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Chapter 107: Blood-stained great achievements, the fall of giants

Deep space, cold, dark.

Even the brilliance of the scorching sun can only illuminate a small corner of the vast universe.

The sun seems to be pulled by some kind of force, moving across the universe at a ghostly speed, and the planets revolving around it also move forward with it.

Suddenly, a space vortex emerged above the planet, expanding and spitting out two light spots.

Bang bang bang!!

Although it is a vacuum environment without atmosphere, the sound of space explosions and wails still resounds throughout the sky. Two meteor-like hot light spots continue to collide, shattering the nearby space modules. The shining golden flames are intertwined with the dirty undercurrents.

annihilate each other.

The two people who are still competing in the imperial city are naturally Ren and General Doom, who have been thrown out of the world's consciousness.

Changing the venue does not affect their fighting.

Ren's speed is extremely fast, like a golden flash of light traveling freely through space, leaving behind a stream of shining particles along the way.

After another physical collision with General Doom, he flew away from the Saigon continent and flew to a desolate planet closer to the sun.

The planet where Saigon Continent is located is still moving away, like a celestial-class starship, using the conceptual sun as a searchlight to illuminate the endless dark void, flying towards the time and space where the Toril universe is located.

This means that you can't stay in space for too long, otherwise you will be thrown away.

"Have you chosen a cemetery? This planet is a little deserted, but it's just the right place to bury you!"

The doomsday general's eyes exuded a violent dark red blood light, and he also flew to this desolate planet, raising his arms high, and bombarding the enemy with increasingly dense firepower!

Boom boom boom!!

Ren was flying across the desolate land, countless dark light bombs smashing down like a dense meteor shower, and black and red fire lotuses exploded one after another until the explosion areas almost overlapped, and the space for him to dodge was completely compressed.

Finally, the demonic flames swallowed up his golden body.????

The next moment, a ball of shining golden phoenix flame suddenly pushed away the dark aftermath and rolling sand!

As if resurrected from the ashes, Ren's body was reunited, unscathed.

"This is where you're buried, old man!"

The wings of light spread out behind him, and the power of the famous gun served as a space engine to bless himself. His whole body flashed behind the Doomsday General like light and electricity.

The man was running fast, and his fist had already been charged up. As soon as he raised his hand, the divine fist surrounded by golden flames was thrown out, almost stirring the airflow on half of the planet!

The air was stirred up and turned into red-hot spiral shock ripples with the force of the fist.

Planet smashing punch!

At this moment, Ren seemed to hear wild laughter again.????

The moment the terrifying power of the Star-Shattering Fist touched the Doomsday General's body, the dark energy suddenly dissipated, as silently as thick ink seeping into water, and merged into the space extremely quickly.??

??The next moment, a punch full of divine power was empty, and the fists entangled with the galaxy divine flames blasted open the space, forming a huge ravine in the space like a canyon of light flames!???

The power of the past in General Doom is so strong that it only corrodes space for an instant, allowing him to transfer to subspace.

The ghostly speed is second only to the true god’s space transfer.????

Dark breath gathered from Ren's left rear. He could feel both the cold dark fluctuations and the slight subspace shock reaction.????

Without hesitation, Ren turned around, injected the power of the giant god weapon and punched hard, and the blue light wave shook the space!

?The Doomsday General emerged from a dark shadow, countless filth condensed into pitch-black arms, and heavy punches as black as dark iron also struck with waves of destruction!


Fist to fist, two extremely domineering forces clashed, light and dark energy exploded in the air, and the impact made the already swaying barren continent sink.?

There was no way to distinguish between strong and weak, neither side paused, and then the next move came.??

Golden blue and black red divine light waves flashed at the same time, and the two bodies dissipated in place at the same time, rapidly moving at a speed that exceeded the laws of physics.??

Both sides moved at super high speeds without CD, observing each other's direction while attacking and defending, predicting the location of the next flash, and at the same time calculating and planning the next move in their minds.

Bang bang bang!!????

I saw two afterimages, one gold and one black, flashing across the sky, hitting from the sky to the ground, from the south pole of the desolate planet to the north pole. Wherever the two sides passed, there were flying sand and rocks, mountains and ground cracking. In the blink of an eye, they had circled this unmanned planet.

The planet has been beaten half a circle, and the entire planet has been completely reshaped!

Gradually, with every punch and every blow, Renn felt a huge burden. Such high-intensity blows were a bit too much even with his current strength.

The holy body, the realm, the divine armor, the famous spear, and the power of the phantom god were all activated.

In the extreme explosive state, the consumption is naturally not small.

The key is that the doomsday general's mind is getting more and more crazy, and the crazy dark power in his body not only does not weaken, but keeps rising, as if it is inexhaustible.

However, Ren's physical strength and energy are being consumed rapidly, and pollution and damage are also constantly accumulating.

His body is getting more and more achy, the load is getting heavier, and he has to resist mental pollution. Each move requires more willpower than the previous one.

But the Doomsday General is tireless. He is like a fighting machine with unlimited energy. Not only is he not tired now, but he is getting more and more energetic.

Wasn't he injured?

Renn felt that General Doom should have been equally hurt, but he didn't care.???

He is a madman, blessed with the power of the past. He is not afraid of pain or death, and does not care about being injured. Even if he is disemboweled, his hands and feet are amputated, he can recover quickly and continue to fight.???

This kind of enemy is the most disgusting.?

His body became heavier and heavier, and Ren suddenly slowed down a beat, and two powerful black and red punches immediately fell on him.

Bang bang!!????

The divine armor on his body offset part of the impact, but the force still hit Ren's chest. A circle of black and red energy exploded along his chest. He was shaken all over, and blood dripped from his mouth and nose, and he flew on his back.

He retreated dozens or hundreds of meters.

The Doomsday General did not continue to pursue, but just kept the distance and floated in place. He scratched his face with his fingernails and drew blood marks. His face was soon rotten and dripping with blood.


He roared, his expression distorted, and his black and red eyes were full of violence and madness.

There is a price to pay for using power that is not yours.

The power of the Old Ones is also corroding General Doom, turning him into a complete monster.

Ren maintained his distance, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered:

"Old guy, you don't look good."

I thought he wouldn't be able to hold on any longer.

Unexpectedly, the time on the other side was shorter.

The Doomsday General forcibly suppressed the out-of-control old power in his body, but his body still began to become deformed, blood lines burst out, many ugly compound eyes grew on his face, and the black and red tentacles on his back began to increase, and they no longer had a mechanical texture, but flesh and blood.

Fuzzy appearance.

It was obvious that he was losing control.

The Doomsday General's current strength is almost comparable to that of the sixth level, his vitality is tenacious, and the pollution is even more disgusting. He is no worse than some true gods with weak divine power. Otherwise, there is no way to make the double 38-level Renne suffer.

But this kind of strength comes at a price after all.

"So what? As long as I kill you and refine your corpse into corpse puppet armor, you can share some of the backlash for me."

General Doom put down his hand, his face was covered with blood, and the wriggling flesh sprouts quickly restored his injuries, but his face became even more deformed and ugly, like a rotten demon mask.

Ren felt nauseated when he saw it. He took advantage of the short truce to recover from his injuries. The golden-red holy blood in his body glowed, forming a devouring force. The energy contained in cosmic rays and various particles in the vacuum was absorbed into the body by the immortal golden body.

In order to buy some time, he asked:

"Are you so desperate? I'm very curious as to why you went all the way with the Demon Emperor. As the general of the Elf Empire, you could have been famous all your life.

If you are a giant in the demon camp, you will not feel more comfortable than if you are a general of Qi in the Elf Empire."

He was really curious about this.

What a hatred! You want to destroy your own country. In ancient times, the Elf Empire was much more powerful than the demon camp.

The Doomsday General pierced his arm with his finger, the skin was torn open and blood flowed. He used this to maintain his sanity. When he heard the question, he laughed softly.

That smile was particularly scary.

That kind of deep-seated hatred and terrifying killing intent made the madness in his eyes disappear for a moment.

His laughter became louder and louder, crying and laughing: "The Elf Empire? Hahahahahaha... You only know that this country is very glorious and powerful, but who knows how it was established?

The top leaders of the Elf Empire are executioners and butchers just like me! They destroyed countless countries, including my motherland, and they finally got to where they are today!"

Before the establishment of the empire, the most powerful people on the Saigon continent were already the elves.

However, at that time, the warlords were divided among themselves, and the seven elven kingdoms divided the continent. They were in constant civil war with each other, maintaining a delicate balance.

Until the Silver Moon Elf Kingdom, led by the Silver Moon Clan, became increasingly powerful, mastered the construction technology of the super floating city, and began the road to dominance. After more than 20 years of war, it defeated the six nations and successfully unified the Saigon continent.

The early stages of the unification process were relatively smooth.

Because the combination of Super Floating City + Grand Arcanist is too buggy, it means that God has a movable fortress of the kingdom of God, and his combat power is soaring.

In the early stage, the six countries basically resisted symbolically and pulled a few strings. Once the troops came to the royal city, they surrendered.

Only the Chaoyang Kingdom, led by the Holy Fire Clan, resisted the most fiercely, resisted to the death, and was finally bloodbathed.

After the Silver Moon Kingdom defeated the royal city of the Chaoyang Kingdom, it chose to massacre the city, killing all the royal family and civilians of the Holy Fire Clan...

The effect of this massacre was remarkable, and the three elven kingdoms that were trying to pull it off immediately surrendered unconditionally.

And the Doomsday General Augustus is from the Kingdom of the Rising Sun.

His father was one of the guards of Chaoyang King's Royal City. He was killed when the city was breached. His mother was humiliated to death by the enemy troops. All his brothers and sisters were killed. Only he survived because he was playing outside the city...

Doomsday General Augustus talked about his past, his expression gradually distorted, and he roared:

"This is my experience, this is that history, do you understand now?

Those big shots stood on the corpses of countless countries and peoples, praising their own merits and reveling in the power and glory of the empire. Now, except me, who can still remember the atrocities of the empire!

Those blood debts, those wronged souls, and those lamentations will all be buried in the dust of history and become unknown and traceless. No one will seek justice for those innocent people in the old era!

A successful king or a defeated bandit, one general can destroy thousands of bones. Isn't that how it has always been?

The most ridiculous thing is that those ignorant civilians and slaves can actually praise the great deeds of emperors, generals and ministers!

Hahahaha, hahahahahaha... They don't even think about how those great achievements came about. Each of them is the blood and tears of countless civilians. This is how the rulers stand on people's corpses and decorate them with their blood.

My own crown!"

Ren was silent.

Some words are harsh, but they are true.

Regardless of the world or race, this has been the case since ancient times.

He did not refute or acknowledge, and asked:

"So, you did the same thing? Hold a ceremony to summon the foreign gods in the royal city of the Elf Empire, and bury millions of elves in one fell swoop, including emperors, generals, traffickers, and lackeys?"

"You think what I did was wrong?"

The Doomsday General stared at him and said ferociously, "I'm just retaliating with tooth, they deserve it! I just let them feel the pain of the destruction of their country and their family!"

"It's understandable that you take revenge, but why do you want to kill the civilians as well?"

"How can we subvert the empire's rule otherwise?"

"Yes, the Silver Moon Kingdom must have thought the same way back then. How could it frighten other countries and rule the entire continent without slaughtering an entire city?"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "You..."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't deny your act of revenge, but you are not qualified to pretend to be a victim. From the moment you sacrificed nearly a million civilians together, you became a madman. You are no different from the big shots in the empire.


"Hahahaha... That's good. What about you? Standing at the top of the human camp, how are you different from those who once held power?"

"It's no different. I have all the glory, wealth, wife and concubines. I also enjoy the benefits of power. At most, I can control myself...not to go crazy." Renn spread his hands and said.

"Are you mocking me for losing my mind?"

The Doomsday General was angry.

He didn't want to convince anyone, nor did he want to sympathize with anyone.

However, he has always regarded himself as an avenger and destroyer, but this human being believed that he was just a madman and was simply going crazy.

This kind of denial made him even more angry than slapping him directly.

"I'm going to crush you to ashes!"

General Doom was obviously really angry.

A dark tide swept across the world erupted from his body, his hands turned into devil's claws, his fingers burned with black and red flames, and his tentacles fell like scarlet blood thunder, and he went crazy to kill that human!

This is good.

This is exactly what Ren wanted.

Through the previous confrontation, he had confirmed one thing, that is, with the blessing of the old power, the opponent's hard power was much stronger than his.

It's not easy to win in a head-on confrontation.

There is an imbalance of light and darkness in his body, and he is temporarily unable to use the power of the Creator God of Light and the Great Evil God of Darkness.

So he deliberately angered General Doom. Of course, he himself did not agree with his extreme revenge method. It was too crazy to bury millions of elven civilians together.

At this time, General Doom's whole body had begun to turn red, as if his anger had summoned stronger dark power from the planet's atmosphere, and countless scarlet lightnings condensed in the palms of his hands!

He raised his arms high, and what was tumbling in his palms was enough power to destroy a world.


He lowered his palms.


Boundless darkness and blood thunder swept across the world, as if the sky was dyed the color of dirty blood, and the huge dark energy was like a ruthless spear, penetrating the planet in an instant!????

Black cracks penetrated the entire planet vertically, and the planet's surface quickly collapsed and disintegrated. Black and red lightning shot into the universe from the cracks, until the entire core was detonated, and a mass of darkness that annihilated everything was released from the interior of the planet. Finally,

Blast the planet to pieces!

Countless debris was pulverized into particles by the erosion of the black air, and scattered into the deep cosmic space.?

Of course, this blow did not kill the target.???

Long before the attack came, Ren flapped his light wings, channeled all the power of the Winged Dragon, and turned into a golden rocket that shot straight into space, destroying all the black tides and blood thunders that affected him, but did not shoot him down.

This isn't Faloran, so it doesn't matter if it's destroyed. Of course, he won't take such an evasive attack.

Explosive star, right?

Explode, you can explode as you like, there are many desolate planets in the universe.


General Doom's voice sounded like thunder from the center of the planet's explosion.

But Renn ignored him at all and turned into a beam of light and rushed out of the explosion area. General Doomsday roared in hot pursuit, and two afterimages, one black and one gold, flew out after him.

How to win?

Just drag it down.

The Doomsday General who has been corrupted by the power of the past will not last long and will soon turn into an irrational monster. Just get rid of it when the time comes, and the monster will fend for itself in the universe.

However, the Doomsday General also knows this. He must fight quickly and seal himself, otherwise...

Just as Ren continued to run away, another terrifying wave of darkness came again, this time from the front!

Without any time to think, Ren braked, and a jet-black stream of light passed in front of him. The filthy undercurrent swept through the sky in a mighty way, and plunged into the deep space of the universe.

He looked up in surprise.

I saw another Doomsday General rushing over menacingly from the front. When I turned around, I saw that the Doomsday General who was originally chasing behind me was still hanging behind me, chasing after him.

Two doomsday generals... no, more than two.

There are many fluctuations of dark power, one at the back right, two at the front left, and one at the top... six in total.

It was a clone. The enemy's six clones surrounded him from all sides, blocking every escape route.

"Cunning human rat, look where you are going!" General Doom roared.

Now it seems inevitable.


Ren sneered in his heart and thought of a clever plan, which would probably be able to trick the enemy.

His figure became erratic for a while, and split into six parts with the flashing light of the sea of ​​stars!

Technique·Starry Sky Reflection.

It’s been a long time since I’ve used magic in combat, and I almost forgot that I once had the qualification to be a crowned Caster.

The six Rennes charged towards the six Doomsday Generals in a menacing manner.

Just when General Doom thought that the enemy had finally decided to fight him head-on, he saw the six Rennes rushing in front of him, each making a feint and running in six different directions...

Ran away again.

General Doom is going crazy.

Gan, do you dare to fight me head-on?

The six doomsday generals were furious and chased each other in six directions. The twelve clones of the two men fought and fought in different directions, and then there was a series of violent explosions of light and dark energy.

General Doom's body also locked onto Ren's body.

Boom boom boom!

He punched hard, and the black and red demonic flames burned on his fists. The power of each punch was exaggerated and astonishing. The huge power seemed to shake the stars in the universe!

Ren retreated for the time being. Under General Doom's furious offensive, he fell completely passive. Even after more than ten moves, he could only passively defend and was unable to counterattack at all.

"Is this the only level, human?"

General Doomsday shouted while speeding up his punches, "Weak, too weak!"

Bang bang!!

The Doomsday General punched him on his left waist and chest respectively. The powerful punch shook Ren's body violently, and sparks flew from his chest armor.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The next punch landed on the face, and Renn's head tilted, intense pain briefly appeared, and then half of his face seemed to have lost consciousness.

His strength was dissipated, and the erosion of darkness caused the blood and energy in his body to stagnate, which then reacted to his hands and feet, making him almost unable to even lift his arms.

The big black hand then fell on his neck, squeezing his throat tightly.

The Doomsday General grabbed his throat with his left hand, raised his right hand, and the black energy on the five fingers together seemed to have condensed into a dark sharp blade.

"Everything is over." He said solemnly, "Not bad strength, I will remember you!"

Ren tried hard to raise his arms to fight back, but the darkness and filth in his body was so full that it seemed very difficult to even wave his arms, let alone break free and resist.

Five black fingers pierced out like blades.


The Doomsday General's right hand penetrated Ren's lower abdomen, stabbed in, and penetrated from the back. Golden-red blood mixed with darkness and filth flew out, like a gushing blood fountain.

Ren screamed, but at the same time, he activated all the remaining strength in his body, the golden flames all over his body surged, and his arms suddenly hugged the body of General Doom.


General Doom soon realized something was wrong.

No, this is not that guy at all, this is just a clone!

No wonder it's a bit weak...

If it were normal, he should have discovered it quickly, but just now he was angered by the other party's words, and because of the pollution of the old power, his own perception and reason were also confused...

The main body, where is the main body of the soldier?

At this moment, thousands of meters away, Ren's body is floating in the lonely universe, with his left hand forward, holding the green-gold divine bow and the burning sun-shooting arrow. The tail of the bow is trailing colorful streams of light.

At the same time, he fully mobilized the power of the Winged Dragon and the Sky Dragon to add two more fires.

The Ultimate Light Arrow·God’s Wrath!

The power had been accumulated to the extreme. The moment the bow and arrow were released, it was as if the whole universe briefly trembled, and a thin line of vacuum was penetrated by this arrow!


The combination of the divine bow and the divine arrow turned into a burning fire bird. The flame divine bird and the underworld divine dragon spread their wings under the starry sky, intertwined with the arrows, and released a rainbow-like sparkle of divine power!

In an instant, it seemed that even the eternally dark space of the universe was illuminated as brightly as day, and the stars all over the sky were dimmed. Only a beam of light shone, and the light was too powerful to blur the outline of the starry sky!

General Doomsday stirred up his spirit and roared wildly. The black and red filthy black energy suddenly erupted, releasing a powerful shock wave that blasted the Ren clone that was desperately hugging him into smithereens!????

After barely breaking free from the restraints of the clone, General Doom turned his head and saw the flying light arrow.


The ultimate light arrow slammed into the Doomsday General. The intense and scorching light instantly suppressed the darkness. The arm he had just raised to block was cut open arbitrarily!

The divine flame phoenix and the heavenly punishment thunder dragon followed the arrows and blasted into the chest of the doomsday general. The divine flames and thunder peeled off the layers of darkness, and the shock wave enveloped his whole body, and flew out with his body upside down!


In the deep sky, an unprecedentedly shining firework meteor exploded in the empty space of the universe, dyeing nearby planets and meteorites with shining colors!

Ren's right arm drooped slightly, looking directly at the direction of the explosion in the distance, his chest heaved and his breath dropped a little.????

It hit, all the power was completely eaten by the Doomsday General, and the ultimate light arrow, divine wrath, was fully charged, and it was still unprepared, which was enough to be fatal.??

If even this doesn't work...

Then he can only play those trump cards.???

The light dissipated, and the remaining power of the light arrow completely disappeared, revealing the incomplete body of the Doomsday General again. The darkness and demonic flames on his body disappeared, and his body was covered with flashing cracks.

He seemed sad and happy, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said:

"It seems that this is my end. You are right. I am actually a lunatic. On that day, when the country was destroyed and my family was destroyed, I went crazy. All I could think about was revenge. At any cost, I wanted to make the world

Feel the pain!”

Renn: "..."

( ̄△ ̄;), How many floors does a bag of rice need to be carried?

Brother Penn next door will definitely agree with you.

Renn is not a yellow-haired prince with an invincible tongue. He has nothing to say at this time and said calmly:

"Go well."??

The black and red bone armor on General Doomsday disintegrated, and wisps of divine flames and blue arcs spilled out from it. He was already on his deathbed. He shook his head and said, "You won, but you only defeated me. Be careful, His clone

coming soon."

Ren's hair stood on end for a moment.


As soon as he finished speaking, the Doomsday General's body exploded. The raging divine flames and thunder exploded like fireworks. Some limbs were directly destroyed, and a small amount of flesh, blood and broken bones were scattered everywhere.

However, the next second, a terrifying will of evil, madness, distortion and chaos descended.

The flesh, flesh and bones of General Doomsday instantly turned into blood light and merged into a ball of dark red blood. At the same time, dark and dirty energy swept through the universe like a world-destroying tsunami. The boundless black tide surged and the nearby meteorite belt was submerged.


Renn didn't have time to stay away, his face changed drastically, and he cursed:

"Grass (a plant)!"

The darkness is overwhelming, the tides are rising, and a lost city emerges.

On the ruins of the city, deformed monsters appeared.

He has a vague outline of a human, but has a head like an octopus with many tentacles. His body is like a gelatinous substance covered with scales. He has a bloated and fat body, with mucus dripping from the surface of his body, and he moves slowly.

Emerging from the ruins of the city...

This is Gatanje...ahem.

This is one of the most famous Old Ones, the Lord of R'lyeh - Cthulhu.

This chapter has been completed!
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