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Chapter 184 Wu Ming joins the Hundred Beasts, but the boss is missing

Facts have proven that classics are classics wherever they go.

It only took Ren only half an hour to create the movie "I Was Banned for 500 Years because I Started Super Strong", which combines wild, SM, human-animal, 5p, young teeth, uniforms, bondage, homosexuality and other exciting and hot elements.

The classic novel in one successfully conquered Yamato and turned her into a crazy fan.

He quickly shot himself in the foot. It's very scary when a crazy fan chases something.

After talking for two hours, at 11 o'clock in the evening, Ren's mouth was a little dry, so he excused himself as sleepy and wanted to go back to his room to sleep.

But Yamato stopped him and held on to his arm, saying urgently:

"Don't leave, let's continue talking about Monkey King Kakarot causing trouble in Holy Land Mary Joa!"

"It's very late, beauty, I want to go to bed." Ren said, rolling his eyes.

"Why are you sleeping? It's only eleven o'clock at night. Let's talk for another hour, please."

"Okay, let's just say that after young Kakarot jumped out of the furnace where slave corpses were processed under the Holy Land, he was furious.

He was disappointed with the secret corruption of the Holy Land and determined to overthrow it... He retrieved the Golden Cudgel and returned in the form of the phantom beast, the Monkey King, with full health...

In the end, Kakarot passed five levels and killed six generals, defeated the CP0 commander, fought all the way into the flowers deep in the holy land of Pangu City, and shattered the temple with one stick.

The leader of the Celestial Dragons and the owner of the Void Throne - Lord Im was crushed under the table and chair by stones. He lost the majesty and calmness of the King of the World. He looked frightened, stretched out his hand and shouted urgently -

——Hurry and ask the marshal of the navy and the three generals to subdue the demon monkey!

Well, if you want to know what happens next, let’s listen to the explanation next time.”

After saying that, Ren ran into his bedroom and closed the door with a bang.


Come back!

After reacting, the girl looked angry and crazy.

At the climax of the story, the storyteller ran away. Her full chest trembled with anger, and she wanted to punch the bedroom door open and drag Wu Ming out.

She felt the anger of later generations of readers towards the out-of-context dog.

"That's too bad. If you do this again, I'll lock you in a tree hole next time and tell you something to eat!" Yamato said with a straight face as he stood outside the bedroom door.

After thinking about it, she still didn't break the door violently. She suppressed her impatience, curiosity and gloominess and returned to her room.

Next door, Ren locked the door and sat cross-legged on the boat. The silver-blue apertures in his body flickered and resonated, and there were hundreds of star particles surrounding him in the void nearby.

He took off his shirt and began to meditate with his eyes closed. The blood in his body was flowing rapidly, and there was a slight thunderous sound in his ears.

Renn had no distracting thoughts, his bare upper body muscles showed a sacred glazed jade texture, and his body surface was flowing with a brilliant golden luster. His energy and blood surged into the sky like a dragon and tiger coiling around his body, making him look like an iron-blooded war god.

Lightning sparks burst out from time to time in the bedroom, and the power of the immortal golden body is revealed. The legal thunder remaining in the flesh and blood is squeezed out bit by bit by the radiance of golden energy and blood, and then swallowed and annihilated by the sea of ​​​​stars in the domain.

Although it is the repulsion and destructive power of the world's laws, the upper limit of the op world is not high, so it cannot help the immortal golden body tempered by thousands of soldiers in the furnace.

Ren's practice and self-healing were quite commotion, but they were blocked by the barrier formed by the "Sea of ​​Stars" in the domain. These unusual movements and special aura could not be transmitted, and did not alert Yamato next door.

Two hours later, he stopped practicing and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

The injury was not as serious as he thought, or the power of the Immortal Golden Body was unexpected. He estimated that it would only take half a month to recover.

This is damage from a certain world law. A normal fifth-level saint may not be able to recover from such a heavy injury for three to five years, which shows how powerful the immortal golden body is.

This should be one of the advantages of Demon Slaying Technique.

In the same way, his soul has also become stronger, not only because of the real fire training, but the stronger the body, the more it will feed back the soul.

It is not unreasonable that it is difficult for a ghost spirit to become a saint for all eternity. The only way to integrate "soul" and "body" is to cultivate both internal and external aspects.

After removing part of the power of the law thunder from his body, Renn can return to his normal appearance.

Repair scars on your face, grow hair and eyebrows, all in one thought.

However, after thinking about it, he decided not to do so for the time being as it would frighten the beasts.

Ren rested his head on his hands, lying on the bed, and said lazily:

"I'm not in a hurry to go back anyway, just stay here and see how the battle develops."

Over at Lionheart Kingdom, he believed Nana could handle it.

Moreover, if he disappears for a few months and things go haywire, he will doubt the abilities of Ame Shiru, Barrett and Stussy.

It would be too ugly to handle this and the storm.

Under his rule and management, the Lionheart Kingdom has long been a giant on the sea. As long as there is no civil strife, it has nothing to fear from anyone even without him.

He was about to leave, so it would be a good thing to let Yu Zhiliu and the others get used to it and play freely now.

A night of silence.

The next day, as the morning light faded, Yamato got up early and took Ren to continue fishing.

The two of them worked at sunrise and rested at sunset. At night, Ren started to tell the story of the magically modified version of "I was banned for 500 years because of my strong start", and Yamato also shared the story in Kozuki Oden's logbook.


Regarding Kozuki Oden, there is actually nothing to argue with. He is recognized as a loser and a buffoon.

At that time, Oden abandoned the country in turmoil, resolutely went to sea, and successively followed two heroes, Whitebeard and Roger.

But after he returned from traveling thousands of miles, instead of becoming smarter, decisive, calm and wise, he became more and more naive and childish, like an ignorant virgin bitch.

The last good hand of cards was played badly, the advantage was lost, he was deceived and played like a monkey, his family was ruined, his reputation was ruined, and the whole world laughed at him.

The key point is that Oden does not deserve sympathy at all, because he was stupidly killed by himself.

In the OP world, it doesn't matter if a person fails to fight and ends up miserable. There is still hope, but Kozuki Oden brought it upon himself to die, which is very fatal.

If we summarize it in the form of a conversation, it would be like this:

Civilian of Wano Country: Lord Oden, you are back. That guy Kaido is bringing chaos to the country. Please think of a solution quickly.

Oden: Got it, I'll go find Kaido and Orochi to settle the score.

Civilian: Have you succeeded in defeating them?

Oden: No, the enemy has the Barrier Fruit, and they have a large number of people, and they have the name of orthodoxy... If they really turn against each other and start a war, it will cause huge casualties to the people of Wano.

Civilian: Oh, I see, then why don't you call your friends to help? The Whitebeard Pirates, Roger Pirates, whoever they are can kill Kaido.

Oden: Ah... I want to solve it by myself.

Civilian: Okay, then come on.

Obviously you can call someone over and kill the enemy easily, but you have to do it alone.

Oden: Let me tell you some good news. I made an agreement with Orochi and Kaida. They took many people as hostages. They said that if I gave up my dignity and jumped under Orochi Castle once a week, 100 people would be released.

, and after the ship is built in five years, they will go to sea and leave Wano Country together.

Civilian: Sir, do you believe what the enemy says?

Oden: I believe it, why not?


Oden: I don’t want anyone to get hurt. This is the best way. Sacrificing personal dignity is nothing.

Civilian: Well, you are great.

Oden: Where, where...

A few days passed.

Civilian: Oden-sama, it’s not good. More and more people are being captured by Kaido and used as slave labor. My relatives and friends have all suffered.

Oden: Nani, I dance a** every week. Didn’t I agree to let 100 people go each time?

Civilian: If the enemy is not eliminated, what is the use of letting 100 people go? Kaido let 100 people go this morning, and he can arrest another 500 people in the afternoon. More and more people will suffer.

Oden: Ah this...

Civilian: Sir, you said you don't want us to get hurt, but in the past few years, tens of millions of people across the country have been living in dire straits and suffered a lot, and you just know how to do it.

Oden: Ah...how could this happen?

Civilian: I understand, you can't be so stupid. You must be giving in to the enemy on the surface, but secretly trying to accumulate strength... When the preparations are completed, you will rise up and get rid of Kaido and Orochi in one fell swoop.

Disaster, right?

Oden: Ah, this... Actually, no, I have done nothing secretly in the past few years except dancing.


You seem to be teasing me.

Civilian: I used to think that you were a hero who endured humiliation, but now I realize that you are just plain stupid.

Oden:( ̄ε(# ̄)


After such a conversation, you will know why Kozuki Oden is disgusted.

Because he didn’t want anyone to get hurt, his country was in a mess caused by pirates and careerists. Thousands of citizens were suffering. As for Kozuki Oden, besides dancing every week and being treated like a monkey by the enemy, what the hell?

Nothing has been done...

This ridiculous situation actually lasted for 5 years!

It's 5 years, not 5 days.

It is stupid to believe in enemies and invaders. He also turns a blind eye to the suffering of the country and its people. He thinks that he is enduring the humiliation and jumping into bed, immersed in the satisfaction of rescuing 100 people at a time, but forgets that there are still dozens of people in the entire country.

Millions of victims.

By analogy, Kozuki Oden is worse and more disgusting than Wang Jingwei.

His method of saving the country is even stupider than the appeasement policy adopted by Britain, France and other Western countries towards Germany and Japan before World War II.

(Appeasement policy: a policy of not resisting aggression, appeasing and condoning it, giving in, and colluding or compromising with the aggressor at the expense of other countries.)

Yes, even if everyone calls Chamberlain stupid, the appeasement policy of Britain and France mainly involves sacrificing other countries and trying to protect themselves. However, Kozuki Oden chose to compromise at the expense of his own country...

This has reached a new level of badness and stupidity beyond human limits.

It's okay if you don't analyze it carefully. At first glance, Kozuki Oden seems to have a distinctive personality and is a man. But if you analyze it a little, you will know how stupid and anti-human some of Oden's thoughts and behaviors are.

Especially his experience after returning to China was a complete mess.

Because Oden is so bad and disgusting that he is like a rat droppings in the pot, ruining the whole pot of porridge.

Any character related to Kozuki Oden will almost inevitably have his image and character damaged, as if his body is smelly of shit, even Whitebeard and Roger are no exception.

Of course, the most unlucky person includes Yamato in front of Ren.

Yamato didn't do anything wrong, but because she admired Oden, people suspected that her brain was broken.

For example, if an emperor said that he especially admired King Zhou You of the princes in the beacon-fire drama, the ministers would also think that this emperor had a problem in his brain, and he was afraid that he had cerebral thrombosis for ten years...

"Hey, please be more serious."

In the living room, Yamato saw him dozing off after hearing this, and said a little dissatisfied, "Is Lord Oden's logbook so boring?"

In response, she kindly shared the story of her sea adventure.

"It's not boring, the story is actually quite interesting." Ren yawned and said in a very insincere and perfunctory way.

There is something wrong with Oden, but his logbook only records some experiences during the adventure. The content is rich and colorful, and there is nothing poisonous about it.

For example, in the voyage diary, there is a partial description of Whitebeard and Roger, which is actually quite interesting.

However, Oden is such a stinky person. Even if the content of his sailing diary is not poisonous, it still gives people the illusion that listening to the stories in the diary will lead to a stench...

I have to say that it is indeed rare for a person to fail to this extent.

Even King You of Zhou could not compare with Yu Tian.

King Zhou You is stupid and mediocre, but at least he will not be moved by himself. He will not think that playing with the princes with beacon fire is to avoid harming any of his subjects, and he will not think that he is committing suicide to bear the humiliation...

This stupidity is understandable.

Oden's stupidity is incomprehensible to normal people and falls into the category of disgusting.

"You don't seem to like Oden-sama very much?" Yamato said with a tigerish face. She noticed Wuming's vague dislike for his idol.

"Yes, I don't like it. I prefer Roger, Whitebeard." Ren said lightly.

Although he wants to take care of the girl's feelings, he is a normal person. Who among normal people would like a mentally retarded six-year-old?

"Humph." Yamato puffed up his face and said nothing more.

People say they like Roger Whitebeard more, she can't force him to like Oden, right? She's not that stubborn yet.

Besides, there are many people who don't like Oden, including Wu Ming.

In fact, Yamato was somewhat wronged, or implicated, and her behavior was actually far less bizarre than Oden's.

Why doesn't Ren like Oden?

Because he has a God's perspective, he can see Oden's flaws.

Does Yamato have a God's perspective?


Oden in Yamato’s cognition:

When she was 8 years old, she witnessed Oden's execution in "The Legend of Kamabozu: One Hour" + she picked up the voyage diary left by Oden in Kuri, Wano, which formed her overall impression of him.

Then it was gone.

What this girl saw was Oden's generous death, tragic sacrifice, and his passionate and magical adventures on the sea, all of which were the image of Wei Guangzheng.

In other words, she only saw the good side of Oden.

So it is normal for her to admire Oden, because from her perspective, Oden is really a hero.

This is the truth.

Before Mr. Wu was revealed to be the "Canadian Gun King", his female fans also thought he was an extremely good man...

"I'm going to bed."

Ren thought for a while, but still didn't tell the truth and expose Yamato's fantasy.

She liked it if she liked it. Ignorance was bliss. Kozuki Oden had been dead for more than ten years anyway, so there was no need to whip his corpse out in public.

"Get some rest early, we have to fight again tomorrow." Yamato said a little bored.

She doesn't like to get involved in the war between the beasts and the nine snakes.

In her opinion, neither her father nor the empress were good people, they were just dogs eating dogs.

It's a pity that she is now helpless and cannot escape the quagmire of war for the time being. She can only take one step at a time.


The war between the two emperors intensified.

On the other side, turmoil also began within the navy.

Since the defeat in the First World War, the 76-year-old Marshal of the Warring States Period has applied for resignation and has been preparing to retire.

However, his retirement process did not go smoothly, and there were huge differences within the Navy on the choice of the next Admiral.

Candidate No. 1, Admiral Aokiji, is easy-going, deeply loved by his subordinates, and very popular in the navy. He has also been jointly recommended by many navy bosses such as Marshal Sengoku and Garp, which gives him a huge advantage.

The No. 2 candidate, General Akainu, is more extreme. He upholds absolute justice, is strict with his subordinates, and is even more ruthless towards pirates.

Although he is not very popular within the navy, his iron-blooded style has won the favor of the top leaders of the world government...

Candidate No. 3, General Kizaru...forget it, let's not mention him.

Aokiji and Akainu compete for the leadership position.

On the other hand, it is the recommendation of Navy colleagues.

On the one hand, it is the favor of superior leaders.

The two generals with different personalities and philosophies each relied on each other and could not tell who was superior. Eventually, the long-standing conflict broke out completely.

Because no one was willing to give in, Aokiji and Akainu finally decided to fight with their fists, and use a life-and-death duel to determine the throne of the Navy Marshal!

Aokiji vs Akainu, a life and death showdown, this news shocked the navy.

"No way, is it actually going to get to this point?" Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said worriedly after sitting down in a corner of the restaurant.

"Tit-for-tat and unwilling to give in to each other, who would have thought that the conflict between Kuzan and Sakaski would be so great."

General Huoshaoshan sighed.

The two generals competed for the leadership position and entered into a life-and-death showdown. This situation has been extremely rare for hundreds of years.

Zhan Momowan ordered a bowl of sushi and two chicken drumsticks at the restaurant window, and whispered in a low voice: "Old man, why don't you go and persuade Kuzan and Sakaski? No matter which of them dies, they are both from the navy.

huge loss."

"I don't want to do this either, but there is absolutely no way I can persuade you to do this."

Kizaru picked up a piece of miso ramen with ginger, and the half-smile on his face was hard to fathom.

However, Zhan Taowan could tell that the old man was actually not in a good mood.

It seems that he doesn't want to see Akainu and Aokiji fight to the death.

"A life and death duel? It's really ugly."

There were various barbecued meats and senbei on Garp's dinner plate. He chewed the senbei and shouted, "Use your fists to decide the commander's position. Haha, what's the difference between this and pirates choosing the captain through fighting?"

As soon as these words came out, many naval generals in the restaurant looked unhappy.

The two admirals were fighting among themselves and killing each other. This kind of competition was really bloody and cruel, just like pirates, and the impact was very bad.

Once this kind of thing starts, I'm afraid there will be many similar things happening within the Navy in the future.

"Warring States, don't you want to say anything?"

Carrying senbei and barbecue, Garp walked carelessly to his old friend who was sitting alone, blowing his beard and staring.

Warring States said with a gloomy face: "The Five Old Stars have agreed to Sakaski and Kuzan's request."

Everyone: "..."

(?灬?), shit, it’s been approved.

That means that there is no room for maneuver in this matter.

There is a high probability that one of Aokiji and Akainu will fall.

"Why are everyone looking so sad? What's wrong with using a life-and-death duel to decide who will be the commander-in-chief? I think it's pretty good."

A slightly domineering voice sounded.

Aramaki was sitting in the corner. There were no dishes or food on the dining table in front of him. He had an unruly smile and a somewhat disdainful expression.

The future general Green Bull has joined the navy, but the world recruitment plan is far from over. He is not yet a general, but only a lieutenant general.

Moreover, because of his extremely strong strength, he attracted the attention of high-level officials in the navy and government. At this time, he had already received the title "Green Bull" and was a candidate for general. However, the navy had not publicized this matter in newspapers.

"Arammu, what do you mean, do you really want to see two generals killing each other?"

Vice Admiral Maynard glared at him and scolded.

Any mature organization would not welcome the existence of exceptions. He had no good impressions of Aramaki, a guy who suddenly appeared and became a candidate for general without any qualifications or military merit. He was even a little jealous.

Lu Niu glanced at him lightly and said, "Did I say something wrong? It's a one-on-one battle. The winner will be the marshal, and the loser will shut up. What's wrong with this straightforward approach?

Of course, this is how real men solve problems, and cowards like pussies may not understand it."


These words were so sarcastic that Lieutenant General Maynard's face turned red with anger.

"You what?"

Aramaki was very forceful and said with disdain, "I know that you are jealous of someone like me who has become a lieutenant general without any merit, and I can understand this feeling.

After all, no one likes to wake up and see an inexplicable person crawling next to or even above them.

Let’s do this, I’ll give you a chance to challenge me. If you lose, I’ll pack up and leave immediately. If you win, you’ll be a green bull candidate for general. What do you think?”

Maynard: "..."

o(╥﹏╥)o, not so good.

The rest: "..."

His fists are big and he can do whatever he wants.

Aramaki followed Garp's ship, and within a few days of arriving at the G1 branch, he challenged the candidate for general, the tea dolphin. Although it was only a brief duel with no winner, he did have a slight upper hand.

This brave performance was so shocking that Lieutenant General Maynard dared not speak out in anger.

But just because he doesn't dare to speak doesn't mean that others don't dare to speak either.

Major General Hina, who had delicate features, medium-long pink hair, and was wearing a rose-red suit, glared at Aramaki and said:

"You don't need to eat, you can get out. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

The sentence just now [coward like a girl] angered this young lady.

Maybe Aramaki didn't mean it, but these words sounded too harsh to a female navy.

"It turns out to be Major General Hina."

Aramaki looked at this rare beauty in the navy. He found it pleasing to the eye and was not annoyed by her words. He lazily asked, "Where's Vice Admiral Kate? I haven't seen her much recently. I still want to have a discussion with her."

A month ago, when he saw the daughter of God for the first time, he was astonished.

It even made him feel that the empress who seemed to be perfect in the past and the most beautiful woman in the country was no longer very fragrant...


Hina snorted softly and said, "She has been in a bad mood recently. If you want to be thrown into the sea and fed to the fish, you can go to Marigio to find her."

Arammu: "..."

Well, the female navy group was a little more difficult to deal with than he thought.

In fact, the first time he faced Bailong's heterochromatic eyes, he felt that he might not be her match. The deep and depressing feeling that hit him was very uncomfortable.

Taotu, another female general candidate, is not simple either. Her sword power and sword intention are almost integrated into her body.

Competition for general positions is a bit more intense than Green Bull imagined.

Not to mention the position of marshal, Aoki Akainu has reached the stage of a life and death duel.


Red Continent, Holy Land Marie Joa.

Silver combat boots stepped on the smooth marble floor, making crisp footsteps. Arturia wore white leather armor and a cloak of justice and walked towards the House of Power.

On the way, she checked her panel.


Name: Kate Reinhardt (Artoria Pendragon)

Age: 27 (ID card setting)

Haki: Armed color Haki (max), Knowledge color Haki (max), Overlord color Haki (max).

Swordsmanship: Top swordsman (as a paladin, slashing can easily add special powers such as fire, thunder, ice and holy light)

Physical skills: first-rate~top level

Devil Fruit: None

special power:

Golden Divine Body (beginning of the fifth level, level 24): Possessing a powerful physique beyond the limits of mortals, with amazing physical strength, power, speed, vitality, resilience, and environmental adaptability.

Storm Realm (table, fifth level, level 26): Control the storm from the end of the world...the authority of the main god.

The realm of the sacred round table, that is, the realm of heart light (dark, beginning of fifth level, level 25+): fire of faith, light of soul...imperfect lord god level authority.

Identity: Vice Admiral of the Navy, candidate for general Hakuryuu, daughter of God.

Strength evaluation: main god level (moon world), human saint (main world, comparable to the Prince of Darkness), strongest combat power in 800 years (op world).


As the Storm Goddess, she is already the main god, and her other authority is still a little lacking, but this does not affect her reaching the fifth level.

Ren's Sea of ​​Stars and Infinite Arms are both level 23 in both realms. Since the levels are the same, there is no need to display them separately.

The so-called double fifth level actually means cultivating both legal and physical skills. If both the professional route (usually a single field) and the totem road have reached the 24th to 25th level of the fifth level, you can compete with the Prince of Darkness.

However, due to chance, she and Ren both have two fields.

This means that they are not only double fifth-level, but also have an additional field superimposed on the basis of both legal and physical training. The natural combat power of the same level is amazing.

The two of them are evenly matched now.

Ren's Immortal Golden Body is level 26, and the two domains are only level 23, which is a bit of a hindrance.

Artoria's Storm Domain is level 26, Heart Light Domain is 25+, and Golden Divine Body is level 24. Overall, her level is higher than Ren's, but her skill level is low, and her physical skills and sword skills are not as good as his.

He is a sword master, which means he is very sharp and has a lot of lethality.

Artoria quickly entered the room of power and asked directly:

"Elders, do you agree that Kuzan and Sakaski will fight to the death?"

"Yes, Your Highness, since the conflict between the two cannot be resolved, this is the best way." Churchill said.

"What if someone loses it?"

"The navy can bear this kind of loss. Both Zhu Yuan and Huang Mu are strong enough to be admirals of the navy, let alone your highness." Five Old Stars Lincoln added.


In response to this, Artoria was silent for a while and did not refute.

Without a fight, no one would be convinced by Akainu and Aokiji. The conflict between them has been going on for a long time and cannot be resolved through communication at all.

Artoria didn't want to care about this kind of thing, she looked serious and said:

"Elders, you can build the Tower of End, although I don't think it has much practical significance."

"Your Highness has finally reached this point."

"Very good."

She didn't take it seriously, but Wu Laoxing was very excited, as if he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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