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Chapter 94 Shock!

Garcia quickly looked through the four pieces of paper in his hand, and the contents on them were different.

Some are serious analysts, some are maliciously speculating, and some are very unseemly.

Soon, his cheeks moved and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Isn't some of the content in this article too exaggerated?"

Ren said cheerfully: "Don't worry about it, just go and print it.

I stayed up late to write this, specifically taking care of the different needs of different people, and it was very laborious."

Of course, there are printing presses in this world, and with technological innovation, someone has invented a rotary printing press, which can reach 3,600 prints/hour.

There is also a printing shop in the town, which has a printing press, which is enough. It takes less than two hours to produce 5,000 sheets of paper.

Shrugging his shoulders, Garcia stopped asking any more questions. He moved his mouth while running and breaking his legs.

He adjusted his gray cowboy hat, lit a cigarette for himself, and walked out the door quickly.

"Boss, I'm going to arrange the manpower." Susanna's clear and melodious voice sounded.

"Go ahead and let someone set up a stage in the central square of the town." Ren ordered.

"Yes, boss, you are really good at calling people." Susanna glared at him with her beautiful eyes, her tone a little dissatisfied.

She worked all morning to find those extras, and even went to the small theater in town to find a few professionals.

Ren spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "I didn't ask you to warm the bed, so that's a good thing."

Renn felt that he had a good conscience. As a new director, at least he didn't give her away.

She raised her eyebrows without complaining too much. With the sound of footsteps, she quickly walked out of the Little Widow's Hospital.

Susanna knew Ren's overall plan. Although the matter was not too urgent, she had no time to waste.

Everything was arranged in an orderly manner, and Renn lay down directly on the wicker chair and began to take a lunch break.

Editing also takes time. I only slept for two hours last night, so I was a little sleepy.

The red sun is gradually setting in the west, and the sunlight is no longer dazzling. At four o'clock in the afternoon, we are in a shady alley somewhere in the center of the town.

"Just pass it out like a newspaper and block it when you meet pedestrians, whether they want it or not."

Garcia gave the order, and there were more than twenty people standing in front of him, most of whom were members of the Ax Gang, and some were newsboys.


Everyone responded and ran out of the alley quickly, waving the "newspapers" in their hands and scattering in all directions.

"Daily! Free daily!"

The newsboy wearing ill-fitting work clothes and overalls ran quickly across the street with a high-pitched voice.

He held up the worn gray beret on his head with his left hand, his little face looking nervous.

As a teenager who delivers evening newspapers, he has been doing this job for three years, and today is the most dangerous "newspaper" he has ever delivered.

His friends didn't dare to do it, and he didn't want to do it, but the hunger in his belly made him unable to refuse the reward of a gold coin.

"for you!"

The newsboy thrust a newspaper directly into the hands of a short-haired young man, and ran away as he stared at him in astonishment.

The young man was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and black trousers. He subconsciously glanced at the exquisite paper in his hand, which read:

Shocking inside story! "Iron Fist" Ugo died in battle!

Yesterday morning, the Skeleton Gang attacked the Kangao tribe and suffered heavy losses. Currently, there are less than 40 members left in the gang, and their strength is greatly reduced!

Residents of Xiangcheng Town, unite! Now is a great time to punish the rapists. In the evening, in the town square, we will see you there──the Ax Gang!

The sun shines on the paper, bringing with it a touch of heat.

The face of the young man with short hair and brown eyes changed, and his palms became sweaty. He looked around and found that the people walking on the road had strange expressions.

They stared at the flyers in their hands, and many people were whispering and discussing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A porter just took the newspaper, looked at the ink in his hand, and frowned, but then he laughed like a pig.

He wanted to stop laughing, but his face turned red and he couldn't stop. The young man curiously poked his head over and glanced at the flyer in his hand:

Shocked! The ghost-handed Marcello, the son of a prostitute, lacks education!

When he was 3 years old, he stole chickens, when he was 5 years old, he petted dogs, when he was 7 years old, he peeped at the village widow taking a bath!... When I was 18 years old, 10 sows in the house next door screamed in the middle of the night. When my neighbor went out with a lamp to see, it was Marcello who was in Japan...

If you want to know what happened after the funeral, in the evening, in the center of the town, the Ax Gang will reveal the secret for you exclusively!

"Ha ha!"

After thinking about the scene between Marcello and the pig, the young man couldn't help laughing.

It seemed that the contents on these papers were different. He couldn't suppress his curiosity and walked up to a middle-aged aunt carrying a vegetable basket.

Seeing this, the aunt asked in a loud voice: "Young man, I can't read, what is written on it?"

The short-haired young man glanced at the flyer in her hand, and saw a few lines of large characters that stood out:

Showdown! I am Sig, I admit it, I am Marcello’s father!

This traitor makes me so angry. If I had known he was a nuisance, I should have shot him against the wall!

Tonight, in the central square of the town, I am going to put an end to this unfaithful, unjust, unkind and unfilial person!

I just want to tell him, your dad is still your dad!


As these flyers spread, the entire Xiangcheng Town became lively, with discussions, quarrels, and laughter everywhere.

More than twenty people sent these flyers to various parts of the town. Of course, no one was stupid enough to send them to the Skeleton Gang station on Green Street in the south.

An hour later, in a warehouse on the east side of the town, a group of men in black were standing or sitting on wooden boxes, arguing constantly.

Judging from the logos on their clothes, they are not a group of people, but belong to seven gangs.

It can be said that in addition to the Skeleton Gang, people from other gangs in Orange Town have come.

One of the bald, muscular men stared at the four leaflets with different contents in his hand and touched his shining forehead: "Did Sigg take the wrong medicine? How dare you humiliate Marcelo like this?

I never noticed it before. He is so awesome that he actually wants to be the father of Ghost Hand. It’s amazing, he’s quite a man!"

This bald man is the leader of the Nitian Gang, Issam, nicknamed "Brother Tou Tie" in the world.


A tall, thin man with a pot haircut snorted coldly. He was Roy, the leader of the Fried Chicken Gang.

Roy looked a little confused: "Xig is really impressive this time, he is so bold, and he even dares to threaten to end the relationship with Ghost Hand.

But he is not a fool, who gave him the courage?"

Roy couldn't understand that not even Zorro would be so arrogant and slap him in the face like crazy without leaving any room.

Sigur is just a third-level berserker, how dare you offend Ghost Hand like this?

Issam smiled broadly and said carelessly: "Isn't he always bragging that his cousin is the Pirate King of the North Sea? Maybe he has a backer?

Or maybe he has broken through to the fourth level [Spirit-Burning Berserker], and is confident that he can knock Marcello's head off!"

(On weekends, please vote for recommendation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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