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Chapter 20 The mysterious prophet makes a face full of blood

Before Ren could enter, the Pope walked out of the church.

Pope Gregory II looked very old, with cloudy eyes and wrinkles on his face. He was wearing a gray priest's robe that had been washed a little white, and there was nothing special about him at all.

After he walked out of the gate, he pointed to the three goddess sculptures on the floating cities at the top of the Emerald Cathedral and said:

"Any idea who built this sculpture?"

This is a bit nonsense.

Ren looked at the strong-armed God of War, the gorgeous and noble Goddess of Light, and the plainly dressed Harvest Goddess with a garland of rice ears tied around her waist, and said:

"Is this the earliest idea of ​​the Trinity? Interesting, whose idea was it?"

The Pope's face was a little complicated, and he sighed softly and said:

"Before Louis became a god, he erected a sculpture of himself on it, which was eventually shattered by thunder. After a while, the first generation of prophets personally built these three goddess sculptures.

In addition to the goddess of light in the center, the goddess of war and the goddess of harvest are all on her side.

This was the lesson learned by the prophet after Louis failed. He believed that if there were multiple clones, the danger of becoming a god could be effectively shared.

Moreover, having multiple aspects of a god is also conducive to harvesting the power of faith, like the goddess of harvest, which is very popular among the people at the bottom, which is far more effective than just preaching the image of the goddess of light."

When Ren heard these words, he could feel the old pope's admiration for the prophet. He frowned slightly and said:

"The first prophet, St. Dos Mokon?"

Logically speaking, the first generation of prophets of the church should be legendary figures with great reputations.

However, the truth is exactly the opposite. There is almost no record of the first generation of prophets in history books, and the origin and identity of St. Dos Mokon remain a mystery.

The prophet was one of the early leaders of the church. Under his guidance, the framework of the church was formed. Even the two core classics "Glorious Scripture" and "Teachings" were compiled by each other. The importance of this prophet

Even more than the first pope...

For such an important figure, it is outrageous that there are not many records about him in historical records.

Not only did the outside world not understand this prophet, Arturia also didn't find much information about him after she became a saint.

"Well, the first generation prophet, a very interesting person."

The Pope seemed a little helpless on his face, smiled mysteriously, and walked towards the door of the Emerald Cathedral, "Follow me, you will know some things now."

With a slight movement in his heart, Renn followed the old man and entered this mainland-renowned church through the main entrance.

The space inside the church is extremely open and magnificent, with exquisite relief murals, lifelike bronze statues of angels and demons, beautiful stained glass, light transmitting from the windows, interlaced light and shadow, and spotless white marble floors.

But along the way, he didn't see anyone except some guards.

The old pope walked unhurriedly through several side halls and then up to the second floor of the bell tower. After twists and turns, he led Mr. Lei to a storage room.

His skinny palm took out a strange golden ring key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the ancient metal door.


The sound of the mechanism turning was heard, and the pattern of the magic circle flashed on the surface of the brass door and rose.

This storage room seems to be seldom opened, and a smell of moldy air escapes.

The old pope didn't care and walked in with Renn.

There is not much space inside, and each box contains yellowed scriptures, blood-stained holy cloth, fragments of holy vessels, bones of saints and other items.

Occasionally, these items will glow with the radiance of holy power and appear a little magical, but most of them are ordinary.

These things are very commemorative, but strictly speaking, they are not treasures.

The old pope walked to a box inside and picked up a faded oil painting.

The oil painting shows a middle-aged man wearing a white sacrificial dress. He has handsome features, holds a staff, and has piercing eyes. There are patterns of a golden sun disk and vegetation and vines on his clothes. He has a gentle smile on his face.

"This is the first prophet, Saint Dos Mokon."

Ren was a little confused and didn't understand why the old pope showed him this.

The Pope coughed lightly, his expression a little subtle, and said:

"The true identity of the prophet is... Elder Anion."

Ren's expression was a bit astonished, and he said in a long tone: "The prophet is the elder of the sky!?"


The old pope had a wry smile on his face and said helplessly, "I only learned about this secret not long ago. It is a bit inaccurate to say that it is Elder Anio. It should be said that it is a clone of him at a certain period."

Is it the little vest he made up using his clone?

Renn was speechless.

Although he learned some secrets of Elder Sky from the notes of Doomsday General Augustus, he did not expect that the other party would do so many tricks.

He actually served as a prophet of the church, and he even wrote the main scriptures of the church.

If he wanted to, couldn't he be the first pope?

Renn had to say 666 and complained:

"Then the church is actually one of the branches of the Natural School?"


The old pope looked a little depressed and did not answer.

In fact, the predecessor of the Church of the Goddess of Light was the Church of the Sun God. At that time, the Church of the Sun God was founded by people from the Natural School with the support and suggestions of the Sun King. Some mages also directly served as high-level leaders of the church.

Not long after, a bard named Dusmokan jumped out and stated with certainty that he had received several "divine revelations" and was the spokesperson of the great goddess of light in the world.

He persuaded some mages from the natural school to meet with the Sun King and proposed to create the Church of the Goddess of Light to unify human beliefs.

The Sun King agreed, forcibly disbanding the recently established Church of the Sun God, and reorganized its personnel to form the early Church of the Goddess of Light.

Therefore, many of the early patriarchs of the church were actually from the Natural School.

This is not a secret. It has been recorded in religious history, but the church will not publicize it too much.

Considering that even the "great prophet" is the vest of the Sky Elder, there is nothing wrong with saying that the church is one of the branches of the Natural School.

Of course, the church has long been independent and is now not under the jurisdiction of the natural school.

The old pope was depressed for a while, and then he stopped worrying about these old events and said:

"Originally, the secret realm of the Kingdom of Heaven is forbidden to the public, but Elder Sky sent me a message before his death and asked me to take you in."

The secret realm of the Kingdom of Heaven is very important to the church. It can be said to be the core lifeblood of the church and cannot be lost.

If Anion hadn't revealed the identity of the prophet, he would not have dared to violate the orders of successive popes and let an outsider in.

"Oh, then hurry up and go."

Renn rubbed his hands in anticipation.

Recently, he used the Blessed Person platform to contact Sister Cheap, but she rarely responded, and he didn’t know why. She seemed to be distracted.

He was a little worried about this, and also very curious about the secret realm of heaven.

The old pope nodded, put down the portrait of the prophet, took two stone tokens from another box, and took him outside the Emerald Cathedral.

Then, the two of them took off into the air and flew up to the floating city in the center of the top of the Emerald Cathedral.

This floating island is very large. Except for the edge of the island, there is a magnificent fortified city in the center. Flags embroidered with purple fleurs-de-lis are flying. There are also sounds of chanting and some holy knights performing martial arts from inside.

Ren stood on the high white wall of the floating city, his black hair fluttering in the wind. He was a little confused and said:

"What are you doing here?"

The old pope stared at the sculpture of the goddess of war wearing golden armor and holding a spear, handed him a stone order, and said:

"Look carefully at the three goddess sculptures."

Ren took the stone order and immediately felt a subtle connection. He looked at the three goddess sculptures and followed the sensing line of sight upwards, his eyes filled with silver.

High in the sky, what seemed like endless power of faith turned into countless golden waterfalls washing down with majestic momentum.

However, unlike what the world imagines, these powers of faith were not absorbed by the three sculptures of the Goddess of War, the Goddess of Light, and the Goddess of Harvest, nor did they flow into the Emerald Cathedral below.

There are subtle ripples on the surface of the three hundred-meter-high goddess sculptures that are difficult to observe. The spatial phases there overlap and curl subtly, silently absorbing the power of faith rushing down and transferring it to another space...


A look of surprise appeared on Ren's face.

Because the power of faith gathered was too huge, the Eye of Deception was disturbed.

If he hadn't come closer and held the stone order, he wouldn't have noticed the true direction of the power of faith before!


The Pope smiled faintly and pointed to the three goddess sculptures, "Many people think that the power of faith collected by the church flows into the Emerald Cathedral, and then is absorbed and stored by the holy objects, saint corpses and broken sacred vessels placed inside the church.

This is not the case.

Only the saint's inheritance crystal, which is made from fragments of the godhead, can efficiently store the power of faith.

Even so, the power of faith absorbed by the Saint's inheritance crystal is only part of it.

How huge is the power of faith that the church has accumulated over thousands of years?

Even a complete godhead cannot be absorbed and stored, unless it is the godhead of a powerful god.

There are also fragments of the godhead placed inside the three goddess sculptures, but their role is only to draw the power of faith from all over the continent and gather them here, and they do not have much storage function themselves.

And the Emerald Cathedral is far less important and mysterious than outsiders think.

The holy relics accumulated by the church over the generations are also not that important, because although those holy relics were left behind by some legendary powerful men and even demigods, they still cannot retain much power of faith.

Therefore, even if someone breaks through the Great Temple of Glory and steals and evacuates the Emerald Cathedral, they will not gain much power of faith and their efforts will be in vain."

Ren's color changed slightly.

Damn, what a deep routine!

He could remember that throughout the ages, many careerists and strong men from the dark camp had tried to sneak into the Emerald Cathedral to steal holy objects. Even the Demon Emperor had done this.

If the Emerald Cathedral is just a cover, and the value of the holy objects is far less than what the church advertises, wouldn't those people...

Seeing the soldier's changing expression, the Pope smiled and said a little teasingly:

"Yes, many people have sneaked into the Emerald Cathedral, trying to steal sacred objects and snatch fragments of the divine head, including the Demon Emperor's clone, an ancestor of the blood race, and many dark monarchs.

But they all died and got nothing.

The Emerald Cathedral and the three goddess sculptures are not as special as everyone thinks. They are just traps deliberately laid by the prophet... Elder Anio, specifically to attract outsiders to jump inside and fall into the trap themselves."

Renn: "..."


So despicable and insidious.

Isn’t this just closing the door and beating the dog?

Meat bones are placed at the door to trick the dogs into coming in and killing them.

The Pope sits in the Emerald Cathedral. With the help of formations, the sculptures of the three goddesses and the torrent of faith above his head, he can unleash a pseudo-god-level combat power. In the past, he was absolutely invincible.

And any ambitious person who thinks he is smart and tries to sneak into the church to gain the opportunity to become a god will fall into a trap and seek death.

Even the Demon Emperor was fooled and his clone was tricked to death...

"Higher, the sky is still taller."

Ren really admired that old guy,

He just couldn't think of such a sinister idea.

The Pope laughed dumbly and looked him up and down. After a moment, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Unfortunately, times have changed. Even with the restrictions of the crystal wall system, I can't suppress you with the help of the formation here and the torrent of faith above me, let alone the Demon King who is already a powerful god.

I can no longer protect the safety of the church, and the accumulated power of faith may also bring disaster to the church."

Is this why the church rushed to promote his sister?

Renn smiled faintly and said:

"You are too humble. With your peak demigod strength, coupled with the power of faith and the powerful formation here, it is not difficult to resist the attacks of one or two true gods."

The Pope looked at him deeply, shook his head and said:

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Young man, you still don't understand the true God's methods. If a powerful God blows up an incarnation of God, he may level the Emerald Cathedral.

Not to mention all kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies. There is no defense that cannot be broken. If you stick to it without making progress, you will be destroyed sooner or later."

With the help of the formation and the power of faith, he could feel the powerful power within the body of the soldier, which was as vast as the endless sea of ​​stars, with immeasurable divine power, far exceeding the peak of a demigod.

Even if he stands here, he can't suppress the other party, let alone the Demon Emperor.

That's all, he is a bit old after all and can't keep up with the times.

"follow me."

The old pope raised his hand to interrupt the polite words that Ren was about to say, and walked towards the sculpture of the goddess of war.

Two stone tokens flew out and floated behind the sculpture, emitting a brilliant golden light.

The golden light shines, the stone order is attached to the base of the sculpture, and veins of divine power emerge, continuously connecting, and finally forming a sacred door.

This door exudes the aura of immortal law, which is somewhat illusory.

The Pope stretched out his withered fingers, bit them, drew a few strings of runes with his blood, and punched them into the door. Only then did this strange space door materialize and emit golden light.

"This is?"

Ren observed the sacred door and those mysterious golden runes, and felt that they were infinitely mysterious, as if they were the crystallization of the laws of space and the laws of light.

"You can go to the secret realm of heaven from here. There is also an entrance to the Glory Temple."

"Is the secret realm of the Kingdom of Heaven located in the space mezzanine above the Holy City?"

"No, that is also a cover arranged by Anio. The secret realm of heaven is not above this church and the holy city. It is actually in a space mezzanine hundreds of kilometers outside the city.

The power of faith that gathered here from the sky ostensibly flowed into the three goddess sculptures and the church, but was actually transferred by the formation inside the sculptures. After at least seven space transformations, it finally flowed into the secret realm of heaven."


So cautious.

The Pope explained, raising his legs and stepping into the sacred door, followed closely by Ren.

Things changed and stars moved, and in the next moment, Renn appeared in a passage emitting a pale golden light.


The endless flow of faith wraps up this passage, and outside is the violent turbulence of time and space, with countless space fragments colliding and collapsing into particle flows.

Although the sacred space-time channel is guarded by the power of faith, it still shakes a little, and ripples appear on the outer wall.

The Pope explained:

"The time and space within the Saigon continent is extremely unstable now. If it weren't for the divine connection between the divine fragments in the goddess sculpture and the secret realm of heaven, and the power of faith that guided the past to wrap the space passage, I might not be able to enter the secret realm now."

Renn knows this very well.

With his current level of moderate divine power, he cannot achieve long-distance space transfer.

He must combine the power of the Star Lord and the power of Marvel's "Space Stone" before he can barely teleport. This ability is temporarily regarded by him as one of his trump cards and will not be exposed or used at will.

Next, the two stopped talking and shuttled through this space tunnel constructed by divine power.

During this period, the old pope continued to carve runes, penetrate them into the nodes of the passage, change directions again and again, and after a dozen transfers, he still had not reached the destination.

It can be said that even if someone can steal the stone order and know how to open the portal under the goddess sculpture, if he doesn't know how to change the direction, he still won't be able to reach the secret realm of heaven, and may even be completely lost in the space-time mezzanine...

Renn admired Elder Tian's arrangement every time he saw it, and he admired the old thing more and more.

This is a ten-thousand-year-old silver coin. There are endless tricks, and people will be tricked without paying for their lives.

He deeply reflected on himself and decided to study more in the future.


After another phase adjustment and transformation, Ren and the old Pope teleported to the secret realm.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

What comes into view is an intoxicating picture. The sun has set on the horizon. The sunset glow on the horizon reflects the outline of the huge temple complex. A faint orange-pink color floats in the gray dust on the horizon and falls on the white dome of the temple. It is gorgeous and brilliant.


In front of the temple gate is a clear lake with colorful flowers, plants and shrubs, but the altar is dilapidated.

Looking around, the vast plains, the golden sea of ​​flowers, and the rolling hills in the distance all look quiet and beautiful in the tender glow of dusk.

Ren looked at the setting sun on the horizon, his eyes slightly focused.

There are no animals, and the lighting is a bit abnormal.

The afterglow of the setting sun was everywhere, and the entire temple complex was shrouded in a faint light, without even a shadow.

This kind of light is like the atmosphere or ether of the outside world, mixed with all things. From the light, you can not only feel the warmth of sunlight, but also an immortal atmosphere.

"A broken divine kingdom? The goddess of the sunset?" Renn said curiously.

The magical power of the setting sun flows everywhere in this secret realm, and the ruins contain the aura of immortality. The material composition and time and space characteristics are also different from the outside world, and have typical characteristics of the Kingdom of God.

The Pope looked at the golden sea of ​​sunflowers with deep eyes and said:

"The Lord of the Dawn fell, and the last daughter he cultivated, the Sunset Goddess, also died. Her divine corpse, divine head, and soul were nowhere to be found, and this broken divine kingdom fell on the continent of Saigon."

Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering Lilith's words.

On the eve of the fall of the Lord of the Dawn, the Sunset Goddess took a special secret treasure and left the abyss, but she was stopped by a powerful being on the way.

The Sunset Goddess immediately destroyed the secret treasure, and the secret treasure broke into many pieces. The strong man was so angry that he killed the Sunset Goddess and sealed the goddess's divinity and the secret treasure fragments.

The strong man wanted to leave with those things, but a powerful enemy came to kill him. As a last resort, he penetrated the crystal wall system and threw these things out.

Obviously, the Kingdom of the Sunset Goddess was also shattered afterwards, and the main part of the Kingdom fell to the Saigon continent for some unknown reason.

"There are still many secrets about what happened back then. Moreover, this is the kingdom of God of the daughter of the Lord of the Dawn..."

Ren's eyes moved slightly as these thoughts flashed through his mind.

The old pope led the way to the entrance of the temple, but did not enter.

"She's inside, so I won't go in. Be careful, although you won't be assimilated with your strength."

Ren nodded and strode towards the temple.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

The sound of rolling waves sounded. As soon as he entered, he saw a golden sea of ​​light. The huge waves rolled like a tsunami, but there were no splashes and no trace of moisture.

The floor of the temple is paved with pure white marble, and all the buildings are immersed in the golden ocean. At first glance, it looks like a city under the sea.

The sea of ​​light seems real and illusory, and there is a beautiful figure in the center, which is the woman he has been dreaming about.

"elder sister……"

This chapter has been completed!
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