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"Your Majesty sets out to inspect the royal capital!"

Three hundred royal knights of the Red Lotus Knights shouted in unison, and the sound shook the whole street.

The armors of the knights are all made of mithril and alchemy. They are both exquisite and strong. They shine with beautiful silver light in the sun, setting off the unparalleled majesty of the warrior masters. And the ones they ride are all single-horned and double-winged ones.

The white dragon horse paused briefly in the square and then flew into the sky.

Three hundred dragons and horses soared into the sky, their white wings fluttering, like clouds joining together, it was extremely spectacular.

The silver chariot in the center seems to be among a group of cranes or white clouds, making it even more noble.

This scene is shocking enough, and it also announces to the public that the military leader has returned to the palace!

"This scene, tsk tsk, the king's temperament has suddenly risen."

Ren sat in the carriage, hugging Queen Medusa, stroking her snow-white thighs with both hands, and praised her.

No wonder so many people want to be emperor. The taste of power is indeed wonderful.

The Star Wing carriage and the 300 royal knights led by Veronica flew higher and higher and began to fly around the city.

Ren kissed the fair and tender cheek of the beauty in his arms, looking down through the transparent crystal window of the carriage.

The capital of the Galaxy Kingdom is built on the Dawn Plains outside the southern border of Falorland. There is a large river like a silver ribbon, which is the famous "Gordon River". The golden and green spacious water ribbon extends over the plain, with sails dotted on the river.

, directly connected to the pier.

The royal capital is surrounded by numerous gardens, forests, farmland, and dotted with castles and villages. These are the defense groups surrounding the Galaxy Royal City, and are also territories directly under the royal family.

A towering wall entrenched on the ground like a silver dragon surrounds the hinterland of the city. This is the famous "Great Wall of Silver Fire" and is called the Eighth Wonder.

Not only that, through the efforts of many magicians and skilled craftsmen, the Gordon River split into two when passing through the royal capital, forming a natural moat around the royal capital.

Within the royal capital, there are commercial areas, residential areas, aristocratic areas, garden areas, square areas, etc. that have been calculated and divided. They are all well organized and can accommodate up to millions of people. It can be said that it is a generous undertaking.

The inner palace, which is the king's palace, is simply a small city. The palace is symmetrical, well-planned, magnificent and extremely spectacular.

The palace is an unparalleled masterpiece in terms of its layout, three-dimensional effect, and majesty, grandeur, and solemnity in form.

There are many gardens, lakes, and small forests in the palace. For defense needs, these palace buildings are surrounded by 10-meter-high palace walls, with arrow towers and fortresses at the four corners, and a moat outside.

Such a majestic royal capital made Ren even look at it with side eyes and praise it.

When he came back, he took a quick glance without taking a closer look. Only then did he realize how grand and spectacular the capital of the Galaxy Kingdom was.

Apart from lacking some historical heritage, this city is not inferior to Sun Yao City, Wisteria City, Holy City and other famous big cities in the mainland.

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated? Wouldn't it waste people and money?"

Lane expressed a hint of concern.

After all, the Galaxy Kingdom is also a new country. Although the background is astonishing, it has no foundation. There are some objective laws for the development of things.

He doesn't want to live a life of pleasure by exploiting the common people.

"No, because it doesn't cost money."

Medusa shook her head, leaned against his chest, and grabbed his dishonest hands.

"No need to spend money?"

"Well, the funds to build this city came from other countries. The urban design drawings were provided by the Natural School. The Demon Hunter Association and the Church provided a large amount of funds. The Steam Alliance even hired skilled craftsmen to build city defenses.

This Great Wall of Silver Fire was built under the supervision of their second speaker..."

She began to tell what had happened in the past few years.

Because it was a country established by the giant warrior lord of the human race, the Galaxy Kingdom received generous assistance from all forces at the beginning of its establishment.

All countries are very generous. Those with money provide money and those with technology provide technology. Therefore, the development of the Galaxy Kingdom can be described as changing with each passing day.

"So far, we have built 12 main cities including the Royal City, 36 satellite cities, 108 small towns, and three free trade zones... They are all built to the highest standards. Each main city

Underground magic circles have been arranged, and there are high-level mage towers that can monitor the entire city throughout the day...

The kingdom currently has the Nebula Knights, the Red Lotus Knights... It has 4 universities, and the Royal Academy is the highest institution... with a total population of 15 million..."

Medusa began to report the results.

Ren listened to her report and couldn't help but feel a little proud when he looked down at this picturesque and prosperous royal city from a high altitude.

Not bad.

Although given his rank, he no longer values ​​these worldly things, it is not bad to have an inheritance.

After all, he is the third generation emperor of the Saigon continent. If he does not build an empire and pass it on to future generations, he always feels that he is missing something.

"Where are my old friends?"

"Old Goat is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and a member of the Court Mages, Leon has become a Royal Knight and currently serves in the Nebula Knights... Susanna has joined the Red Lotus Knights, and Shirley works in the intelligence department...

I have arranged for those who are capable, and for those who are not, I will give them an apartment and become a rich man in the royal capital."

Medusa replied.

She knew that Ren was very nostalgic and was kind to his friends, so she made some arrangements.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Everyone who has hung out with Mr. Lei for a period of time is now doing well. Of course, if anyone dares to commit adultery and crimes in the name of an old friend of the soldier, he will also be severely punished.

She knew his character and temper very well, so she measured them just right.

"I can rest assured that you will do the work."

Ren was very satisfied. He touched the maid's thigh and rubbed her ears and temples together, feeling extremely intimate.

The alien beast dragon horse was very fast, and it circled the city in less than half an hour.

Veronica, the leader of the Red Lotus Knights, a legendary strongman and known as the "Queen of Fire", pulled the reins and stopped the carriage in the air.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! She looked back at the car and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, do you want to inspect other cities?"

"No need, let's stop here." Renn waved his hand.

Although it is very pretentious to take the royal knights on a Pegasus cruise, he is a humble and low-key person. Flying over the entire kingdom does not fit his personality...

Okay, I'm just annoyed. There's a cold wind blowing from the sky. Once the freshness wears off, it just feels like that.

"Then do you want to go to the Royal Academy? Your aunt said she wants to meet you."

Flame Queen Veronica asked.

After Lucy recovered, she came to settle in the Star River Kingdom. She is currently the dean of the Star Palace Royal Academy, responsible for teaching music, history, ancient Elvish language, etc. She is devoted to education and has a fulfilling life.

"In a few days."

Ren has something else to do and plans to visit his aunt later.

The female knight Veronica hesitated for a moment, blushed a little, and then lowered her voice and said:

"Your Majesty, would it be convenient for you to come to my home?"

As soon as these words came out, Medusa's expression was a little subtle, and she looked at Lei with a half-smile.

Veronica has been a wife for a long time and has children, but she left everything behind and came to the Galaxy Kingdom. There are a lot of gossips about this. The most widely circulated one is that she is the mistress of the military leader...

Ren was a little embarrassed and declined: "Next time."

Maybe it was because he was bullied too hard before, but the female knight seemed to have Stockholm symptoms towards him, she was afraid of him and wanted to get close to him...


Veronica was obviously a little disappointed and relieved, with mixed emotions.

Everyone returned and soon returned to the palace.

During this trip, the news of the return of the war master was made public, which aroused heated discussions throughout the kingdom. People from embassies from various countries expressed their wish to see the war master, and even the king planned to come to visit.

However, Renn was no longer interested in these things and refused them all.

He stayed with Medusa for a few days, and the two were inseparable and lived a honeymoon life as a couple.

Once again, after making out in the kitchen, Ren let go of Medusa's white waist, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said:

"Are you ready?"

With a swipe of his hand, he took out a dazzling white-gold multi-prism crystal from the domain space. It was full of divine power, and the symbols of the law of war flickered in it, carrying an astonishing pressure.

The godhead of Tempus, the god of war in the old days!

Then, he waved his hand again, and five pale golden crystals of divine power flew out together, shining brightly, with rich platinum liquid—divine substance—surging inside the crystals.

Medusa zipped up her skirt, tied on her belt, fiddled with Liu Hai with her bare hands, and straightened her appearance. Her face was rosy, she rolled her eyes at him and said:

"I can do it at any time, but after I become the God of War, I am no longer suitable to be the king. Who will replace me?"

She is already a sixth-level god, but the news has not been made public. The outside world thinks she is a high-level legend and demigod.

According to the established rules, gods return to gods and humans return to humans. A true god will not directly rule a human dynasty, and the main material plane is not suitable for the activities and growth of gods.

Especially as the "perforation" of the planet is about to end, the Saigon continent's suppression of the gods will be even greater.

In this case, it is necessary to find a new regent.

Renn smiled and said: "Just make a breakthrough with peace of mind, someone will take over your job."

Medusa nodded, took the god of war and five high-purity divine power crystals, put them into the storage ring, and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom in the palace is very large, with a hexagonal pool that is kept at a constant temperature using magic and is constantly emitting hot steam. There are many petals and grass blades on it.

She walked in, her plump body was white and flawless, soaking in the hot water, she looked like a white-walled beauty.

She asked while combing her long hair:

"Okay, stop being so pretentious, who do you plan to make as the new king?"

She was a little curious about who had this ability, or who could gain his trust and be entrusted with important tasks.

The throne cannot be handed over to outsiders casually.

In fact, the best heirs are Ren's children, but he currently has no heirs.

Then you can only choose a spokesperson with a very close relationship, and it must be someone of the opposite sex, his beauty, or his lover.

Nightmare witch?

Veronica, Queen Katie?

It seems that none of them meet the requirements, either they are not suitable or they are not qualified enough.

Renn stood by the pool, took out a green-gold token with the word "passage" on it, smiled mysteriously, and said:

"You know this guy too, he's an old friend."


The token suddenly burned, and the light waves surged, turning into a series of complex and mysterious space symbols, quickly outlining a dreamy white light door.

The light gate floats and sinks, as if it transcends the boundaries of time and space, intangible yet clearly visible.

Ren stared at this light door, his eyes filled with silver, but he couldn't see any mystery and sighed.

System: [The pass is used successfully...Please choose the dungeon world, Xingyue Universe, One Piece, One Punch Man, and Ultra Universe.」

"One Piece."

[Please select guests to invite...]

"Vinsmoke Reiju."

[It has been detected that Vinsmoke Reiju's favorability towards the favored person has reached the standard, and an invitation has been sent... Please note that the invitation may be rejected...]

The light gate floats and falls, and the time and space symbols are extremely complex, but no breath is leaked.

Not long after, a slim figure was wrapped in hazy white light and walked out.

It was a woman who could not be more than twenty-five years old. Her medium-long pink hair was combed to both sides and tied neatly behind her head. She had a beautiful oval-shaped face, fair and flawless skin, exquisite facial features, and a hair on her head.

Little golden crown.

She wore a light blue silk horizontal stripe grosgrain dress with exquisite ivory white flower embroidery, paired with earrings and bracelets inlaid with moonstones, white gold, solid gold and diamonds. While highlighting her temperament, she was also particularly bright.


She has a slender waist, big breasts, and sharp eyes, like a warrior and a queen.

After seeing Ren, her eyes immediately turned red and she immediately rushed over.

"Reiju, long time no see."

Ren hugged the girl and took off her crown.

The girl hugged him tightly with both hands, her fingers digging into his clothes.

She didn't speak, just cried, and soon her face became full of tears.

This made Ren very embarrassed and he had to coax him a few words.

As a result, she cried even harder.

Seeing that Reiju was too emotional and unable to communicate, he had no choice but to look at Medusa's disdainful eyes and pick her up into the bedroom nearby.

The next morning, the two came out.

"I thought I would never see you again."

Reijiu put on a white sleeveless dress, held his hand, intertwined their fingers, and was very clingy, barely letting him leave her sight.

She was really afraid that if she let go, she would lose sight of him again.

"It's only been three months since you've been here, hasn't it?" Renn said with a smile.

"It's only been three months, but you said goodbye and never see you again. I..."

When she mentioned this, Reijiu was very excited. She subconsciously held his hand with her fingers, her eyes were red and tears welled up in her eyes.

She was not so weak, but the separation last time was too painful.

Ren quickly hugged her, kissed her red lips, and comforted her gently:

"Okay, it's okay. I'm always here and I won't leave you again."


Reiju snorted lightly, still a little resentful, and hit him with her fist a few times, "You are from another world, so you want to leave me, but why did you take the Pirate Empress with you but didn't take me with you?"

Just as Ren was about to answer, the hall suddenly trembled.


A beam of majestic light shot into the sky from the palace, and rainbow lights of seven colors suddenly hung down in the sky, as if weaving into a colorful curtain.

In an instant, it seemed as if the entire world had changed color, and all the residents of the royal city could clearly see the light and shadow covering the sky.

Queen Medusa came out of seclusion, jumped up, and flew thousands of meters into the sky. She was bathed in white divine fire, and her body streaked across the sky like a meteor, with a rumbling sound.

The two pieces of divine nature in her body melted, radiance surged, and slowly became one.

Five golden energy vortexes surrounded her, constantly squirming and expanding, squeezing towards her body.

Medusa's face showed a bit of pain, but she gritted her teeth. Golden energy poured into all the tissue cells of her limbs and bones, removing impurities and constantly refining and strengthening her body. Finally, her body exuded a platinum luster, like

It's made of glazed jade...


Thousands of colorful lights fell down and guarded her, forming a faintly huge python. It also looked like the rainbow dragon in mythology. This python that covered the sky and the sun swam, emitting the energy of a dragon fighting in the wild.

The powerful pressure!

This coercion has reached a medium level of divine power.

Medusa's whole body was wrapped in dazzling platinum light, her long hair was flying, and she stood proudly high in the sky, declaring:

"I, Queen Medusa, am officially anointed as the God of War in Saigon Continent today!"

This chapter has been completed!
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