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Chapter 102 Reputation

Noisy night, crazy people, the evening wind blew the blond hair on Marcello's forehead.

Like a pack of hungry wolves with glowing green eyes, the crowd of crusade surrounded Marcello, the lone lion.

Level 4 experts can actually fly in the air over short and medium distances. However, Ghost Hand is only at the beginning of level 4 and is not a professional in the relevant field. His flying speed is not fast and cannot compare to running at full speed on the ground.

If he tried to escape in the air and break away from the encirclement, he would be a living target.

Ghost Hand could feel that there were at least hundreds of Force firearms in the crowd aimed at him, especially since his old opponent was still a level 4 [Airlock Gunner]. If he jumped into the air, the opponent could kite him to death.

However, intimidated by Marcelo's usual fierceness, the wolves did not dare to attack the dying lion for a while.

At the end of the hero's life, Marcello still looked indifferent and showed no fear.

He looked at Zoro, who was unshaven and had a weathered look on his face, and suddenly laughed: "Zolo, you really impress me. I thought that a pedantic gentleman like you couldn't do anything to me no matter what.

Because you abide by the rules, and I don't pay attention to these, I can use any dirty tricks.

But today, you incited so many people to deal with me, and you also channeled all the violence and greed in their human nature. Especially, you put on a coat of justice, taking care of both the positive and the dark side of psychology.

It's wonderful to make a bunch of people climax together and want to tear me apart, it's really amazing!"

Zoro was a little silent after hearing this. He glanced at the many people in the crowd with bulging pockets and hands full of belongings, and shook his head slightly.

He thought it was ridiculous and ridiculous. He sincerely tried to persuade everyone to unite to deal with the ghost hand, but not many people responded.

Now, Lane has introduced a gang leader and inspired so many people by relying on publicity, actor's deception, and inducements.

Some people are intoxicated with the lofty ideal of dedicating themselves to justice, some are caught up in the pleasure of revenge, some are greedily looking at the Skeleton Gang's property, and some are taking the opportunity to vent the violence and desires in their bones...

Workers, grooms, gangsters, killers, thieves... everyone can find what they need in the crusade.

Some are visible real money, and some are spiritual needs.

'Believe it or not, the reputation you can accumulate by doing good things steadily for 10 years, I only need to do it for half a year, and with the promotion and packaging, I can quickly surpass you!'

This is what Ren told him, and he even said it bluntly:

Everyone is acting these days. If you don’t act, your brains will have been beaten out!

Thinking of this, Zoro subconsciously glanced at Marcello's forehead. The sky was full and his forehead was smooth.

Good idea, but unfortunately, his brains will be knocked out soon.

"Do you still think reputation and credibility are not important?"

Zoro raised the hunting pistol in his hand, pointed the black hole at Marcello's head, and asked leisurely.

Marcello snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and said lightly: "Of course it is important, otherwise why would so many people wear hypocritical masks every day?"

Marcelo once wanted to join the Steam Alliance, but he failed. He committed many crimes when he was young and had a bad record, so people refused to accept him.

Even though he had eliminated the criminal records in the Public Security Bureau with the help of that noble friend, he still couldn't hide it from the Steam Alliance.

The world never lacks geniuses, it only lacks resources. Since we want to cultivate talents, we will of course try our best to select those with reliable character and good reputation for training.

Otherwise, what good will it do to an organization to cultivate extraordinary people who are ungrateful, ambitious, and unruly?

Of course, there are people who know people but not their hearts, and there are also people who are just good at acting, but at least people like Marcello who have a lot of stains on their resumes will be brushed off directly.

Even before Ren joined the association, the Witcher Association investigated him.

When they learned that he, as a born awakened person from a remote mountainous area, did not steal or rob despite being unable to understand the language, but instead honestly moved bricks at the construction site, the association spoke highly of his character.

Honest to one's duty, abiding by laws and regulations, reliable in character, worthy of training──The personnel review department of the Witcher Association.

Yes, Renn, he is an honest man!

"Compatriots, for the sake of justice, eradicate the traitors!"

Sigg took out his mace and roared angrily. He had no time to talk nonsense with Marcelo. If he didn't kill Ghost Hand today, he would be dead!

Fortunately, Marcello had not seen those four flyers and did not know that Sigg claimed to be his father and threatened to shoot him against the wall.

Otherwise, Ghost Hand will not pay attention to Zoro at all, and will definitely cut Sigur into pieces first.

"Kill, destroy the Skeleton Gang!"

"Justice will prevail!!"

Everyone roared, and the atmosphere was frenzied. They had no time to watch Zoro and Ghost Hand "sympathize with each other." After killing Marcelo, they continued to smash, smash, and rob.

Later, the good things will be taken away by others, and some people will start to dismantle the chandeliers and doors and windows.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a loud roar, the barrel of the gun was spitting out tongues of flame, and dense bullets were fired from all directions.

There are ordinary bullets, magic-hunting bullets like small silver meteors, and indestructible armor-piercing bullets.

Marcello's eyes flashed sharply, he let out a long roar, and the golden spiritual energy on his body surged like a tornado, surrounding him.

With a clang, a layer of shining golden armor was put on his strong body, even a helmet.

The flowing golden luster shines on the armor, and this layer of armor is even harder than ordinary steel plates!

The materialization of spiritual energy is one of the signs of a master-level extraordinary person. At this stage of the extraordinary, even if he is unarmed, he can use spiritual energy to create various weapons!

Clang! Clang!

Sparks flew everywhere, and the bullet hit the golden armor and was instantly bounced away. Of course, if it were a demon-hunting bullet, it would leave small white cracks, and a depression would appear in the area where the armor-piercing bullet hit.

There were too many bullets, and they came like raindrops. Soon, the psychic armor on Marcello's body became pitted, and he was a little tired of being beaten.


Taking this opportunity, Shige roared angrily, and red spiritual energy came out of his body, lingering around his body like a flame.

The light red lines on the handle of the mace in his hand lit up, and the surging spiritual energy was channeled into it. The head of the mace suddenly glowed with red light, and a wave of heat billowed!

The wind howled, and he struck Ghost Hand's back with a stick. This was the love from his father!

"act recklessly!"

Marcello snorted coldly, and the windmill-shaped pattern on his back shone brightly. His fists glowed brightly, and he punched it with a huge fist seal!

There was a loud bang, the sound was rolling, and the sound of gold and iron clashing sounded like thunder.

Marseille's two-meter golden fist mark knocked Sigur back from the front and even cracked his jaw.

But before he could be happy, his expression changed.


As if they had made an appointment, Issam, Black Fox, Roy... more than a dozen third-level powerhouses came to kill him at the same time!

This chapter has been completed!
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