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Chapter 90: Not even a small goal

The streets became quiet.

Everyone was still a little immersed in the power of God that had just overwhelmed the world, and they were speechless for a long time.

'Such sword power is no less than that of the previous Sky Sword Master.'

The Calamity Sword Master moved away the right hand holding the hilt of the sword, his heart was shaken, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

The giant is very strong, like the previous Sword Master of the Sky, and it is even more terrifying to reach the pinnacle giant of the divine realm.

Looking at his performance just now, Archduke Conor has become stronger than when he was in Beihai. This speed of progress is really shocking.

He is worthy of being reincarnated as a big boss. If you just work hard, you can stand on the top of all living beings...

The Calamity Sword Master felt a little envious, glanced at the Savage Duke, and said teasingly:

"Savage, I thought you were really not afraid of anything, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid when you give in."

The Duke of Mars thought of his cowardly performance just now and looked at the mocking smile of his old enemy. He became angry and his face turned red as the color of pig liver.

He subconsciously clenched his fists and stared at the Calamity Sword Master, but he did not dare to shout, so he lowered his voice and said:

"Asshole, do you want to fight? We are leaving the city, and I have to..."


The Calamity Sword Master ignored the Savage Duke's provocation, snorted disdainfully, and left.

The contemptuous attitude and Hong Guoguo's disregard made Duke Mars' lungs almost burst with anger. If he were in another place, he would definitely scream to the sky. Regardless, he would rush over and punch the Calamity Sword Master.

But there was a big boss in Sand Dune City who he couldn't afford to offend, so he could only hold back his anger, which made him feel uncomfortable.

The interlude ended, and the team of the St. Joan Empire continued to move forward.

However, after Archduke Connaught's warning from afar, they kept a much lower profile. The huge and bloated convoy took the initiative to disperse into five columns, queuing up in an orderly manner and not daring to occupy the sidewalk.

"They finally know how to be respectful. If they continue to show off their power like this, I can't bear it anymore."

On the rooftop of a nearby high-rise building, Carlos the Gunman looked down at the dispersed convoy, crossing his arms and speaking in a sarcastic tone.

Next to him, a man was wearing the black and white checkered uniform of the 7th inning, with three silver diamond-shaped cross epaulettes on his shoulders. His face was cold and hard, and his gray eyes were as deep as pool water.

This is Director Karl who has just returned from the front line in the plains.

Karl held a letter with a black metal cover and said indifferently:

"This matter has nothing to do with Farrowland, just watch the show."

"What if they fight?"

"Try your best to protect the residents and fortifications in the city. The Pope promises that the damage caused will be compensated at a premium."


Carlos the Gunman choked for a moment.

Is this just letting things go and cleaning up the mess afterwards?

"There won't necessarily be a fight."

Director Carl's eyes flickered and he said indifferently, "After the shock from Ren just now, I doubt they still have the courage to ask for help, let alone cause trouble."


Maybe, if the contradiction isn't too deep.

On the other side, in the center of the motorcade.

Miss Mireille did not ride the one-horned white horse. After a moment of hesitation, she entered the church's large four-wheel covered carriage.

The luxurious carriage was like a small room, not crowded at all. There were sofas and tables in the middle. Archbishop Timo, Prince Matthew, and several senior cardinals sat around a round table.

There were pastries, fruit platters, and drinks on the table, but no one touched them.

Except for Archbishop Timo, who was still relatively calm, Prince Matthew and several cardinals all had solemn faces and a bit of a frown.

After Mireyou came in, she took off her helmet and put it on the table. With a serious expression on her beautiful face, she asked a little doubtfully:

"Everyone, why is Grand Duke Conor so strong? I feel like he is not on the same level as other kings."

Her father admired the Duke of Mars for his strength, saying that he had a fighting spirit, was brave and good at fighting, and was the best among kings.

But the arrogant and domineering Savage Duke, who has always been fearless of heaven and earth, did not dare to confront Archduke Conor, and even showed obvious fear...

Archbishop Timo glanced at the female paladin and said: "Because this is a power that reaches directly to the divine realm, almost beyond the scope of ordinary divine life forms."

Miss Mireille, Prince Matthew and the three red archbishops all became energetic after hearing this. They looked at the highly respected Archbishop of the Holy Talisman, hoping that he would continue to speak.

Archbishop Timo tapped his fingers on the table and sighed:

"Kings and high-ranking saints are divine beings with a trace amount of immortal divinity in their bodies, while demigods are divinities that accumulate small amounts into many, aggregate and sublimate, burn into fire, and their divine power can radiate to the outside world...

Going a step further, the domain is sublimated to form the divine domain (establishing the Kingdom of God), and the divine fire in the body burns forever (condensing the divine personality and priesthood), providing a steady stream of divine power to the divine soul, and he is the immortal god.

Grand Duke Kangnuoer's divine body is about to be completed, touching the threshold of the divine realm, and his strength is almost comparable to that of a true god. Naturally, he cannot be compared to ordinary kings.

In my opinion, he can definitely fight against the Storm War God during the Hundred Years Holy War!"

Everyone was shocked.

Miss Mireyou covered her mouth to hide her gaffe.

"Prince of Storms" Matthew's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief, and he said:

"No, he can compete with my ancestors now? Are you mistaken?"

"That's the truth." Archbishop Timo sighed, "The wave period has only started a dozen years ago. In the previous three hundred years, the mainland was relatively peaceful. Most of the demons were sleeping. Battles between kings were rare. You don't understand the Supreme Three.

The difference between a king and an ordinary king.

But I know, I have discussed with His Holiness the Pope, and I understand how big the gap is."


There was silence.

The people in the carriage had different expressions and different thoughts.

The continent has been at peace for hundreds of years, and no cruel all-out war has broken out in the Fifth Age. The power of the strongest people only exists in history books and legends, which are described, but lack a sense of reality.

In the eyes of many ordinary people and even some nobles, the Three Supreme Kings are slightly stronger than ordinary kings...

Supreme? Strongest? Invincible?

Sorry, every king is a mythical figure like a god in his own country. He is praised before and after his life and death. How can he be compared to the King of the Sun or the God of Storms?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Anyway, I have never competed, they are all kings, they are almost the same after rounding...

There is no clear digital grading standard like Renn on the Saigon continent. Therefore, let alone ordinary extraordinary beings, many ordinary kings may feel good about themselves and think that they are no worse than the three supreme kings.

Archbishop Timo laughed at himself:

"Before I competed with the Pope, I felt that I was only one step behind the three supreme kings. If we were to fight, I might be able to win evenly."

Prince Matthew: “…”

Miss Mireyou: "..."

Three great masters in red: "..."

I can understand that they are all kings and have arrogant hearts. Who would think that they are inferior to others?

The Savage Duke also challenged the Pope. Before the fight started, he said that he would control his power and would not hurt the venerable Pope...

After Archbishop Timo explained, he got off the carriage.

He is a saint, does not belong to any faction, and will not get involved in internal struggles within the church.

Miss Mireyou digested the information and saw that the old bishop had got out of the car. She took a deep breath and said hesitantly:

"Everyone, are we going to continue with our plan to execute Michel? It is said that Michel and Archduke Connaught have a good relationship."

She kind of wanted to back out.

Although she was unwilling to lose her position as a saint, even if she succeeded in executing Michelle, it was impossible to bring down Kate Reinhardt.

There is not much benefit, but it may offend the soldier leader, which is a bit irrational.

Prince Matthew looked serious, glared at her, and said categorically: "Michelle must die! Using lynching to kill direct members of the royal family is a provocation to the Singel family, the descendants of the God of War, and must be paid with blood.


Giulio himself is not an indispensable character, and his personality is not likeable.

But his identity is a direct member of the royal family!

If members of the royal family can be killed by outsiders at will without paying a bloody price, it will be a huge blow to the authority and reputation of the Singer family.

Michel can kill Giulio today.

So can Raphael kill Prince Matthew tomorrow?

Miss Mireyou was a little embarrassed when Prince Matthew glared at her, so she defended herself:


"No buts!"

Prince Matthew interrupted her with a cold look on his face, "No one can kill members of the royal family without paying the price! This is also what the Singer family means."

If Michel just beat Giulio, it would be no big deal.

He was willing to plead for Michelle. After all, he knew her and had some friendship with her.

But when you kill someone, the nature changes.

If Singer condones this kind of behavior, he is tantamount to encouraging secret enemies and those daring madmen. Members of the royal family can kill, and maybe kill with impunity...

"Prince, what you said makes sense. Such madmen and murderers must not be tolerated!"

"He must be executed this time to give justice to those colleagues who were killed!"

"I believe that Archduke Connaught will not protect that executioner."

The prince's words made several cardinals ecstatic, and they felt more confident in their hearts. They all echoed the words, looking as if the crowd was indignant.

Unlike Mireyu, the daughter of the Duke of Giant Shield, her status is relatively aloof. If she can't survive, she can still go home. With the protection of her father, she can still live a comfortable life.

But they cardinals have no way out!

If Michelle is not executed this time to deter the enemies, their faction will fall apart and they will not be able to withstand the liquidation of the rival factions.

Seeing that everyone was unwilling to give up, Miss Mireyou looked helpless and nodded:

"Okay, I will still support you, but I will not go against Archduke Conor."

"As long as you publicly support us, leave it to me to handle the Duke Connaught's side." Prince Matthew said confidently.

He was not qualified to bargain with Archduke Conor, but the Holy See and the royal family were.

This was originally an internal conflict within the Holy See. Archduke Connoll was just an outsider and had no reason to meddle in other matters.


Behind the Brave Building, in the villa area.

Ren opened his eyes, and the blue luster in his eyes was restrained. The countless twinkling stars, constellations, galaxies and brilliant galaxies around him quickly dimmed and disappeared. The huge gathered void force also turned from the whirlpool-like state of the ocean into multiple waves of force.

It rose up and turned into a torrent of rain spreading across the sky.


He slowly exhaled a breath, stood up, and walked out of the underground quiet room.

He has been meditating these days.

The beauty is not around, so besides practicing, I can only practice, breathing and refining the force, meditating on swordsmanship, perfecting and optimizing the domain structure... With such a focus on nothing else, the cultivation effect is not bad.

My strength has improved slightly, and I can feel the threshold and bottleneck of the sixth level even more.

That barrier-like "diaphragm" seems to be broken with a poke, but it's a bit difficult to really stick your body in.

The idea of ​​​​accommodating light and darkness to reach the sky in one step has come to nothing, and we can only grind slowly. This is the hard work of water milling. If you have the perseverance to grind an iron pestle into a needle, you will definitely succeed in the end...

Ren was thinking wildly and returned to the living room on the first floor, boiling a pot of snow-free spring and brewing a cup of precious "emerald" tea that is famous in the mainland.

After a while, the fragrance floated, refreshing the heart and mind.


There was a sudden knock on the door.

Renn put down the teapot and said casually: "Please come in."

A handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes pushed in the door. He was wearing pure white knight leather armor, a cross sword hanging on his waist, and three platinum rose medals on his shoulders, proving his identity as the branch leader of the Knights Templar.

Silver Spear Raphael.

Ren was a little surprised, and a silver light flashed in his eyes.

There is a special kind of holy power in the body of the paladin in front of him, with the brilliance of ordinary holy power, bright and golden, but also with a bone-chilling chill, cold and majestic, like a human-shaped extremely cold ice storm.

The cold light of withering corresponds to the Holy Fire of Burning Heart, and is a special variant of the holy power researched by the church.

Unfortunately, these two holy powers are too overbearing, and few of the church's past paladins can master them. For example, of Captain Gonzalez's generation, no one can control the withering cold light and the heart-burning holy fire.

Two people suddenly appeared in this generation, which surprised the church.

Renn smiled, poured another cup of green tea, and said, "I'm a rare guest, please take a seat."

Raphael was not as familiar with Lei as Michelle, and his expression was a little reserved. He took a slight breath and sat on the sofa.

Ren pushed the tea cup over and said, "What's the matter?"

"I hope you can help Michelle, at least save his life."

Raphael knew that the other party was not someone who liked to beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

Ren You raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, picked up the fragrant tea cup on the table, and said:

"I thought you wished he would die soon."


"Hey, friend, don't be so surprised."

Ren's smile was a little evil, and the corners of his mouth raised, "I mean, as long as Michelle dies, no one can compete with you. The position of future leader of the Knights Templar must belong to you."


"Really, if I were you, I would add insult to injury right now and try to trample Michelle to death."



This really sounds like a villain.

"Ren, aren't you Michelle's friend? Do you really want him to die?"

"It's not me, it's you who wants him to die. What does the usual brotherhood mean? Compared with the position of the leader, it's nothing. Raphael, stop being hypocritical. Now Michelle is going to die. Make up for it."

Just one kick."

Raphael: "..."

[○?‘Д′?○], what you said almost made me excited.

"Do not make jokes."

Raphael's face twitched and he said angrily, "I hope... bah, I want the position of leader, but not in this way. I will defeat Michelle in an upright manner and become the leader.


"Tch, it's boring. There is obviously an easier way, so we have to play fair."

Ren curled his lips and said with disdain, "How can you, a woman with such kindness, be able to fight against Michelle? In the future, you will probably be hacked to death by him with a few knives and end up in hell in a daze."


Even so, what does it have to do with you?

"Let's get down to business, Ren."

Raphael lost his patience, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of green tea to calm down.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Ren sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and blew the hot tea in the teacup a few times, "Why should I help you save Michelle? What's the benefit?"

An attitude that makes it difficult to speak.

"My entire net worth."

With a calm look on his face, Raphael took out a storage ring and pushed it from the table. "The contents inside are probably worth 100,000 gold coins."

The net worth of an established saint, even an ordinary low-level saint, is more than this amount of money.

But not long after he broke through, he still owed money to the church. To accept various precious resources provided by the church, he had to sign a contract, and he couldn't sell his equipment. In addition, he didn't have the habit of saving money, so he only had this little money.


That's it, I even asked some people to borrow it...

The ring made of holy silver and raw space stone powder is placed on the table. The whole body is silver and green, shining with radiance.

Renn didn't even look at the ring, his nostrils turned to the sky, and he said disdainfully:

"With this little money, how can you send a beggar away?"

I think back then, one hundred thousand gold coins could make him drool with envy and betray his integrity.

But now, it’s just a small amount of money, and it doesn’t even count as a small goal.

Raphael also knew that this little money was not enough to hire a giant, but he was really short of money. He took a deep breath, looked serious, and said:

"As long as you help me, I owe you a favor."

"I'm sorry, your favor is worthless." Ren crossed his legs, looking very slender.



Although I knew he did it on purpose, I was still angry.

"It's not valuable now, but it won't be valuable in the future. As long as I can do it, I will help." Raphael said solemnly.

Ren stared at him for a while, nodded, pushed the silver and cyan ring back, and said: "Okay, I understand the situation, no need for the money, I will help.

I have also used my favor, and you can do your best to support Saint Kate from now on."

Raphael breathed a sigh of relief, thanked him solemnly, put away the ring and prepared to leave.

As expected, he didn't think Grand Connaught would stand idly by.

If you study the experience of the soldier leader, it is not difficult to find that although this man has a lot of problems, is greedy for money, lustful, and a bit cruel, as a friend, he still cherishes old friendships and protects his shortcomings. Even if his former friends were just casual acquaintances, they are now living

All are pretty good.

To be able to deal with it, the prerequisite is that it is not an enemy.

Raphael walked outside the door, suddenly stopped, and his face seemed hesitant to speak.

Renn took a sip of tea and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"Are you really Kate's cousin?"

"Yes, it's okay to say he's a biological brother, it doesn't make any difference anyway."


Raphael's face twitched and he muttered in a low voice, "That's really crazy. You are nothing like her. You are more despicable and shameless than her... Ahem."

Halfway through speaking, he felt a murderous aura and his breathing was stagnant.


A large handprint condensed from the galaxy grabbed Raphael, and the energy of the stars solidified like ice water, freezing him into amber and throwing him out of the window.

Light blue meteors flew into the sky and flew towards the suburbs.

In front of the collapsed church, a group of workers were busy, many of whom were church clergy and believers. They put on cheap work clothes and worked on the construction site, cleaning up the rubble or moving bricks.

Don't laugh, what's wrong with moving bricks?

Captain Gonzalez moved bricks.

Archduke Connaught also moved.

It doesn't matter that they are awesome.

Maybe it’s superstition. After these news came out, there were a lot of extraordinary people deliberately moving bricks in several construction sites in Dune City...


Blue meteors fell from the sky and smashed into the cement grout.

Raphael's body was instantly dyed gray-white, covered in mud, and his face was confused.

A paladin squad leader came up and said:

"Sub-captain, you are working too hard. You will become stronger if you move bricks. It is just a joke and cannot be taken seriously."

Raphael: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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