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Chapter 21 Nana: Supreme in martial arts, slaying dragons with a precious sword!

The wind and clouds were turbulent, and a silver-green storm swept across the sky.


Legend has it that the giant dragon appeared in the light of thousands of feet, its three heads full of sharp teeth opened its mouth and roared, its eyes shot out azure light, and a pair of huge steel-like silver wings flapped to set off a roaring wind!

The True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon has arrived!

A little late.

This can't be blamed on Nana. She doesn't have the ability to teleport. It's a long way from Tokyo to Seattle in the United States, and she accidentally flew on the wrong route...

...Ahem, in short, it's not her fault that she's lost her way. No one stipulates that a giant dragon can't get lost.

"Holy Beast White Dragon, why is she here?"

The Chargers and Falcons were stunned.

"Is this the god who protects Tokyo?"

Kei Tadano of the Crows team widened his eyes, looking at the dragon's pure white body with metallic cold light flowing through it. He was a little shocked, "What a sacred gesture..."

No wonder most citizens don't regard the white dragon as an enemy. Its style of painting is very different from other monsters.

The blue dragon eyes, pure white metal-like scales, and the streamlined and powerful dragon body are just like legendary fantasy beasts and mythical creatures. Their appearance and temperament are beyond the reach of Kiru for more than a dozen streets...

Almost no one would not believe that this dragon is a sacred beast, and its appearance alone could serve as a god in ancient times.

"White dragon?"

Ultraman Gaia was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment. He looked up and saw the dragon queen with some doubts in his eyes.

Isn't it the ancient god who specially protects Tokyo? Why did he end up in the United States?

Aguru's condition was a little better. The Gobu who stepped on him was knocked away by the white dragon. He sat up and looked at the silver white dragon in front of him with his milky white Ultra eyes, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Strangely, he actually felt an aura similar to the light of the ocean in this dragon (Nana absorbed the Dragon Ball of the Sea Dragon Emperor, so the light in her body had the nature of the ocean).

"Great, anyway, reinforcements are here."

Captain Kajio had exchanged a few words with White Dragon Girl, so he trusted her more, and he was relieved when he saw this.

The situation was indeed reversed. At this time, one of the two adult Gobu was knocked to the ground, and the other was hit by a blast of blast bullets. Both were seriously injured.

They roared and tried to get up unsteadily.


The True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon opened its three mouths without any hesitation, and the dazzling incandescent beam blasted out like a torrent through time and space!

The most powerful, invincible, and destructive jet of white light!


The incandescent bursting beam instantly penetrated a Gob, creating a huge gap from the chest to the back. The monster's huge silver-white body was exploded into pieces under the dazzling flash of light!

The violent energy turbulence tore the ground beneath the monster's feet, and countless rock and soil blocks shook and shattered. Then the blazing high-temperature flames expanded and rose in place, bringing up a small mushroom cloud.

"What a terrible destructive power."

The fuselage of the fighter jet swayed and trembled under the violent wind caused by the blow. Captain Daocheng of the Crows pulled the control stick hard, with a bit of shock in his eyes.


The remaining Gob roared angrily, raised his arms, the lens on his forehead shone brightly, and fired a bright yellow destructive light bullet at the white dragon!

The white dragon flew in the air, its wings expanded and expanded, lingering in the light of the silver-green storm, overlapping in front of it.

Bang bang bang!

Several rounds of golden light bombs hit the huge wing shield, bounced away, and turned into a rain of light and dissipated!

The white dragon's body exuded an even brighter brilliance, with silver and blue lights intertwining and rolling. Its huge dragon body quickly shrank in the light and turned into a human form.

The tall and slender figure stood up from the air with her waist stretched out, as if the ancient goddess of war had awakened, with a powerful fighting spirit and momentum sweeping in all directions.

Nana doesn't necessarily have to fight as a monster.

She can also fight in human form like Juggla in the Orb world, which is more flexible and saves energy...

Nana's silver hair was flying, and the flowing light formed a gorgeous silver armor and feathered helmet covering her delicate body.

Then, she reached out and pulled out of the void.

The cold light bloomed every inch, and a silver-white sword with a spire-shaped blade and a mysterious cyan jade hilt was revealed, and she held it in her hand.

This is Balmung, the Sword of Dusk, which has both the properties of a holy sword and a magic sword. It is the noble phantom of Siegfried, the dragon-slaying hero of the Moon World.

Ren reforged the sword with Kobelco and Holy Silver, upgraded it to a sixth-level mythical weapon, and gave it to Nana as the Holy Sword of the Illusion World, White Dragon's Song, just like the Illusion World Demon in Ultraman Zeta's hands.

Sword Belial Dusk...


Gob found that the enemy had shrunk into a tiny speck, and thought his attack had worked.

It excitedly raised its scythe, pursuing the victory, and shot out dazzling golden light bullets from the lens on its forehead, preparing to completely kill this little guy.

Nana changed into the posture of the silver-haired royal sister, holding the holy sword in her hand, and slashed lightly.


The half-arc circle of thin twilight wave sword energy cut across the void, easily cutting several golden light bullets into pieces!

"Little monster, I don't have time to play with you anymore. I want you to experience the power of this dragon-slaying holy sword."

A pair of glorious dragon wings spread out behind Nana, soaring straight into the sky.

She raised the holy sword high, the shining sword shined on the heaven and earth, and sang:

"The evil dragon will eventually fall!"

"The world has now reached sunset."

"Shoot you down,"

"Fantasy Great Sword·The Demon Lost!!"


The wind and clouds changed color, the clear sky thundered, and a peerless light blade that connected the sky and the earth fell from the stratosphere, instantly cutting Gebu's huge body in half!!

The shining green front then cut open the ground beneath the monster's feet, splitting the vast forest into two, and countless flowers, plants and trees were instantly wiped out, leaving only a bottomless crack extending into the distance.

Gebu's body that was divided into two halves emitted a bright white light, suddenly collapsed, and turned into powder and flew away.

"Gulu~" x9

Looking at the female war goddess holding the holy sword high in the sky, the nine pilots on the fighter jet all swallowed their saliva and their eyes were shocked.

"What a powerful attack."

"But... why is it a dragon-slaying move? Isn't she the dragon girl herself?"



Everyone is a little confused.

A dragon girl holds a dragon-slaying sword, shouting that the evil dragon will eventually fall, and then kills the alien monster Gob with one sword...

...Is there something wrong with this?

You are also a giant dragon. Is it wrong to kill people with a dragon-slaying sword?

(Gob: Yes, it’s so inhumane. I’m not a dragon.)

Gaia looked at the woman holding the dragon-slaying holy sword in the sky, her eyes a little shocked.

What a powerful attack.

The destructive power is only stronger than his current strongest special move - "Photon Ice Sword", and it covers a wider range.

After killing Gebu with one sword, Nana put away the holy sword. The azure dragon eyes under the silver lion mask dimmed slightly, and her breath dropped a little.

Well, the consumption is quite large.

After all, she is still a pseudo-sixth level holy beast, stronger than Gaia V1, but weaker than Gaia V2, and even worse than Gaia Supreme (S5)...

"Where's the boss?"

After solving the enemy, Nana did not leave. She looked up to the higher sky and sensed the position of her master through the dragon-human contract.

The two robots the boss faced this time were quite powerful. Although it was impossible for him to roll over, it would probably take some effort to win.

She would be happy to help if she could.

Nana can enter and exit the "Meta Realm" freely. She has been sleeping in that realm, and the boss has also opened permissions to her.

At this time, several fighter jets flew up, not too close, and flew slowly beside her.

Captain Kajio looked at the majestic dragon girl wearing silver armor and battle skirt, with a smile on his face and said:

"Um...why are you here?"

Nana glanced at this ace pilot and said in an old-fashioned way: "But come here, are you just waiting for the Light of the Earth and the Light of the Ocean to be killed by monsters?"

"Light of the earth, light of the ocean?"

Captain Kajio was a little confused and stammered, "You mean...the two Ultramans?"

"Yes, Gaia and Agur are the guardians of the earth and the ocean respectively." Nana said calmly.

Her words undoubtedly shocked the people at XIG.

Captain Yoneda's eyes widened and he said: "Aguru, do you mean the blue giant?"

On the other side, in the command room of the air base, Staff Officer Chiba and Commander Shishi looked at each other, both a little excited.

Commander Shishi took a deep breath, calmed down, and conveyed the order:

"Kajio, ask her about the origin of Ultraman and what the guardian of the earth and the guardian of the ocean mean."


Captain Kajio immediately asked, "Do you know the identities and origins of the two Ultramen?"

At this time, Gaia and Agur on the ground were a little nervous. Ultraman's hearing was amazing, and they could hear the conversation in the air if they concentrated.

Neither Yume nor Fujimiya want to expose their identities right now...

"The light of the earth and the light of the ocean are both an extension of the power of the planet and the result of its materialization."

"Planet Power, you mean Earth?"

"Nonsense, otherwise who will protect human beings can only be the power and defense mechanism of the earth itself."

"So Ultraman is a god, just like you?"

"I don't know about this either. As long as the species living on the earth have evolved to a certain extreme, their bodies will more or less contain the original power of the planet."

Nana glanced down at the two Ultraman who stood up and said, "The two of them are the purest, purest collection of planetary power. They can be humans or gods, or both humans and gods.

After all, the light of the earth and the light of the ocean can exist in many forms. I woke up a little late, so I don’t know in what form they are embodied."

This sounds a bit obscure and ambiguous.

Captain Kajio looked confused, feeling like he was listening to a book from heaven.

In the base command room, Staff Officer Chiba frowned, and Commander Shishi was silent. Ultraman turned out to be an extension of the power of the planet. This secret was very shocking.

Does it mean that the earth also has a will of its own?

Moreover, the will of the earth will also protect mankind, create giants of light, and fight against alien invaders...

This all sounds so bizarre.

"how about you?"

Captain Daocheng of the Crows looked at her curiously, "What's going on with you? And...you, where's your name?"

"I am a goddess, a white dragon with the power of Feng Shui!"

Nana put her hands on her hips and said somewhat proudly, "My name is... uh, I kind of forgot it."

Everyone: "..."

(ー_ー)!!, doesn’t look very reliable.

The dragon seemed a little confused, but he still had to ask questions. Captain Kajio, Captain Yoneda, and Captain Inagi asked questions one by one. Occasionally, they would follow the orders of Commander Ishiro to ask some important questions.

But then, White Dragon Girl's various answers became very perfunctory. Later, when she got tired of being asked, she simply ignored them.

In this regard, the XIG pilots were also helpless.

"The monsters have been dealt with, why are you still here?" Seeing that she couldn't find anything else to ask, Captain Kajio directly asked her why she was staying here.

"Nexus is still fighting. I'm locating him to see if I can help."

Bailong's words suddenly woke up the people at XIG.

Only then did they remember that Nexus was still fighting in the subspace between Apatai II and Groka Che. These two robots were extraordinary in strength, and together they were stronger than the five-headed Gob.

"Well, can you locate that subspace? Can you enter it?" Captain Kajio asked hurriedly.

"It should be possible. After all, I also have some power similar to the light in the sky."

"Nexus is the light of the sky?"

"It should be, but it feels like it's more than that."

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm not so sure either."


( ̄△ ̄;)

It's like this again, as soon as you get to a key place, you lose track and don't know anything about it.


A quarter of an hour ago.

In the Meita territory, strong winds roared, and fierce metal collisions occurred one after another.

Nexus, the metal life form Apatos II, and the cosmic reset machine Groka Chariot are fighting together. The arm blades are fighting against the steel swords, fists and feet are colliding. Every blow will cause a surge of air and sparks.


This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although Nexus in the red youth form has stronger overall strength, he can't beat four hands with two fists. In the case of one versus two, the situation is still deadlocked.


But it didn't take long for Nexus to find a flaw and hit Apatai II's waist and abdomen with a side kick, causing a surge of air to knock him back.

Then, he immediately bent down and tilted his head back to avoid the swing of Groka Che's sword at his side.


The cold blade almost scraped across his face, and the sound of breaking wind was shrill.

The next moment, Nexus's body straightened suddenly like a spring, the edge of his right palm sparkled with gold, he slashed hard from top to bottom, and the hand knife hit the joint of the long knife on Groka's wrist!


Sparks burst out, and the alloy blade broke and fell to the ground.


Nexus immediately raised his leg and kicked again, denting and cracking the steel armor on Groka Che's chest. Sparks shot out, causing his body to stagger back.

At this moment, the second generation of Apatos took the opportunity to pounce, his arm squirmed and transformed into a long knife, and slashed Nexus's back with a single blow!


Nexus reacted extremely quickly and subconsciously raised his hand to hold the knife with his arm blade.

The blades collided, causing a tooth-grinding sound as they rubbed violently, and a string of silver fire shot out along the way.

As sparks flickered, Nexus's milky white eyes met the dark red eyes of Apatos II.

Both of their eyes were filled with murderous intent.

At this time, the second generation Apatai suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled evilly.


Nexus was slightly startled.


Apatai II suddenly raised his knee and pushed hard. The hard metal knee hit Nexus's abdomen like a hammer, and dazzling sparks burst out!

This heavy blow made Nexus groan in pain and his body hunched up.

Apatai II took the opportunity to punch him in the head.

'MD, you can still laugh, right? I'll make you laugh!'

Nexus was furious, and raised his right arm to hold the opponent's iron fist. Red light waves rolled in his left palm, and golden lightning shot out in an instant. The shadow of Osiris's sky dragon was faintly visible and disappeared in a flash.

Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist—Thundering Heavenly Dragon Fist!


Nexus' iron fist entwined with lightning struck Apatos II in the stomach, causing his body to stoop, tremble, and fly up slightly, almost falling to his knees.

Before it was over, he immediately hit the metal lifeform on the chin with another uppercut.


The golden iron fist brought about flashing electric arcs and turbulent air waves. Apatai II's body was suddenly straightened by the punch, his head fell back according to the force of the punch, and his body flew up, with the soles of his feet several meters above the ground!

After he landed, his legs shook the ground and kicked up dust. He staggered back, his chin was sunken and cracked, and golden arcs of lightning shot out.

Nexus didn't give him any time to react, and immediately grabbed his body, turned around, strangled his neck hard, and held him in front of him.

Bang bang!!

Two Helmut electric balls were shot from the turret on Groka Che's shoulder, hitting Apatai II's chest with shining arcs and sparks!

Nexus immediately let go of his arms.

The second generation of Apatai seemed to be drunk, his body was swaying, his steps were staggering, and he was seriously injured.

But before he could adjust, Nexus rushed forward, his fists flashed with golden thunder, he opened his bow from left to right, and punched him in the cheek again and again.

Boom boom boom… boom!!

The Thundering Heavenly Dragon Fist instantly hit Apatai II more than a dozen times, causing his metal face to be dented and cracked, and finally his entire head exploded!

I was really beaten to the head.

"Make you laugh."

Nexus snorted coldly in his heart, and waved his right arm continuously, sending golden crescent-shaped particle razors flying. They collided with the purple and black electric balls shot by Groka Che, and huge fire lotuses suddenly exploded in the air.


As the flames shot into the sky, he immediately grabbed the headless body of Apatai II and threw it out.


The heavy body of Apatos II hit Groka's body like a boulder. The sound of metal colliding and cracking was heard. Sparks and arcs flew around the two robots, and they fell to the ground together and rolled several times.

Nexus immediately opened his arms and surrounded them up and down. The surging light energy gathered at the timer, emitting a shining white-hot silver glow!

Special move - Core Pulse.


A golden beam of light like the scorching sun shot out from the cross-bow timer of Nexus, hitting Groka Che who had just climbed up. The mechanical body was melted by the blazing light flow and exploded violently!

The expanding fireball swallowed up the second generation of Apatos together, and the flames soared into the sky, burning everything.

The power of this move is slightly lower than that of Cascading Storm, but it can also break the enemy into a bunch of molecules, which is very lethal.

Moreover, with the blessing of the Meta Field, Nexus' power and light skills will also be enhanced.

No suspense, kill the enemy with one blow.

"Double Kill!"

With a wave of his hand, Nexus released the Metafield, countless golden particles rose up like flame clouds, and the space phase returned to normal, revealing the outside world.

The tall and straight body of the silver giant stands in the outer atmosphere, with the cold and deep space above its head and the vibrant blue planet below.


At this moment, a small spacecraft with a diameter of about ten meters and a saucer-shaped UFO appearance sprayed blue plasma fire beams from its engine and landed from space.

This spaceship and the Groka robot are made of the same alloy. Its identity is self-evident, but it does not seem to have much combat effectiveness.

"Are there any enemies?"

Nexus' eyes condensed and he looked at the spaceship coldly. The energy of the arm blade filled up, emitting a dazzling golden glow.

At this time, the top of the saucer-shaped spacecraft lights up, projecting a light source.

A light blue light curtain spread out in the air, forming a tall figure.

Her face looks blurry and she has long hair. She seems to be a woman. She wears a black leather hat and a sexy and cool one-piece black leather jacket. The leather skirt has a long hem and is full of a cold style.

It seemed that he was not here to fight. With a flash of light, Nexus canceled his transformation and returned to his human form.

Ren held the trembling and glowing "Evolved Truster" in his hand, stared at her, frowned and said:


This chapter has been completed!
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