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Chapter 14 Snow and On Beauty

After punishing the ten unlucky guys, Keith walked up to everyone and started spewing... lectures.

"This time is just the beginning. To be honest, your performance is very bad. Old men and women can walk faster than you! There are only twenty-three people who have passed the test! Next, I will continue to train you strictly. I hope that in two months, Snow Mountain

You won't be left behind during the trial. Getting lost in the snow can lead to death!

So here comes the surprise, you all cheer me up, rest for half an hour, and then run back!"

"Oh my God, I actually have to run back!"

"It's only half an hour, so..."

"I feel like I'm going to die."

"It's okay, I just broke my leg while running."

No one knew what to complain about, but today was destined to be a great time.

Jean complained bitterly to Ren: "Hey, this is the surprise!"

Ren's face twitched. Not long ago, he had vowed that the surprise would only be a head cone. This was a slap in the face at the speed of light!

Ren rubbed his legs, feeling very sad at the moment. The great masters next door could probably cut off the giant's neck from a hundred meters away, or transform into a giant body to fuck monsters. But as for him, even if he pretends to be a dick in training, he will be killed.

Slap in the face!

After half an hour passed, everyone ran back again. Before long, everyone looked like they were about to die suddenly.

Renn didn't think anything of it. It had been four months, and the strengthening of the body by the sacred fighting energy had been initially completed. Coupled with his extraordinary potential, although he was now unable to compare with his peak period in the alien continent, his physical strength and strength

His speed, physical strength, reflexes, and perception are all higher than those of ordinary people. This kind of training is not a problem for him. The old rules are just average!


After finally finishing the run, Ren wiped the sweat from his forehead and found that many people were lying on the grass with their bodies stretched out. It was a very bad experience on the first day of marching with heavy loads!

Allen looked at A Ming who was lying on the ground, rolling his eyes and almost foaming at the mouth, feeling a little at a loss.

Thomas sat on the ground, beating his legs hard, Bao was drinking water, and Connie was doubting life.

Instructor Keith looked at the people lying on the ground and smiled unscrupulously: "Why, this won't work? Don't you usually run very fast?

That’s it for the morning, and we’ll practice like this from now on! Remember, the three-dimensional mobile device training in the afternoon will continue as usual. Anyone who wants to take time off can come to my office and have a chat.”

Ignoring everyone who looked disheveled, Instructor Keith turned around and left calmly.

Time passed by quietly, two months just slipped through the fingers, and it was already the end of December 847.

On this day, when Ren walked out of the dormitory door, he saw the land covered with snow, and heavy snow fell from the sky, dyeing the world into a vast white.

"Is it the season of snow again?" In his previous life, when Ren was still on Earth, he was from the south of the Yangtze River. Although it was not that he had never seen snow, he didn't see much of the northern scenery, so he was quite interested.

Thomas on the side was wrapped in a thick gray and white military uniform. He smiled at Ren and said, "It's rare that you got up a little late today."

Renn said indifferently: "It's rare to have a rest today, so it's normal for me to sleep late."

In fact, it was just a bit cold and it was difficult to get up.

The training corps also has holidays, usually two days a month, at the end or middle of the month. There is a half-month holiday in June in the summer, and a half-month holiday in mid-to-late January in early spring. If nothing else, the year-end snow mountain test will be held in a few days.

Practice, and there will be a holiday soon after the trial is over.

"The first snow in 847 came later than usual and stopped at... ahem."

Ren hummed a song and went to the cafeteria to finish breakfast, and then hung out in the training ground with his roommate Thomas. In the past, Thomas would go home to visit his parents during holidays.

Thomas's home is in the Troost District of the Barbican City in the southern area of ​​Rose Wall, not too far from the training corps station. However, it snowed this time and it was difficult to travel, and the winter vacation started in twenty days, so he didn't go back.

Many boys and girls were playing on the snow on the training ground, and some were wandering around like Renne and Thomas.

Ren saw Allen, Mikasa and Amin building a snowman. It must be said that the threesome had a good relationship. Jean Kirchstein acted as a quiet handsome man on the side, trying to attract Mikasa's attention.

Frankly speaking, Jean (this name is really weird) is tall and handsome, has an online appearance, and has excellent training results. However, the third master still only has Allen in his heart.

Renne: I am three-quarters handsome, no more.

Renn and Thomas walked forward and reached a corner of the training ground. He found Mina and Ani under a maple tree that had lost all its leaves. The blond girl stood in a daze under the tree. Mina, who was on the upper bunk above her, was shaking

Wearing twin ponytails, she is building a snowman and invites Arnie to join her.

Ren bent down, grabbed a handful of snow, rolled it into a spiral pill... and threw the snowball, hitting Mina on the back.

After being hit by a snowball, Mina stood up and turned around, glared at Ren, leaned over and grabbed a handful of snow, rolled it into a ball and threw it towards Ren.

Renn pulled Thomas next to him and blocked him in front of him.


The snowball hit Thomas directly on the head.

Then, Ren turned around and ran away!

Thomas looked confused at first, then came to his senses and chased Renn with a frantic expression. As he ran, he shouted: "Stop! Renn, I have to beat you today."

Thomas has a huge psychological shadow: Even if you flirt with girls in front of me, you actually let me be cannon fodder, and I am still single!

Mina put her hand on her forehead, her expression slightly helpless, and she was obviously speechless towards these two living treasures.

The cold beauty Ani on the side asked: "Mina, do you have a good relationship with Renn? I think Renn is quite interesting."

Ani showed a rare smile and squatted down to build a snowman with Mina.

"It's not bad, that guy Ren always talks like he wants to be beaten. He also likes to pretend to be profound and talk about some big truths, fooling Alan and Jean into being stunned."

Thinking of something, Mina snickered and said, "He accidentally tricked Allen last time. By the way, Mikasa's eyes were so scary at that time."

Ani looked at Mina: "Do you like Allen?"

"No, I just think Allen is very brave. Although his grades are not as good as Ren's, he works hard, and so does Mikasa. Sasha said that Mikasa insists on practicing boxing every night." Mina explained with a slight blush on her face.


Not to mention that Ani and Mina were chatting happily on the other side.

Thomas still failed to catch up with Renn. It was Renn who took the initiative to stop and said that he would cook for Thomas at noon to apologize, so Thomas calmed down and agreed.

Training soldiers can also cook in the kitchen during holidays, as long as they tidy up the kitchen utensils afterwards.

The time traveler Wren can't cook, he can only fight. But the original Wren lived alone at the age of ten, so he naturally had to cook by himself, so his cooking skills are good, better than many female training soldiers!

Thomas and Thomas hung out and chatted for a while. Near noon, Renn walked towards the cafeteria, and Thomas followed him expectantly.

Thomas: Although Ren is a scumbag, the food he cooks is really delicious.

Ren walked to the entrance of the cafeteria and found Christa and Ymir having a snowball fight on the side. Ymir kept giving way to the goddess.

Ren couldn't help but think of the time he cheated Allen again.

Ten days ago, Renn and Allen were chatting on the wooden aisle at the entrance of the cafeteria after having lunch. Christa, Ymir and Mina were chatting in the open space on the right side of the cafeteria. Regarding the position, Renn and

Allen couldn't see the three of them due to the blind spot in his vision.

Ren asked loudly: "Ellen, who do you think is the most beautiful among Mikasa, Ani, Christa and Mina?"

Allen was a little at a loss: "Well... I think they're pretty much the same. Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Ren didn't give up yet: "Then who do you think is the cutest?"

Allen blushed. Maybe no one had ever asked him such a question: "That... that, Christa."

Christa on the side immediately blushed, and Ymir glared at Allen and Renn with an unhappy face, two guys who were full of food! Mina smiled and said nothing.

Later, I don’t know why, but this matter spread quickly. Finally, all the training soldiers knew about it, and both boys and girls talked about it. Here are the voices of the boys:

Jean: Mikasa is the most beautiful! No refutation will be accepted!

Reiner: Christa, no explanation.

Renn: It doesn’t really matter, I’m the most handsome anyway!

Berthold: Arnie.

Thomas: Mina.

Allen: I just told the truth! Why are you looking at me like that!

Connie: They're all pretty.

Marco: It’s really hard to decide, support Connie!

Please ignore the two hanging wires at the back!

Renn was originally just curious about the aesthetics of the protagonist Allen, but he didn't expect that this matter would spread so quickly! Renn felt that the boys must have thought about which girl is the most beautiful, and he just asked it for them.

This was bold and unpretentious. I really didn’t mean to trick Allen, I just spoke a little too loudly.

Anyway, Mikasa's expression was horrifying when she found out about this, especially after hearing Ellen say that Christa was the cutest. Anyway, Ren only looked at her for two seconds before being defeated and running away.

After that, Mikasa hated seeing Ren.

After this classic conversation, Allen and Lane were really known to everyone among the 104 training soldiers, even though they were already famous before.

This chapter has been completed!
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