling a little familiar. After thinking about it, he immediately knew where he had smelled this fragrance.

He said to Su San: "Do you smell any fragrance? It's very fragrant and feels very comfortable."

Su San listened and said, "Well, it has a very fragrant fragrance, but I don't feel very comfortable after smelling it."

"Where are you, Xian'er?" Wentianyu asked Xian'er again.

When Xian'er heard this, she said doubtfully: "I smelled it too, but just like my sister, I didn't think it was anything special, it just smelled very good."

Then Wentianyu turned to look at Xuelimei, and Xuelimei's answer was the same as Su San and the others, which made Wentianyu a little confused.

He suddenly thought: "Why didn't the three of them feel anything after smelling it? But I smelled the same thing twice, so why does this kind of fragrance appear here? Didn't the shopkeeper say that this spice is only for them?

How could something brought back from the Western Regions appear here?" He pondered for a long time with doubts, but he smelled the same smell twice. Although he was curious, there was nothing suspicious about the scent, and it did not have any impact on them.

, so he just noticed it and didn't take it seriously. He just thought it was a coincidence.

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