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Chapter 11 How Does God Taste?

The three-dimensional mobile device has certain dangers. People tend to overlook the murder weapon in this device, which is the holder sprayed from the front injector of the three-dimensional mobile device!

This thing can poke holes in trees, walls, or even giants' bodies to fix retractable ropes. What would happen if it were shot directly into ordinary people? Just looking at the sharp hook anchor with the cold metallic light makes people shudder! What if?

Shooting someone in the neck can kill someone!

Soldier Commander: Yes, you can really kill people.

In the previous theoretical class, the instructor also specifically reminded me. In the past training, most of the attrition was caused by various falls, but there were still a few recruits who injured their companions because they were not proficient in ejecting the hook anchor during the training.

Some training soldiers were seriously injured, disabled or even died!

However, since the probability of such casualties is much lower than that of various falls, it did not attract much attention.

Instructor Keith said coldly: "Remember everything, you are soldiers, and the three-dimensional mobile device is a weapon, not a toy!

I don’t want any idiot to get hurt by his own weapon, understand?”

All the training soldiers nodded.

Upon seeing this, Instructor Keith started the class. As usual, he started to spray before class... made a speech and mentioned a lot of precautions.

"Next, let me see what you have learned and complete the wearing of the three-dimensional mobile device in five minutes!"


A week of training has made the discipline of this group of teenagers much better, and they are now completely different from when they came here before.

It's cooler today, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the wind is singing, and the warm sunshine makes people feel inexplicably happy.

At the instructor's command, the training soldiers, who were divided into 10 squads, began to wear three-dimensional mobile devices.

However, this thing is far more difficult to do than imagined. The three-dimensional mobile device consists of an injector, a transmitter, a fan, a main body, a gas tank (fixed on the scabbard), a trigger (located on the handle of the knife), a belt structure, a telescopic rope, etc.

Parts composition.

After five minutes, many people still didn't get it right. It wasn't until the instructors demonstrated several times that everyone gradually got dressed.

Ren used the knowledge in the theory class to check whether the equipment was intact for the second time. This was necessary, otherwise if it broke down and fell down, there would be no place to cry, unless you had wings.

The training soldiers completed wearing their equipment one after another, and each one looked at the coveted equipment with joy.

Then, with the help of the instructors, the gas was replenished, and the 295 people were divided into 10 classes and went to different forest areas to practice. After all, it would be dangerous and time-consuming to have so many people crowded together in one place.

The principle of the three-dimensional mobile device is not complicated. After pressing the trigger on the handle, the corresponding transmitter on the waist shoots out the holder. It is usually fixed on a giant or a building, and then the gas is used to drive a fan to move the holder.

The cable is rolled back to move the body at high speed, allowing the body to use this three-dimensional high-speed mobility to fight.

The belts of the device can distribute the weight of the human body to various parts of the body, thereby making the movement more flexible. Soldiers can adjust their posture in the air by manipulating the belts on the waist, legs, and feet. In addition, the three-dimensional maneuvering device can be used to slide and swing.

It can be moved in woods and buildings in other ways. However, it is very dangerous to use it on flat ground.

Reality soon hit everyone head-on. It was really difficult to operate this thing in practice.


I saw Reiner bumping into a tree branch, his abdomen and the branch came into close contact, and his whole body was pulled into a bow shape. When the inertia of the forward momentum passed, he was about to fall. Fortunately, Reiner was quick to catch him with one hand.

He stayed on the branch and jumped down after a while.

Then Reiner knelt on the ground and vomited, almost spitting out his overnight meal. Berthold quickly went over to help him.

"Help me, I can't get down!" A girl's injector retractable rope got tangled with a branch, and she was hung on a tree swing.

"Ah~, help!" Amin looked frightened and bumped into the trunk of a big tree. He was dizzy and fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. Because Eren Mikasa was not in this class, Ren had to go over and help him up.


Originally, Renn thought that with his current physical fitness and the divine fighting spirit, the use of the three-dimensional mobile device should not be difficult for him. It is a bit arrogant to say it is trivial, but it is only average!

However, it turned out that he had overthought it. Ren fell down three times in one morning, but he did not suffer any injuries because the holy fighting energy flowed to the surface of his body and absorbed the impact.

Actions in the three-dimensional space are far different from those on the ground. Even Marley warriors like Reiner, Berthold, and Arnie who have received military training since childhood are a little acclimated.


Ren cursed and got up from the ground. This stupid three-dimensional mobile device was far more difficult to handle than he thought. He landed on his face just now. Fortunately, he had the "omnipotent" divine fighting spirit to protect him. Otherwise, his face would be so handsome.

But it will be ruined. How many female training soldiers will shed tears by then!

"Ren, help put me down."

Because the retractable rope was entangled with the branches, Renn's narcissistic imagination was interrupted by the beautiful girl Mina with black twin tails hanging on the tree.

Ren looked up at Mina who was "swinging" on the tree and smiled: "Call me, I will let you down."

Mina glared at Ren angrily: "If you don't help, I will never pay attention to you again!"

Renn shrugged, girls like to threaten boys like this, Renn said that he didn't care about her, and it took a lot of effort to rescue Mina from the tree.

The training in the morning was full of situations. The training soldiers fell to the ground and hit the trees in various ways, and some unlucky ones were hung on the trees and couldn't get down.

There is a poem to prove it: Why don’t you take advantage of the wind and soar up to ninety thousand miles!

Bald Keith: Boys, how does it feel to go to heaven?

A young instructor: I was as excited as you at first, and then I lay in the infirmary for three days.

Lunch was a lot of fun, there were moans and groans everywhere and basically everyone was having fun.


"Hey, please apply the potion gently."

"Look at whether my handsome face is swollen."

Ren observed it and found that Allen's forehead was red, and there were two balls of cotton stuffed in his nose. It was obvious that the collision was serious, and there was some dust on Mikasa's face.

Amin has a bandage wrapped around his head, and Connie has a big bump on his bald head. As for Thomas, Ren's top bunk, he is already lying in the infirmary and will not be able to come out for a walk in two days.

Thomas: You call this a wave? I almost broke my leg!

Allen had two balls of cotton stuffed in his nose: "No wonder we weren't allowed to practice the three-dimensional maneuvering device directly at the beginning, it turned out to be so difficult!"

These words expressed the sentiments of many people. When the instructor demonstrated before, they thought it was quite simple and there was no need to hang on the equipment for a week. As a result, many people almost fell out of the finale!

Onlookers: I can do it if I want!

The performer showed a fatherly smile: Come on, sign the agreement first!

After lunch, Renne, Alan and Amin went to the infirmary to visit Thomas.

"Doctor, is my leg really broken? Please help me, I don't want to become disabled!" A crying voice came from a medical room.

"It will take 2 months for my hand to heal? Can it be faster? I will be eliminated."

"I'm sorry, your fracture is very serious. There's nothing we can do about it."

Ren, Alan, Amin, and the three of them were a little silent when they heard these voices along the way.

"Soldier training is more difficult than I thought." Allen said with emotion.

"I heard that someone fell to death this morning." A Ming whispered.

Renn didn't say anything. This is not a game in the first place. The training corps has quotas for death and disability in every period. This is not a place for vacation.

Thomas's situation is quite lucky. He just has a sprained foot, which will heal in a few days and won't delay his training.

The sun rises and sets, and the day passes.

On the first day of practicing the three-dimensional mobile device, 2 people unfortunately fell to death, and 7 people were disabled and carried away. They lost their qualifications as training soldiers, and 24 people were seriously injured and were lying in the infirmary. If they were injured for up to a month,

Time they cannot recover will be sent home.

Facts tell us: God, this is a technical job! Most people simply can’t play with three-dimensional mobile devices.

This chapter has been completed!
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