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Chapter 6 Where is the Happy King?

The next day, Wen Tianyu and the emperor embarked on the journey back to Beijing together with the ministers and escorting soldiers. Hangzhou was far away from the capital. In ancient times, if there were any means of transportation such as cars, they could only rely on horses and carriages.

He wouldn't be able to reach the capital in half a month.

At this time, Wentian Yu was riding on a horse, following on both sides of the carriage. Wen Tianyu regretted in his heart, why didn't he learn to ride a horse before? His bones were almost falling apart, and his expression was in pain while sitting on the horse.


The guard commander around him saw Wentianyu's expression and thought that the emperor's adopted son was not emotionally good at riding a horse, so he began to please the emperor's adopted son, so that he would not have to worry about getting promoted and making a fortune in the future, and then helped Wentianyu arrange for him to go to the back.

In the carriage.

Wentianyu immediately felt much more comfortable, and nodded to the guard with grateful eyes. It was a pity for such a clever and intelligent person to be a small guard. Wentianyu began to love talents.

, wanted to help this person who had solved his pain, and after asking, he learned that this person was called "Liu Biao". The name was very tough, but the person was not tough, and he made a note of this person in his heart.

Half a month later, I finally returned to the capital city. The prosperity of the capital city is not comparable to that of the small city of Hangzhou. Wen Tianyu looked at the prosperous and peaceful endless bustling row upon row. The prosperous capital city was lined with busy traffic and bustling streets. The sounds of business and shouts on the streets.

The sounds of bargaining and bargaining...were all in one continuous stream; in the hotel, waiters were rushing back and forth carrying drinks and dishes, and from time to time there was the sound of guessing games, chatting and laughter, and the sounds of glasses clinking...in an endless stream.

After entering the palace and waiting for all matters to be settled, Zhu Youtang issued an imperial edict to inform the world about his adoption of his adopted son, and held a recognition ceremony in the golden and magnificent palace.

The expressions of the civil and military officials were inappropriate, including confusion, shock, jealousy, etc. The emperor asked Wentianyu to temporarily study with the prince, without granting him an official position. He was afraid that it would arouse the dissatisfaction of the civil and military officials, so he first served as the prince's attendant.

After Wen Tianyu heard the news, he was depressed and speechless. He used to go to school and study, which was already miserable.

Now I am asked to accompany the prince to study with a group of boring old men. What a boring thing. Besides, my knowledge is no lower than that of this bachelor. He is a person of later generations. He doesn't understand any ancient poems and the Analects. He can't even command the formation of soldiers in battle.

It's hard for him, a person who is familiar with history a hundred years later, to have no choice but to disobey the imperial edict.

Just like this, Wen Tianyu spent the whole day studying with the prince's younger brother. This cheap brother of his made several university students very angry. The university scholar reported the prince to the emperor. The emperor loved his son very much and only said that the prince was young.

Young, it is reasonable to be a little naughty, and then asked again, the adopted son asked about Tianyu's situation.

Several bachelors praised Wentianyu full of praise, saying that he studied hard, was knowledgeable, and had unique insights that even put him to shame. The emperor was very curious after hearing this, and he came to observe secretly after he went to court.

I asked Tianyu if it was as the bachelor said.

Zhu Youtang was hiding in the back hall and heard Wen Tianyu talking about state affairs with the prince. He was shocked to see that he analyzed the current national situation flawlessly, put forward his own opinions, and briefly described various countries.

Seeing that he was so knowledgeable at a young age and had an eye for the world, he really doubted whether this unsophisticated young man was a spy trained by the enemy. After he returned to the palace, he also ordered someone to check Tianyu's background and

I didn't know the details, but I didn't know anything about it. After my contact with Wentianyu, I felt that there was nothing suspicious, so I felt relieved.

Seeing that the prince was listening attentively to Wen Tianyu's explanation of various countries' affairs and some strange things that he had never heard of in his life, he admired Wentian Yu's erudite knowledge and this teaching method. Even the naughty and troublesome prince would be quiet. of listening and learning.

At that moment, Zhu Youtang decided that in addition to studying the Four Books and Five Classics with the great scholar, Wentian Yu would also teach the prince about worldly matters.

Wen Tianyu's erudition has been greatly appreciated by many great scholars. Even national affairs and military tactics have been praised by the officials of the Ministry of War. At the suggestion of several ministers, the emperor will definitely let Wen Tianyu temporarily stop working as an attendant. He went to the Ministry of War to serve as the supervisor of the Northern Expedition.

Let him march north with the army to fight, and consulted with the two elders of the court and China, and issued a secret decree, asking the prince to push Wentianyu to the highest point before ascending the throne, making him the focus of the court and helping the prince to eradicate dissidents. , so that the crown prince can ascend the throne smoothly and all the vassal kings will not be able to take advantage of it.

If after his death, the highly accomplished Wen Tianyu makes any moves in the future and has the intention to rebel, let the two elders come up with this secret edict. In order to contain Wen Tianyu in the future, he established the West Factory. All this was done so that the prince could secure the throne. His selfishness betrayed Wentianyu and made Wentianyu a sharp sword in the hands of the prince. Of course, Wentianyu didn't know all this. At this time, he set off with the army.

Time flies, spring passes and winter comes. In the blink of an eye, Wentian Yu has been in this world for three years. During these three years, he set out with the army. He used his knowledge of later generations and the history of the prophets to win many battles, big and small. As a result, he was a general recognized by the three armies. Because of his outstanding military exploits, the emperor named him a military advisor of the three armies.

His reputation was widely spread among the people, in the streets and alleys, from the court to the beggars, everyone knew about him. His name made the enemy soldiers frightened. When his reputation reached the ears of King Ning, This prince who has always wanted to rebel has started to win over Wen Tianyu, no matter how much money or beauty he has, he wants to use it for himself. If he fails, he will get rid of this person.

After the war ended, Wen Tianyu received the imperial edict and immediately set off back to the palace. The emperor personally picked him up and washed his hands, and held a banquet for all officials, both civil and military.

During the banquet, King Ning deliberately made friends with this young talented military advisor, expressing his appreciation for talents in his tone. Wen Tianyu knew that the person who wanted to win over him was King Ning Zhu Chenhao, who was a villain in history.

So Wentianyu was polite to him and didn't pay much attention to him. He didn't want to offend the person in front of him, but he didn't want to work for him and become a rebel under him. That would be beheaded. Besides, he was destined in history. If he wants to fail, Wentianyu doesn't want to be reviled by future generations.

Afterwards, the emperor made Wentianyu king. He went to find Wentianyu and asked him what reward he wanted.

Wen Tianyu said that he only wanted to be carefree in the world, everything went as he wished, and he didn't want any rewards. However, he didn't know that he had embarked on this path that had been designed by Zhu Youtang, so how could he quit so easily.

So Emperor Hongzhi agreed to let him live freely, and gave him the title of "King Xiaoyao". He also gave him a royal palace with thirty maids, one hundred acres of land, ten thousand taels of gold, and one hundred servants. The palace was located in the capital.

The front, middle and backyard of the palace are no less than a hundred acres. The busy servants in the palace have excited expressions on their faces. It is an honor to be the servant of the current King Xiaoyao. And this King Xiaoyao, Although he looks young, his personality is approachable, he has no temper, and he cares about his servants. He has no airs like a prince at all.

Wentian Yu shouted to the person standing not far away: "Liu Biao, take this blueprint and find the skilled craftsmen in the capital to make these things according to the blueprint."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Liu Biao replied respectfully, took the drawings with both hands and stepped back.

After Wen Tianyu watched Liu Biao leave, he said, "Liu Biao is very capable in doing things. Fortunately, he transferred him to his side and became a guard of the palace."

Based on the memories of later generations, Wen Tianyu designed various mechanisms and anti-theft measures for the palace, so that if the enemy came, there would be no return, and even a first-rate master would have to shed a layer of his skin.

In the past three years, Wentianyu has been fighting constantly, but he has no intention of breaking through the realm of blue-eyed zombies. He knows that the source of power of zombies is love. As long as you have true love, you can advance, but he is a realm

There should be no need to recover after falling! If you need to generate love to recover, you can only give up the power to break through the zombies.

He didn't want to fall in love again. He had experienced that kind of life-and-death scene once, and it had already caused him pain for many years.


Wentianyu sighed softly, it seems that the only option is to find martial arts secrets. "I hope that I can practice martial arts to the realm of transformation, so that I can break the void and return."

He knows a lot of martial arts secrets and is no stranger to them. In this world where everyone is proud of martial arts, the most powerful ones are the Sunflower Book, the Yi Jin Jing, the Star-Absorbing Technique, and the Dugu Nine Swords.

Wentian Yu smiled dejectedly. Although the Sunflower Book is powerful and can cultivate to the level of a super master, it is not suitable for him! He has not yet gotten married and had children, and has enjoyed the happiness of a family, but he has become a eunuch. That is the greatest sorrow in life!

The Yi Jin Jing can also be practiced to the state of transformation, but how could those bald donkeys give it to me for nothing? You can only practice it unless you become a monk and become a monk. The star-absorbing method of letting me do it has too many disadvantages. Even after you practice it, you can practice it.

If you don't reach that state, you can rule out that the Dugu Nine Swords are just swordsmanship and have no internal strength, so they can't transcend the realm of the physical body at all.

Only a martial arts fanatic like Dugu Qiubai of the Song Dynasty could achieve this. I am not a martial arts wizard, so I don’t need to have any wishful thinking. I just don’t know if there is a Buddhist scripture in the Song Dynasty, the Lankavatara Sutra, which has been handed down. It contains the strongest internal strength.

The Nine Yang Divine Art.

It seems that I am going to make a move in Jianghu, but I don’t know how far the plot of Jianghu has reached. In a few days, I will go to Shaoshi Mountain to find my luck.

This chapter has been completed!
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