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Chapter 106 First Drop of Blood

In the room, Levi sat at the head of the long wooden table and looked at Ren with slightly open fish eyes: "You mean, you want Ymir to act with you."

Ren said seriously: "Yes, I need to borrow her from you. I need her help for this task."

After giving him a deep look, Levi said calmly: "No problem, bring her back safely. Also, be careful yourself."

Nodding to show that he understood, Ymir said goodbye to Historia, and Ren and her left the wooden house in the wilderness.

On the way, Ymir frowned and was very dissatisfied: "Why did you call me specifically when you were going to perform a secret mission?"

With a nonchalant expression on his face, Renn said with a smile: "This time I am going to the Lacey Territory north of the Wall of Sheena, which is where Historia once lived. I heard that the scenery there is beautiful, aren't you curious?


Ymir hesitated to speak. She felt that the reason why Ren called her was not that simple. In the end, she still did not get to the bottom of it.

The two of them walked quickly through the wilderness and arrived at a small building in the city, which was the branch of the Troost District Survey Corps.

"Nifa, where is the squad leader?" Ren asked in the corridor. Hanji was not in the laboratory.

"Ren, good morning, Captain Hanji is in the team leader's office." Nifa, a girl with short red hair, said politely. It has been more than a week since Renn officially joined Hanji's class, and he is basically familiar with the members of Hanji's class.


Ren nodded and walked towards the second floor, but Ymir did not follow him.

In the office, Hanji and Mobrit told the team leader bad news.

Father Nick is dead, killed by members of the Central Gendarmerie.

Looking at the worried and self-blaming Hanji, Alvin changed the topic: "How is the research on Ren's power going?"

Hanji realized that she had lost her sense of proportion. She smiled awkwardly and regained her composure: "It's amazing. It can be used for self-defense, and can be attached to fists and feet, and it can also be attached to the blade..."

She suddenly clapped her hands excitedly: "I asked Mobrit to fight with him with knives, and the blades hit each other. As a result, Mobrit's steel knife broke into two pieces, while the knife in Ren's hand only had a small blade.


To be honest, although this kind of 'qi' power is not as powerful as Allen's giant power, it is still very terrifying.

To be honest, it is not very suitable for dealing with giants. If it is used to kill people, especially in close combat with cold weapons, it will be invincible. No one is his opponent. I think a hundred people holding knives together are not enough for Ren to kill alone...


When Hanji talked about the experiment, Alvin interrupted her: "Can it withstand gun fire?"

Hanji stretched out his hand and touched his chin: "This experiment is too dangerous, I don't dare to do it, but if it is an ordinary musket, even if it cannot completely block it, it should still have a certain effect."

"Can this kind of power spread?" Alvin asked in a deep voice.

Han Ji shook his head with a disappointed look on his face: "No, Ren said it's innate... At least it's certain that others can't learn it. He shouldn't have concealed this."

Alvin smiled and said: "Forget it, even though he should have some secrets, who doesn't have some past events buried deep in his heart?"

Han Ji understood that she actually thought so too.

Later, Ren, Hanji, and Alvin met and learned of the priest's death. The Central Military Police had already taken action, and their whereabouts were not concealed.

Now that the external enemies are gone, internal fighting will naturally follow.

Without further pause, Renn packed up the various "equipment" he had collected in the past few days. Dealing with people and killing giants were two different things. Unfortunately, he was better at dealing with people.

He called on Vedek and Fili, who were already prepared, and set off with Ymir. The other party moved very quickly, and the first drop of blood had already appeared.

"Ren, be careful." Nifa warned.

"Act according to the situation, don't be reckless." Cage, who had a crew cut and short hair, warned.

"Take care." The man in goggles, Ge Tuoshi, also warned.

"Don't worry, everyone, they should be the ones to be afraid of!" Ren on the street waved to everyone in Hanji's class and climbed onto a carriage.

He had already taken off his soldier's uniform and was wearing a white shirt, a khaki windbreaker lent to him by Mobrit, and a pair of blue jeans.

Ren adjusted the straw hat on his head, with a faint smile on his face, like a bad boy next door, driving the carriage and preparing to leave the city.

Ymir, Videk, and Feili were sitting in the carriage. They were all wearing casual clothes. This carriage was carefully modified and had two floors, with some good things hidden inside.

By coincidence, when Ren drove his carriage out of the city gate and into the Wall of Rose, three carriages came towards him.

The person driving the horse in the first carriage was a middle-aged man. He was wearing a black trench coat, black trousers, and a black gentleman's hat. His face was somewhat proud and somewhat casual, with a playful smile.

At first glance, they looked like members of society, with the attitude of a big boss on the road. Renn's eyes narrowed slightly. This group of people was not simple. Unsurprisingly, they should be members of the First Central Military Police Regiment. This organization was not under the jurisdiction of Neil Decker.

Perhaps it was because Ren's current appearance was so "harmless" that the people on the other side didn't pay much attention to him, and the two sides passed by each other.

The first encounter between "The Cutthroat" and the "Decapitator" was a very harmonious scene. There were no cameras or photos in the wall. Kenny did not recognize each other and even grinned at Ren.

Eye-catching, the corner of Ren's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt that the cynical look on the other side deserved a beating. As for the identity of the other person, Renn naturally didn't know, and even the captain didn't know that Kenny had joined the Central Military Police.

Renn was driving non-stop here, and the Lacey Territory north of the Wall of Sheena was quite far away, so they needed a lot of time to get there.

At three o'clock in the morning, Kenny and the others have arrived at the stronghold in the center of Trost District. They carry a special weapon - an anti-personnel three-dimensional mobile device!

"Have you dealt with that talkative priest?" Inside the room, Kenny sat on a chair and stretched his legs on the table in a very arrogant posture.

Sanes was not surprised: "We have already dealt with that drunkard who was meddling in other people's business."

"Have the whereabouts of Eren Yeager and Christa Lance been found out?" Kenny asked casually, crossing his arms.

Sanes sweated on his forehead: "No, they are very alert and don't know where they are hiding."

Kenny tapped his fingers on the table and was silent for a while. Trout Caffin, a female soldier on the side, asked: "Captain Ackerman, do you need us to arrest people directly for questioning?"

Kenny shook his head and chuckled: "Don't act rashly. The Survey Corps is not thieves and gangsters, nor is it the trash of the garrison corps or the military police corps.

Alvin Smith is very difficult to deal with and drives these desperadoes into a panic. God knows what they will do."

"Then what should we do?" Kafen, who had light blond hair, asked doubtfully.

Kenny had a playful look on his face: "Alvin will be called to the royal capital soon. During this time, let the people from the Libus Chamber of Commerce test it out. They are local snakes and can detect any trouble. Isn't that what dogs do?"

Is it used?"

Sanes was a little confused: "Do we need to be so cautious? We have weapons specially designed to deal with them.

Even if Eren Yeager can turn into a giant, we can still order the garrison troops to surround him and subdue him."

Grinning, Kenny shook his head: "No need, why bother with something that can be solved with a tranquilizer bomb.

Moreover, some people in the Survey Corps are far more dangerous than you think. Levi Ackerman, that brat has grown up and is no longer easy to deal with now."

"Is this Levi's surname?" This was the first time Sanes heard that the soldier's surname was Ackerman. He couldn't help but glance at Kenny. Kafen also looked at him curiously, but he had never heard that he had one.

As for relatives, Kenny almost never mentioned his family to anyone.

Kenny burst out laughing for some reason: "And that Ren Ackerman who appeared out of nowhere is really interesting. I don't know whose father he is. That person from the Xiganshina District should be a girl."


Those two brats are also very difficult to deal with. Don’t think that just because you have the advantage of weapons, you can be careless. People will die.”

"Captain Ackerman, they should have something to do with you, right?" Kafen stared at Kenny.

Kenny waved his hand and sneered: "Don't worry about it. Don't be merciful when you do it. What hope can you have living in such a rotten world?

Go notify Demo Libus and ask him to send everyone to monitor any suspicious places!"

This chapter has been completed!
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